'저는 그들의 땅을 지키기 위하여 싸웠던 인디안들의 이야기를 기억합니다. 백인들이 그들의 신성한 숲에 도로를 만들기 위하여 나무들을 잘랐습니다. 매일밤 인디안들이 나가서 백인들이 만든 그 길을 해체하면 그 다음 날 백인들이 와서 도로를 다시 짓곤 했습니다. 한동안 그 것이 반복되었습니다. 그러던 어느날, 숲에서 가장 큰 나무가 백인들이 일할 동안 그들 머리 위로 떨어져 말과 마차들을 파괴하고 그들 중 몇몇을 죽였습니다. 그러자 백인들은 떠났고 결코 다시 오지 않았습니다….' (브루스 개그논)

For any updates on the struggle against the Jeju naval base, please go to savejejunow.org and facebook no naval base on Jeju. The facebook provides latest updates.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

[Jeju Update] [Translation] Controversy on Disposal: [Former Island Government] Sold the Lands to the Navy Without the Villagers’ Agreement

# See the related blogs on 관련 블로그들 April 19, June 9, June 10, June 17, and June 26
# See all the blogs on the Jeju naval Base Issue (149 on the date of July 6, 2010)
* Below is the arbitrary translation of the link.

Seogwipo Daily Newspaper

해군에 땅 팔아준 도정’ 道, 3월9일 강정 농로, 동의 없이 용도폐지-매각 논란
Controversy on Disposal: [Former Island Government] Sold the Lands to the Navy _ Usage of the Gangjeong Farm Roads Abolished on March 9, Without the Villagers’ Agreement.

2010년 07월 06일 (화)
July 6, Tuesday, 2010

한형진 기자 (cooldead (at) naver.com)
Han Hyung-Jin reporter (cooldead (at) naver.com)

△ 강정주민과 토지주들이 6일 도청을 방문해 매각사실을 항의하고 있다.
△ The Gangjeong villagers and landowners are protesting against the fact of the disposal, visiting the Island Hall on March 6, 2010.
(* Image source: same as the link)

주특별자치도가 강정지역 농로와 일부 사유지를 동의가 완전히 이뤄지지 않은 상태에서 용도 폐지시킨 후 국방부에 매각한 것으로 드러나 논란이 일고 있다.

here is the controversy because it was revealed that the Jeju Special Self-Governing Island Government, after abolishing the usages of the farm roads and portion of the private lands in the Gangjeong area, had disposed them to the Ministry of National Defense during the stage in which the agreement was not totally realized.

강정마을회와 해당 지역 토지주들은 6일 오전 도청 세정과를 방문해 동의없이 진행된 농로 매각에 대해 격렬하게 항의했다.

The Gangjeong Vilage People’s Council and landowners in the areas, visiting the Tax Administration of the Island Hall in the morning of July 6, fiercely protested against the disposal of the farm roads without [their] agreement.

강동균 강정마을회장은 “마을 내 농로가 국방부 소유로 된 것을 어제(7월5일)야 알게 됐다”며 “합의한 적이 없는 토지주들도 (매각에) 반발하고 있다”고 말했다.

Kang Dong-Kyun, Mayor of the Gangjeong Village People’s Council saying, “ We became to know that our farm roads in the village had become to be owned by the Ministry of National Defense, only yesterday(July 5), told that “ The landowners who have not agreed with (the disposal) are repelling against it.

도청 세정과는 3월9일자로 서귀포시 2714-1, 2859-9 등의 약 8000㎡에 달하는 용도폐지된 지역을 국방부에 매각했다.

The Tax administration of the Island Hall disposed to the Ministry of National Defense, the areas of 2714-1, 2859-9, City of Seogwipo, which is about 8,000 ㎡ and which had been abolished of their usages, on the date of March 9, [2010].

용도폐지란 행정재산을 일반재산으로 변동시키는 것을 말한다. 즉 서귀포시 소유로 되어있던 지역 농로를 일반재산으로 바꿔 국방부에게 팔아넘긴 것이다.

The abolishment of usage means to alter the administrative property to the general property. Namely, [The Tax administration of the Island Hall] changed the regional farm roads that had been belong to the City of Seogwipo and sold them to the Ministry of National Defense.

서귀포시 한 관계자는 “용도폐지 절차는 대부분 개개인의 민원인 요청이 들어오는 경우가 많다”며 “이번 경우처럼 국책사업이 결부된 큰 규모의 토지는 해군이나 도의 요청에 의해서 이뤄진 것으로 보인다”고 전했다.

A personnel in the City of Seogwipo saying, “ In case of the procedures for the abolishment of usage, most of then are requested by the civilian personnel” told that, “Like this case, that of the large size land that is linked to the national policies seems to be realized by the requests from the navy or the Island.”

하지만 국유재산 용도 폐지 사무처리 규정 제8조 2항에 따르면 ‘용도폐지로 인하여 현저하게 민원이 야기될 경우’는 용도 폐지를 금지하고 있다.

However, according to the item 2, article 8, 'the rule on the disposal on the office works on the abolishment of the usage of the nation-owned properties,' disposal of the usage is prohibited in case that ‘civilian opinions are remarkably brought out due to the abolishment of usage.”

도내 가장 큰 이슈라고 해도 과언이 아닌 ‘해군기지’ 문제가 여전히 문제시 되고 있는 상황에서 '일방적인' 처리라고 볼 수 밖에 없는 태도다.

