* Please send the sign (name, organization if any, city, state, country) against the Jeju naval base to Bruce Gagnon (globalnet@mindspring.com)! The final list is announced on Jan. 25, 2010.
* Please keep sending the solidarity messages (More than 50 messages have been flooding into and those will be informed later) to the Gangjeong people who are very encouraged by your strong support! (via globalnet@mindspring.com or armha5156@gmail.com)
* Please press the South Korean government and the South Korean embassies to protest against the unjust oppression of the people who want to keep their village from another missile OFFENSE system and war base to contain China. (webmaster@pmo.go.kr, www.pmo.go.kr, Tel: 82-2-2100-2114)
* And please protest against the attempted oppression of the people’s media on the struggle against the Jeju naval base.
* Please keep sending the solidarity messages (More than 50 messages have been flooding into and those will be informed later) to the Gangjeong people who are very encouraged by your strong support! (via globalnet@mindspring.com or armha5156@gmail.com)
* Please press the South Korean government and the South Korean embassies to protest against the unjust oppression of the people who want to keep their village from another missile OFFENSE system and war base to contain China. (webmaster@pmo.go.kr, www.pmo.go.kr, Tel: 82-2-2100-2114)
* And please protest against the attempted oppression of the people’s media on the struggle against the Jeju naval base.

* The police & navy raided the Gangjeong village in the early morning of Jan. 18 for the naval base construction
that had been greatly opposed by the villagers. The villagers laid their bodies on the ground
to block the police and navy, in protest against the naval base construction.
* The original Korean text and photos were sent through Kim Min Sou, the Gangjeong villager, the witness of the police & navy raid of the Gangjeong village on Jan. 18. The translation is arbitrary. You can see the original Korean version here with the other photos.
그래요, 우리를 살려두지마세요
No, Do not Leave Us to Live.
강정마을 고권일 (만화가) 씀
By Koh Kwon-Il (Cartoonist), Gangjeong village
아방의 아방때도 그랬답니다.It was same as the time of our father’s father.
어멍의 어멍때도 마찬가지구요.
It was same with the time of our mother’s mother.
아니 아방의 아방 또 그 아방의 아방, 또 그 아방의 아방때부터도
No, since the time of father’s father and his father’s father, and his father’s father,
어멍의 어멍 또 그 어멍의 어벙, 또 그 어벙의 어멍때부터도
Since the time of mother’s mother, and her mother’s mother, and her mother’s mother, as well,
이 바람이 늘 휘감기는 섬 제주도는 뭍으로부터 늘 폄하받고 차별받고 소외받으며 억압당하고 끝끝내 착취를 당해 왔다고 합니다.
This Jeju Island always surrounded by wind, has been heard to have always been devalued, discriminated, alienated, oppressed and eventually exploited from the main land.
대물림이란 것 일까요?
Can it be called the generational heritage?
딱히 전해지지 않아도 좋은것인데도 우리 강정마을에는 전해지고야 말았습니다.
Even though it is good not to be certainly inherited, it became to be inherited in our Gangjeong village.
대한민국 정부로부터 말이에요.
From the government of the Republic of Korea.
폄하받고 차별받고 소외되고 억압받으며 끝끝내 착취를 당하는 일 말입니다.
I mean, the things to be devalued, alienated, oppressed and eventually exploited.
당신네들이 때리면 저희는 맞을 수 밖에 없습니다.
We cannot but be hit if you hit us.
당신네들이 짓밟으면 저희는 밟힐 수 밖에 없지요.
We cannot but be trampled down if you trample us.
당신네들이 사지를 비틀어 끌어내면 개처럼 끌려갈 수 밖에 없답니다.
We cannot but be dragged like dog if you drag us twisting our arms and legs.
당신네들이 억지로 뺏으려들면 찍하고 비명이야 지를뿐 결국 빼앗길 수 밖에 없는 우리들입니다.
We are the ones who cannot but scream with the sound little heard and eventually be robbed of ours, if you forcefully rob of ours.

