* Please see the related Bruce Gagnon blog on Jan. 22, 2010, HERE.
관련된 브루스 개그논 블로그는 여기를 보시길.
* See the OpEd News 옵 에드 뉴스를 보세요.
* See the Afterdowning Street 애프터다우닝 스트리트를 보세요.
* All the photos (except for the last one) were sent from a Gangjeong villager, a witness of the navy and police raid on Jan. 18. Press were seldom shown in that early morning. Confronting against the brutal raid, the people scrumming one another, raid down themselves on the ground in peaceful protest against the naval base construction. Most are at their 50~70 years old. In that morning, more than 40 villagers were forcefully taken away by the police one by one (* Currently all were released). These photos and similar photos uploaded by people have been hideously removed in the domestic sites/blogs. Click for the images for the larger view.

* Bruce Gagnon, Coordinator/Secretary
Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space sent on Feb. 22, 2010
Final Appeal to Stop Navy Base on Jeju Island, South Korea
We, the undersigned global organizations and individuals, call upon the South Korean and US governments to cancel all plans to build a Navy base on Jeju Island. The base will destroy coral reefs that have been listed as world heritage environmental sites by the UNESCO and will destroy the fishing and way of life of the people.
서 명한 전 세계의 조직과 개인들인 우리들은 남한과 미국 정부가 제주도에 해군 기지를 지으려는 모든 계획을 취소할 것을 요청한다. 그 기지는 유네스코에 의해 세계적 환경 유산 장소로 명명된 산호초 군락을 파괴하고 어업과 사람들의 생활 양식을 파괴할 것이다.
The deployment of naval Aegis destroyers, outfitted with missile defense systems, will be used to surround and provoke China and will make Jeju Island a prime target.
미사일 방어망으로 장착된 해군 이지스 구축함들 개발은 중국을 에워싸고 자극시키며 제주도를 주요 명중 목표로 만들 것이다.
Jeju is called the peace island and must remain free of provocative military bases.
제주는 평화의 섬이라 불리며 자극하는 군사 기지들이 없는 곳으로 남아야 한다.
*서명을 위해 globalnet@mindspring.com , [브루스 개그논] 또 한국어 서명은 armha5156@gmail.com 으로 연락하시길.

Current signers as of Feb. 22, 2010
# Lawrence R. Abbott (San Leandro, California, USA)
# Hiromi Abe (Tokyo, Japan)
# Junko Abe (Matsuyama, Japan)
# Sue Ablao (Poulsbo, Washington, USA)
# Ray Acheson (Director, Reaching Critical Will, WILPF, New York, New York, USA)
# Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire (Saintes, France)
# Michael Adler (Gainesville, Florida, USA)
# Christine Ahn (Korea Policy Institute, San Francisco, California, USA)
# AKBAYAN (People's Action Party List, Philippines)
# Americans Who Tell the Truth (Broksville, Maine, USA)
# Glen Anderson (Lacey, Washington, USA)
# Joan Anderson (Canada)
# Kagari Ando (West Vancouver, Canada)
# Anraku,Tomoko (Anti-Nuke Waste Campaign, Chubu, Japan)
# Haruki Aoyama (Chiba, Japan)
# Colin Archer (Secretary-General, International Peace Bureau, Geneva, Switzerland)
# Fumie Arimura (Nipponzan Myohoji, Tokyo, Japan)
# Judith Arnold (Beaverton, Oregon, USA)
# Tomohiko Arimitsu (Photographer, Okinawa, Japan)
# Ilse E. Arndt (Aloha, Oregon, USA)
# Akira Asada (Takarazuka, Japan)
# Yuichi Ashina (Fukushima, Japan)
# Randy Atkins (Gainesville, Florida, USA)
# Robin Attfield (Professor of Philosophy, Cardiff University, Wales, UK)
# Debbie Atwood (Vice Chair, Brunswick Town Council, Brunswick, Maine, USA)
# Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition
# Byungho Bae (Seoul, South Korea)
# Bae, Yu-Mi (Staff, Overseas Ecumenical Relations Department, the Presbyterian Church in the Republic fo Korea, Seoul, Korea)
# Bainbridge Island Paddle Society (Bainbridge, Washington, USA)
# Therese Barre (Colombe)
# Mario Basso (Movimento Nodal Molin, Vicenza, Italy)
# Edith Bell (WILPF, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA)
# Jean Beringer (Sioux City, Iowa, USA)
# John Bernard (South Portland, Maine, USA)
# Karen Biesanz (Corning, New York, USA)
# Pat Birnie (WILPF Tucson Branch, Tucson, Arizona, USA)
# Phil Bittle (San Gabriel, California, USA)
# Tim Blanchette (Veterans for Peace, Falmouth, Maine, USA)
# Maureen Block (Bath, Maine, USA)
# Toby Blome (Bay Area CodePink, San Francisco, California, USA)
# Mary & Joan Boone (Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada)
# David Borris (Northbrook, Illinois, USA)
# Muriel Bossier (Seoul, South Korea)
# Barbara Brädefors (Swedish Peace Committee, Stockholm, Sweden)
# Ivan Braun (Bronx, New York, USA)
# Adam Breasley (Melbourne, Australia)
# André Brochu (Malmoe, Sweden)
# Bernice Bulgatz (Citizens for Social Responsibility, Boynton Beach, Florida, USA)
# Tim Bullock (New England Peace Pagoda, Leverett, Massachusetts, USA)
# Valentina Buraya (Primorskiy Branch Committee Peace Protecting of Russia, Russia)
# Burnsville and Eagan Peace Vigils (Minnesota, USA)
# Diane Cadonau (Hillsboro, Oregon, USA)
# Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (Yorkshire, England)
