For the congratulation messages from Bruce Gagnon,
MacGregor Eddy, and Makiko Sato, see the bottom.
브루스 개그논, 맥그리거 에디, 마키코 사토의 축하 메시지가
사이트 하단에 있읍니다. (국문 번역)
* This site was thankfully translated and featured in Japanese
by Makiko Sato. Click HERE. Thanks very much, Makiko!
For the congratulation messages from Bruce Gagnon,
MacGregor Eddy, and Makiko Sato, see the bottom.
브루스 개그논, 맥그리거 에디, 마키코 사토의 축하 메시지가
사이트 하단에 있읍니다. (국문 번역)
* This site was thankfully translated and featured in Japanese
by Makiko Sato. Click HERE. Thanks very much, Makiko!
*Image source: Cho Sung-Bong, Tongil News, Nov. 27, 2009
' Choi Eun-A(second from the left), Lee Kyu-Jae(middle) and Lee Kyeong-Won(second from the right).
Two lawyers in the both ends corresponded the three.'
' Choi Eun-A(second from the left), Lee Kyu-Jae(middle) and Lee Kyeong-Won(second from the right).
Two lawyers in the both ends corresponded the three.'
Image source: same as above
Image source: same as above
Image source: Kang Jae-Hoon, Hankyoreh, Nov. 28, 2009
Court Decided the Bail Out for the Three Activists, Including Lee Kyu-Jae (chairman), [Lee Kyeong Won(Secretary/Director) and Choi Eun-A], Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification (PKAR), South Korean branch:
The Court Positively Reviewing the Lawyers’ File for a Constitutional Court Hearing to Test the Constitutionality of the Protection of Communication Secrets Act…A Welcome Press Interview This Afternoon
The No. 25, Criminal Department of the Seoul Central District Court announced in the morning on Nov. 27 that the Court “accepted the lawyers’ application and sent it to the Constitutional Court because the [Protection of Communication Secrets Act] has the loopholes for the prosecutors to infringe the freedom of individual communication and of privacy during the process of the limitation of communication” and the Court “poses the trial and releases the accused “.
Therefore, the three were released late afternoon and warmly welcomed by their families, PKAR colleagues, activists, and friends in front of the Seoul Detention Center today.
(Summary translation of the article by Koh Sung-Jin, Tongil News, on Nov. 27, 2009)
* Related blogs
Monday, Nov. 30, 2009
Text Fwd: An Historical Event that Ringed an Warning Bell Against the Law-Evasive Investigation”
FOCUS: What is the meaning of an application for the trial to test the unconstitutionality
of the Protection of Communication Secrets Act and how will be the trials in the future?”
Tongil News, Koh Sung-Jin, on November 29, 2009 (unofficial translation)
Saturday, November 28, 2009
HAPPY NEWS FROM SOUTH KOREA (Choi Eun-A's video included)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Three Unification Activists Released on Sept. 10, PKAR News Letter
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Text Fwd: [Korean translated] Global Network Letter to Human Rights Office, Republic of Korea Consulate-General Office
(Collection of all the blogs on the process from the arrest of the six on May 7 and to the recent movement for the remaining three included in the bottom of the site)
* Afterward: In the welcoming dinner *
About 70 people welcomed the released three in the dinner.
All could not but drink some Korean traditional rice alcohols.
All were proud of the three.
Chairman Lee Kyu-Jae and Secretary Lee Kyeong Won’s family also thanked to
many people including the Global Network and friends all over the world.
Secretary, Lee Kyeong-Won’s wife and their 11year old son Kang. Kang is the hero
who wrote the beautiful letter to his father after his arrest.
Chairman Lee Kyu-Jae encourages his colleagues.
Image source: same as above
Image source: Kang Jae-Hoon, Hankyoreh, Nov. 28, 2009
Court Decided the Bail Out for the Three Activists, Including Lee Kyu-Jae (chairman), [Lee Kyeong Won(Secretary/Director) and Choi Eun-A], Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification (PKAR), South Korean branch:
The Court Positively Reviewing the Lawyers’ File for a Constitutional Court Hearing to Test the Constitutionality of the Protection of Communication Secrets Act…A Welcome Press Interview This Afternoon
The No. 25, Criminal Department of the Seoul Central District Court announced in the morning on Nov. 27 that the Court “accepted the lawyers’ application and sent it to the Constitutional Court because the [Protection of Communication Secrets Act] has the loopholes for the prosecutors to infringe the freedom of individual communication and of privacy during the process of the limitation of communication” and the Court “poses the trial and releases the accused “.