그렇게 멍들고 찢기며 부러져도,
Still, even though bruised, torn and broken,
피오줌에 몸 가눌길 없고 산산히 부서져 이을길 조차 없는 가슴이 되어 갈 수록 선명해지는 것이 있습니다.
There is the thing that becomes clearer as my chest becomes not to be able to be linked, after the bloody-urines, without the ability of controlling parts of my body all scattered and smashed.
내고장 내고향 내마을 강정을 사랑하는 기억입니다.
It is the memory of loving my place, my home and my village Gangjeoong.
태어나 처음 올려다본 하늘아래로 굽어내려보는 백록담 산자락의 선연함.
The clear figure of the Baekrokdam Mountain lines, looking down the world, under the sky that I first looked upon since my birth.
늘 한결같이 굽이쳐 흐르는 맑다못해 시리기까지한 강정 큰내와 악근내.
The big Gangjeong stream and the Akeun stream which meander always same, and are so pure as to be cold.
휘몰아치는 파도를 잘게 썰어 뿜어내는 냇각의 바위들과 묵묵히 천만년의 세월을 짊어지고 누워있는 중덕바위.
The rocks near the stream, which cuts the rounding-up sea waves in the small pieces, and the big Joongduk rock lying on the ground putting the 10 million year long time on its back without words.
뒤돌아보면 조금씩 변해가는 계절의 흐름처럼 변해왔던 마을의 모습들.
Once recalled, the figures of the village that has changed itself as the season gradually changed.
살아오며 수천 수만번은 더 보았을 낯익다못해 눈감고도 그려낼 수 있을 것 같은 동네사람들의 얼굴들.
The faces of the village people whose faces I might have seen thousands of ten thousands of times in my life, whose faces so intimate that I can draw with my closed eyes.
그리고 그렇게 아끼던 마을을 남기고 끝내 이승을 떠나야 했던 그리운 얼굴들과 새로이 생명을 부여받아 이 마을에 태어난 아이들의 해맑은 얼굴들.
The missed faces that had to leave this world, remaining their village that they had been devoted with such affection, and the innocent faces of the children born in this village, with the new lives.
이 모든 것이 하나로 엮이어 단 하나의 언어로 표현되는 사랑입니다.
It is love that all those can be tied as one and expressed as just one word.
그러나 오늘 우리는 이 사랑을 잃을지도 모릅니다.
However, we may lose this love today.
소중한 사랑을 잃게되는 상실감에 몸서리쳐지는 두려움에 떨리는 몸을 멈출길이 없습니다.
I cannot but shudder for the horrible fear and the feeling of loss of the precious love.

우리가 대한민국의 국민이었던적이라도 있는 걸까요?
Has there been any time that we were the people of the Republic of Korea?
월드컵 4강때 목터져라 외쳤던 대한민국이,
The Republic of Korea that we have shouted for cheer at the time of the semi-final in the World Cup,
그렇게도 대한민국에 태어난게 자랑스럽고 뿌듯했던 기억이
The memory that I have had with the proud and great feeling that I was born in the Republic of Korea,
우리에게는 일어나지도 않았던 일이었을까요?
Was it a thing that did not happen to us?
철야행군에 발바닥이 갈라지고 뒷꿈치에 물집이 터져 전투화가 압착기처럼 느껴지고
Even when our sores split for the overnight walks, even when our *combat shoes were felt like the pressing machine, because of the blisters at our heels,
졸린눈 비벼뜨며 밀려드는 살바람에 살갗이 쩍쩍 갈라지는 경계근무에도
And even at the time of vigil duty when our skins certainly split because of the freezing winds entering into us and waking up our sleepy eyes,
한 치의 의심이 없었던 나의 조국 대한민국이
My country, Republic of Korea, which I have never suspected even a tiny bit,
이제 우리를 버리려 합니다.
Is now attempting to trash us.
대한민국을 사랑하듯 우리마을을 사랑하기에
Because I love our village as I love the Republic of Korea,
그 사랑이 있었기에 무릎관절이 떨어져 나갈 것 같은 고통에도
Because of the love, even to the pain of my knee joints as to be likely to be removed
발바닥이 가뭄든 논바닥처럼 갈라져도 우리는 제주도를 일주하며 한 목소리로 외칠 수 있었고
Even though our sores split like the drought rice fields, we could run the whole of the Jeju Island, shouting with one voice,
비바람이 몰아치든 뙤약볕이 내려쬐든 한 마음으로 뭉칠 수 있었습니다.
We could gather together with one heart even when the rainy winds drive in or dazzling sun lays lit downward.
당신네들이 들고 있는 몽둥이로 우리가 사랑했던 대한민국과 강정마을의 기억을 지울 수 있다면 차라리 그렇게 해주세요.
If you could erase, with your clubs you are holding, our memory of the Republic of Korea and Gangjeong village we have loved, please rather do that.
사랑하는 마음은 점점 부풀어가는데 아무것도 지켜낼 수없는 이 절망이 너무나 괴롭습니다.
We too suffer of this despair that we can keep nothing while our hearts of love gradually grow.
그렇게 해 줄 수 없다면
If you could not do that,