# Michael Canney (Alachua County Green Party, Florida, USA)
# Theresa Carr (New Haven, Connecticut, USA)
# Steve Carroll (Portland, Maine, USA)
# Bill & Mary Carry (The Peace and National Priorities Center of Oakland County, Sylvan Lake, Michigan, USA)
# Flolyn Catungal (Philippines)
# Malcolm J. Chaddock (Veterans For Peace, Poulsbo, Washington, USA)
# Fredy Champagne (Veterans for Peace, Garberville, California, USA)
# David W. & Kathe Chipman (Harpswell, Maine, USA)
# Choe, Joon-Soo (General Secretary, Korea Peace Foundation, Seoul, Korea)
# Choe, Sang Cheol (Chief of General Affairs, Workers Institute of Social Science, Korea)
# Choi, Eun-A (Korea Alliance for Progressive Movement, and The South Headquarters of Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification, Seoul, Korea)
# Choi, InSoo (Seoul, South Korea)
# Choi, Gwang-Eun (Representative, Socialist Party of Korea, Seoul, Korea)
# Sung-Hee Choi (Incheon, Korea)
# Yoonjung Choi (Nautilus ARI, Seoul, South Korea)
# Lynn R. Chong (Common People's Peace Vigil, Plymouth, New Hampshire, USA)
# Emily Rose Ciscato (Vicenza, Italy)
# Enzo Ciscato (Vicenza, Italy)
# Citizens Network for Ban on Depleted Uranium Weapons (Tokyo, Japan)
# Civil Society Organization Forum for Peace, Inc. (Iligan City, Mindanao, Philippines)
# Richard Clement (Veterans for Peace, Pittston, Maine, USA)
# R. Lane Clark (Santa Barbara, California, USA)
# CODEPINK Women for Peace (USA)
# Phyllis Coelho (Belfast, Maine, USA)
# Jack & Felice Cohen-Joppa (The Nuclear Resister, Tucson, Arizona, USA)
# Betty Cole (Georgetown, Maine, USA)
# Charlotte Sheasbby-Coleman (Canada)
# Ian Collins (Liberty, Maine, USA)
# Nelson Cone (Veterans for Peace, Port Angeles, Washington, USA)
# Andrés Thomas Conteris (Program on the Americas Director, Nonviolence International, Washington, DC, USA)
# Georgiann Cooper (PeaceWorks, Freeport, Maine, USA)
# Pauline Cory (Worthing, United Kingdom)
# Susan Crane (Jonah House, Baltimore, Maryland, USA)
# Phyllis Creighton (Toronto Raging Grannies, Canada)
# Frances Crowe (Northampton, Massachusetts, USA)
# David Csik (Portland, Oregon, USA)
# Doug Cunningham (Pastor, New Day Church, Bronx, New York, USA)
# Fr. Bob Cushing (Pastor, St. Theresa Catholic Church, Cordele, GA, USA)
# Bob Dale (Brunswick, Maine, USA)
# Sigrid & Ron Dale (Warren, Michigan, USA)
# Oyunsuren Damdinsuren (Lecturer, National University of Mongolia)
# Dr. Edwin E. Daniel (Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB, Canada)
# Stephen Dankowich (Director, Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights, Ontario, Canada)
# Darmstaedter Friedensforum (Darmstadt, Germany)
# Chris Davenport (ACT for the Earth, Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
# Lynn DeFilippo (Fairbanks, Alaska, USA)
# Democratic Labor Party (Korea)
# Max M. de Mesa (Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates, Quezon City, Philippines)
# Christine A. DeTroy (Maine WILPF, Brunswick, Maine, USA)
# Judith Deutsch (President, Science for Peace, University of Toronto, Canada)
# Michael Diaz (Vieques, Puerto Rico)
# Nilda Medina Diaz (Committee For the Rescue and Development of Vieques, Puerto Rico)
# Orji Nkemakonam Dickson (President, GOLHD Centre, Nigeria)
# Rainbo Dixon (PhD candidate, School of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Murdoch University, Murdoch, Australia)
# DMZ-Hawai/Aloha 'Aina
# Mike Dodd (St Columbans, Nebraska, USA)
# Richard Doherty (Seattle, Washington, USA)
# Pete Shimazaki Doktor (Honolulu, Hawai`i)
# Duncan Dow (San Francisco, California, USA)
# Jean Downey (Ten Thousand Things culture of peace blog, Kyoto, Japan)
# Dr. Myagmar Dovcin (Director of