* Image source: Cho Sung-Bong, Tongil News, Dec. 18, 2010
The big white banner says,
'We Denounce the Submission of the Bill on the Agreement of the Re-Dispatch to Afghanistan to the National Defense Committee and Urge the Rejection of the Bill [by the National Defense Committee]:
Civil Society Organization Press Interview
People Oppose! Reject the Bill on the Agreement! '
Yellow signs say,
"No, Re-Dispatch to Afghanistan"
And other sign says,
'We oppose the dispatch to Afghanistan that strengthens SK-US War Alliance'
The Civilian Alliance Against the Redeployment of Troops to Afghanistan, composed of 69 organizations in South Korea had the press interview in front of the National Assembly of South Korea, at 11am, on Feb. 18, 2010.The big white banner says,
'We Denounce the Submission of the Bill on the Agreement of the Re-Dispatch to Afghanistan to the National Defense Committee and Urge the Rejection of the Bill [by the National Defense Committee]:
Civil Society Organization Press Interview
People Oppose! Reject the Bill on the Agreement! '
Yellow signs say,
"No, Re-Dispatch to Afghanistan"
And other sign says,
'We oppose the dispatch to Afghanistan that strengthens SK-US War Alliance'
The organizations clamed, “We denounce the submission of the bill on the agreement of the re-dispatch to Afghanistan to the National Defense Committee and urge the rejection of the bill [by the National Defense Committee].”
The bill has been submitted to the Defense Committee of the National Assembly, and is expected to be passed by the general meeting of the assembly within this month.
Otherwise, the organizations announced that they would hold the ‘Anti-War Peace Action Day against the Re-Dispatch to Afghanistan; for the Stopping of Occupation; and for the stopping of Massacre.’ At 3pm, on coming 20th (Saturday) of this month.
* Also see the site of Peace Disarmament Team, People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy.
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