* Image source/ related blog: Click HERE
'Armistice Agreement, July 27, 1953' (original source: Panmunjeom Travel center)
* Please take time. These movements could be crucial to stabilize the peace in Korea and in the North East Asia, as well.
1. [famoksaiyanfriends] SIGN THE PETITION "60 Years Is Enough--End the Korean War Now!"!
* Informed from Martha Duenas on July 10, 2010
60 Years Is Enough--End the Korean War Now!
You can view this petition at: http://www.thepetitionsite.
Message from Christine Hong:
Dear everyone,
Please take a moment to sign (and to pass to allies--particularl y folks who live in the 9th District) the petition, "60 Years Is Enough--End the Korean War Now!" Our aim is to get Congresswoman Barbara Lee to introduce a statement calling for a peaceful resolution to the as-yet unended Korean War on the House floor on Tuesday, July 27 (Korean Armistice Day), of this year.
Many thanks for your support. Christine
2. Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea
Sign the petition
for a Korean peninsula Peace Treaty
Join the people who are signing petitions for a Korean peace treaty, to be delivered to the governments of four countries : South Korea, North Korea, China and U.S.
Send your name, organization, state by e-mail (to SPARK)
The name list will be published as an advertisement in the newspaper on every 27 July, the day when the Korean War Armistice Agreement was signed in 1953, More than 30,000 people have signed the petition by now.
About the National Campaign to End the Korean War
* You may also refer to
: Writing by Cheong Wooksik (peace Network): Cheonan sinking and New Cold War in Asia
June 30, 2010
:Statement: Veterans of the Korean War Call for a Real Peace Treaty
(Veterans for Peace, United States)
[국문 번역]성명서:한국 전쟁 [미] 재향 군인들, 진정한 평화 조약을 요구한다.
(미국 평화 재향 군인회)
June 25, 2010 2010년 6월 25일
Video: The long road to Korean reunification - 21 Sep 07 (Video URL)
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