Blue Banner, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
# Paul Drinan (Portland, Maine, USA)
# Colleen M. Driscoll (Ph.D, Director, The Kurtz Institute of Peacemaking, Cheshire, Connecticutt, USA)
# Steve Dunn (Bangor, Maine, USA)
# Dr. John P. Dwyer & Dr. Karen N. Dwyer (Pax Christi Naples, Florida)
# Elihu Edelson (WW II veteran, Tyler, TeXas, USA)
# Marjorie Swann Edwin (Santa Cruz, California, USA)
# Akira Egami (Nipponzan Myohoji, Tokyo, Japan)
# Cheryl Eiger (North Bend, Washington, USA)
# Leonard Eiger (Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, North Bend, Washington, USA)
# Maggie Eisner (Bradford, United Kingdom)
# Jenefer Ellingston (Green Party, Washington DC, USA)
# Daniel Ellis (Veterans for Peace, Brunswick, Maine, USA)
# Dr. Jorge Emmanuel (El Cerrito, California, USA)
# Jun Enriquez (Civil Society Organization Forum For Peace, Philippines)
# Environmentalists Against War (www.envirosagainstwar.org)
# Skorokhodova Evgeniya (Vladivostok, Russia)
# Corazon Valdez-Fabros (Citizen's Peace Watch, Philippine)
# Anna Farkas (U.S. Citizens for Peace & Justice, Rome, Italy)
# Fellowship of Reconciliation (Nyack, New York)
# Mike Ferner (President, Veterans For Peace, Toledo, Ohio)
# Chris Fetterly (Prince George, BC, Canada)
# Cynthia Fischer (West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA)
# Lotus Yee Fong (San Francisco, California, USA)
# Fredericton Peace Coalition (Canada)
# Friendship and Peace Society (Sarasota, Florida, USA)
# Stacey Fritz (No Nukes North, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA)
# Charles Fry (Moss Point, Mississippi, USA)
# Fumio Fujita (Nipponzan Myohoji, Tokyo, Japan)
# Ronald Fujiyoshi (U.S.-Japan Committee for Racial Justice, Honolulu, Hawai`i)
# Atsushi Fujioka (Kyoto, Japan)
# Manami Fujiwara (Osaka, Japan)
# Patricia Fullenweder (Portland, Oregon, USA)
# Ellen V. Fuller (Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia)
# Fundación de Arte Pictórico Alfonso Arana (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
# Thomas L. Fusco (Brunswick, Maine, USA)
# Bruce Gagnon (Bath, Maine, USA)
# Ms. Lee M. Gagnon (Walpole, Massachusetts, USA)
# Kathryn Gaianguest (Lamoine, Maine, USA)
# Nancy Galland (Stockton Springs, Maine, USA)
# Vadim Gaponenko (Primorskiy Branch of Russian Peace Foundation, Vladivostok, Russia)
# Lorree Gardener (Olympia, Washington, USA)
# Jay E Garth Jr (Huntington, Texas, USA)
# Lydia Garvey (Clinton, Oklahoma, USA)
# Lorena Garzotto (Vicenza, Italy)
# Alfred J. Geiger (Jacksonville, Florida, USA)
# Wendy Clarissa Geiger (Jacksonville, Florida, USA)
# Gloria C. George (Aloha, Oregon, USA)
# Joseph Gerson (AFSC – Peace and Economic Security Program, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)
# Anne Gibbons (Bronx, New York, USA)
# Philip Gilligan (Littleborough, United Kingdom)
# Starr C. Gilmartin (Trenton, Maine, USA)
# Eiko Ginoza (Citizens' Network for Biological Diversity in Okinawa, Okinawa, Japan)
# Luke Gizinski (Lewiston, Maine, USA)
# Filson H. Glanz (Durham, New Hampshire, USA)
# Mary Gleysteen (North Kitsap Neighbors for Peace, Kingston, Washington, USA)
# Ted Glick (Peace/Justice/Climate activist, Bloomfield, New Jersey, USA)
# Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
# Ernest Goitein (Atherton, California, USA)
# Iza Gonzales (Malolos City, Philippines)
# Laura L. Good (Beaverton, Oregon, USA)
# Claire Gosselin (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
# Jill Gough (National Secretary, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Cymru)
# Alana Graham (Forest Grove, Oregon, USA)
# Holly Gwinn Graham (Olympia, Washington, USA)
# Rebecca A. Gray (Hillsboro, Oregon, USA)
# Gray Panthers (Metro Detroit, Michigan, USA)
# Gray Panthers (Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)
# Michael Green (Ludlow, United Kingdom)
# Lynne Greenwald (Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, Bremerton, Washington, USA)
# Henriette Groot (PhD, Cayucos, California, USA)
# Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action (Poulsbo, Washington, USA)
# Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak (Opole, Poland)
# Irene E. Guido (No Dal Molin, Vicenza, Italy)
# Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
