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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Text Fwd: [famoksaiyanfriends] Pentagon's Craziest PowerPoint Slide Revealed 미 국방부의 가장 미친 파우어 포인드 슬라이드 밝혀짐

* Text sent from Martha Duenas on Sept. 18, 2010

Pentagon’s Craziest PowerPoint Slide Revealed
Point your mouse to something and it will enlarge

아래의 이미지 부분에 마우스를 대시고 클릭하시면 확대됩니다.

And you thought winning the Afghanistan war was tough. Try building the Army’s new armored vehicle. Or piecing together the Navy’s new network.

All of the complexity of the Afghan conflict — and all of the bureaucracy NATO used to manage the counterinsurgency effort — was summed up by a single spaghetti monster of a PowerPoint slide. “When we understand [it],” war commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal joked when he saw the slide, “we’ll have won the war.”

But that slide was child’s play compared to the three-foot wall chart the military uses to explain its gajillion-step process for developing, buying, and maintaining gear. The “Integrated Acquisitions Technology and Logistics Life Cycle Management” diagram is kind of a precis to the whole interminable progression, from “decompose concept functional definition into component concepts & assessment objective” to “execute support program that meets materiel readiness and operational support performance requirements and sustains system in most cost-effective manner.” Stare long enough, and you’ll start to see why it takes a decade for the Defense Department to buy a tanker plane, or why marines are still reading web pages with Internet Explorer 6.

The chart is put out by the Pentagon’s Defense Acquisitions University, where the Pentagon educates 180,000 people a year on its, um, unique process for purchasing equipment.

You ever read Superman comic books?” Eric Edelman, the former Pentagon policy chief, once asked me. “Well, acquisitions is like the Bizarro universe. Everything is reversed; the world is square, not round.”

Allow me to disagree. This world has no simple shape. From the looks of this chart, it’s a twisting, endlessly-recursive, M.C. Escher-on-LSD three-dimensional hedge maze. Actually, it’s kind of amazing our troops have any gear at all.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the free plug.
    I am going to post the Armitage code speak and link it back to you.

    I can not believe that this null and void Neocon even gets an audience of 1.
    These monsters never ever sleep.
