* Please go to the site of the ‘International Petition
-Calling on Samsung to Accept Responsibility for Occupational Deaths’
by the Asian Network for the Rights Of Occupational Accident Victims (ANROAV) (Click above letters)
삼성 노동자들의 산재 사망을 인정하라는 국제 청원이
산재 희생자들의 권리를 위한 아시아 넷워크에 의해 이루어지고 있읍니다.
국문으로 된 청원 및 서명 방법입니다(클릭)
또는 원문 서명 사이트로 직접 가시길(클릭).
* Sanjiv Pandita, Director of the Asia Monitoring Resources Center, AMRC, sent the telegram of condolence upon the death of Park Ji- Yeon. You can see the English after Korean when you scroll down HERE.
아시아 노동감시센터의 감독인 산지브 판디타씨께서 박지연 씨 사망과 관련, 조전을 보내왔습니다. 사이트를 내려가시면 국문과 함께 여기에서 보실 수 있읍니다.
* This site was thankfully translated by Makiko Sato. See HERE.
위 의 사이트는 마키토 사또에 의해 감사히 번역되었읍니다. 여기를 보시길.
The Labor Net, Japan has also thankfully translated many 'NewsCharm' articles.
일본 Labor Net사이트 역시 많은 '참세상' 기사들을 번역했군요.
If you click each letter, 'K' (original Korean articles) in( ) and 'J'(each Japanese translated article),
you can see the Korean originals and Japanese translations
( ) 안의 'K' (국문 원문) 및 'J' (일본어 번역) 각 글자들을 클릭하시면 각각의 국문 원문과 일본어 번역을 볼 수 있읍니다.
J1(K1), J2 (K2), J3(K3), J4(K4), J5(K5)...
See the Videos HERE and HERE
여기와 여기서 비디오들을 보세요.
See the Hankyoreh article (April 1, 2010)
Samsung denies responsibility for cancer cluster of 23 workers :
Park Ji-yeon marks the eighth victim of the occupational hazards
at Samsung Electronics’ semiconductor factories
* Please go to the site of the ‘International Petition
-Calling on Samsung to Accept Responsibility for Occupational Deaths’
by the Asian Network for the Rights Of Occupational Accident Victims (ANROAV) (Click above letters)
삼성 노동자들의 산재 사망을 인정하라는 국제 청원이
산재 희생자들의 권리를 위한 아시아 넷워크에 의해 이루어지고 있읍니다.
국문으로 된 청원 및 서명 방법입니다(클릭)
또는 원문 서명 사이트로 직접 가시길(클릭).
* Sanjiv Pandita, Director of the Asia Monitoring Resources Center, AMRC, sent the telegram of condolence upon the death of Park Ji- Yeon. You can see the English after Korean when you scroll down HERE.
아시아 노동감시센터의 감독인 산지브 판디타씨께서 박지연 씨 사망과 관련, 조전을 보내왔습니다. 사이트를 내려가시면 국문과 함께 여기에서 보실 수 있읍니다.
* This site was thankfully translated by Makiko Sato. See HERE.
위 의 사이트는 마키토 사또에 의해 감사히 번역되었읍니다. 여기를 보시길.
The Labor Net, Japan has also thankfully translated many 'NewsCharm' articles.
일본 Labor Net사이트 역시 많은 '참세상' 기사들을 번역했군요.
If you click each letter, 'K' (original Korean articles) in( ) and 'J'(each Japanese translated article),
you can see the Korean originals and Japanese translations
( ) 안의 'K' (국문 원문) 및 'J' (일본어 번역) 각 글자들을 클릭하시면 각각의 국문 원문과 일본어 번역을 볼 수 있읍니다.
J1(K1), J2 (K2), J3(K3), J4(K4), J5(K5)...
* Related blogs 관련 블로그들
Saturday, April 3, 2010 2010년 4월 3일
Photos Fw: Protesting against Samsung on April 2, 2010 (including the arrest of the protesters)
사진들: 2010년 4월 2일 삼성에 대한 시위 (시위자들 체포 사진들 포함)
Nov 21, 2009 2009년 11월 21일
Text Fw: Asian Workers United in Condemnation of Samsung Repression of Workers
삼성의 노동자 억압에 맞서는 아시아 노동자들의 항의 성명 (영문 아래 국문)
___________________________________________________________________________________Saturday, April 3, 2010 2010년 4월 3일
Photos Fw: Protesting against Samsung on April 2, 2010 (including the arrest of the protesters)
사진들: 2010년 4월 2일 삼성에 대한 시위 (시위자들 체포 사진들 포함)
Nov 21, 2009 2009년 11월 21일
Text Fw: Asian Workers United in Condemnation of Samsung Repression of Workers
삼성의 노동자 억압에 맞서는 아시아 노동자들의 항의 성명 (영문 아래 국문)
See the Videos HERE and HERE
여기와 여기서 비디오들을 보세요.