# Jean & Joe Gump (Bloomingdale, Michigan, USA)
# Sim Woo Gun (Steering Committee Members’ Association of the Uijungboo School, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
# Tsuneaki Gunjima (Fukuoka, Japan)
# Samira Gutoc (Lake Lanao protection advocate, Philippines)
# Kevin Haake (Lincoln, Nebraska, USA)
# Anne Hablas (Fargo, North Dakota, USA)
# Joung Hai-In (Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Incheon, Korea)
# Ellen Haight (Beaverton, Oregon, USA)
# Duane Hall (Beaverton, Oregon, USA)
# Kevin & Maggie Hall (Dunedin, Florida, USA)
# Han, Jung Ae (The Frontiers, Seoul, South Korea)
# Han, Soohyeon (Tokyo, Japan)
# Jane Hanna (Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA)
# Kyoko Hara (Vancouver, Canada)
# Jenny Hardacre (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
# Clare Hariri (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
# Amy Harlib (New York, New York, USA)
# Jack Harrington (Deer Isle, Maine, USA)
# Margaret Harrington (co-chair, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Dismantle the War Economy Leadership Team, Richford, Vermont, USA)
# Kate Harris (Belfast, Maine, USA)
# Norma J F Harrison (Berkeley, California, USA)
# Headingley Green Party (Headingley, England)
# Andrew Heaslet (Peace Economy Project, St Louis, Missouri, USA)
# Suzanne Hedrick (Pax Christi, Nobleboro, Maine, USA)
# Valerie Heinonen, o.s.u. (Ursulines of Tildonk for Justice and Peace
New York, New York, USA)
# Jenny Heinz (New York, New York, USA)
# Dud Hendrick (Veterans for Peace, Deer Isle, Maine, USA)
# Noboru Hidaka (Ageo,Japan)
# Fujioka Hiromi (Dazaifu, Japan)
# Filo Hirota (Rome, Italy)
# John Hock (Forest Grove, Oregon, USA)
# Herbert J. Hoffman (Ogunquit, Maine, USA)
# Hyun Hoheon (Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, South Gyunggi branch, Paju, Korea)
# Janet Holden (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
# Hong, Sung-Hak (Korean Professors Union, Chungjoo, Korea)
# Mari Hoshikawa (Tokyo, Japan)
# Lyn Hovey (Riddells Creek, Victoria, Australia)
# Celeste Howard (Hillsboro, Oregon, USA)
# Janet Hudgins (Vancouver, Canada)
# Jackie Hudson (Poulsbo, Washington, USA)
# Kimberly Hughes (Co-coordinator, Peace Not War Japan, Tokyo, Japan)
# Kim So Hun (National Visual Artists’ Association, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
# Hye, Kyoung An (Jejudo, South Korea)
# Fourat Idan (Medical student, Bratislava, Slovakia)
# Vicki Impoco (Satellite Beach, Florida, USA)
# Takashi Inatsuki (Sayama City, Japan)
# Akiko Ishikawa (Fukuoka, Japan)
# Island Peace & Justice (Deer Isle, Maine, USA)
# Kanji & Simako Ito (Stone Walk Korea, Fukuoka Japan)
# Katsuhisa Itoh (Nagoya, Japan)
# Iwakawa, Yasuhisa (Chiba, Japan)
# Hideo Iwasa ( Kyoto, Japan )
# Helen Jaccard (Seattle, Washington, USA)
# Marshall Jack (Arizona, USA)
# Sally Jacques (Austin, Texas, USA)
# Carol Jahnkow (Executive Director, Peace Resource Center of San Diego, California, USA)
# Fred Jakobcic (Marquette, Michigan, USA)
# Linda Jansen (Stand Up Seattle, Washington, USA)
# Japan Anti-War Network
# Jo, Jung Nae (The Frontiers, Seoul, South Korea)
# Chadwick Johnson (Amherst, Massachusetts, USA)
# Paul Johnson (Abermain, NSW, Australia)
# Brian Jones (Swansea CND, Wales)
# Ronald Jones (Solvang, California, USA)
# Joo, Byung-Joon (Chairman, Ohyun-ri Villiage People’s Committee against the Expansion of the Mugeon-ri Military Training Fields, Paju, Korea)
# Carla Josephson (Stop The War Machine, Rio Rancho, New Mexico, USA)
# Jung, Ae-Jung (Countermeasure Committee against the Leukemia, Samsung Semiconductor, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
# Jung, Hyun-Back (Professor, Dept. of History, Sung Kyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea)
# Jung, Woo-Soo (Korea Alliance for Progressive Movement, Seoul, Korea)
# Kyle Kajihiro (American Friends Service Committee, Honolulu, Hawaii)
# Ramya Kane (Kerald, India)
# Naoka Kaneko (Japan)
# Kang, Ik-Hyun (herb doctor, Jeonbuk-do, Korea)
# Kang, Jeong-Koo (Co-representative, Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Seoul, Korea)
# Kang, Sang-Won (Director, Pyeongtaek Peace Center, Pyeongtaek, Korea)
