'저는 그들의 땅을 지키기 위하여 싸웠던 인디안들의 이야기를 기억합니다. 백인들이 그들의 신성한 숲에 도로를 만들기 위하여 나무들을 잘랐습니다. 매일밤 인디안들이 나가서 백인들이 만든 그 길을 해체하면 그 다음 날 백인들이 와서 도로를 다시 짓곤 했습니다. 한동안 그 것이 반복되었습니다. 그러던 어느날, 숲에서 가장 큰 나무가 백인들이 일할 동안 그들 머리 위로 떨어져 말과 마차들을 파괴하고 그들 중 몇몇을 죽였습니다. 그러자 백인들은 떠났고 결코 다시 오지 않았습니다….' (브루스 개그논)

For any updates on the struggle against the Jeju naval base, please go to savejejunow.org and facebook no naval base on Jeju. The facebook provides latest updates.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Text Fwd: [Translation] Korean organizations' press interview on Nov. 9: We denounce the [government’s] decision to dispatch special force to the UAE!

* Representing image source: click HERE
Some voices of the G20 protest, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 11, 2010
2010년, 11월 11일 G20 반대 시위의 목소리들


* 아래 번역의 국문 원문 글, '[기자 회견] 아랍 에미레이트 (UAE) 특전사 파병 결정 규탄 한다!'여기 또는 여기를 클릭.
* Related blogs

Monday, November 8, 2010
Text Fwd: [Translation] Koreans' response on the Lee Myung Bak government's plan to dispatch troops to the UAE
[번역] 정부의 유나이티드 아랍 에미레이츠 파병 계획에 대한 한국 반응

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Text Fwd: Seoul to dispatch troops to UAE
서울, 유나이티드 아랍 에미레이츠에 군대 파견 계획


An unjust war business,
No dispatch to the UAE!
(University Students, Sharing Culture)

[Press interview] We denounce the [Lee Myung Bak government's] decision
to dispatch special force to the United Arab Emirates(UAE)!

* Image sources: Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Nov. 9, 2010

* Text informed at People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD) and Anti-War Peace Solidarity

* Below is an arbitrary translation.


[Press Interview] We denounce the [Lee Myung Bak government’s]
decision to dispatch special force to the UAE!

The Lee Myung-Bak government is driving dispatch again. Today (Nov. 9), the government reviewed and made a resolution on the agreement bill on the dispatch of the special warfare force to the UAE. We strongly denounce the decision of the meeting by its cabinet that declared that it would enforce the ‘don’t ask’ dispatch.

There have been raised lots of suspicions on the military cooperation including contract size and dispatch since the Lee Myung-Bak government received the contract on nuclear power plant from the UAE. Nevertheless the government has never made public any information on it. The Lee government who has constantly denied the suspicion of whether it has promised dispatch on condition of export of nuclear power plant, has in fact driven the dispatch [plan] long time ago. We cannot but strongly denounce the Lee Myung Bak government who comes out for dispatch to export nuclear power plant and show off its military power, after it has enforced redeployment to Afghanistan and sent troops to the Gulf of Aden, Somalia, the region of ‘the 2nd war on terror.’

The Ministry of National Defense is packing [the plan] of dispatching special warfare force to the UAE, saying it is the “troop-dispatch by a new concept” for the troop deployment to the region of ‘non combat danger but safe.’ Different from the saying of the Ministry of National Defense, the UAE is an unstable region where the threats of terrors still remain. According to the safety travel information by the Ministry of Foreign Trade Department, the nations such as the United States, Britain, Canada and Australia is classifying the UAE as the nation of danger with high-level terror possibilities. Moreover, the dispatched special warfare force can be wrapped in armed conflicts because it could have battles in case of emergencies.

Also, the plan to dispatch special warfare force to the UAE is a joint production work from the interests of the both of the military authority that has constantly sought the overseas export of military power that has become corpulent, while it has made white paper of all the plans on the reduction of military force and of the military service term; and of the Lee Myung Bak government that understands troop dispatch as the creation of overseas market. The Lee Myung Bak government has announced that it would consider even dispatch if that is helpful for the arms export, with an aim of South Korea being the 7th arms export country. That is why we are so deeply concerned about [the prospect of] whether [South Korea] would actively dispatch troops to the nations classified as ‘non-conflict region’, by the momentum of dispatch to the UAE or not.