우리를 살려두지 마세요.
Do not leave us to live.
배신과 절망으로 얼룩져 비통한마음으로 살다가 결국 세월의 무게에 짓눌려 끝내 자기 이름 석자마져 기억 못하며 늙어죽느니
Rather than to live with the bitter heart stained with betrayal and despair, to eventually trampled down by the weight of time, and to die by aging , without being able to memorize the three syllables of one’s own name,
삼동 볼레 모람 갈중기 삥이 산탈 이름모를 열매들과 강정 특유의 쌀 팔금의 맛과 그 여느 지역보다 달콤하고 시원한 강정큰내의 물맛을 빼다박은 감귤의 맛과 수고로움을 같이 하고 나눠마신 탁배기의 맛이 아직 내 혀의 기억으로 남아있을때,
When my tongue still remembers the taste of Samdong, Bole, Moram, Galjoonggi, Bbingii and the fruits with the unknown names; of the rice Palgeum, the peculiar in Gangjeong; of the tangerines much resembling the sweet and cool taste of the Gangjeong big stream water, than any other areas; and of the Tacbagi shared and drunken one another after the hard works,
남방진소 기정에서 뛰어내리며 멱감던 소리와 웅웅 비바람에 전봇대 전기줄이 울어댈때면 냇각에서 새별코지까지 잘게 부셔져 첫눈처럼 하얗게 흩날리던 파도소리와 끝까지 함께하자던 맹세를 나누던 마을 사람들의 목소리의 기억이 아직 내귀에 쟁쟁하게 남아있을때,
When my ear is still remained with the memory of bathing sound after diving downward from the [?hill]; of the white sea waves split to the tips and scattered like the first snow, when the electric cords of the electric poles cry because of the blowing rainy winds; and of the voices of the villagers who shared the pledges to be together to the end,
한평생을 자연과 더불어 순응하며 살아오신 동네 어르신들의 얼굴에 깊게 패인 주름살과 하지만 굵은 그림자를 드리운 주름살 사이로 순박한 눈망울을 뜨겁게 적시는 눈물을 내눈이 기억하고 있을때,
When my eyes still remember the deeply shaped furrows of the faces of the village elders who have lived their whole lives, with the nature, following its rhythm; and the hot tear droops that wet their innocent eyeballs among the wrinkles with the thick shadows,
이 모든 것이 향기가 되어 코가 아닌 가슴으로 스며들어 향수가 되고 추억으로 자리잡고 있는 이때 죽을 수 있다면 더없이 행복하겠습니다.
I will be no happier to die at this very moment when all those things become fragrant, sinking not into my nose but my chest, becoming perfume and being placed into the memory.
우리가 가는 길이 진정으로 강정을 위하고 대한민국이 그릇된길로 나아가지 않게 바로잡는 길이며 나아가 우리가 사는 별 지구의 미래에 소중한 거름이 될 것임을 알기에 목숨이 다하는 그 때까지 당신네와 맞서겠습니다.
Since we know our way is the true way for Gangjeong and the way not to make the Republic of Korea to go wrong way, and the way to become the precious manure for the future of the Earth, our star, we will counter you to the end of our lives.
그러니 우리를 살려두지 마세요.
Therefore, do not leave us to live.

* South Korea has the draft system and every young man more than 19years old, except for the few cases, have to get the military training for two years. The government pretext is for preparation against the North Korean attack to South Korea.
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