According to the Peace Network(평화 넷트 워크) website, despite the start in the raining morning, about 100 participants joined the bicycle march for the ecology peace and for the help of North Korean brothers & Sisters on Sept. 11, 2010.
The whole distance was 40kim from Ilsan to Imjingak near the Korean Demilitarized zone. The Imjingak is a park that ‘was built to console those from both sides who are unable to return to their hometowns, friends and families because of the division of Korea.’ (For more on Imjingak, Wiki, and also HERE)
* Image source: Official website of the City of Paju
Below is the translation from the end part of the Peace Network report:
“We haven’t known that the Imjingak that we have finally arrived into, after running 40km was so close [from Ilsan that is near Seoul]. While riding a bicycle is like living a life, doesn’t it resemble in the way for unification? In the way for unification, there are ways such as uphill path, flat land, and downhill road. If the uphill path is felt difficult, it is O.K. that you just slowly climb up dragging a bicycle. It is O.K. only if you don't give up and persistently continue to go toward a destination. We aspire that our running a whole distance with bicycle is followed by the running a whole distance for the unification.”
"40km를 달려 도착한 임진각, 이렇게 가까운지 몰랐습니다. 나와 북한과의 거리가 그렇게 가깝다는 것도 처음으로 느꼈습니다. 자전거를 타는 일은 인생과도 같지만, 통일로 가는 길과도 닮지 않았을까요? 통일로 가는 길에는 오르막도 있고 평지도 있고 내리막도 있습니다. 오르막이 힘들면 자전거를 끌고 천천히 올라가면 됩니다. 다만, 포기하지 않고 꾸준히 목적지를 향해 가면 되는 것입니다. 우리의 자전거 완주가 통일의 완주로 이어지길 간절히 소망합니다."
The event was hosted by the three organizations of the Citizens’ Peace Forum, Peace Network and the Green Bicycle Service Volunteers* (* temporary translation). The event is also co-sponsored by the 12 organizations. About 12 institutions including the City of Goyang, financially sponsored the event. Half of the participants' fees are donated for the help of the North Koreans affected by the floods this year.
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Event Fwd: A bicycle march for the ecology peace and help of North Korean brothers & Sisters on Sept. 11
[초대] 9월 11일 자전거를 타고 떠나는 생태평화와 북녘 동포돕기 대행진!
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