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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Text Fwd:[Ito Narihiko] The Building of East Asian Peace Community and Role of International Society [이토 나리히코] 동아시아의 평화 공동체 쌓기와 국제 사회의 역활

* Peace Making Issue 176
The Building of East Asian Peace Community and Role of International Society

Ito Narihiko (2010/09/22)

1. Prerequisite 1 : Liquidating the past of Japanese Empire in order to build East Asian Peace Community

If Japan wants to participate in building East Asian Peace Community, it is necessary for Japan to liquidate the past of Japanese imperialism. Japanese annexation of Korea was on 22nd August 1910 and Japan colonized Korea. It was one hundred years ago. However Japanese annexation of Korea was not surprise event. Since Joseon-Japan Treaty of Peace and Amity was signed by force on Feb. 1876, Japanese Empire tried to plunder Korean Empire with careful planning.

For example there was an uprising of Donghak farmers’ army who asked the reform of Royal Court on 1894 and there was a conflict between Japan and Ching to suppress the rebellion. Eventually Japan started a war with Ching and expelled Ching from Korean peninsula. After the Sino-Japanese War, Japan killed Empress Myeonseong who asked Russian for help on 8th October 1895. Japanese killers were found not guilty and released for lack of evidence. Emperor Gojong was concerned with invasion of Japan and asked Russian Legation for help. This incident led to confrontation between Russia and Japan.

Japan started a war with Russia on 1904~1905 and Japan expelled Russia from Korea. After Japan had success in expelling Ching and Russia who were closely related with Korea, Japan, USA and England signed confidentiality agreement. Japan admitted the domination of Philippines by USA and the domination of India by England and Japan gained approval to dominate Korea. I called this confidentiality agreement ‘The discourse of wolves’. After that, on November 1905 Ito Hirobumi invaded Seoul with fifty thousand troops and forced Emperor sign on Japan-Korea Protectorate Treaty as known as Eulsa Treaty which deprived Korea of diplomacy and placed a Japanese supervisor over Korean government.

On July 1907 Japan forced Korea to sign Jeongmichil Treaty which put all internal affairs under the supervisor and dissolved Korean army. This treaty deprived Korea of freedom, independence and autonomy. On 22nd August 1910 Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty was signed by force and Japan deprived Korea of entire territory and colonized Korea.

Since Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty was unlawful and unfair, it cannot be even called a treaty. However Japan government has never apologized for what they had done to Korea and Korean people formally. Since year 2010 is 100th year of colonial rule of Korea by Japan, it is necessary for Japanese government to apologize formally to Korea and Korean people.

The colonial rule of Korean Peninsula which lasted 36 years has given humiliation and asked painful sacrifices to Korean people. Japanese government has to apologize what they had done and feel sorry and compensate.


* Ito Narihiko is Professor Emeritus of Chuo University(Japan)
* resource = 2010 IPCR International Seminar

1 comment:

  1. Excellent piece.

    Japan must also address their past, present, and future actions with China.
    Their plate is full.
    Sooner or later they must also decide if they are Asian or wannabe Westerners.
    Which community will be at the top of their priority list.
    Will Japan come out of their lost decade, as the West enters their lost decade or two, or three.
    Japan will have to swallow some pride for the past. In order to save face for the future.
