* Image source/ description*
1. South Korean branch, Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification (PKAR) site
2. Korea Allinace for Progressive Movement site
3. After the April 17 symposium(No Base Stories of Korea)
4. http://tongil-i.net/2006/bbs/bbs/tb.php/0507c/25
Lee, Kang, 11 year old son of Mr. Lee, Kyeong-Won who are among the 6 arrested on May 7. wrote the letter to his father on the same day, upon his arrest. It was right before the Parents' Day, May 8 in the South Korea. He made a paper carnation himself for his father. Below is the Korean translation of his letter above.
“Dear Dad, I was quite surprised that the police was arresting you in the morning. I somehow expected that it would happen someday but did not know it could be today. I pretended to be sober but cried in my bed, thinking how they dare to arrest my dad just because of the fact that you did rally. I want to see you as soon as possible. I will study with mom the National Security Law while you are not here. And could you please receive my carnation, yes? If you are in the court, I and mom will be the witness for you. Dad, See you later, then. LOVE ★★★★★ You should really read this.
Your beloved son
Lee, Kang’
5. http://www.tongilnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=84217
(Photo by Cho, Sung-Bong, Tongil News) The arrested were enforced to the police car, May 7, 2009
6. http://www.tongilnews.com
(Photo by Cho, Sung-Bong, Tongil News) The arrested were enforced to the police car, May 7, 2009
7. http://www.tongilnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=84217
(photo by Cho, Sung-Bong, Tongil News) The arrest happened with the severe police blockade on May 7, 2009.
Choi, Eun-A, 36, a member of the Korea organizing committee for the International Conference against the Asia Pacific Missile Defense and for the End of Arms Race, April 16 to 18, 2009 was arrested by the National Intelligence Service(NIS) on May 7 with other 5 people(Lee, Kyu-Jae; Lee, Kyeong-Won; Jang, Min*-Kyeong; Yoon, Joo-Hyung; Oh, Soon-Wan) viciously charged in violation of the National Security Law (specifically under the titles of so called 'communication with enemy', 'enemy-benefiting activities'). It was exactly one day before the Parents' Day(like Mother's Day and Father's day), in the South Korea.
Choi, Eun-A, belong to the Self-Reliance Reunification Committee, Korean Alliance for Progressive Movement was a facilitator for the ‘welcome and keynote Speech’ on April 17 symposium. She also edited for the reference material for the trips for the DMZ vicinity, Pyeongtaek and Mugeon-ri, during the conference.
She has also worked in the South Korean branch, Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification (PKAR).
The 6 arrested have been investigated by the NIS since their being arrested and it is known that they were decided at 2 am, today, May 9 to be placed under restraint. During the investigation, they were only allowed to see the families for the 2nd and last day.
It is heard that the PKAR, set up in 1991, as a part of the efforts for reconciliation and solidarity among the South Koreans, North Koreans and Korean residents in the foreign countries, have openly worked regarding all the works for the self-reliance, peaceful reunification of Korea, openly publicizing all the results of the meetings with the North Korea thru fax. Furthermore, it is heard that the PKAR has even been the breakthrough by the request of the South Korean government when the relationship between the SK and NK was blocked.
Even though the PKAR was maliciously labeled by then right wing South Korean government in 1995 as the so-called 'enemy (North Korea)- benefiting' organization, the sequential governments have not mattered it at all, especially since the first historical summit meeting between Kim, Jong-Il(NK) and Kim, Dae-Joong(SK) on June 15, 2000 which established the first separate family meetings and other peaceful reconciliation efforts since then.
The Korea organizing committee for the Seoul conference is furious by the unusal raid of the National Intelligence Service and the South Korean government who intends to crack down the peaceful reunification movements in the South Korea for the interest of the current unpopular Lee Myung Bak administration who has severely oppressed the civil rights since its launch including the Yongsan crackdown and other peace movements.
The May 7 accident reminds the military dictatorship period in the 80s. It is heard that the 3 in Seoul*were not in the custody but in the Seoul Detention Center worse than custody during the investigation, which is illegal. And it is heard that even before the realization of the restraint warrant inspection, the prison number was given to each of them. All the revealed facts show that the whole process was at the violation of human rights. It is heard that the 6 are physically O.K. but we will not be sure until everything is cleared.
*apology for fix: 3 in the Chungjoo City were later known to be not in this case(Fix date: May 12, 2009 by the No Base Stories of Korea) Otherwise, Choi, Eun-A is heard to have used the right of keeping silent by now. The Chairman is suffering for his age and health. Practically they could not see even their family, by now(addition date: May 13, 2009 by the No Base Stories of Korea)
The Pan-Korean committee against the oppression of the unification movements in the South Korea and for the release of the six, composed of the various organizations and citizens will meet soon early next week. We will desperately need your solidarity for the survival of the peaceful reunification movements in the South Korea and for the release of the dear colleagues, including Eun-A. Please help us to spread the news. We will need all the international campaigns including the petition for the Amnesty International next week and afrer.
We will keep to update the news.
Thanks very much.
Related Blogs:
Monday, May 11, 2009
Text Fwd: Report on the Process of the Illegal Confiscation and Forceful Arrest of the Members of the South Korean branch, PKAR
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Text Fwd: Statement: The oppression of the Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification (PKAR) is killing of June 15.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
11 year old son's letter to his beloved arrested father on the Parents' Day
Friday, May 8, 2009
Text fwd: NIS raids 19 places related to the unification movement
Related/ reference Korean articles
Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification (PKAR) official site
A 11 year old son’s letter to his arrested father, ‘Lee, Kyung-Won’, on Parent's Day, May 8, 2009
[ Korea Alliance for Progressive Movement site]
Stop the oppression against the Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification (PKAR) with the National Security Law
국가보안법을 앞세운 범민련 남측본부에 대한 공안탄압을 즉각 중단하라!
09-05-07 18:17
[규탄 성명] 범민련 남측본부에 대한 공안탄압을 즉각 중단하고 연행자를 석방하라!
Stop the oppression against the Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification (PKAR) with the National Security Law and Release the arrested!
[Tongil(meaning Unification) News] May 9, 2009
The PKAR Staffs Jailed in the Detention Center:
Given the Prison Number before the Indictment... Human Rights Organizations Denounces it as the " Un- precedent event'
범민련 간부들, 기소 전 구치소 수감
수감번호까지 부여.. 인권단체들 "유례없는 일" 반발
[Tongil(meaning Unification) News] May 9, 2009
NIS Arrested Lee, Kyu-Jae, chairman of the PKAR:
국정원, 범민련남측본부 이규재 의장 등 체포
<추가> 사무실과 지역본부 사무실도 일제히 압수수색
[Tongil(meaning Unification) News] May 10, 2009
"The Crackdown against the PKAR is the Sign for Returning to the Cold War Area":
Six were arrested including the chairman, Lee, Kyu-Jae, about 30 places were confiscated and searched.... civil society denounces
"범민련 탄압은 냉전시대 회귀 신호탄"
이규재 의장 등 6명 연행, 30여곳 압수수색... 시민사회 반발
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