See the Hankyoreh article (April 1, 2010)
Samsung denies responsibility for cancer cluster of 23 workers :
Park Ji-yeon marks the eighth victim of the occupational hazards
at Samsung Electronics’ semiconductor factories
Click the image for larger view
* Image source 이미지 소스 : Banolim (also forwarded from Mr. Kim Seong-Hwan 김성환 on April 1, 2010)
* The below is the translation by Doris, AMRC (from the Banolm site 원문 사이트) (번역: AMRC 도리스씨)
Ms. Park Ji-yeon
Born in 1987.
She entered Samsung Semiconductor Onyang factory 27 December 2004, while still attending Kanggyung High School.
Job duties: inspection in the quality inspection group and experiment inspection using various chemical products in Line 1, especially usual duties of special inspections using X-ray machine.
In August 2007, when she had been working 32 months (nearly 3 years) she suddenly experienced breathing difficulty, dizziness, vomiting, bleeding, and swelling of gums. On 12 September 2007, she was diagnosed with acute myelitic leukemia at Daejeon St. Mary’s Hospital.
No one in her family had ever suffered leukemia or any form of cancer, and before contracting leukemia, Ji-yeon had been so healthy that she rarely even caught a cold.
In October 2007, she was moved to Yeoido St. Mary’s Hospital and received four rounds of chemotherapy.
April 2008, underwent difficult bone marrow transplant operation.
September 2009, a relapse of leukemia.
26 March 2010, her illness suddenly became worse and she was admitted to Kangnam St. Mary’s Hospital.
27 March 2010, she was transferred to BMT- ICU.
31 March 2010, 11 a.m., she passed away.
*Image source: Banolim 반올림 (SHARPs: Supporters for the Health And Rights of People in the Semiconductor industry)
*All the below image sources: Jang Il-Ho, Sisa In, March 29, 2010 장일호, 시사인, 2010년 3월 29일.
The original source of the third image is "Banolim," 반올림, an activist organization for workers' rights.
* Park Ji-Yeon, 23, a Samsung worker who died on March 31, 2010 has left her letter to an activist,
in her mini homepage on March 20, 2010. The activist organization, Banolim loaded it to its website,
after Park was moved to hospital again on March 26. Park’s health has been rapidly deteriorated
after about a week of her discharge from the hospital.
“[Ms. Lee Jong Ran], I was discharged from the hospital today,,^^
I assume you are doing well, too??
The yellow sand phenomenon is very serious today,,
When I can see you again,,,^^” (translation)
in her mini homepage on March 20, 2010. The activist organization, Banolim loaded it to its website,
after Park was moved to hospital again on March 26. Park’s health has been rapidly deteriorated
after about a week of her discharge from the hospital.
“[Ms. Lee Jong Ran], I was discharged from the hospital today,,^^
I assume you are doing well, too??
The yellow sand phenomenon is very serious today,,
When I can see you again,,,^^” (translation)
*A rally for demanding the Samsung’s responsibility for the mass leukemia of the Samsung semi-conduct workers’ in front of Kiheung factory, Samsung Electronics, March 25, the next day of the returning back of the former Samsung President, Lee Gun-Hee to his work. (translation)
___________________________________________________________________________What people in the world know about Samsung? Samsung is probably best known for the computers, monitors and mobile phones that are displayed in sanitary conditions in the electric goods shops around the world.
세계의 사람들은 삼성에 대해 무엇을 아는가? 삼성은 세계 곳곳 전자 상가들에서 위생적인 상태로 전시되는 컴퓨터, 모니터, 모바일 폰등으로 가장 잘 알려져 있을 것이다.
According to Wikipedia, ‘the Samsung Electronics is the world's largest electronics company with a revenue of $117.4 billion in 2009, headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul, South Korea. It is the largest South Korean company and the flagship subsidiary of the Samsung Group.’
위키피디아에 따르면, '삼성 전자는 2009년 예산이 1,174 억 달러에 달한 세계에서 가장 큰 전자 회사로 남한 서울 삼성 타운에 본부를 두고 있다. 남한에서 가장 큰 기업이며 삼성 그룹의 대표적인 소속 회사이다.
Here in Korea, Samsung is the kingdom that controls the politics of South Korea so Koreans call the Republic of Korea as Samsung Republic of Korea. Its nepotism, corruption, and above all, vicious oppression and even threat to workers of death have brought up the Asian workers’ infuriated statement last year and this year, as well.
여기 한국에서, 삼성은 남한의 정치를 통제하는 왕국이라 한국인들은 대한 민국 공화국을 삼성 공화국이라 부른다. 그것의 족벌주의, 부패, 그리고 무엇보다 노동자들에 대한 악의적인 억압과 심지어 노동자들에 대한 죽음위협은 작년과 올해에 분노에 찬 아시아 노동자들의 성명서를 불러 일으켰다.
Samsung is also the company for the cause of the Yongsan Tragedy, with Daerim and POSCO, of which the two former companies would involve the 1st construction part of harbor and bay for the planned Jeju naval base.