It is the attitude that can be only seen as the ‘unilateral’ disposal in the situation when the ‘naval base’ issue, while it is not exaggeration to say it is the biggest issue in the Island, has still been mattered.

더구나 일부 사유지에 대해서도 토지주의 동의가 이뤄지지 않은 채 절차를 밟은 것으로 나타났다. 도청을 방문한 한 토지주는 “도로주변 자신의 3필지가 국방부 땅이 되버렸다”고 밝혔다.

Further, it was revealed that, even on the parts of the private lands, the procedures have been stepped without their landowners’ agreement. A landowner who visited the Island hall told that, “ The three parcels of my land near the roads have become to be owned by the Ministry of National Defense.”

이런 과정이 논란이 되는 것은 강정지역에 대한 강제토지수용절차의 ‘명분쌓기’가 주된 이유라는 분석이다.

There is the analysis that the reason that such process becomes the controversy is because of the ‘accumulation of the causes’ for the procedure of the enforcement on the land expropriation in the Gangjeong area.

강 마을회장은 “현재 보상금액 대비 (해군과) 협의된 토지와 미협의된 토지 비율을 각각 50% 수준”이라며 “이번 농로 매각이 이뤄진 후 협의토지가 60% 수준으로 올라가기 때문에, 이것을 명분으로 해군은 강제수용절차를 밟을 것”이라고 설명했다.

Village Mayor, Kang saying, “Currently the rates of the lands against price, negotiated (with the navy) and not-negotiated are 50% each,” explained that, “Since after the disposal of the farm roads this time, the rate of the not-negotiated lands would rise up to 60%, the navy would, with the pretext of it, step on the procedures of the enforcement of the land expropriation.

# Translator note: Most of the landowners of the negotiated lands are the people outside the village, who have no ethical concern with the naval base issue. Most of the landowners in the Gangjeong village and some landowners outside the village who occupy about 64 among the 104 landowners who own the lands in Gangjeong, have strongly resisted against the disposal of lands.

현재 미협의된 토지 면적은 약 13만2천㎡. 협의된 토지는 14만5천㎡으로 비등한 수준이지만, 약 8000㎡의 매각 농로가 합해진다면 절반이상을 넘게된다.

Even though the land size of the not-negotiated is 132,000 ㎡, tight with the negotiated which is 145,000 ㎡, if added with the disposed farm loads of 8,000 ㎡, it would be beyond half.

결국 주민들 몰래 팔아넘겨 절차를 진행시키겠다는 속셈이라 다름없다.

Eventually, it is nothing but an ulterior move that [the former Island Government and the navy] have intended to process the procedures by selling the lands without the villagers’ knowledge.

또한 이번에 매각된 농로는 오로지 농사를 위해 자신의 땅을 모아 서귀포시 소유로 만든 도로다.

Further, the roads that have been disposed this time have been the roads that the farmers have made owned by the City of Seogwipo (where Gangjeong belongs to), by colleting their lands only for farming.

단지 소유만 시청 소유로 되어있다는 사실에 주민 동의도 없이 용도폐지와 매각 처리를 한다는 것은 목적을 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는다는 비난을 피하기 어려운 셈이다.

The [Former Island Government] will not be able to avoid the criticism that it has not distinguished the means and methods for its purpose, only by the fact that it was owned by the City Hall, if it has abolished the usage of land without the villagers’ agreement.

더구나 농로는 농민들에게 없어서는 안될 필수 불가결한 것이다. 강정주민들에 의하면 현재 매각이 이뤄진 농로는 현재 철조망으로 막혀있어 이동을 할 수 없는 상태다.

Furthermore, the farm roads are the necessary things for the farmers. According to the Gangjeong villagers, the farm roads that have currently been disposed are, blocked by the wire fences, and cannot be used for any moves.

절차상의 문제점도 피할 수 없다. 2월초부터 용도 폐지 과정을 진행됐고, 매각이 승인이 이뤄진 것은 3월9일이다.

The problem of the procedures cannot be avoided. It has been processed since early February and it was March 9 that the disposal was allowed.

도정 교체가 3개월 남짓 남아있는 시점에서 의견 수렴 과정도 없이 '속전속결'로 절차를 처리한 것은 합의와 대화를 통해 해군기지 문제를 풀어가겠다는 의지를 의심케 하는 대목이다.

It is the part that the former Island Government’s will to solve the naval base issue with negotiation and conversation could be suspected, seeing it has dealt with the procedures in the way of blitzkrieg, without the process of collecting the opinions during the period when the shift of the Island government has been left with only about three months.

이와 관련해 도청 부광진 세정과장은 “종합적으로 사안을 정리해 도지사에게 보고하겠다”며 구체적인 입장표명을 피했다.

Relating to it, Bu Gwang-Jin, the Director of the Tax Administration department in the Island Hall, avoided his concrete expression of position, saying, “After arranging all the items, I will report to [the new Island Governor].”

현재 강정마을주민들은 "도지사의 답변이 있을 때까지 이 자리에서 지키고 있겠다"며 도청에서 대기하고 있는 상황이다.

It is the situation in which the Gangjeong villagers are watching and waiting in the Island Hall, saying, “We will keep this place until there is the answer from the [new] Island governor.”


* Other similar or related articles

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