Therefore, the three were released late afternoon and warmly welcomed by their families, PKAR colleagues, activists, and friends in front of the Seoul Detention Center today.
(Summary translation of the article by Koh Sung-Jin, Tongil News, on Nov. 27, 2009)
* Related blogs
Monday, Nov. 30, 2009
Text Fwd: An Historical Event that Ringed an Warning Bell Against the Law-Evasive Investigation”
FOCUS: What is the meaning of an application for the trial to test the unconstitutionality
of the Protection of Communication Secrets Act and how will be the trials in the future?”
Tongil News, Koh Sung-Jin, on November 29, 2009 (unofficial translation)
Saturday, November 28, 2009
HAPPY NEWS FROM SOUTH KOREA (Choi Eun-A's video included)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Three Unification Activists Released on Sept. 10, PKAR News Letter
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Text Fwd: [Korean translated] Global Network Letter to Human Rights Office, Republic of Korea Consulate-General Office
(Collection of all the blogs on the process from the arrest of the six on May 7 and to the recent movement for the remaining three included in the bottom of the site)
* Interview with Choi Eun-A after her release (2min. 17sec.) *
* Afterward: In the welcoming dinner *
About 70 people welcomed the released three in the dinner.
All could not but drink some Korean traditional rice alcohols.
All were proud of the three.
Choi Eun-A with her parents and brother after the dinner. Choi Eun-A’s parents said
even though they were so sorry to see their daughter have chosen such a hard way, they trust her
and feel proud of her. They thanked many people to help to release their daughter.
All went to their home in Daejeon, after the dinner. Eun-A’s mother is so happy to be able to
sleep with her daughter tonight after more than six month suffering.
even though they were so sorry to see their daughter have chosen such a hard way, they trust her
and feel proud of her. They thanked many people to help to release their daughter.
All went to their home in Daejeon, after the dinner. Eun-A’s mother is so happy to be able to
sleep with her daughter tonight after more than six month suffering.
Chairman Lee Kyu-Jae and Secretary Lee Kyeong Won’s family also thanked to
many people including the Global Network and friends all over the world.
Secretary, Lee Kyeong-Won’s wife and their 11year old son Kang. Kang is the hero
who wrote the beautiful letter to his father after his arrest.
Chairman Lee Kyu-Jae encourages his colleagues.
* Congratulation Messages *
__From Bruce K. Gagnon on Nov. 27, 2009
브루스 K. 개그논으로부터 (2009년 11월 27일)
Dear friends at PKAR:
친애하는 범민련 친구분들
It was with great joy that we learned about the release of the three remaining PKAR activists from jail.
What a great development.
구치소에 있었던 나머지 세 범민련 활동가들께서 석방되었다는 소식에 크게 기뻤읍니다. 얼마나 경사입니까
We can only hope that this means that real justice still might prevail in this case that should never have been taken in the first place.
우리는 이것이 단지 무엇보다 일어났지 말았어야 할 일에서 진정한 정의가 아직도 이길 수 있음을 의미함을 바랄 뿐입니다.
How can the government of 2MB have ever thought for a moment that the work of PKAR was anything more than sincerely trying to bring true peace and reconciliation to the Korean peninsula? Peace can only happen when all US military forces in South Korea have returned to their own homes where they belong.
범민련은 단지 한반도에 평화와 화해를 가져오려 진지하게 노력했을 뿐이었다는 것을 2MB 정부가 순간 생각이나 할 수 있었겠읍니까? 평화는 오직 남한의 모든 미국 군대가 그들이 속한 그들의 고국으로 되돌아 올때만 일어날 수 있읍니다.
Please know that we are still following the PKAR case closely and that we are ready to assist you in anyway that you request.
우리가 범민련 사건을 아직도 가까이 지켜 보고 있으며 여러분들께서 요청하실 때 여러분을 도울 준비가 되어 있다는 것을 알아 주시기 바랍니다.
Best wishes to all there.
그 곳의 모든 분들께 최고의 기원을 올립니다.