As known to everybody, the Middle East where the UAE is located is the region where a very unstable political situation is overlapped with the United States’ dominant policy and each nation’s interest relationship there. Currently, the United States is applying double standards onto the constructions of nuclear power plants in the Middle East region, to contain Iran. For that reason, the U.S. friendly nations in the Middle East are competitively constructing nuclear power plants under the United States’ connivance on them. In such a situation, it is like entering into a lion’s mouth to export nuclear power plant and even dispatch special warfare force, which would more increase the instability in the Middle East.

The government and Grand National Party are betraying their people, saying the dispatch of special warfare troops to the UAE is for ‘national interest.’ We cannot but ask: What the hell of which people’s interest the Lee Myung Bak government is saying under the [pretext] of ‘national interest’!” In the meantime, the South Korean governments’ dispatch policies have made insecure not only the dispatched soldiers but also their people. Because of the dispatch by the [Roh Moo Hyun] government who prioritized ‘national interest,’ Mr. Kim Sun-Il has lost his life in Iraq; sergeant Yoon Jang-Ho and Mr. Bae Hyung-Gyu, and Mr. Sim Sung-Min have lost their lives in Afghanistan. As the recent incident of the oil pipe line explosion in Yemen shows, the safety of the nuclear power plant that the South Korea has gotten contract and of the [would-be] dispatched troops can never be assured, different from the government claim.

Nonetheless, the Lee Myung-Bak government is enforcing the ‘don’t ask’ dispatch to the UAE, forcefully closing their people's eyes and ears again? The South Korean military does not exist for the price of receiving contract on nuclear power plant. It is of no basis to dispatch troops in the region of non-armed conflicts. The plan of dispatching special warfare troops without collecting people’s opinions to the UAE should be immediately withdrawn. We also strongly demand the government to made public all the information on the process of receiving contract on nuclear power plant, before it recklessly denies all the suspicions that the government must have promised troop-dispatch as the price of receiving contract [from the UAE].

Our demands

- Immediately withdraw the basis-less plan to dispatch special warfare force to the UAE!
- Make public all the contents on the process of receiving contract on nuclear power plant and military cooperation!

Nov. 9, 2010

Anti-War Peace Solidarity (Imagination for International Solidarity; International Center for Labor Solidarity; Christian Social Mission Solidarity Council; Solidarity for the Practice of the SK-NK Joint Statement*; The Association for Migrant Workers’ Human Rights; Farmers’ Pharmacy*; All Together; Solidarity for LGBT Human Rights of Korea; Rangzen; Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience; Democratic Labor Party; Central Council for the Nation’s Self-Reliance, Peace, and Reunification*; Korean Democratic Workers’ Council*; Association of the Family Movements for Democracy Practice*; Institute for Research in Collaborationist Activities; Korea Council for Democratic Martyr; Korean Federation of Medical Groups for Health Rights; Buddhism Peace Solidarity*; Pan Korean Association for Reconciliation(Inc.); Revolution 4.19 Committee*; Pan Korean Bereaved Families’ Association for Democracy Movement (Inc.)*; Socialist Party of Korea; People’s Solidarity for Social Progress; Council for the Drive on Our Nation’s Unification through Federation System*; Living with Jesus; June 15 Youth and Student’s Solidarity*; 21st Century Pan Korean University Students’ Association*; Hunger Strike Comrades’ Council for the Withdrawal of Troops, 2005*; Korean Peasants League; Pan Korean Bereaved Families’ Association for Nation and Democracy*; Pan Korean Public Service Workers’ Union*; Korean Confederation of Trade Unions; Pan Korean Poor People’s Association for Liberation*; Pan Korean Women’s Solidarity; Pan Korean Students’ March*; Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification of Korea, South Korea branch; New Progressive Party; Unification Square; Intifada Korea (Peace Solidarity with Palestine*); Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea; Friends for Peace*; Veterans for Peace, Corea; Pan Korean University Students’ Association*; Workers Institute of Social Science; Korean Alliance of Progressive Movements; Corea Catholic Farmer’s Movement), Sharing Culture, Minbyun-Lawyers for a Democratic Society, People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (* Marked are temporary translations)

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