Action Alert – Online Demonstration for Peace in Korea(click)
Stop the War Provocations and Attacks on the DPRK!(click)

* Image source: Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea (Click HERE)

* Thank you, Bruce Gagnon, for posting this
Organizing Notes
Saturday, November 27, 2010
* Thank you, M. S. in Japan for translating this in Japanese
# Original Korean statement is informed at many sites of the below signatory organizations such as the Korean Alliance of Progressive Movements (한국 진보 연대, 클릭) and
Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea (평화와 통일을 여는 사람들, 클릭).
Below is an arbitrary translation of the statement.
See also:
Dec. 9, 2010
End the Korean War: Peace Bulletin from the National Campaign
한국 전쟁 종식: 전 미주 캠페인출간 평화 속보
Friday, December 3, 2010
Photos Fwd: Stop to increase defense budget with the pretext of the Yeonpyeong Island Incident!
연평도 사건을 구실로 국방비를 증가시키지 말라
* Also download the PDF File(source: End the Korean War)
Factsheet: WEST SEA CRISIS IN KOREA (informed at the SPARK site)
![]() | factsheet2--west_sea_crisis_in_korea--2010-12-011.pdf 823K View Download |
Monday, November 29, 2010
Photos Fwd:[SPARK] Stop the ROK-US joint drill with a nuclear aircraft carrier(click)
Monday, November 29, 2010
Site Fwd:[Korea Report] Voices for Peace in Korea Grow(click)
Bruce Gagnon's Organizing Notes
U.S. Looking for a fight (Nov. 27, 2010)
Korean organizations’ Joint statement on Nov. 26, 2010
Immediately cancel the joint ROK-US drill mobilized with an aircraft carrier in the West Sea (Yellow Sea)!
We, praying heavenly bliss for all the people who have been victimized by the incident that has occurred on the Yeonpyeong Island in the West Sea (Yellow Sea) on last [Nov.] 23, deliver our deep condolence to their bereaved families. We also pray that all the wounded could get recovered soon.
In the meantime, various fields and classes have expressed their concern that the Lee Myung Bak government’s hostile policy against North Korea and gradually increasing ROK-US joint war exercises could bring war in the Korean peninsula but the authorities of South Korea and United States have ignored those advices. As a result, a limited warfare has actually happened and all the citizens are greatly shocked.
What is most urgent at this point is to solve the crisis of the militaristic collision between the South and North Korea at flashing point. The authorities of the South and North Korea should immediately stop their actions to more aggravate the situation and should immediately enter for dialogue.
The Yeonpyeong Island incident should not be the fuse that makes a terrible disaster that could not be recovered by retaliation and chastisement. In the situation when militaristic clash is already predicted, being consistent only with hard-line confrontation policy can never be the measure to solve the militaristic crisis we are now facing in the Korean peninsula.
The both authorities of the ROK and US should moderate and moderate again themselves toward the directions of mitigating the danger of militaristic clash currently being formed and of preventing any extended war.
In the sense that it is a highly dangerous move to heighten the militaristic danger in the West Sea (Yellow Sea) that the both authorities of ROK and US have announced that they would process the ROK-US joint military drill with the mobilization of an aircraft carrier USS George Washington for the response of Yeonpyeong Island incident, we urge the immediate stop of it.
The both authorities of ROK and US have announced that, including the aircraft carrier USS George Washington, 9,600 ton class cruiser Cowpens, 9,750 ton class destroyers of the Shiloh, Stethem, Fitzgerald participate [the drill] and the ROK military would join it with the two of the Korean style 4,500 ton class Aegis destroyers, patrol frigate(s), convoy(s), logistic ship(s), anti-submarine air crafts.
Even though the United States Forces of Korea says the ROK-US joint military drill is the exercise to strengthen deterrence power and increase regional stability, it only heightens the crisis of militaristic clash in reality.
Especially, there is high concern that the drill joined by an aircraft carrier in the West Sea (Yellow Sea) would provide another militaristic clash again. In case that the intention to increase the degree of drill brings the militaristic actions that could bring about any militaristic clash in the borderlines of the West Sea (Yellow Sea), the situation of the West Sea (Yellow Sea) would be unfolded toward more dangerous direction than now.
Currently, the both ROK and US authorities, operating the ROK-US joint crisis management team, are heightening crisis situation. Even though it is the situation that the joint crisis management team has elevated their watch condition yet [to its 2nd stage], it is told that they are considering elevating the DEFCON (Defense Readiness Conditions) even to its 3rd stage.
In other words, it means that the situation that wartime operational control right would be transferred from the hands of the Joint Chiefs of Staff [of the ROK] to those of the Combined Forces Command would occur, and that such situation would be converted in which the Korean peninsula issue does not stay any more within the domestic situation but into which the United States would directly involve.
We, Korean people do not want the United States intervenes into the issue of the Korean peninsula. We above all, oppose her intervention of which the direction goes toward that of the military crisis acerbating.
We hoping that the Yonpyeong Island accident this time would become the moment to wake up the urgency to improve the relationship between the South Korea and North Korea not the kindling of expanding war, demand as the below.
The both authorities of South Korea and United States should immediately withdraw their plan of the joint ROK-US military exercise in which an aircraft carrier joins in the West Sea (Yellow Sea)!
The both authorities of South Korea and United States should stop the militaristic response measure and should prepare for the peaceful measure to remove the danger of militaristic clash in the West Sea (Yellow Sea)!
Nov. 26, 2010
Imagination for International Solidarity; All Together; Anti-War Peace Solidarity*; Revolution 4.19 Committee*; People’s Solidarity for Social Progress; Korean Confederation of Trade Unions; Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea; Hunger Strike Comrades’ Council for the Withdrawal of Troops, 2005*; Korean Alliance of Progressive Movements (Christian Social Mission Solidarity Council*; The Association for Migrant Workers’ Human Rights; Farmers’ Pharmacy*; Solidarity for the Practice of Joint Declarations*; Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience; Korea Council for Democratic Martyr; Institute for Research in Collaborationist Activities; Central Council for the Nation’s Self-Reliance, Peace, and Reunification*; Pan Korean Association for Reconciliation(Inc.); Korean Democratic Workers’ Council*; Association of the Family Movements for Democracy Practice*; Buddhism Peace Solidarity*; Council for the Drive on Our Nation’s Unification through Federation System*; Korean Peasants League; Pan Korean Bereaved Families’ Association for Nation and Democracy*; Pan Korean Bereaved Families’ Association for Democracy Movement (Inc.)*; Pan Korean Poor People’s Association for Liberation*; Korean Women Peasant Association; Pan Korean Women's Solidarity*; Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification of Korea, South Korea branch; Veterans for Peace, Corea; Unification Square*; Pan Korean Young People’s Solidarity; 21st Century Pan Korean University Students’ Association*; June 15 Youth and Student’s Solidarity*)
(* Marked are temporary translations)
Thank you for your great info.
ReplyDeleteThis is very depressing.
I may have to rethink me and my wife moving to Korea.
They are taking this to the brink.
The news that is coming out is very mixed.
The U.S. seems to be challenging not just N/Korea but China also.
This is not acceptable for the 21st century, or any century for that matter.
Hillary Clinton will be the one to listen to for clues, not Obama.
Is it true that the S/Korean government is going to internet cafes looking for people that are speaking against military action?
ReplyDeleteWhat are the probabilities that President Lee will not see another term?
Is there a more liberal candidate that could take his position?