'저는 그들의 땅을 지키기 위하여 싸웠던 인디안들의 이야기를 기억합니다. 백인들이 그들의 신성한 숲에 도로를 만들기 위하여 나무들을 잘랐습니다. 매일밤 인디안들이 나가서 백인들이 만든 그 길을 해체하면 그 다음 날 백인들이 와서 도로를 다시 짓곤 했습니다. 한동안 그 것이 반복되었습니다. 그러던 어느날, 숲에서 가장 큰 나무가 백인들이 일할 동안 그들 머리 위로 떨어져 말과 마차들을 파괴하고 그들 중 몇몇을 죽였습니다. 그러자 백인들은 떠났고 결코 다시 오지 않았습니다….' (브루스 개그논)

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Text Fwd: [Translation] The SPARK, “Discussion on the TTX will be retrogressive to the non-nuclearization of the Korean peninsula”

* The below is the arbitrary translation of the Tongil News article(클릭) * 확장억제정책위원회 첫 본회의 개최에 대한 평통사의 입장(클릭) The SPARK, “Discussion on the TTX will be retrogressive to the non-nuclearization of the Korean peninsula” The Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea stated its opposition on the ‘TTX’ practice measure (ROK-US application exercise on the extended deterrence measure) that would be discussed in the 28th Security Proliferation Initiative (SPI) that would be held in Hawai’I from March 28 for two days. In the SPI meeting this time, the ‘extended deterrence committee’ meeting will be first held and concrete agreement on the TTX practice measures will be processed. The SPARK statement on March 28, 2011 reads that “Knowing the United States’ active will to make South Korea joint the United States MD, there is a high possibility that the main contents of the TTX will be the Missile Defense exercise between the ROK and US or among the ROK-US-Japan.” The SPARK claimed that “It means that the matter of the ROK-US MD would be not just simple cooperation but be leveled-up to that of joint exercise.” It also reads that, “In the sense that the US MD is the method for pre-emptive nuclear attack, South Korean participation into the US MD and combined exercise are dangerous that intensify the nuclear war danger in the Korean peninsula,” and states that, “That would bring the strengthening of nuclear arming by North Korea and China and would provoke nuclear arms race in the North East Asia. That would be retrogressive to the non-nuclearization of the Korean peninsula and would make remote the peace agreement conclusion that is connected to the former.” The SPARK saying that, “The South Korean joining of the US MD and combined exercise do more than harm than good because it would bring nuclear war and nuclear arms cost competition therefore would seriously threaten the peace in the Korean peninsula & North East Asia; deepen South Korean military subjugation into the United States; and hand over tremendous financial burden to her people,” demanded that “We demand to immediately stop the related negotiation, resolutely opposing ROK’s dangerous and unnecessary participation of the US MD, and the extended deterrence committee meeting in which the TTX practice measure would be discussed.”

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