* Text and images( with captions) fwd by Frank Cordaro on March 16, 2009 *
01 SAC Museum Out Door Missle display 2.JPG
02 Omaha Catholic Chartities flyer.jpg
03 Cath. Charities - Bar.JPG
04 Cath Charities Silent Aucton 4.JPG
05 CWers start vigil.JPG
06 CW Cath Charities Pimp Banner.JPG
07 CW leaving property.JPG
08 CW showing banner.JPG
09 Security visits CWers.JPG
10 2009 CWer Cath Charities Flyer.jpg
Frank Cordaro Report, Photos and Slide Show - CW Vigil of Shame at SAC Museum & “Catholic Charities Pimps the Poor and Blesses War!" Fund Raiser
After a few years absence, on March 14 the Archdiocese of Omaha
returned to the Strategic Air & Space (SAC) Museum
(http://www.sasmuseum.com/) as the site of their annual Catholic
Charities Fund Raising event (http://www.ccomaha.org/). It was a
scandal in 1999 when the Archdiocese of Omaha started hosting its
Catholic Charities fund raiser at the SAC Museum. It is no less a
scandal this year as they returned to this unholy site. As we did in
the past, the DMCW organized a vigil of shame at the museum during the
Catholic Charities Fund Raising event.
Mona Shaw. Ed Bloomer, Tracy Robson and Frank Cordaro of DMCW arrived
at the SAC Museum in Ashland, Nebraska about 25 miles West of Omaha an
hour early of the 5 p.m. start of our planned vigil. We were able to
tour the museum, see the museum displays and the lay out of the
Catholic Charities Fund Raising banquet.
(Photos were taken and are included in this slide show link:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/monashaw/sets/72157615375697388/ )
At 5 p.m. the four DMCW meet up with five friends and supporters from
Omaha to register our protest to this scandalous betrayal of our
Faith. With a prepared flyer to hand out (see flyer text below and
attached doc) and three banners to display, we started our vigil at
the main entrance of the museum. Our three banners read: “Catholic
Charities Pimps the Poor and Blesses War!”, “Hiroshima & Nagasaki –
Unpunished U.S. War Crimes” and “A-Bombing of Hiroshima Japan, August
6, 1945 ‘A butchery of untold magnitude’ Pope Paul VI”
Almost as soon as we set up our vigil, SAC Museum security people came
out of the museum to order us off their property. We were escorted
down the long entrance drive way, off museum property onto the right
away between the highway and the main entrance drive. We set up our
banners along the road next to the main entrance drive. We attempted
to hand out our flyers as the banquet quest arrive. No more than 10
cars stopped to receive our flyers of couple hundred cars that passed
by us on their way to the banquet.
(Photos were taken and are included in this slide show link:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/monashaw/sets/72157615375697388/ )
It is our fervent hope and prayer that the Archdiocese of Omaha see
the moral error of their ways and not return to the SAC Museum for
their annual Catholic Charities Fund Raising venue. We encourage as
many people who can to contact Kathy Grandsaert of Omaha Catholic
Charities and the Omaha Archbishop (see contact info below) and let
them know how inappropriate this event really was and beg them not to
return next year.
Kathy Fitzgerald Grandsaert, Senior Director for Development
Catholic Charities, 3300 N 60th Street, Omaha NE 68104
kathyg@ccomaha.org (402) 829-9261
and / or
Archbishop Curtis
Catholic Archbishop of Omaha
100 N 62nd Street, Omaha, NE 68132
contact@archomaha.org (402) 558-3100
God help our Church…..
Frank Cordaro
Phil Berrigan CW House
713 Indiana Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50314
(515) 282-4781 www.DesMoinesCatholicWorker.org
Text of flyer:
Catholic Charities Pimps the Poor and Blesses War!
“The arms race is one of the greatest curses on the human race, and
the harm it inflicts on the poor is more than can be endured.”
Bishops, Vatican II Gaudium et Spes, (81 & 3),
It is a moral outrage to raise money for the poor while feasting at
the temple of the death machine that keeps them poor. The billions
spent on the weapons of mass destruction enshrined at the SAC Museum
would easily shelter and feed not only the poor in this nation but
around the world. By hosting their annual Catholic Charities Fund
Raiser at the Sac Museum, the Omaha Catholic Archdiocese mocks and
exploits the poor we are called to serve and instead blesses the very
arms race (as well as the hideous weapons worshipped here) the
Catholic Church has repeatedly condemned. This museum exists because
the worship of war continues, and because it is still our national
intention to use these weapons again
The pennies thrown by Catholic Charities at poverty tonight will do
little to alleviate the suffering of even a few. By hosting this event
here at Sac, the poor are being used or “pimped” to glorify and
perpetuate the war machine that keeps them poor.
People of conscience will not let this obscenity go unnoticed! For
love of our Church and in the spirit of the nonviolent Jesus, we call
on the Archdiocese of Omaha to repent of this scandalous show of
idolatry and to pledge to never return to the SAC Museum for a
Church-sponsored event—except to close down this temple of death.
The Des Moines Catholic Worker Community and friends
(515) 282 4781, www.DesMoinesCatholicWorker.org
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired
signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are
not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not
spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the
genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way
of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war,
it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.” Dwight D. Eisenhower,
before the American Society of Newspaper Editors, April 16, 1953
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