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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Text Fwd: The Portion for the Defense R&D Cost Would Be Increased to 10% of the Whole Defense Budget, by 2010.

* It is the arbitrary translation of the MND Korean article linked below. The organization, Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea (SPARK) loaded the Korean Yonhap News article on the similar content(click HERE). Could not find the English version in any media yet. Once found, it would be informed later.

Ministry of the National Defense (MND), ROK
The Portion for the Defense R&D Cost Would Be Increased to 10% of the Whole Defense Budget, by 2010.
Dec. 24, 2009
Lee Joo-Hyung (jataka(at)dema.mil.kr)
국방연구개발비 비중확대 2020년 국방비 대비 10%로
이주형(jataka (at)dema.mil.kr)

The Ministry of National Defense plans to ensure the technological ability within 10th level of the global arms export, by developing the science technology for the goal of the ‘acquiring the ability for the national defense science in world level, by 2024’. The MND announced on Dec. 23 that it “published the revised version of the ‘Policy Report for the Development of the National Defense Science Technology’ that stated the mid-and-long term policy goals and basic frames of the National Defense Science Technology that would be applied from 2010 to 2024”.

According to the revised version, the NMD sees the ‘acquiring the world level ability of the national defense science technology’ as the long term vision, while it sets its mid-term goal with the development of the technology for the advanced weapon system to the rise of the developed countries and long-term goal with the ensuring of the ability for the independent development of the advanced weapon system thus increasing its technology ability for the global arms export that currently stays at the 18th toward the 10th level.

It also suggests the five policies for the mentioned above:

1. Driving of the national defense development that is goal-oriented.
2. Increment of the investment on national defense R&D (Research and Development).
3. Advancing the national defense R&D system and infra.
4. Strengthening the domestic & overseas cooperation network.
5. Driving the defense industry as the force of the new economic development.

It specially stipulates that it would constantly increase the portion of the national defense R&D cost to the total national defense cost, toward the developed country level - 7% by 2012, 10% by 2020 - while it would increase the portion of the investment on the source & core technology to the national defense R&D cost, toward 12% by 2012 and 20% by 2020.

It also includes the goal-oriented measures for the national defense R&D such as the unmanned combat system, Modeling & Simulation (M&S) based military application and low-carbon future energy based weapon system technology, while it also contains the acting plans such as the development of the performance measures for the national defense R&D, advancement of its technological ways, and development of the information integration service system on the national defense technology. With those, there are also measures such as the active participation in the national science technology- for example, military satellite communication system-, activation of the technology exchange between civilian and military (Spin-on/off), strengthening of the technology ability of the domestic defense industry companies, and activation of the R&D through the increment of the export on the defense industry product, in the [revised version].

[…] The ‘Policy Report for the Development of the National Defense Science Technology’ is revised/published every five year. The revised version this time added and cut the contents differentiated from the report published in October, 2007, following the environmental change and the technological development.

[…] A Defense Department officer said, “Based on the report, the DAPA (Defense Acquisition Program Administration) would establish the concrete acting plans on the development of the national defense technology.”

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