Bruce K. Gagnon
브루스 K. 개그논
사무총장/ 코디네이터
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
우주의 무기와 핵을 반대하는 글로벌 넷워크
PO Box 652
Brunswick, ME 04011
메인주 브런스윅 우편함 652 (우편함 04011)
(207) 443-9502
http://space4peace.blogspot.com/ (blog)
* Bruce K. Gagnon, as soon as he heard the news, has written the letter to the South Korean consulate and collected the 741 petition signs from 17 countries in three days. He has continuously concerned with the condition of the six arrested PKAR activists, visited Choi Eun-A in the Seoul Detention Center and PKAR office in August. He has also watched the trial of the three in Seoul in October. Please see here.
*브루스 개그논은 소식을 듣자마자 뉴욕 남한 영사관에 편지를 썼고 3일만에 17개국으로부터 741인의 서명을 받았읍니다. 그는 구속된 6인의 범민련 활동가들의 상태에 대해 계속 관심을 가졌으며 8월, 서울 구치소에 있는 최은아님과 범민련 사무실을 방문했읍니다. 그는 또한 10월 서울에서 3명의 재판을 지켜보기도 했읍니다. 여기를 보시길.
__From MacGregor Eddy on Nov. 28, 2009
맥그리거 에디로부터 (2009 년11월 28일)
'Smiles and salute to friends of peace'
'평화의 친구들에게 미소와 인사를'
To our dear friends of peace in Korea,
한국의 친애하는 평화 친구 여러분들께
This chilly winter morning my heart is warmed to see the smiles on your faces and the flowers in your hands. Congratulations on your work for peace. Thanks to all of the people in Korea and around the world who stand for justice. Speaking the truth you cannot be silenced or intimidated. We stand with you even if we are far away.
이 추운 겨울 아침 제 마음은 여러분들 얼굴의 미소와 손에 든 꽃다발을 보고 따뜻해집니다. 평화를 위한 여러분의 일에 축하를 드립니다. 한국과 세계의 정의를 상징하는 모든 분들께 축하드립니다. 진실을 말하는 일에 당신들은 침묵되거나 위협받을 수 없읍니다. 우리는 비록 멀리 떨어져 있어도 당신들과 같이 있읍니다.
Your friend for peace
평화를 위한 당신의 친구
MacGregor Eddy
맥그리거 에디
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom DISARM
평화와 정의를 위한 국제 여성 연맹 비무장 위원회
and the advisory board member, California, United States, of Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
그리고 우주의 무기와 핵을 반대하는 글로벌 넷워크 자문 위원 일원(캘리포니아, 미국)
* MacGregor Eddy, despite her many works and fatigue, has voluntarily delivered the Global Network letter in protest for the arrest of the six PKAR activists to the South Korean consulate in the New York, UN, and Amnesty International on May 12 in the City of New York, as soon as she heard the news. Please see here.
*맥그리거 에디는 많은 일과 피곤에도 불구, 소식을 듣자마자 5월 12일, 뉴욕시에 있는 남한 영사관, 유엔, 앰니스티 인터내셔널에 범민련 활동가 6명 구속을 항의하는 글로벌 넷워크 편지를 자발적으로 전달했읍니다. 여기를 보시길.
__From Makiko Sato on Nov. 28, 2009
마키코 사토로부터 (2009 년11월 28일)
Dear friends who were under arrest for seeking for peaceful reunification,
평화로운 재통일을 위하다 구속되었던 친구들에게
I'm not representing any group in Japan but I just want to tell you that nothing has been so delightful in my recent days as the news of your release.
제가 일본의 어떠한 그룹도 대표하지 않지만, 여러분들의 석방 소식만큼 제 최근의 일상에서 기쁜 일은 없었다고 말하고 싶습니다.
Some people here in Japan did care and got angry as soon as the news spread of your arrest.
여러분들의 구속 소식이 전해지자 마자 일본의 어떤 이들은 염려하고 분노해 했읍니다.
I freshly realized that those who desire for peace in East Asia can join force across border if need be.
저는 동북아의 평화를 원하는 이들은 필요하다면 국경을 뛰어 넘어 같이 힘을 합칠 수 있음을 새롭게 깨달았읍니다.
So, you can regard my personal delight and relief last night as such from those in Japan who
have long wished for peace and prosperity for the sake of all the people on the Korean peninsula.
