'조직된 단위가 먼저 싸우지 않으면 투쟁이 만들어지지 않는다. 최소한 조직된 우리부터 싸워야 하는데, 그것부터 되지 않고 있다. 패배의식,경험주의가 너무 많이 깔려 있다. 끝까지 해봐야 뭔가가 나온다고 본다. 싸우다 깨지면 복원할 수 있는데, 싸우지 않고 깨지면 복원도 안된다.
'If an organized unit doesn’t fight in front, a struggle cannot be made. Even though at least the organized people of us should fight first, itself is not being done. There are too many failure consciousness and experimentalism underneath a struggle. Only by a persistent struggle, something will come out. You can restore a struggle if you fight and get the crackdown on you, but not if you don’t fight and get it on you.
그리고 탄압에 대한 공포에 너무 질려 있는데, 이러한 상황이 오래는 가지 않을 거라는 희망이 있다. 자꾸 밟히고만 있는 것 같지만, 거기서 새로운 투쟁이 분출될 것이다. 비정규 노동자들이 많이 극한으로 내몰리는데, 이런 상황에서 현재의 운동에 대한 각성도 일어날 것으로 본다.탄압 때문에 포기했다면 지금의 역사가 만들어지지 않았을 것이다.'
Even though many of us are overwhelmed by the horror of oppression, I have a hope that it would not last long. Even though it seems that we get crackdown so often, a new struggle will erupt from there. In the current situation when the irregular workers have been much pushed to the extreme, I see that an awareness about the current movement will rise up among the people. If we had given up the struggle for oppression, the current history could not be made.'
( * 김소연 분회장 인터뷰 중 A translated part from an article on a interview with Kim So-Yeon (40), leader of the struggle)
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* Image source: Kiryung Workers' website, Oct. 21, 2010 (* Original source: Newscham)
An engraving artwork by an artist Lee Yoon-Yeob, ' Sit-in on the top of the forklift truck '
An engraving artwork by an artist Lee Yoon-Yeob, ' Sit-in on the top of the forklift truck '
As of Oct. 22, it has already been eighth day that Kim So-Yeon (40), the leader of the Kiryung woman workers and Song Kyung-Dong(43), a poet have done the sit-in on the top of the forklift truck that the workers have seized from the police who tried to destroy the sit-in site of the workers’ on Oct. 15, 2010.

But they have been there, under the hot sunshine on Oct. 22, demonstrating their nobleness of the conviction on the victory of the persistent struggle that has been extreme for six years.

disguising their relocation of assets.
In Korea, the custom of the hunger strike is you can drink only water and bits of salt, no more than that.
Abolish the irregular jobs!
Pan-Korean metal union workers’ resolution rally for the victory of the Kiryung struggle.
Its vice-chairman (a speaker in the above photo) entered the solidarity hunger strike on Oct. 22, 2010
Pan-Korean metal union workers’ resolution rally for the victory of the Kiryung struggle.
Its vice-chairman (a speaker in the above photo) entered the solidarity hunger strike on Oct. 22, 2010

It says:
Stop the human sale!
Abolish the vicious [labor] dispatch law!!
Settle the issue of Kiryung!
Choi Dong-Ryeol (* name of the current Kiryung company president), enter [for a negotiation with workers]!!

It stands against a wall of the security booth on the top of which two female workers have done the hunger strike for 10 days as of Oct. 22, 2010. The letters of, "We want to work," are inscribed in the sculpture.

on the top of which a worker and a poet have done the sit-in protest for eight days as of Oct. 22, 2010.

are their expression of homage for the nobleness of the Kiryung workers' struggle.
* Related blogs 관련 블로그들
Wednesday, October 20, 2010 2010년 10월 20일
Fwd: Update on Kiryung Workers' struggle
기륭 노동자 투쟁 엎데이트
Tuesday, October 19, 2010 2010년 10월 19일
Photos Fwd: [Kiryung Worker] 4th Day on the top of the forklift truck
기륭 노동자, 포크레인위에서 나흘째 농성
Monday, October 18, 2010 2010년 10월 18일
Photo Fwd:[Kiryung worker] 3rd night on the top of a forklift truck
[기륭 노동자]지게차 위에서 3일밤째 농성
Saturday, October 16, 2010 2010년 10월 16일
Photos Fwd: Kiryung woman workers invaded by police & forklift truck during vigil & 3rd day hunger strike on Oct. 15
기륭 여성 노동자들, 10/15, 3일째 단식농성중 침탈됨
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 2010 년 8월 3일
Photo and English sub-titled Video Fwd: Kiryung Woman Workers Still Struggle! (For video, please scroll down mouse)
[사진과 영문 자막 비디오] 기륭 여성 노동자들 아직도 투쟁하다! (영문 자막 비디오는 마우스를 내려가시길)
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