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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Text Fwd: [ROK MND News] Subject Defense ministry unveils white paper 2010

ROK Ministry of National Defense News NO. 696
Defense ministry unveils white paper 2010
Dec. 31, 2010

North Korea's forces now number more than 200,000 men, an increase of 20,000 compared to 2008, the South Korean Ministry of Defense said on Dec. 30 in its biennial white paper.

The paper also said that the North now has 4,100 tanks, 200 more than 2008, and has constantly been developing new submarine models as well as ballistic missiles and chemical warfare agents to upgrade its capabilities in asymmetric warfare.

"We have explained overall South Korean defense policy in detail regarding security conditions including North Korean threat, basis for defense policy, omnidirectional military combat readiness, period adjustment to the wartime operational command transition and defense reform," said Chang Gwang-il, deputy minister for policy at the ministry. "As the military unveils more transparent defense to the public, we expect that people can gain deep understanding and trust toward the military."

The white paper said that North Korean special forces could infiltrate rear region of South Korea and attack major targets, assassinate key figures and stir the region.

The number of North Korean Special Operations troops rose to 180,000 in 2008 from 120,000 in 2006, the paper said. It also said most of tanks among additional 200 are believed to be used weapons.

The paper clearly stated that the North Korean regime and its military are enemies of South Korea as long as they keep on practicing provocations and threats like the sinking of Cheonan and the shelling of Yeonpyeong Island.

Related to defense reform, the paper included specific way of reforming defense structure and defense operational system to an advanced level in order to build 21-century advanced military capabilities.

In addition, the white paper made clear that Dokdo Island is undeniably belongs to South Korean territory by showing photos and maps related to the island.

The paper is the second one to be released in Lee Myung-bak administration and it is the 19th paper since it was first published in 1967. It will be distributed to the National Assembly, media institutions, government offices, educational institutions and libraries across the nation to make people understand the reality of national defense.

The whole context of the paper will also be updated online on the Defense Ministry hompage at www.mnd.go.kr.


ROK Ministry of National Defense News NO. 695
Defense ministry map out blueprint for new year
Dec. 30, 2010

The South Korean Ministry of National Defense made a report to President Lee Myung-bak on its policy for year 2011 focusing on building field military, establishing countermeasures against North Korean provocations and defense reforms.

The ministry vowed to improve combat capabilities in order to fight and win against any North's provocations and threats during the report at the ministry in central Seoul. Besides Lee, key defense and government officials as well as politicians and members of a presidential panel on defense advancement plan took part in the report meeting.

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, center, stresses defense reform and strong security during the Defense Ministry's report on its policy plans for year 2011 at the ministry in Seoul on Dec. 29. By Kim Tae-hyeong

In detail, the ministry said it will supplement crisis management system under the newly created Center for National Crisis Management and create the new Joint Forces Command to enhance the interoperability of its armed forces. It will establish measures to protect South Korean capital region from the North's long-range artilleries.

In addition, the ministry said it is planning to create new comprehensive evaluating system of commissioning officer candidates in order to improve combat capabilities and enhance their field commanding skills through tough training programs.

The period of basic training for newly recruits at boot camp is slated to extend to eight weeks from current five weeks so that soldiers can fight in field right away.

For personnel management for officers, the ministry is planning to settle a system to make officers compete for promotions without considering personal profile, including commissioned year, region each hail from and service period so that each of them can be dispatched to right position under individual specialty.

The Defense Ministry reported a total of 73 defense reform assignments that the panel suggested. Short-term, medium-term and long-term plans are scheduled to be completed in 2012, 2015 and 2030, respectively, said the ministry.

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