[famoksaiyanfriends] AGUPA'!! SOUL SUNDAY SCHOOL :
Power to the People of the Pacific!! Imperialism & Resistance in the Pacific Islands
3 to 5pm : Sunday : October 17th 2010
at SOUL : 1904 Franklin (@19th) Suite 904
SOUL and Famoksaiyan invite you to a Sunday School on the fight for survival and self-determination in the Pacific Islands. Please join us for a presentation & discussion about the legacy of US imperialism in the region and emerging movements to resist militarization.

*Photo: We Are Guahan's Realize Our Destiny rally, October 1st 2010
by Masako Watanabe/Pacific Daily News
by Masako Watanabe/Pacific Daily News
A current site of struggle in the fight against US military domination, the small Pacific island of Guåhan/Guam is currently targeted for a US military base expansion that threatens widespread displacement and destruction. The US military already directly controls over one-third of Guåhan's territory and wants even more, to strengthen its ability to wage existing wars and threaten new ones. We Are Guåhan is an island-based organization that works to educate residents about the impending military buildup, and organizes them in defense of their land and resources. They have been a leading popular force against militarization, and have mobilized thousands of people to take action to protect their island.
Moñeka de Oro / We Are Guåhan
Raquel Redondiez / BAYAN-USA
Miho Kim / TRAI-US Transpacific Research & Action Institute for the Hisabetsu Nikkei
Alicia Garza / POWER People Organized to Win Employment Rights & War Times Newspaper
Please RSVP to info@schoolofunityandliberation.org or at www.facebook.com/schoolofunityandliberation
More on We Are Guahan here & here.
Protect Pagat Community Action 7/23/10 Guam
School Of Unity & Liberation
::: a school to build a movement :::
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Text Fwd: [famoksaiyanfriends] [Michael Bevacqua, Guam] Realizing Our Destiny
[마이클 베박쿠아, 괌] 우리의 운명을 실현하기
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Photos Fwd: [famoksaiyanfriends][Guam] Realizing Our Destiny
[괌] 우리의 운명을 실현하자
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