삼성은 대림, 포항 제철과 함께 용산 참사의 원인일 뿐 아니라 앞의 두 회사는 예정된 제주 해군 기지의 1단계 공사인 항만 건설에 참여하게 된다.
Samsung is also one of the representing Korean aerospace companies with Hyundae and Daewoo. A heading arms production and sale corporation, as well.
삼성은 현대, 대우와 함께 대표적인 한국의 우주 항공 회사이다. 또한 무기 생산과 판매 회사이기도 하다.
Behind such glamour and sins of Samsung, workers have been silently dieing for the hazardous work environment of the Samsung factories. And Samsung and the government institutions that are controlled by Samsung have never acknowledged their deaths were for the careless environmental cause in the factories of Samsung. The recently returned former Samsung president, Lee Gun-Hee and his Samsung group have formed the kingdom inside the ROK with the horrendous power.
삼성의 그러한 화려함과 죄 뒤에서 노동자들이 삼성 공장의 유해한 환경으로 조용하게 죽어가고 있었다. 그리고 삼성과 삼성에 의해 통제되는 정부 기관들은 그들의 죽음이 삼성 공장의 부주의한 환경적 요인이란 것을 인정하지 않았다. 최근 복귀한 이건희 회장과 그의 삼성 그룹은 무시무시한 권력으로 남한안에 왕국을 형성했다.
This morning, Mr. Kim Seong-Hwan, the Chairman of Samsung General Labor Union informed the sad news as below:
오늘 아침, 삼성 일반 노조 김성환 위원장님께서 아래의 슬픈 소식을 전해 왔다:
Park Ji-Yeon, 23, a three year Samsung Semi-conductor worker in the Samsung Electronics died after the hard struggle against the leukemia in the morning of March 31, 2010. The cause of her illness and death are clearly due to the hazardous work environment of the Samsung Semiconductor factory in Onyang, Gyunggi province.
2010년 3월 31일 오전, 박지연, 23세, 삼성 전자의 3년간 삼성 반도체 노동자가 백혈병에 맞서 힘들게 투쟁한 끝에 사망했다. 그의 질병과 사망은 분명히 경기도 온양 공장 삼성 반도체 의 유해한 작업 환경 때문이다.
*Below is the arbitrary summary and translation, much referred to article, bu Jang Il-Ho, Sisa In on March 29, 2010. Mr. Kim Seong Hwan thankfully forwarded the article on March 30, as well.
* 아래는 2010년 3월 29일, 장일호님의 시사인 기사를 자의적으로 요약및 번역 한 것입니다. 김성환님께서 3월 30일 역시 포워드하셨읍니다.
The Samsung Electronics is the so called, ‘Dream Factory.’ However, ‘Another family’ is dying in that dream factory, again.
Park Ji-Yeon, 23, has worked in the Onyang factory of the Samsung Electronic, since Dec. 2004 but discovered the symptom in July 2007 when her stomach became to have the problem, sometimes with bloody flux. The first remark by the doctor was, “ Have you touched the chemicals?”
She has recently been discharged from the hospital on March 20 but had to be hospitalized again after a week and been moved to the Bone Marrow Transplantation room that was only for the seriously ill patients on March 26. Since then only 20minutes interview time even with her parents and grandmother has been allowed.
The numbers, counted with only the confirmed, of the cancer patients of the blood-forming problems such as leukemia, lymphoma have reached 22, in the Samsung semi-conduct factories, by Dec. 2009.
Among them, seven workers have been known to die, while symptoms such as loss of hair, miscarriage, and amenorrhea have been innumerably discovered in the many workers in the same factories.
However, the Samsung Electronic has never acknowledged their death as the industrial disaster. And according to the research by The Korea Occupational and Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA), the ‘Leukemia of the workers has nothing to do with the industrial disaster.’
The families of the dead and the current patients have collectively applied the lawsuit against the KOSHA, appealing for the cancellation of the disposal of no- payment to the bereaved families and for the funeral,’ Even though its form was the administrative lawsuit, in fact, it brought up the lawsuit to demand that the KOSHA should acknowledge [workers’ death] by such as leukemia as, “Industrial Disaster.”
The Samsung has paid Park’s hospital cost while talked to her mother that if she would ask help to the activists or be shown in the interview with the press, it would not help her any more. Therefore it was very difficult for her mother who could not pay the expensive hospital cost, to join the lawsuit but she eventually joined it.
“ There should be no more person like Ji-Yeon . The coming people should work in the good environment. If not, more people will be sick, too, like Ji-Yeon. Those children who do such work should have grown-up in the poor families like us.”
Behind the gorgeous screens of Samsung monitors, workers are silently dieing in front of the bloody-tear of their families. How many workers have to die to spread the truth of Samsung’s horrible dealing with its workers, in South Korea or Thailand, or in any other third world countries?
Please boycott Samsung products in your country!
Thank you for sharing this! Please also sign this petition to demand justice and accountability from Samsung!