Mr. Koh Kwon-Il in Jeju Island forwarded the original Korean message below on July 7, 2010. The message was told, sent to Okinawa, during a Jeju activist’s recent visit there.
It could be also Mayor Kang’s answer to the Tokyo and Okinawa’s solidarity message to Jeju, thankfully forwarded by M.S. on June 10, 2010. Thanks very much, M. S. in Japan and Bruce K. Gagnon in the U.S., for the translation check.
* See the recently made Jeju video by artist Kim Min-Soo, Jeju Island (total 30min., 2010)
* See all the blogs on the Jeju naval base (154 on the date of July 11, 2010)

'Kang Dong-Kyun, Mayor of the Gangjeong, Jeju Island'
오키나와와 세계에 보내는 연대메세지
Solidarity Message to Okinawa and people in the world
먼저 오랜세월 군사기지 확장에대해 바다와 육상에 살고있는 모든 생명체를 대표하여 반대운동을 이어오고있는 오키나와주민들게 진심어린 존경과 노고를 치하드립니다.
Above all, I express my heartfelt respect and congratulate the people in Okinawa and in the world for the painstaking efforts, who have been continuing the opposition movements representing all the life living in the sea and ground, against the expansion of the military bases for long time.
저희 강정마을도 강압적인 정부의 탄압속에서 진행되는 해군기지건설사업에대해 3년간 싸워오면서 이러한 투쟁이 얼마나 힘들고 많은 노력이 필요한지 절감하고 있습니다.
We, Gangjeong villagers, having fought against the naval base construction business under the coercive government oppression for three years, are keenly aware how hard it is and how many efforts are needed for such struggle.

지난 20세기는 이데올로기에 휩싸여 수많은 반목과 피비린내나는 전쟁의 역사였습니다.
The last 20th century was the history of innumerable conflicts of antagonism and blood , wrapped in the ideologies.
1,2차 세계대전이 있었고 공산주의와 자본시장경제주의가 맞서며 독재정권들에의한 억압과 탄압이 횡행했고 무한군비경쟁을 유발하여 군수산업자본이 비정상적인규모로 산업구조의 근간을 차지하였으며, 세계는 숨막히는 냉전과 끊임없는 소모적인 국지전을 야기하며 평화를 갈망하는 사람들의 꿈꾸는 세계는 너무도 멀어져버린 시대였다고 말 할 수 있습니다.
There were the 1st and 2nd World Wars; communism and market capitalism confronted with each other; suppression and coercion by the dictatorships were prevalent; by inducing the competition of the unlimited military cost, the military industrial capital occupied the basis of the industrial structure with the abnormal size; The world was caught up with the smothering cold war and endlessly exhausting local warfare; therefore it can be said that it was the era that the world dreamt by the peace-craving people had become too far.

그러나 21세기에 들어서서 10년이 지난 지금 지구는 인류에게 평화와 공존의 능력을 진지하게 묻고있습니다.
However, as 10 years have passed so far, since the turn of the century, the Earth is earnestly asking the human being its ability of peace and co-existence.
환경오염, 지구온난화, 에너지고갈, 물부족, 식량위기등 인류는 그 어느때보다 미래를 보장받을 수 없는 위기로 내몰리고 있는 것입니다.
With environmental contamination, global warming, energy exhaustion, water shortage and food crisis, human beings are being pushed into the crisis in which the future can be less guaranteed than in any other time.

이러한 위기들을 인류가 뛰어넘고 공생 공존하기위해 지금 할 수 있는 최상 최고의 길은 평화의 기본개념아래 상호호혜와 협력입니다.
For human being to overcome the crisis, to co-live and co-exist with one another, the best and highest thing that they can take is co-reciprocity and co-operation based on the concept of peace.

