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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Text Fwd: West Plots To Supplant United Nations With Global NATO

* Text below alos informed by Agneta Noberg
May 27, 2009
West Plots To Supplant United Nations With Global NATO
Rick Rozoff

Ten years ago it first became evident to the world that moves were afoot in
major Western capitals to circumvent, subvert and ultimately supplant the United
Nations, as the UN could not always be counted on to act in strict accordance
with the dictates of the United States and its NATO allies.

At that time in 1999 the NATO alliance was waging what would become a 78-day
bombing war against Yugoslavia in flagrant contravention of the United Nations
and of international law in general.

As two of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council - the five
permanent members being the main victorious World War II allies, with the
People's Republic of China having replaced the Republic of China (Taiwan) in
1971 and with Russia as the successor state to the Soviet Union - exactly China
and Russia, not being NATO members states, opposed that war and in several other
instances the use of sanctions and military force against nations targeted for
both by the West.

The first indication that the United Nations was marked for marginalization,
selective application (and exploitation) or even de facto dissolution, however,
occurred three years earlier in 1996 when the United States single-handedly
browbeat the other fourteen then members of the Security Council to depose
Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and replace him with Kofi Annan, who the preceding year had been appointed UN special envoy to NATO and authorized the NATO bombing in Bosnia behind the back of Boutros-Ghali.

Boutros-Ghali was deprived of the traditional second term for not authorizing
NATO's bombing of Bosnian Serb targets in 1995 and for speaking the truth about
the deadly Israeli bombing of a refugee camp in Qana, Lebanon in the following
year when 106 civilians were killed and 116 injured.

As former Clinton and Bush administrations' National Security Council
counter-terrorism adviser Richard Clarke acknowledged:

"[Madeleine] Albright and I and a handful of others (Michael Sheehan, Jamie
Rubin) had entered into a pact together in 1996 to oust Boutros-Ghali as
Secretary General of the United Nations, a secret plan we had called Operation
Orient Express, reflecting our hope that many nations would join us in doing in
the UN head.

"In the end, the US had to do it alone (with its UN veto) and Sheehan and I had
to prevent the President from giving in to pressure from world leaders and
extending Boutros-Ghali's tenure, often by our racing to the Oval Office when we
were alerted that a head of state was telephoning the President. In the end
Clinton was impressed that we had managed not only to oust Boutros-Ghali but to
have Kofi Annan selected to replace him." [1]


In a following section named "UN-NATO-accord: incompatible with UN Charter," he exposed a clandestine accord signed between the secretaries general of NATO and the United Nations, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and Ban Ki-moon, respectively, on
September 23, 2008, which "took place without any reference to the United
Nations Security Council.


Analogous demands have been voiced over the past few years by former Spanish
prime minister Jose Aznar, NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and
spokesman James Appathurai and US Republican Party candidates in last year's
presidential election Rudolph Giuliani and John McCain, alternately identified
as an alliance, a concert or a league of democracies. In 2007 the now deceased
US congressman Tom Lantos, at the time chairman of the House of Representatives
Foreign Affairs Committee, said that "NATO should seriously consider expanding
into a global alliance including democratic countries such as Australia, New
Zealand, South Korea and Israel," and posed the rhetorical query "Would it not
make the (NATO) Supreme Allied Commander feel more comfortable about upcoming
global crises if he would have a NATO of a global reach?" To which the commander
identified, Gen. Bantz John Craddock, replied: "From a best military advice
perspective, it would indeed be enormously helpful to have more democratic, peace-loving nations as part of the alliance." [34]


The nations targeted for the NATO-led Alliance of Democracies include Australia,
Botswana, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, India, Israel, Japan, New Zealand,
Singapore, South Africa and South Korea inter alia.


"Collective defense, enshrined in Article 5's dictum that an attack on one

member is an attack on all, must remain at the core of an expanded alliance as
it has in the past. For the United States, such commitments
elsewhere would not be novel, as it already guarantees, either formally or
informally, the security of countries such as Australia, Israel, Japan, New
Zealand and South Korea.


The record of the past thirteen years under the stewardship of Kofi Annan and

Ban Ki-moon has been abysmal. Three major wars have been conducted by the United States and its NATO allies, the first against a founding member of the UN,
Yugoslavia, while the organization made no meaningful efforts to prevent or halt
them once started and has even legitimized them after the fact with assorted
resolutions. Even UN resolutions following unauthorized wars are trampled on, as
with the recognition by most NATO members of the illegal secession of Kosovo
from Serbia last February, flagrantly contradicting UN Resolution 1244 which
commits the UN to "Reaffirming the commitment of all Member States to the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and
the other States of the region, as set out in the Helsinki Final Act...."

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* Related article
A letter to Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General United Nations by bird of peace in New York(Choi SungHee). 2007/09/25

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