' Drills for crackdown on rallies: A riot police squad blocks mock demonstrators brandishing Molotov cocktails, iron pipes and other tools during antiprotest drills ahead of the G20 Seoul Summit next month at Nodeul Island in Seoul, Wednesday./ Korea Times photo by Won You-hun'
* Related blog 관련 블로그
Monday, September 20, 2010
Text Fwd: Put People First!: Launch of the “People’s Response Action against the G-20” on Sept. 15
9월 15일 G20대응민중행동’ 출범
* Related blog 관련 블로그
Monday, September 20, 2010
Text Fwd: Put People First!: Launch of the “People’s Response Action against the G-20” on Sept. 15
9월 15일 G20대응민중행동’ 출범
From the site of People's Solidarity for Social Progress (PSSP)
한국 사회 단체, 사회 진보 연대 영문 사이트에서 옮긴 영문 글입니다.
Table of Contents
Basic Overview of the G20, Part I:
1. What is the G20?
2. The History of Capitalism and the G7/G20
1) The birth and background of the G7
2) The structure and role of the G7
3) The Asian financial crisis and the birth of the G20
3. The Economic Crisis and the G20
1) The 2008-2009 economic crisis
2) What has the G20 done?
Basic Overview of the G20, Part II:
4. Main Issues
1) So, is the G20 a decent institution?
2) How should we understand financial regulation?
5. What Should be our Goals in Protesting the G20?
1) A fight against the Lee Myung-bak administration
2) Refusal to pay for capital’s crisis and a struggle against complex crises
3) A movement for a new world
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