# Ito Kanji (Stone Walk Korea, Fukuoka Japan)
# Leah R. Karpen (WILPF, Asheville, North Carolina, USA)
# Kazuhiro Kato (Kushima, Japan)
# Fuji Katsuhiko (Nagoya City, Japan)
# Yuko Katsuren (Kumamoto, Japan)
# Hubert Kauffman (Ph.D., Oxford, Maine, USA)
# Masami Kawamura (Director, Citizens' Network for Biological Diversity in Okinawa, Okinawa, Japan)
# Alan F. Kay (St Augustine, Florida, USA)
# Hizumi Kazuo (Tokyo, Japan)
# Benton Kealii Pang (Ph.D., Honolulu, Hawaii, USA)
# Celine Keating (New York, New York, USA)
# Kim Yoon Kee (National Visual Artists Association, Seoul, Korea)
# Fritz & Natalie Kempner (Woolwich, Maine, USA)
# Kenko (Musician, Save Awase Association, Okinawa, Japan)
# Randy Kezar (Kingston, New Hampshire, USA)
# Kickapoo Peace Circle (Viroqua, Wisconsin, USA)
# Boong-ang Kim (Tokyo, Japan)
# Hyoshin Kim (D.Ed., Academic Manager, Continuing Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada)
# Joo-Hee Kim (Seoul, South Korea)
# Kim, Jong-Il (Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Executive Chairperson of the Pan-Korean Committee against the Expansion of the Mugeon-ri Military Training Fields, Seoul, Korea)
# Kim, Seong-Hwan (Representative, Samsung General Labor Union,
Incheon, Korea)
# Kim, Sung-Kyun (Citizens’ Campaign for Media Consumer Rights, Seoul, Korea)
# Kim, Sung-Wook (Korea Alliance for Progressive Movement, Seoul, Korea)
# Beth Kinney (Alamosa, Colorado, USA)
# Jack Kirkwood (Beaverton, Oregon, USA)
# Hiromitsu Kitsu (Nipponzan Myohoji, Tokyo, Japan)
# Ingeborg Kleinhans (Västerås, Sweden)
# Tomoo Kobashigawa (Photographer, Save Awase Association, Okinawa, Japan)
# Korea Alliance for Progressive Movement
# Naoya Kuwae (Okinawa Environment Network, Okinawa, Japan)
# Kwon, Oh-Hun (Chairperson, Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
# Ariel Ky (Jinan, China)
# Kyoko, Ohno (Ehime, Japan)
# Kim Seo Kyung (National Visual Artists’ Association, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
# Ana Lachelier (West Hartford Citizens for Peace and Justice, Connecticut, USA)
# Frances Laing (Chester, England)
# Brian Larkin (Trident Ploughshares, Helensburgh, Scotland)
# Barbara Larson (Arizona, USA)
# Barbara Laxon (Miramar, Florida, USA)
# Joyce & Ray Lockard (Beaverton, Oregon, USA)
# Paul Lockwood (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
# Lee, Kwang-Yeol (Supporting Committee for the Restrained Workers, Seoul, Korea)
# Lee, Kyung-Won (The South Headquarters of Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification, Seoul, Korea)
# Samsung Lee (Professor, Hallym University, Namyangju City, South Korea)
# Lee, Won Hyung (Seoul, South Korea)
# Lee, Young Soon (Supreme Committee member, Democratic Labor Party, Seoul, Korea)
# Lee, Yu-Kyung (Journalist, Bangkok, Thailand)
# Lillia Langreck (SSND, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA)
# Nydia Leaf (New York, New York, USA)
# Haeng Woo Lee (Princeton Junction, New Jersey, USA)
# Louise Legun (Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA)
# Roger Leisner (Radio Free Maine, Augusta, Maine, USA)
# David Lenderts (M.D., Alamosa, Colorado, USA)
# Bob Lezer (Veterans for Peace, Freeport, Maine, USA)
# Lim, Kyung-Ok (Samsung General Labor Union, Incheon, Korea)
# Francine Lindberg (El Prado, New Mexico, USA)
# Loukie Lofchie (Brunwick Peaceworks, Brunswick, Maine, USA)
# Hector L. Lopez (Ponce, Puerto Rico)
# Lewis Lubka (Fargo, North Dakota, USA)
# Eric A. Lynn (Walpole, Massachusetts, USA)
# Peggy Lyons (Floral Park, New York, USA)
# Sarah Roche-Mahdi (Cambridge Massachusetts, USA)
# Yoshikazu Makishi (Okinawa, Japan)
# Naoko Makita (Kyoto, Japan)
# Jeannie Nacpil Manipon (Philippines)
# Sr. Gladys Marhefka (SGM, Lexington, Massachusetts, USA)
# Wanda R. Marin (Vieques, Puerto Rico)
# Jonathan Mark (Publisher-Editor, FlybyNews.com, Massachusetts, USA)
# Deb Marshall (Little Deer Isle, Maine, USA)
# Hiromitsu Masuda (Chiba, Japan)
# Ken Masuoka (Tokyo East Timor Association, Tokyo, Japan)
# Jean-Marie Matagne (President of ACDN, Doctor in Philosophy, Saintes, France)
# Hideomi Matsubara (Nagoya, Aichi, Japan)
# Akiro Matsumoto (Professor, St.Thomas University, Osaka, Japan)
# Anne M. Matthes (Hillsboro, Oregon, USA)
# Jenny Maxwell (West Midlands Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Birmingham, United Kingdom)
# Natasha Mayers (Whitefield, Maine, USA)
# Dr. Ross McCluney (Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA)
# Laurie McGowan (Mochelle, Nova Scotia, Canada)
# Jo McIntire (Saint Augustine, Florida, USA)
# Betty McLellan (Townsville, Australia)
# Lynn Meadows (Green Party of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)
# Nilda Medina (Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques, Puerto Rico)
# Helen N. Mendoza (SOLJUSPAX, Philippines)
# Yvonne Mersereau (New Brunswick, Canada)
# Alice Meyer (Brunswick, Maine, USA)
# Bernie Meyer (Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action & Fellowship of Reconciliation, Olympia, Washington, USA)
# Robert (Tito) Meyer (Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA)
# Dr. Hannah & Denis Middleton (Sydney, Australia)
# James R. Miles (West Palm Beach, Florida, USA)
# Carol Miller (PeaceEconomy, New Mexico, USA)
# Virginia J. Miller (Legislative Coordinator, NM Department of Peace Initiative, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA)
# Glen Milner (Seattle, Washington, USA)
# James X. Mitchell (Americans Against the War, Paris, France)
# Vasiliki Mitsiniotou (Greece)
# Mitsuo Miyamura (Fukuoka, Japan)
# Izumi Miyanishi (Mie, Japan)
# Mo, Sung-Ryong (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
# Grete Moller (Brondby Strand, Denmark)
# Anne Montgomery (Disarm Now Plowshares group, Seattle, Washington, USA)
# Choi Sa Mook (Co-Representative, Veterans for Peace (Corea), Seoul, Korea)
# Carolyn Moon (Omaha, Nebraska, USA)
# Damien Moran (Warsaw, Poland)
# Carmelita Morante (Bulacan, Philippines)
# Paul Charbonnet Moulton (Tallahassee, Florida, USA)
# Masumi Mukai (Chiba, Japan)
# Ma. Divina Munoz (Malolos City, Philippines)
# Katy Nadel (Portland, Oregon, USA)
# Yoshie Nakamura (Tokyo, Japan)
# Yuuko Nakamura (Kunitachi, Japan)
# Jeff Nall (Humanists for Peace, Brevard County, Florida, USA)
# Kitazawa Naoko (Tokyo, Japan)
# Nebraskans for Peace (Lincoln, Nebraska, USA)
# Judie Neitge (Mankato, Minnesota, USA)
# Ana Maria R. Nemenzo (WomanHealth Philippines)
# Sarah Nevin (Edgartown, Massachusetts, USA)
# Nishimura, Atsuko (Kyoto, Japan)
# Hideki Nitta (Peace Link Hiroshima, Kure, Iwakuni, Japan)
# Sr. Arnold Maria Noel (SSPS, Philippines)
# Tamio Nomura (Tokyo, Japan)
# Satoko Norimatsu (Director, Peace Philosophy Centre, Vancouver, Canada)
# Nukewatch (Luck, Wisconsin, USA)
# Max Obuszewski (Baltimore Nonviolence Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA)
# Nancy O'Byrne (Co-ordinator, Pax Christi Northeast Florida, St. Augustine, Florida, USA)
# Naniki Reyes Ocasio (Orocovis, Boriken, Puerto Rico)
# David Occhiuto (Producer WBAI/Pacifica Radio, New York, New York, USA)
# Eiichiro Ochiai (Vancouver, Canada)
# Tadashi Ogata (Aoba, Japan)
# Takao Ogata (Fukuoka, Japan)
# Ohashi, Shinji (Shizuoka, Japan)
# Natsuko Ohta (Madrid, Spain)
# Ohyun-ri Villiage People’s Committee against the Expansion of the Mugeon-ri Military Training Fields, Paju, Korea
# Ms. Michiko Oki (Niiza-shi, Saitama Pref, Japan)
# Reverend Gerald Oleson (O.C.F., Gorham, New Hampshire, USA)
# Jon Olsen (Jefferson, Maine, USA)
# Manuel F. O'Neill (Vermont-Puerto Rico Solidarity Committee, Woodbury, Vermont, USA)
# Kyouko Oono (Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan)
# Ismael Guadalupe Ortiz (Municipal Legislator, Movimiento de Afiracion Viequense, Vieques, Puerto Rico)
# Nana Paldi (Fairbanks, Alaska, USA)
# Jim Palmer (Stetson, Maine, USA)
# Molly Duplisea-Palmer (Stetson, Maine, USA)
# Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification (PKAR), South Korean branch, Korea
