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Friday, October 22, 2010
Photos Fwd: Rally in the Kiryung Workers' sit-in site on Oct. 22, 2010
[기륭 노동자 농성장 집회] 2010년 10월 22일
Related Korean article 관련 국문 기사(클릭)
[프레시안, 2010년 10월 27일]"10분만에 저녁 때우고 잔업해도 해고, 우리가 벌레인가?" (기륭전자분회)
[Pressian, Oct. 27, 2010] "Are we bugs as we should eat dinner in 10minutes, working overtime?

Image source: Kiryung Workers' website
26일 오후 4시경 기륭전자 구사옥 앞 굴착기 위에서 고공 농성을 벌이던 송경동 시인이 한 택배기사와 실랑이를 벌이던 중 운전석 위에서 실족해 2m 아래 바닥으로 떨어졌다.
Around 4pm, Oct. 26, the poet Song Kyung-Dong who were doing the sit-in on the top of the forklift truck with Kim So-Yeon, leader of the Kiryung workers in the old Kiryung company site since Oct. 15, fell down from the 2m height to ground, while he was being bothered by a home-delivery service company driver. Song missed his footstep on the height of the driver seat. One of his ankle bones was destroyed and he is now in a hospital.
송경동 시인은 지난 15일 굴착기가 농성장에 들이닥친 후부터 전깃줄 하나에 매달린 채 고공 농성을 벌였다. 송경동 시인이 실족한 날은 기륭전자 파업 1836일 째 되는 날이었다. 송경동 시인은 현재 녹색병원에서 치료를 받고 있다.
Poet Song Kyung-Dong has been doing the sit-in on the top pf the truck hanging only on an electric cord since Oct. 15 when the company and police raided the Kiryung workers’ site with the truck to demolish the workers’ vigil site. The workers seized the truck and doing the protest around it. The day, Oct. 26 was the 1,836th day since the Kiryung electronic workers began the strike. About 6years have passed with no sincere negotiation posture from the company president
[출처] [오마이뉴스]송경동 시인, 고공농성 중 2m 아래로 떨어져 (기륭전자분회)

비 정규직철폐투쟁을 6년째 진행중인 기륭전자 김소연 분회장이 송경동 시인과 함께 서울 가산동 옛 기륭전자 사옥터 앞에서 포크레인 위에 올라 철야농성을 펼친 지 12일째(26일)다. 경찰진압이 임박했다는 소식이 들려오는 가운데 두 사람이 26일 열린 ‘기륭투쟁을 지지하는 문화예술인들의 기자회견’을 포크레인 위에서 바라보고 있다.
The above photo was taken on Oct. 26, the 12th day of the sit-in, before the poet Song fell to the ground. Amidst the news that the police would soon raid the Kiryung workers’ site again, the two were looking down on the top of the fork lift truck, the press interview of the artists who were supporting the Kiryung struggle.
▲ 다시 단식을 시작한 기륭전자분회 윤종희, 오석순 조합원. 2006년 30일, 2008년 94일에 이어 13일째다. 이번에도 정해놓은 기간은 없다. ⓒ프레시안(최형락)
▲ Image source: Choi Hyung-Rak, Pressian
Two workers of Yoon Jong-Hee, Oh Suk-Soon have been doing the 13th day hunger strike with no defined term, on the date of Oct. 26, 2010. The Kiryung workers have done the 30 days hunger strike in 2006, 94 days hunger strike in 2008. The Korean activists are relaying hunger strike in support of the Kiryung workers while the vice chairman of the metal trade union workers have been doing the hunger strike as a solidarity with Kiryung workers since Oct. 22, 2010.
Artists' press interview on Oct. 26, 2010, "Stop the forklift truck! Accept workers' just demand!"
[출처] 애통하는 노동자는 복이 있다 (기륭전자분회)
Video source: Grieving Workers are Blessed (Kiryung workers' website)
* The video was made after Song's fall. Citing the Bible phrase, the video maker asks about the meaning of tear and describes the sadness of Song's wife and workers for Song's wound.
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