* Below is the arbitrary translation of the parts of the joint statement by PNDD ROK and PNDD Japan [ROK and Japan National Assembly/Diet members' council regarding the nuclear issue].
According to the recent email by Peace Network, some of the both National Assembly/Diet members in South Korea and Japan, and civil organizations in both countries, such as Peace Network and People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD) in Korea, Peace Boat and Peace Depot in Japan, gathered in the Japanese Young People’s Hall in Tokyo. Japan, with one purpose of ‘ Non-Nuclearization of North East Asia’ on Feb. 27, 28, 2010.
While, waiting for the official translation of the whole statement and background of meeting, I upload the parts (arbitrary translation) of the statement here for the future reference. TThe statement is not necessarily totally same opinion with that of this translator. For the Korean sites, please refer to HERE and HERE.

* Image source: Peace Network
The big letters in the banner background say,
‘ROK National Assembly & Japan Diet members’ forum for the non-nuclearization in Korean peninsula and for the initiative of non-nuclearization in North East Asia.’
The big letters in the banner background say,
‘ROK National Assembly & Japan Diet members’ forum for the non-nuclearization in Korean peninsula and for the initiative of non-nuclearization in North East Asia.’

National Assembly & Diet members and civil organization members in Japan and ROK, took the photo together.
1. We recognize that, for the ‘non-nuclearization of the North East Asia, in which the points such as- 1. Not to mention the North Korea, but the South Korea and Japan all prohibit the possession of the nuclear weapons, 2. It is prohibited to use and threaten with the nuclear weapons against the North Korea, South Korea and Japan- are the keys, it is important that the South Korea and Japan have solidarity and cooperation each other. For the realization of it, we urge the efforts by the both governments of South Korea & Japan, National Assembly & Diet members, self-governing institutions, and all the citizens and NGOs who wish for peace.
2. We urge to the both governments of South Korea and Japan, to progress the normalization of the relationship with the North Korea through the active dialogue with her. And we urge the North Korea to return back to the six party talks and the related parties in the six party talks to make the efforts to solve the settlement of the North Korean nuclear issue by taking the trust-possible measure(s) so that North Korea could return back to the six party talks.
3. The both governments of South Korea and Japan should promise & support the medical cure & compensation for the victims of the atomic bombs & their 2nd generations, including the Korean atomic bomb victims, and should lay out the necessary concrete system(s) for that. At the same time, they should spread the necessity of the abolishment of the nuclear weapon, by taking the reversed lesson from the tragedies following the atomic bombings, and should practice the education based on the historical lessons.
4. We recognize that the initiative for the non-nuclearization in the North East Asia is very effective for the realization of the non-nuclearization of the North East Asia. We actively request the related countries including the both governments of the South Korea and Japan, to enough negotiate on that suggestion. We also hope that the efforts from various fields would be maintained to get the international support. We request the both governments of South Korea and Japan to claim the establishment of the initiative for the North east Asian non-nuclearization, during the NPT review, this May.
5. The ROK National Assembly & Japan Diet members recognize that the efforts on ‘the world without nuclear (weapon)’, shown in the speeches by the President Obama and Ban Ki-Moon, the U.N. Secretariat, as stipulated above, made the important watershed to realize the non-nuclearization of North East Asia, and express our whole support to it. We will continue our cooperation to realize the non-nuclearization of the North East Asia, through the various chances including the NPT review and its afterward.
[ROK and Japan parliament members' council regarding the nuclear issue]
(Arbitrary translation from Korean)]
Feb, 28, 2010
4 Members of the National Assembly of the ROK
(이미경, 박은수, 권영길, 조승수)
6 members of the Diet, Japan
近藤 昭一、平岡 秀夫、生方 幸夫、犬塚 直史、首藤 信彦、大河原 雅子、柿澤 未途
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