# Pan-Korean Committee against the Expansion of the Mugeon-ri Military Training Fields (Seoul, Korea)
# Park, Jin-Woo (Suwon, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
# Park, Seung-Ho (Institute for Democratic Labor In Memory of Jun Tae-Il, Seoul, Korea)
# Park, Sung-Yong (Chairperson, Nonviolent Peaceforce Corea, Seoul, Korea)
# Lewis E. Patrie, MD (Chair, Western N. C. Physicians for Social Responsibility, Asheville, North Carolina, USA)
# Gloria G. Paul (New Brunswick, Canada)
# Rosalie Tyler Paul (Maine Green Party, Georgetown, Maine, USA)
# Terrence Paupp (V-P of North America, International Association of Educators for World Peace, San Diego, California, USA)
# Peace Alliance (Winnipeg, Canada)
# Lindis Percy (Harrogate, England)
# Alberto Peruffo (Vicenza, Italy)
# Anna Polo (Europe for Peace, Italy)
# Sergey Ponomarev (Maritime State University, Russia)
# Jeff Prager (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA)
# Rudolf Prevratil (No To Bases civic initiative, Prague, Czech Republic)
# Amy Prosser (Richmond, California, USA)
# Pyon, Yeon-Shik (Co-representative, Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Seoul, Korea)
# Bryan Quinlan (Shanghai, China)
# Francis E. Quinn (Bandon, Oregon, USA)
# Robert Rabin (Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques, Vieques, Puerto Rico)
# Joyce Raby (Sarasota, Florida, USA)
# Carla L. Rael (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
# Elsa Rassbach (Berlin, Germany)
# Doug Rawlings (Veterans for Peace, Chesterville, Maine, USA)
# Phyllis Reames (Portland, Maine, USA)
# Annetta Marie Reams (Vicenza, Italy)
# John Reese (Alcalde, New Mexico, USA)
# Paul & Katja Rehm (Greenville, New York, New York, USA)
# Lawrence Reichard (Bangor, Maine, USA)
# John Rensenbrink (Green Party, Topsham, Maine, USA)
# Phil Restino (Central Florida Veterans For Peace, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA)
# Rete Nazionale Disarmiamoli! (Italy)
# Elayne Richard (Fairfield, Maine, USA)
# Rosalie G. Riegle (Evanston, Illinois, USA)
# Tim Rinne (Lincoln, Nebraska, USA)
# Mariangeles Rivera (Sunbay Yoga, Vieques, Puerto Rico)
# Christine M. Roane (Springfield, Massachusetts, USA)
# Peter & Judy Robbins (Sedgwick, Maine, USA)
# Lori Robertson (Florence, Oregon, USA)
# Ellen R. Robinson (Coordinator, Albuquerque Raging Grannies, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
# Nora H Rodriguez (Presidio Permanente, No Dal Molin, Vicenza, Italy)
# Linda Rogers (Llangoed, Ynys Mon, North Wales)
# Rogue Valley Veterans for Peace (Chapter 156, Oregon, USA)
# Roh, Oh-Nam (wood worker, Seoul, Korea)
# Mark Roman (Waterville Area Bridges For Peace & Justice, Solon, Maine, USA)
# Chris Rooney (The Christian Radical Blog, Vancouver Catholic Worker, Vancouver BC Canada)
# Loretta Ann Rosales (Philippines)
# Ellen Rosser (Sarasota, Florida, USA)
# Herbert Rothschild Jr. (Talent, Oregon, USA)
# Coleen Rowley (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA)
# Fred Ruch (Melbourne, Florida, USA)
# Christopher C. Rushlau (Portland, Maine, USA)
# Kathleen Russell (Spokane, Washington, USA)
# Mervyn Russell (Oakville Community Centre for Peace , Ecology and Human Rghts, Ontario, Canada)
# June A. Rusten (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)
# Ryu, Jung-Sik (Seoul, Korea)
# Kang Sachiko (Ibaraki, Japan)
# Dr. Ron Saff (Tallahassee, Florida, USA)
# Kazuko Sakamoto (Okinawa, Japan)
# Hisako Sakiyama (Chiba, Japan)
# Mariko Sakurai (Japanese Committee for the Children of Palestine, Tokyo, Japan)
# Antonia Shouse-Salpeter (Ithaca, New York, USA)
# Judith Salzman (Tucson, Arizona, USA)
# Park Sang-Hee (Jeonbuk-do, Korea)
# Baibonn D. Sangid (Young Moro Professionals Network, Philippines)
# Aida F Santos (WEDPRO, Philippines)
# Judith Saryan (Georgetown, Maine, USA)
# Makiko Sato (Oita, Japan)
# Lisa Savage (CODEPINK Maine, Solon, Maine, USA)
# Carolyn S. Scarr (Ecumenical Peace Institute, Berkeley, California, USA)
# Elliot Schloss (New York, New York, USA)
# Gladys Schmitz (SSND, Mankato, Minnesota, USA)
# Lois Schreur (Omaha, Nebraska, USA)
# Sandra Schwartz (Peace Education Coordinator, American Friends Service Committee, San Francisco, California, USA)
# Barbara Calvert Seifred (Vancouver Raging Grannies, Canada)
# Park Seokboon (Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Seoul, Korea)
# Joanne Sheehan (War Resisters League/New England, Norwich, Connecticut, USA)
# Shin, Kang Hyub (Jeju city, Jeju island, South Korea)
Fwd on Jan. 22, 2010
If you saw Bruce Gagnon’s email on the final appeal about the Jeju naval base construction, about 600 people from 30 countries have currently signed to his petition.
