'A United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket launches the an NRO classified satellite Sept. 20 from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Credit: ULA photo by Pat Corkery'

Vandenberg Space Command/Air Force Base
by Staff
30th Space Wing Public Affairs
9/21/2010 - VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Team Vandenberg launched an Atlas V rocket at 9:03 p.m. Sept. 20 from Space Launch Complex-3 here.
The launch, the second of three the base has scheduled for September, was the result of a team effort between the 30th Space Wing, the United Launch Alliance and the National Reconnaissance Office.
"This Atlas launch is the culmination of a tremendous amount of hard work on the part of all the men and women of the 30th Space Wing and our mission partners," said Col. Richard Boltz, 30th Space Wing commander. "We're all extremely proud of everyone's efforts."
This evening's launch marked the 604th overall Atlas mission in U.S. history. The rocket carried a national security payload for the NRO.
Team Vandenberg's next launch, a Minotaur IV carrying the first Space Based Space Surveillance satellite, is scheduled for Sept. 25 from Space Launch Complex-8 here.
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NRO Launches First Satellite in 20 Months
Sept. 21, 2010
'The NRO, which builds the nation’s classified spy satellites, had not conducted a launch in 20 months, and it aims to conduct four more launches over the next eight months, NRO Director Bruce Carlson said Sept. 13. The NRO’s next satellite is slated to launch Oct. 19 aboard a ULA Delta 4 Heavy rocket out of Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla., the press release said.'
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