* Excerpt translation from the joint statement by the 12 organizations on Sept. 14, 2010. To see the original Korean statement, click HERE or HERE. 국문 성명서 원문은 여기 또는 여기를 클릭하세요.
'7월 중순에 실시한 여론조사에서 이미 우리 국민 70% 가량이
이명박 정부의 [천안함] 조사결과에 대해 불신하거나 의혹을 제기하고 있다.'
'According to the public poll conducted in the middle of this July,
about 70% of our people were already distrusting the Lee Myung-Bak government’s
investigation result [on the Cheonan ship] or raising the suspicion on it.'
이명박 정부의 [천안함] 조사결과에 대해 불신하거나 의혹을 제기하고 있다.'
'According to the public poll conducted in the middle of this July,
about 70% of our people were already distrusting the Lee Myung-Bak government’s
investigation result [on the Cheonan ship] or raising the suspicion on it.'
우리의 결의 Our Resolution
_ 우리는 대북 제재 중단과 북미대화 및 6자회담의 조속한 재개를 위해 투쟁할 것을 결의한다!
_We are determined to stop the sanction against North Korea and to struggle for the prompt resumption of the NK-US dialogue & six party meeting!
_우리는 미국 강요에 따른 이란에 대한 제재 철회를 위해 싸워나갈 것을 결의한다!_ 우리는 대북 제재 중단과 북미대화 및 6자회담의 조속한 재개를 위해 투쟁할 것을 결의한다!
_We are determined to stop the sanction against North Korea and to struggle for the prompt resumption of the NK-US dialogue & six party meeting!
_We are determined to fight to repeal the sanction on Iran, enforced by the United States!
_우리는 천안함 진상규명 국정조사와 [남, 북, 중, 미] 4개국 공동조사 실현을 위한 투쟁을 결의한다!
_ We are determined to struggle for the investigation in relation to government on the Cheonan ship [incident]and for the realization of the joint investigation by the four nations [of South Korea, North Korea, China & the United States]!
*Image source: Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification (PKAR), South Korean branch, Sept. 14, 2010

onto the Wolmi-do on Sept. 10, 2010.
* The below was informed from an attachment at the SPARK site(평통사 사이트에 알려짐)
EXCERPT from the attachment(partly English while mostly in Korean) in the site:
EXCERPT from the attachment(partly English while mostly in Korean) in the site:
"The Commission ascertained that the residents in Wolmi island (Wolmi-do) were killed on September 10, 1950, by U.S. bombing of the area. At least 10 victims were verified by the Commission to have been killed, but it is believe there were more victims killed. The bombing was executed by U.S. marine aircrafts of Carrier Division 15 led by Rear Admiral Richard W. Ruble.
The objective was to saturate the eastern half of Wolmi-do. The marine aircrafts (VMF-214, VMF-323) that launched from the USS SICILY and USS Badoeng Strait dropped 95 napalm bombs, rocketed and strafed the east side of Wolmi-do and thoroughly destroyed the area. Wolmi-do was a strategically important area for the Operation of Incheon Landing."
* Image source: Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Sept. 13, 2010

Stop the sanction & oppression on North Korea and resume the NK-US talks & six party meetings!
-Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Sept. 13, 2010
* Image source: Incheon regional branch of the Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Sept. 11, 2010
평화와 통일을 여는 사람들 인천 지부, 2010년 9월 11일
2010 Wolmi Peace Festival/ Concert and Peace March, “What is Peace?”

No War Exercise
Naval vessels, aircraft and marines from South Korea, ...
Sept. 15, 2010
Reenactment of 1950 Incheon Landing: Naval vessels, aircraft and marines from South Korea, the U.S. and Australia reenact the Sept. 15 1950 Incheon Landing operation that helped change the course of the 1950-53 Korean War and two weeks later liberated Seoul from North Korean occupation, in waters near Wolmi Island, Wednesday. Seoul has annually reenacted the battle scene since 2008, but this year’s reenactment was the largest in terms of size as it marks the 60th anniversary of the outbreak of the war. / Korea Times photo by Cho Young-ho
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