* All the image source: Gangjeong Village People’s Council café site
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The diagram (translated) represents the coral reefs under the naval base planned area:
“…about 2km seawall will be constructed in front of the sea of the Gangjeong village, and the whole planned area for the naval base will be 480,000m2 that is the combined size of the 67soccer playground. And about the half of it will be by reclamation…
Specially, the Seoguipo Sea that includes the planned area for the naval base is designated with five different protection areas such as the UNESCO bio-protection area.” (See in detail)
* All the image source: Gangjeong Village People’s Council café site
해군기지 절대보전지역 변경 논란 결국 ‘법정’ 간다:
강정마을회, 집행정지 신청도 함께 제출…법원 판단 '주목'
2010년 01월 27일 (수) 10:04:26 우승호 기자 woodsstar12(at)sisajeju.com
Controversy over the Change on the Absolute Preservation Area, Related to the Planned Naval Base, Eventually Goes to the ‘Court’:
The Gangjeong Village People’s Council, Submitted the Appeal for the Pose of the Execution, as well… Court Judgment is to be ‘Noticed’
Jan. 27, 2010 (Wed) Woo Seung-Ho reporter(woodsstar12(at)sisajeju.com )
제주해군기지 건설사업 기공식이 다음달 5일로 예정된 가운데 강정마을회가 최근 많은 논란이 됐던 '강정마을 절대보전지역 변경처분'에 대한 무효확인 소송을 지난 25일 제기했다.
While the Jeju naval base construction is planned on 5th, next month, The Gangjeong village people’s council raised the lawsuit, last 25th, on the confirmation on the cancellation of the ‘disposal for the change of the absolute preservation area of the Gangjeong Village which has recently brought out lots of controversy.
또한 무효확인 소송에 대한 판결이 확정될 때까지 절대보전지역의 변경처분 효력을 정지하는 집행정지 가처분신청서도 함께 제출해 법원의 판단이 주목된다.
Because the application for the provisional disposal on the pose of the execution, which poses the effectiveness of the disposal for the change of the absolute preservation area until the court decision regarding the lawsuit on the confirmation on the cancellation, was submitted as well, the [coming] court decision is noticed.
강동균 강정마을회장은 27일 “도의회에서 날치기로 처리한 동의안을 가지고 제주자치도가 지난달 23일 서귀포시 강정동 해안지역를 대상으로 절대보전지역 변경고시를 했다”며 “절차상 수많은 문제를 가지고 있음에도 불구하고 이를 변경 하려는 것은 명백한 위법행위”라고 밝혔다.
Kang Dong Kyun, the mayor of the Gangjeong village saying on [Feb.] 27 that, “ With the agreement bill passed in the snatched way by the Island assembly, the Jeju Self-Governing Island announced of the change on the absolute preservation area, of which the object is the coast area of the Gangjeong-dong’, stated that, “It is the clear violation of law to change that, despite the fact that the process has lots of problems.”
강 회장은 “현행 특별법과 조례의 규정에 의하면 절대보전지역에서는 공유수면매립 행위를 수반하는 해군기지 건설사업의 진행이 불가능하다”며 “주민의견을 전혀 듣지 않고 도의회의 형식적인 동의절차를 거쳐 변경처분을 하는 것은 말이 안된다”고 주장했다.
Mayor, Kang, saying, “according to the rules of the current Special Law and act, it is impossible to make progress of the naval base construction, which is followed by the reclamation of the public water area in the absolute preservation area.” claimed that “It is nonsense to make a change disposal through the process of formal agreement by the Island assembly, without hearing the people’s opinion at all.
소송 대리인인 고창후 변호사는 “절대보전지역 변경동의안이 부결됐는데도 같은 회기에 본회의 재의결을 통해 가결시키는 것은 일사부재의의 원칙에도 위반된다”며 “조례가 정하는 기준에도 맞지 않는 등 현 상태에서 변경처분하는 것은 위법한 행위”라고 강조했다.
Attorney, Koh Chang Hoo, agent of the lawsuit saying, “ It [was] the violation of the principal of not deliberating the same measure twice during the same session of the assembly, to pass [the bill] through the re-resolution by the general assembly during the same session, even though the bill on the agreement on the change of the absolute preservation area [had been] rejected”, emphasized that, “It is the violating activity to dispose of the change of [the designation], in the current situation, while [the activity] does not observe the rule defined by the act”.
한편 제주해군기지 실시계획 승인처분 취소 소송은 오는 2월25일 서울지방법원에서 6차 심리가 예정돼 있으며 3월10일쯤 최종 판결이 이뤄질 것으로 알려졌다.
Otherwise, the lawsuit on the cancellation of the disposal of the approval on the execution plan on the Jeju naval base is planned with the 6th trial in the Seoul District Court, on coming Feb. 25, and the final judicial decision on it will be around March 10.
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