We, Koreans so thank Bruce Gagnon and your solidarity with the flooding solidarity messages and pressuring messages to the South Korean government. We have gotten about 50 solidarity messages from the various countries specially after the police/navy raid on Gangjeong village on Jan. 18.
Some were from the former Aegis Destroyer worker and former Air force officer in the United States. The International solidarity news covered all the main Jeju media as one of the top news, with the citation of many messages, translated in Korean.
We were happily overwhelmed all your kind and warm heart that really encourage us.
This petition was as Bruce Gagnon said, not only for protecting the heavenly nature of the Gangjeong, the most beautiful village in the Jeju Island and people there, but also for preventing the Island to become the part of the policy to contain China and for keeping the planet Earth from another dangerous missile defense system. (Missile offense system should be more correct word)
We very appreciated your messages even though we could not answer to each one. But all will be eventually translated in Korean and will be shared to the Koreans.
The last released Gangjeong mayor, Kang Dong Kyun, a tangerine farmer and the most devoted mayor for his villagers, said by phone, after the release from the two days’ hunger strike in the detention room, police center,
“ I had felt this was such a lone struggle. But we are not lonely any more. Reading the international solidarity messages, I am very encouraged.”
To see his remarks and the Jeju media coverage on the international solidarity news, pleases see here.
Not only him, but the geographically isolated village people, mostly at their 50~70 years old were all so moved by your messages.
You have not only encouraged the village people, but have also reinvigorated the activists in Korea, who have been overwhelmed by the right wing government’s oppression to all sides but have also been in trauma of the Pyeongteak struggle.
The latest emerging issue is about the government oppression of people’ media on the struggle against the Jeju naval base.
Please download some photos here since I am afraid when the photos will disappear again by the invisible hands.
Recently, the Jeju village people and activists have found all the photos/ videos loaded by people (not press) have been secretly removed by the invisible hands. It horribly happened even in the overseas site that uploaded the video on Ganjeong struggle on Jan. 18.
The more terrible thing is once the activists found the facts and were to spread the news, the videos in some sites were returned back, so assuring the fact of their communication being wiretapped.
An activist was noticed from the overseas that all her email on struggle issues arrived in the spam folder. Please check your spam folder for any similar case like that.
Thanks to a Japanese friend, we became to know that such media oppression have been also done in Takae, a tiny village in Okinawa, where people are against the military base there. There even all the email exchanges on Takae were prevented.
She and others also have suggested the solidarity among the islands such as Okinawa, Guam. Hawaii and Jeju. The Islands need your support. I expect she and others will more mention about it, so I just summarize on that, for now.
I want to suggest what you can do on the Jeju.
The South Korean navy plans to have a ceremony on starting to work on the navy construction on Feb. 5.. The planned area is the east side of the Gangjeong village, where the Gangjoeng stream that has been proud of the most clean water in the Jeju Island, flows. It will be our next big struggle. For reference, the construction corporations involve Samsung, the infamous South Korean conglomerate, one of the Korea aerospace industry corporations, whose oppression against the workers and arms production such as naval combat communication system, and arms sale record have recently increasingly been shown in the media.
Seeing through all the situation, we find that this struggle will not be easy one without your continued support.
Please sign if you have not done yet and please send around Bruce Gagnon’s petition to the others around you. We have only two days for it.
Please keep to send your solidarity messages to the Gangjeong village people. Please feel how they desperately need your support.
Please watch any of media oppression here and keep pressure on the South Korean government and South Korean embassies in your country.
Please consider coming to the Jeju around Feb. 5 to empower the isolated people there.
Please spread the news.
All your solidarity activities will eventually appreciated!
Thanks so much, all of you.
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