in front of the United States embassy, Seoul, on March 9, 2009.

against the Expansion of the Mugeon-ri Military training Field, joining in peace performance
in which people puts on various peace signs on the strings.

and pigeons such as ‘withdrawal of the United States Forces of Korea’ and ‘Conclusion of peace agreement’ etc.

then establishment of the pro-US regime [in North Korea].”
that was read aloud in the rally, to the United States embassy.

after about 10 minute conflicts with the rally participants who demanded their right to have the rally.

Those men were secretly recording the rally participants with camera, which is illegal.
There was the 126th Self-Reliance Unification Peace Action in front of the United States embassy under the issue of ‘Stop the Key Resolve war exercise against the North Korea and conclude the peace agreement in the Korean peninsula’ in Seoul, at 12pm on March 9, Tuesday, 2010.
The police claming even before the rally that “We can not guarantee the rally site because the contents on opposition against the Key Resolve is directly related to the United States,” Blockaded the rally site with the police units, saying, “Process the rally in the site more than 100M from the United States embassy.” The participants including the SPARK activists demanded, “The police behavior is illegal so guarantee the rally site.” After 10minutes of conflicts, the police accepted the rally participants’ request and withdrew the police units. Through the police behavior, the thing that the United States embassy has much burden on the currently being progressed Key resolve exercise, could be indirectly confirmed.
The organizations who participated in the rally pointed out that “ This war exercise is clearly invasive in the sense that, following the operational plan 5027 aiming the annihilation of the North Korean troops and removal of the North Korean regime, it is mobilized with the 18,000 United States force & 20,000 South Korean forces, and that its trainings are such as WMD removal operation, MD operation, mountain & urban area combat for being accustomed to the North Korean topography, and SK-US joint marine exercise assuming the urban combat in Pyeongyang that are premised on the collapse of the North Korean regime and occupational ruling.”
Kwon Oh-Chang, the executive representative, Solidarity for the Practice of the South-North Joint Declaration, claimed that, “The armistice agreement was concluded in July 1953 and within three months, by opening the political meeting, the withdrawal of the foreign troops and conclusion of the peace agreement in the Korean peninsula, were to be discussed… However the authorities of the South Korea and United States made powerless of the armistice agreement with their conclusion of Mutual Security Treaty in 1953.”
He, introducing “There is the nuclear security summit meeting in April and NPT in May,” claimed that “The United States should does either the simultaneous actions of the conclusion of the peace agreement and non-nuclearization, or ‘continuous progress of the hostile policy against the North Korea.’
You Young-Jae, SPARK, introducing that “The SK and US authorities are to finish the discussion on the ways of the procedures on the strategic flexibility of the United States Forces before the SK-US Security Consultative Meeting in Washington DC in coming October,” pointed out that “In the QDR report announced in January, the contents that the strategic flexibility would be stipulated and that, under the possible condition of foreign dispatch, base relocation, equipment moving, making flexible of the prior procedures would be progressed, are included.”
He also pointing out that, “ The United States can any more maintain the world domination with the fixed military,” claimed that, “ Therefore, to maintain the world domination, she intends to realize the strategic flexibility of the United States.”
Finally, he, pointing out that “The United States changed the status of Korea from the combat area to non-combat area. It means there is no all-out war possibility in the Korean peninsula,” claimed that “If the United States does not need the defense against the North Korea, the United States Forces of Korea, should not think of the permanent staying in South Korea, through the strategic flexibility but should go away from this land.”
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