그러므로 여러분들은 지남 밤 일본에서 한반도 모든 이들의 평화와 번영을 오랫동안 바랬던 많은 이들처럼 제 개인적인 기쁨과 안도를 간주하실 수 있읍니다.
I wish you good health and hope your dignity will be fully recovered soon.
저는 여러분들의 건강과 함께 여러분들의 존엄이 곧 회복될 수 있기를 기원합니다.
Makiko Sato,
마키코 사토,
An advisory board member, Japan, of Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
우주의 무기와 핵을 반대하는 글로벌 넷워크 자문 위원 일인(일본)
*Makiko Sato was the pivotal help to spread the news of the six PKAR activists and to collect the enormous signs to the international petition lead by the Global Network in Japan. She also translated many Korean news, specially on the arrested PKAR activists and informed to the Japanese friends. Please see here and here.
*마키코 사토는 구속된 범민련 6명 활동가들의 소식을 일본에 전하고 글로벌 넷워크에 의해 주도되는 국제 서명에서 많은 일본 친구들의 서명을 받을 수 있게 결정적인 도움을 준 이입니다. 그는 또한 특히 구속된 범민련 활동가들에대한 소식을 비롯, 많은 한국의 뉴스를 번역하고 일본 친구들에게 알렸읍니다. 여기와 여기를 보시길.
__From Bruce K. Gagnon on Nov. 27, 2009
브루스 K. 개그논으로부터 (2009년 11월 27일)
Dear friends at PKAR:
친애하는 범민련 친구분들
It was with great joy that we learned about the release of the three remaining PKAR activists from jail.
What a great development.
구치소에 있었던 나머지 세 범민련 활동가들께서 석방되었다는 소식에 크게 기뻤읍니다. 얼마나 경사입니까
We can only hope that this means that real justice still might prevail in this case that should never have been taken in the first place.
우리는 이것이 단지 무엇보다 일어났지 말았어야 할 일에서 진정한 정의가 아직도 이길 수 있음을 의미함을 바랄 뿐입니다.
How can the government of 2MB have ever thought for a moment that the work of PKAR was anything more than sincerely trying to bring true peace and reconciliation to the Korean peninsula? Peace can only happen when all US military forces in South Korea have returned to their own homes where they belong.
범민련은 단지 한반도에 평화와 화해를 가져오려 진지하게 노력했을 뿐이었다는 것을 2MB 정부가 순간 생각이나 할 수 있었겠읍니까? 평화는 오직 남한의 모든 미국 군대가 그들이 속한 그들의 고국으로 되돌아 올때만 일어날 수 있읍니다.
Please know that we are still following the PKAR case closely and that we are ready to assist you in anyway that you request.
우리가 범민련 사건을 아직도 가까이 지켜 보고 있으며 여러분들께서 요청하실 때 여러분을 도울 준비가 되어 있다는 것을 알아 주시기 바랍니다.
Best wishes to all there.
그 곳의 모든 분들께 최고의 기원을 올립니다.
Bruce K. Gagnon
브루스 K. 개그논
사무총장/ 코디네이터
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
우주의 무기와 핵을 반대하는 글로벌 넷워크
PO Box 652
Brunswick, ME 04011
메인주 브런스윅 우편함 652 (우편함 04011)
(207) 443-9502
http://space4peace.blogspot.com/ (blog)
* Bruce K. Gagnon, as soon as he heard the news, has written the letter to the South Korean consulate and collected the 741 petition signs from 17 countries in three days. He has continuously concerned with the condition of the six arrested PKAR activists, visited Choi Eun-A in the Seoul Detention Center and PKAR office in August. He has also watched the trial of the three in Seoul in October. Please see here.
*브루스 개그논은 소식을 듣자마자 뉴욕 남한 영사관에 편지를 썼고 3일만에 17개국으로부터 741인의 서명을 받았읍니다. 그는 구속된 6인의 범민련 활동가들의 상태에 대해 계속 관심을 가졌으며 8월, 서울 구치소에 있는 최은아님과 범민련 사무실을 방문했읍니다. 그는 또한 10월 서울에서 3명의 재판을 지켜보기도 했읍니다. 여기를 보시길.
