KUAM News 괌뉴스
September 18, 2010 2010년 9월 18일
Air Force test ICBM hits target SW of Guam
미 공군 대륙간 탄도 미사일 실험 괌 남서 쪽을 명중 하다.
by Michele Catahay 마이클 카타하이
Guam: An unarmed intercontinental ballistic missile blasted off on Friday in a
weapons test by the U.S. Air Force. According to media reports, the Minuteman 3
missile launched from California's Vandenberg Air Force Base and sent the test
vehicle into suborbital space going across the Pacific Ocean.
괌: 금요일, 무장되지 않은 대륙간 탄도 미사일이 미 공군에 의한 무기 실험에서 쏘아 떨어뜨려졌다. 언론 보도들에 의하면 캘리포니아 밴던버그 공군 기지에서 발사된 미뉴트맨 III 미사일은 태평양을 가로질러 우주 궤도 아래로 실험 우주선을 쏘아 보냈다.
The test vehicle reportedly hit a pre-determined target about 200 miles
southwest of Guam. A team of analysts is studying the launch as part of an
ongoing evaluation of the readiness of the U.S. military's arsenal.
그 실험 우주선은 괌 남서쪽 200 마일가량에 있는 미리 정해진 목표물을 맞췄다고 보도됐다. 분석 팀은 그 발사를 미국 군대 무기의 계속되는 예비 평가의 일부로 연구하고 있다.
It includes experts from the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy.
팀은 미 국방부와 에너지 부서의 전문가들을 포함한다.
Blog site
* Related Vandenberg AFB/ Space Command article
Vandenberg conducts Minuteman III flight test
by Staff
30th Space Wing Public Affairs
Posted 9/17/2010 Updated 9/17/2010
*Images & captions from the link
9/17/2010 - VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- A scheduled unarmed operational test Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile launch occurred here at 3:03 a.m., Sept. 17 from Launch Facility-09.
The missile's single reentry test vehicle traveled approximately 5,300 miles to a pre-determined target about 200 miles southwest of Guam. ICBM analysts, including the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy, will use the data collected to ensure the readiness and capability of the ICBM fleet.
"The launch process requires tremendous teamwork and involves months of preparation," said Col. David Bliesner, 576th Flight Test Squadron commander. "The data gained from these launches allows us to maintain a high readiness capability and ensures operational effectiveness of the most powerful weapons in the nation's arsenal."
The launch was a combined effort of the 576th FLTS here; 91st Missile Wing, Minot AFB, N.D.; 625th Strategic Operations Squadron, Offutt AFB, Neb.; and the 30th Space Wing here.
Click here for launch video
* Reference article: Space News on June 15, 2010

NASA's Guam Remote Ground Terminal.
Tue, 15 June, 2010
General Dynamics Wins NASA Network Contract
Credit: NASA photo
WASHINGTON — NASA has awarded General Dynamics C4 Systems of Scottsdale, Ariz., a cost-plus-award fee contract potentially worth $642.2 million over seven years for the Space Network Ground Segment Sustainment project, according to a June 15 agency news release.
Included in the contract, which is slated to begin this month and continue through mid-2017, is an indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity portion covering special studies and sustaining engineering NASA might ask General Dynamics to perform. NASA spokesman Michael Curie said the maximum value of that portion of the contract is $27 million.
Part of NASA’s Space Network, the ground segment works with the agency’s Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) to provide global space-to-ground telecommunications and tracking coverage for near-Earth robotic and human spaceflight missions. The network’s ground segment comprises facilities and systems at the White Sands Complex in Las Cruces, N.M., the Guam Remote Ground Terminal in Guam, and the Space Network Expansion East in Blossom Point, Md.
Under the terms of the contract, General Dynamics will modernize the ground segment, including replacing obsolete systems and creating a more flexible and expandable architecture, the news release states. The work also will improve communications between the Space Network’s user-control centers and ground segment facilities for data and service planning and control.
General Dynamics was part of the team led by Chicago-based Boeing selected in 2007 to build a new generation of TDRSS satellites, with responsibility for upgrading the TDRSS ground segment at White Sands.
* Reference Maps

* Image source: Google
* Related blogs 관련 블로그들
Saturday, September 4, 2010 2010년 9월 4일
[국 문 번역Text Fwd: famoksaiyanfriends]
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