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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Site Fwd: [Korea MND]Seoul to host nonproliferation drill off Busan this month

Korea MND Recent News NO. 657
Seoul to host nonproliferation drill off Busan this month
Oct. 7, 2010

A large-scale military exercise to prevent proliferation of weapons of mass destruction dubbed "Eastern Endeavor 10, hosted by South Korea for the first time, will take place for two days in Busan and its port, according to the Ministry of National Defense.

South Korea will host the drill in waters near Busan with roughly 15 other countries participating, said the ministry. The two-day exercise is scheduled to begin on Oct. 13 and participants will include the United States, Japan and Australia. Some 10 other countries, including France and Canada, will take part in the drill as observers.

On the first day, experts on various related subjects of foreign affairs, intelligence, tariff, export control and maritime law are expected to gather in an seminar at the Lotte Hotel Busan and discuss about decision making process related to the PSI [Proliferation Security Initiative].

In a following day, the drill will focus on intercepting vessels suspected of shipping weapons of mass destruction with surface ships, submarines and fighter jets. Two South Korean 4,500-ton torpedo destroyers, two landing ships and four submarines will be joined by a 9,000-ton Aegis Japanese destroyer and Australia's maritime surveillance patrol aircraft.

"We will halt and search vessels suspected of carrying weapons of mass destruction during the maritime training, and the drill scenario is not aimed at a particular country, like North Korea," a defense official said.

The PSI, designed to intercept dangerous weapons and materials, was launched by former U.S. president George W. Bush in 2003 and endorsed by the South Korean government in May 2009 after a North Korean nuclear test.

It is the first time the PSI drill is taking place near South Korea.

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