Image source: Cho Sung-Bong, Tongil News on Dec. 16, 2009
'K21 combat armored vehicle that first opened to the press on Dec. 16'
'K21 combat armored vehicle that first opened to the press on Dec. 16'

*Image source: same as above
'36 Self-Propelled gun were mobilized'
'36 Self-Propelled gun were mobilized'
Tongil News, Dec. 16, 2009
Jeong Myung-Jin(mjjung (at) Tongil New)
South Korean mechanized troops do the military exercise from Dec. 14 to 18 in the vicinity of South Han river, which moblizes 500 vehicles and 10,000 soldiers that is the division level. The photos are on Dec. 16.
The river-crossing exercise is the representing exercise for the attacking of the North Korea. The exercise is held every two year and it is for the first time this year that the division level rather than brigade level was mobilized for this exercise. (Unofficial translation, summary of the article)
Jeong Myung-Jin(mjjung (at) Tongil New)
South Korean mechanized troops do the military exercise from Dec. 14 to 18 in the vicinity of South Han river, which moblizes 500 vehicles and 10,000 soldiers that is the division level. The photos are on Dec. 16.
The river-crossing exercise is the representing exercise for the attacking of the North Korea. The exercise is held every two year and it is for the first time this year that the division level rather than brigade level was mobilized for this exercise. (Unofficial translation, summary of the article)
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