* Image source: Gangjeong Village People's Council
군사력의 크기가 강대국의 기준이 되어서는 결코 안됩니다.
The size of the military power should never be the standard for a few powerful nations.
상대를 이해하고 쌍방간의 입장을 존중하고 상생을위한 협조를 위해 먼저 손을 내미는 국가가 세계를 이끌 리더의 자격이 있는 것입니다.
A nation that understands the counterpart, respects the positions of the both sides, reaches one’s hand first to the other sides for the cooperation for co-existence is qualified for the leader of the world.
우리는 반미(anti-U.S.A)를 하는 것이 아닙니다.
We are not anti-U. S. A.
인류의 공생 공존에 역행하려는 국가, 군사력을 이용해 자국에 더많은 자원을 끌어가려는 국가, 불균등을 초래하여 자국의 이익만을 추구하려는 국가, 자국의 이익을 위해 타국에서 전쟁을 산업화 시키려는 국가, 민생안녕을 우선시하지않고 정권유지에만 급급하는 정부, 환경파괴만을 낳는 개발지상주의적인 정부들을 향해 옳은 목소리를 외치려는 것입니다.
We are crying with our just voice against the nations that go against the co-living and co-existence of human beings; the nations that drag more resources into themselves using military power; the nations that pursue only their interests by bringing up the inequality; the nations that are to industrialize the war in the other countries; the governments that do not prioritize the public welfare but think only of the regime maintenance; the governments of the developmentalism that only produce the environmental destruction.

이러한 세력들을 향해 우리가 올바른 목소리를 내지 못한다면 우리들은 우리의 자녀들에게 어찌 평화를 말할 수 있으며 친구들과의 우정을 이야기 해 줄 수 있겠습니까?
If we cannot make just voice to those powers, how can we talk to our children about peace and friendship with their friends?
그렇지 않다면 어른들이 만들어놓은 불평등한 세상에서 생존하기 위해 자녀들에게 힘을 가지고 약자들에게 빼앗는 삶을 가르쳐야 한단말입니까?
If we cannot, does it mean that we should teach our children the way of life to rob the things from the powerless of their resources, to survive in this unequal world that adults have made?
우리들의 목소리는 지극히 정당한 것이므로 머지않아 온 세상의 사람들이 함께 할 것으로 믿어 의심치 않습니다.
I believe that since our voice is truly just, the people in the world will be together with us in time.

소중한 지구를 지키기위해, 하나되는 인류를 위해 강정마을회는 오키나와와 세계의 여러분과 함께 할 것입니다.
To save the precious Earth and to be the human beings for one, the Gangjeong village will be with all of you in Okinawa and in the rest of the world.
2010. 7. 7
July 7, 2010
강정마을회장 강 동 균
Kang Dong-Kyun
Mayor of the Gangjeong village, Jeju Island

* The Gangjeong villagers have been getting the petition against the naval base plan from the Olle tourists who pass through here, the Joongduk coast, the planned naval base area but the most beautiful Olle tourist course in the Jeju island. Even though the Former Island government and navy tried to hide this course from the public, they could not prevent the tourists who have heard of its beauty. The villagers say they could get thousands of signs from the tourists only since early May, this year, so far.

The Gangjeong villagers oppose the naval base construction.
First, the Gangjeong village that preserves the worldwide beauty is not appropriate [for the naval base] for any reasons.
- Dec. 12, 2002, designated as the preservation area for the living creatures by the UNESCO
- Natural Memorial NO. 442 according to the Cultural Properties [Protection Law]
- Natural protection area
- Designated as the ecology preservation area by the Ministry of the Environment.
- Five maritime preservation areas, designated by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
- Designated as the preservation area, it is the worldwide acknowledged gorgeous environmental protection area.
Second, the base-militarization would be only the powder magazine of the North East Asia.
Seeing from the geopolitical viewpoint, militarization of the Jeju Island would only increase the tension with the vicinity countries and it would not do any influence for peace.
Third, the construction of the Gangjeong naval base is procedurally wrong.
There has been no process of public consensus such as the fair for the villagers.
Forth, the Ministry of the National Defense and the Jeju Island Government had announced that they would not construct the naval base without the villagers’ agreement. But the Gangjeong villagers’ vote has been ignored.
Gangjeong villagers practiced the villagers’ own vote on August 20, 2007: among 1050 electors, 725 voted and the voters in opposition were 680 ballots (94%), and favor ballots were 36 while cancellation ballots were 9.
Fifth, the Gangjeong villagers whose livelihood communities are broken are experiencing the acute suffering for three years.
It has been long time even families & relatives have been distant one another because of the pro &con on the naval base issue and disagreement due to the conflict among the villagers. Can the naval base that is constructed in this situation possibly co-live with the villagers?
Even though the government gives us millions billions of money, we will never sell our village. It is our wish that we remain as the peaceful Gangjeong village where life overflows, not as the naval base affiliated village.
With your lasting participation and concern, we would block the naval base construction without fail.
Please join the petition.
Gangjeong village people’s council
Countermeasure committee [against the naval base], Gangjeong Village
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