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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Text Fwd: Salazar: Fort Polk expansion not related to Pinon expansion

* Text informed by Bill Sulzman on May 21, 2009

Pinon Canyon Opposition Coalition
Salazar: Fort Polk expansion not related to Pinon expansion
The PUEBLO CHIEFTAIN, May 14, 2009 12:18 pm

The Army's decision to spend more money expanding Fort Polk, La., next doesn't signal any change in its goal of expanding the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site, but probably reflects the Army's weakening position in Colorado for that expansion, Rep. John Salazar, D-Colo., said today.

Army officials said Thursday they are shifting $17 million in military construction funds to Fort Polk next year.

Responding to a Denver newspaper's report that the Army was retreating on its expansion goal by re-allocating military construction money to Fort Polk, Salazar said his recent conversation with Army Gen. George Casey, chief of staff, only confirmed that expanding Pinon Canyon remains an Army priority.

"General Casey urged me to keep an open mind on the expansion, but I told him it wasn't going to happen while I'm (in Congress)," Salazar said in a phone interview this morning. "I don't think anything has changed from the Army's perspective except they are reading the writing on the wall that Southeastern Colorado is opposed to this."

Salazar, whose 3rd Congressional District includes the 238,000-acre Pinon Canyon training range, said he has already spoken with House Armed Services Committee staff about putting an outright ban on any future expansion in the coming defense authorization legislation. That panel is chaired by Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo., and Salazar said Skelton's staff was supportive.

Closer to home, Salazar also urged Gov. Bill Ritter to sign House Bill 1317, which would prohibit the sale of any state land overseen by the Colorado State Land Board to the Army for expanding Pinon Canyon. There are roughly 20,000 acres of state land in the area the Army has targeted for acquisition.

"I spoke with Governor Ritter this week and he indicated he will sign the state lands bill," Salazar said.


Letter to Governor Ritter from

Representatives Salazar and Markey 5-14-09:

The Honorable Bill Ritter, Jr.
136 State Capitol
Denver, CO 80203-1792

Dear Governor Ritter:

We write today to urge your signature into law of HB09-1317 which would prevent the Colorado State Land Board from selling any of its land around Piñon Canyon to the Army.

We write not only as the elected congressional representatives of the Piñon Canyon region, but also as concerned constituents of Colorado.

No one involved in this ongoing debate wishes to stand in the way of providing our armed forces and our men and women in uniform with the tools and facilities necessary to perform their duties. Nor is the struggle surrounding the Piñon Canyon area about "beating the Army."

Quite the contrary, we believe that in a democracy, elected representatives must always weigh the needs of the government with the rights of private citizens. We also believe that when an action taken by the government will have substantial negative impact on a particular community, especially a community that has traditionally been overlooked and underrepresented, that we must take special care to prevent overreaching by politicians.

We understand that you recently received a letter from former Representative Scott McInnis urging you to veto HB09-1317. We take particular issue with several assertions that Mr. McInnis stated in his correspondence.

First, Mr. McInnis stated that the legislation would be "used as a tool to preclude any effort to reach a compromise by either party on this issue." Both of us stand firmly with the landowners of Southeastern Colorado on this issue and have stated that position publically on numerous occasions. We continue to believe that there are other alternatives to the Army's proposed expansion in the Piñon Canyon region that have not been adequately explored. Signing HB09-1317 will not change the efforts we are going to pursue on behalf of our constituents in Congress or significantly alter the political situation in Congress.

We do believe though that the people of Colorado have spoken through their elected representatives in the State House in opposing expansion in Piñon Canyon by passing HB09-1317 and the bill should be signed for those reasons.

Second, Mr. McInnis made the assertion in a follow up interview with the Pueblo Chieftain on May 7, 2009 that Army expansion into Piñon Canyon would mean significant economic development in Fort Carson and Colorado Springs. While we don't want to stand in the way of economic development in any part of the state, we object to the idea that economic benefit for one area of the state should come at the expense of significant economic hardship for another area of the state.

Southeastern Colorado might not have the votes that the Fort Carson and Colorado Springs area has but we believe that their interests are just as important.

Finally, we believe that all due consideration should be given to the fact that the Army made a promise to the residents of Piñon Canyon in 1983 to seek no additional land. As elected representatives to Congress, we take that pledge very seriously and believe it is within the scope of our duties to make sure that promise is upheld.

The issue of the Army's expansion into Piñon Canyon should not be used a political weapon. These are people's lives and livelihoods at stake. HB09-1317 was debated and passed by the Colorado legislature. It should be signed into law.

We respectfully urge you to do just that as quickly as possible.


Congresswoman Betsy Markey

Congressman John Salazar


Some Good News from the Army's announcement this morning is we are having a significant effect.

However we should also be concerned about how misleading information put out by the Army is .....

They've done this type of thing before so we have to remember, this is not over so please don't be tempted to 'back off' our efforts either!

The Army saying they are going to 'back off' is misleading in several ways:

1. the spending ban is in place so they weren't supposed to have the $17 million anyway - SO WHAT ARE THEY STOPPING?

2. they say they'll be back next year, that they'll be patient and wait for 'agreements' to be able to go forward (with the expansion)

3. This gives the "Lamborn Task Force" more time to try their subterfuge.

4. The Army knows they won't be purchasing any land next year given how far behind in the process they are.

We can't let this interfere with the passing of HB1317...... THIS JUST GIVES MORE IMPETUS TO ASK GOVERNOR RITTER TO PASS HB 1317. Please call him today and ask for his signature!!

Phone: (303) 866-2471
Fax: (303) 866-2003
Web Page: http://www.colorado.gov/governor/

We still need a permanent ban from congress too, if not they just keep on coming and it will never be over.

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