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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Text Fwd: North Korea, Denounces the Joint War Drill in Pohang

* Makiko Sato (seamesky@sand.ocn.ne.jp) thankfully translated the site below in Japanese. Click here.

* Below is the unofficial translation of the Tongil News

North Denounces, “The Patriot Exercise Is the Act Aiming at the Raid Pre-emptive Strike”
: Large Size ROK-U. S. Joint Landing Exercise in Pohang… Continues by [Nov.] 7
Nov. 4 (Wed.)
By Reporter, Jung Myung-Jin (mjjung@tongilnews.com)

The Central News Agency, North Korea denounced the patriot exercise in the
joint form between the South Korea-U.S. (Oct. 29 to Nov. 6) as “ the reckless behavior aiming at the pre-emptive strike of unexpected raid against the DPRK from land, sea and air, in the sense of its character, size and content.”

In the article loaded on ‘ Rohdong Sinmun (* means labor newspaper) on 4th, the ‘News Agency’ told as “These days, the U.S. imperialists and the bellicose South Korean warmongers have gone madly performing the ‘patriot’ joint war drill glaring at the invasion of the North from land, sea and air in the South Chosun. (*indicates South Korea)

Following that, it sent, “ The U.S. imperialist invasion force naval minesweeper, dock landing vessel, guided projectile destroyers, and South Chosun naval landing vessel & combat vessels are performing the war madness, staging the sea war, submarine war, minesweeper war, and landing operation exercise like real war, with the east and west sea as the operation theaters.”

When the U.S. nuclear aircraft unusually entered into the west sea and had the joint exercise with the South Korean navy, last mid-October, it has also claimed that it was “an open military threat blackmail against us, a kind of the military demonstration and the precedent military operation aiming at the 2nd Chosun war”.

Regarding above, it warned that, “The South Chosun authority, keeping in mind that the war exercise plotted together with the foreign power and staged against the same nation would draw the confrontation between the North and South Korea to the worst situation, should act discernibly and rightly take away the rash maneuver”.

Otherwise, the large size South Korea-U.S. Joint landing exercise was done in Pohang, Gyeongbuk (* Gyeongsang buk-do) area on [November] 4

According to the Yonhap News, 2,600 South Korean forces & 600 U. S. marine participated and 16naval ships of the sea force such as the landing support vessel belong to the South Korean military, 27planes of the air force such as the expeditionary/ strike helicopter, 36 assault armored vehicles for landing, 6 tank vehicles, 2 landing vessels belong to the U.S. military and CH-53E were mobilized for this landing exercise.

Related blog

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Text Fwd: War Drill_ ROK-U. S. joint landing exercise in Pohang on Nov. 4, 2009

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