__From MacGregor Eddy on Nov. 28, 2009
맥그리거 에디로부터 (2009 년11월 28일)
'Smiles and salute to friends of peace'
'평화의 친구들에게 미소와 인사를'
To our dear friends of peace in Korea,
한국의 친애하는 평화 친구 여러분들께
This chilly winter morning my heart is warmed to see the smiles on your faces and the flowers in your hands. Congratulations on your work for peace. Thanks to all of the people in Korea and around the world who stand for justice. Speaking the truth you cannot be silenced or intimidated. We stand with you even if we are far away.
이 추운 겨울 아침 제 마음은 여러분들 얼굴의 미소와 손에 든 꽃다발을 보고 따뜻해집니다. 평화를 위한 여러분의 일에 축하를 드립니다. 한국과 세계의 정의를 상징하는 모든 분들께 축하드립니다. 진실을 말하는 일에 당신들은 침묵되거나 위협받을 수 없읍니다. 우리는 비록 멀리 떨어져 있어도 당신들과 같이 있읍니다.
Your friend for peace
평화를 위한 당신의 친구
MacGregor Eddy
맥그리거 에디
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom DISARM
평화와 정의를 위한 국제 여성 연맹 비무장 위원회
and the advisory board member, California, United States, of Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
그리고 우주의 무기와 핵을 반대하는 글로벌 넷워크 자문 위원 일원(캘리포니아, 미국)
* MacGregor Eddy, despite her many works and fatigue, has voluntarily delivered the Global Network letter in protest for the arrest of the six PKAR activists to the South Korean consulate in the New York, UN, and Amnesty International on May 12 in the City of New York, as soon as she heard the news. Please see here.
*맥그리거 에디는 많은 일과 피곤에도 불구, 소식을 듣자마자 5월 12일, 뉴욕시에 있는 남한 영사관, 유엔, 앰니스티 인터내셔널에 범민련 활동가 6명 구속을 항의하는 글로벌 넷워크 편지를 자발적으로 전달했읍니다. 여기를 보시길.
__From Makiko Sato on Nov. 28, 2009
마키코 사토로부터 (2009 년11월 28일)
Dear friends who were under arrest for seeking for peaceful reunification,
평화로운 재통일을 위하다 구속되었던 친구들에게
I'm not representing any group in Japan but I just want to tell you that nothing has been so delightful in my recent days as the news of your release.
제가 일본의 어떠한 그룹도 대표하지 않지만, 여러분들의 석방 소식만큼 제 최근의 일상에서 기쁜 일은 없었다고 말하고 싶습니다.
Some people here in Japan did care and got angry as soon as the news spread of your arrest.
여러분들의 구속 소식이 전해지자 마자 일본의 어떤 이들은 염려하고 분노해 했읍니다.
I freshly realized that those who desire for peace in East Asia can join force across border if need be.
저는 동북아의 평화를 원하는 이들은 필요하다면 국경을 뛰어 넘어 같이 힘을 합칠 수 있음을 새롭게 깨달았읍니다.
So, you can regard my personal delight and relief last night as such from those in Japan who
have long wished for peace and prosperity for the sake of all the people on the Korean peninsula.
그러므로 여러분들은 지남 밤 일본에서 한반도 모든 이들의 평화와 번영을 오랫동안 바랬던 많은 이들처럼 제 개인적인 기쁨과 안도를 간주하실 수 있읍니다.
I wish you good health and hope your dignity will be fully recovered soon.
저는 여러분들의 건강과 함께 여러분들의 존엄이 곧 회복될 수 있기를 기원합니다.
Makiko Sato,
마키코 사토,
An advisory board member, Japan, of Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
우주의 무기와 핵을 반대하는 글로벌 넷워크 자문 위원 일인(일본)
*Makiko Sato was the pivotal help to spread the news of the six PKAR activists and to collect the enormous signs to the international petition lead by the Global Network in Japan. She also translated many Korean news, specially on the arrested PKAR activists and informed to the Japanese friends. Please see here and here.
*마키코 사토는 구속된 범민련 6명 활동가들의 소식을 일본에 전하고 글로벌 넷워크에 의해 주도되는 국제 서명에서 많은 일본 친구들의 서명을 받을 수 있게 결정적인 도움을 준 이입니다. 그는 또한 특히 구속된 범민련 활동가들에대한 소식을 비롯, 많은 한국의 뉴스를 번역하고 일본 친구들에게 알렸읍니다. 여기와 여기를 보시길.
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