* Image Source: ⓒ Reporter, Cho Sung-Ik (ddung35@jemin.com), Jemin Ilbo, May 25, 2008

A kind of sea horns, English name not known
* Image Source: Repoter, Jang Chul Kyu, Hankyoreh, May 13, 2005
* Below is the unofficial translation of the Jeju Sori article below.
“Lawsuit for the Damage Reparation against the Environmental Impact Evaluation Review Council Members who violated the clauses”
: Ganjeong Village People’s Council, against the Eight Review Council members of the Environmental Impact Evaluation on the Naval Base.
: Review Passed on the Table without the Removal of [the Clause] of the Designation [of the Gangjeong Seashore] as the Absolute Preservation Area
Nov. 4 (Wed), 2009, Jeju Sori
Reporter Lee Seung Rok (leerevol@naver.com)
The Gagngjeong Village People’s Council, claiming that the environmental impact evaluation on the naval-base-planned area has been done with a rough-and-ready method, entered the lawsuit for the request of the damage reparation against all the council members who have participated in the review of the impact evaluation.
The Gangjeong Village People’s Council (Mayor Kang Dong-Kyun) told that they “ will have a lawsuit against the council members who have participated in the Review Council for the Environmental Impact Evaluation on the Naval Base, at the Island People’s room of the Congress of the Jeju Island on last Sept. 26, 2009."
The agent of the lawsuit is the attorney Ryu Soo-Gil and it is the lawsuit of the policy that requests total 20 million won [about $18,000] against the eight Review Council members of the Environmental Impact Evaluation.
The Gagngjeong Village People’s Council, saying that “ The special law of the Jeju Special Self-Governing Island, put with the provisions related to the designation of the absolute preservation areas (Article 292) and the 3rd clause, clearly states that it prohibits any development activities including the reclamation for the public sea shores", claimed that “the Regulations on the Management for the Preservation Area of the Jeju Special Self-Governing Island, enacted this year, is describing it in more detail.”
The Gagngjeong Village People’s Council saying that, “Even though the Gangjeong seashore is the absolute preservation area, the navy is repeating only the unilateral and unreasonable drive disregarding that facts”, criticized that “The navy is thinking it is O.K. to remove, if necessary, the designation for the absolute preservation area.”
The Gagngjeong Village People’s Council, saying that “even in the environmental impact evaluation document provided by the navy, it explicitly expresses that ‘even though it is generally impossible, the military facility set-up is possible by the Governor’s permission. [The Navy] will perform the business after attaining the permission for the development activity inside the absolute preservation area’ and “Further, it states that 'The distribution of the extinction-risk species inside the directly impacted area of the business district was not confirmed.’ despite the additional discovery of the protected species such as the Sesarma intermedium [on Sept. 25, 2009]", pointed out that [the navy] is not stopping its stubborn rough-and ready method steps reliant on ignorance and unilateralism.
The Gagngjeong Village People’s Council saying that “ Even though it is the necessary military base regarding the national security, it can not be enforced without the process for the removal of the absolute preservation area and furthermore, the change and removal of the absolute preservation area is strictly prohibited by law”, emphasized that “ [The absolute preservation area] can not be changed nor removed under the reasons of the national security or national policy business, unless any of the 1st level elements such as the underground water resource, ecology system and landscape is proved not to belong to the 1st level.”
The Gagngjeong village people’s council saying that, “None of the facts have been proved to remove the designation of the absolute preservation area in the Gangjeong seashore”, claimed that “Rather it is the situation that the extinction-risk species from the brown horn(?) [discovered on Sept., 22, 2009], Korean Trumpet Shell [discovered on May 26, 2008] (* exact English names need to be searched)] to the Sesarma intermedium are being continuously and additionally discovered.”
The Gagngjeong village people’s council saying that, “ [It] decided to begin the lawsuit in the thought that it could not stand at all”, explained that “This lawsuit has started with the intention to make aware of how the environmental impact evaluation related to the naval base with the rough-and-ready method is serious matter to harm the beautiful nature of Jeju.”
The Gagngjeong village people’s council saying that, “We want to clearly warn that how the conduct of the improper passing [of the review] on the table by the people of, namely, specialists, even without the scrupulous care nor the deep affection in the site could remain wound in the hearts of the local people”, warned that “[ the people] will also point out how the naval base construction business has been done without principal and how wrong the participating council members’ behavior was.
Finally, the Gagngjeong village people’s council, saying that “We request, the congress of the Island act from the strict position with the principal attitude to the end, as it has announced, rather than to be dragged by the clumsy logic of the Jehu government, declared that “ [We] will ask the legal responsibility to the members of the congress of the Island if it compromises in the imperfect level like the environmental impact evaluation.”
* Related blogs:
Bruce Gagnon Blog
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thursday, Oct. 22, 2009
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