'저는 그들의 땅을 지키기 위하여 싸웠던 인디안들의 이야기를 기억합니다. 백인들이 그들의 신성한 숲에 도로를 만들기 위하여 나무들을 잘랐습니다. 매일밤 인디안들이 나가서 백인들이 만든 그 길을 해체하면 그 다음 날 백인들이 와서 도로를 다시 짓곤 했습니다. 한동안 그 것이 반복되었습니다. 그러던 어느날, 숲에서 가장 큰 나무가 백인들이 일할 동안 그들 머리 위로 떨어져 말과 마차들을 파괴하고 그들 중 몇몇을 죽였습니다. 그러자 백인들은 떠났고 결코 다시 오지 않았습니다….' (브루스 개그논)

For any updates on the struggle against the Jeju naval base, please go to savejejunow.org and facebook no naval base on Jeju. The facebook provides latest updates.

Friday, February 25, 2011

[Translation] The U.S. State Department-backed NED supports 450,000 dollar to the three Anti-NK groups in Korea

* 아래는 통일 뉴스 기사를 번역한 것입니다. (클릭)
* The below is an arbitrary translation of an article in a progressive South Korean media, 'Tongil News'

Tongil News
The NED supports 450,000 dollar to the three Anti-NK groups in Korea
Feb, 24, 201
by Kim Chi-Kwan

The National Endowment Democracy (NED) based on the United States has supported $450,000 to the three anti-North Korea media and organizations in South Korea.

On its Feb. 23 report, the Radio Free Asia, Citing Lynn Lee who is in charge of East Asia, NED, said that “[The NED] has supported the ‘Daily NK,’ an internet media specialized in the NK news, ‘Imjingang Publishing Company’ a magazine published by the underground reporters inside North Korea, and ‘Network for North Korean Human Rights and Democracy’ which is for the improvement of human rights in North Korea, through the decision of its board meeting held last January.”

The total cost that the NED has given to the three groups is $450,000 and the cost that each organization has received is $85,000 to $190,000 that is an increment of $10,000, compared to that of last account year.

The Radio Free Asia said that “There are total 14 organizations of the institutes located in the United States & Korea and the groups of the exiled from the NK, which have received support from the NED in last account year. And it is expected that the numbers of the NK-related institutes that would receive fund through additional decisions by its board meeting will be increased in the future. “ It also said that, “As it has decided the support on the research on the ‘Jangmadang’ in the North Korea’ for the first time, especially in last year’s account, the support for the exiled North Korean groups and research institutes for the NK Jangmadang economy, NK study, human rights improvement and information delivery would be continued this year.”

The National Endowment Democracy(NED) whose connection with the CIA has been raised is a non-profit organization having its headquarter in the Washington D.C. and is supporting democracy-related projects, sponsored by about 1,000 civilian groups in 90 countries in the world, receiving fund from the U.S. State Department.

The Radio Free Asia said that the NED selects its business contents and support targets after reviewing business contents and support targets on the improvement of human rights, delivery of information, and improvement of education & ability in the NK and that the US State Dept has allocated 104,000,000 dollar for the NED in its 2012 budget, which is a little reduced amount from 2011.

Source from National Endowment Democracy
Baekdu-Halla Association
To build the capacity of young North Korean defectors in South Korea and to encourage them to become more engaged on issues related to North Korean human rights and democracy. Baekdu-Halla will organize an online democracy education program and offline seminars, and provide young defectors with opportunities to interact and build networks.

Citizens’ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights
To bring international attention to the human rights situation in North Korea. The Citizens’ Alliance will promote awareness among South Koreans about North Korea and test methods of assisting North Koreans living in South Korea to adjust to citizenship in a democratic society.

The Daily NK
To disseminate accurate and timely information about North Korea. The Daily NK will produce an online newspaper serving audiences in South Korea and in the international community. The newspaper will include news and information about North Korean human rights issues as well as developments in North Korean politics and economics.

Database Center for North Korean Human Rights
To make publicly available well-organized documentation on human rights conditions in North Korea. The database will organize information from interviews as well as published and unpublished written testimonies. The Center will also publish an annual white paper and special thematic reports in Korean and English, and will carry out individualized data searches upon request for researchers, governments, UN bodies and human-rights advocates.

Free North Korea Radio Station
To support the free flow of information in North Korea. Free NK will produce and broadcast a daily radio program to increase the news, information, and independent commentary available to North Korean audiences.

Imjingang Publishing Company
To provide a platform for North Korean citizens to share information and opinions about North Korean culture, economics, politics, and other developments. Imjingang will produce a Korean-language quarterly magazine using materials gathered by reporters and distribute copies throughout the Korean peninsula and to Korean-speaking experts in the international community.

InterMedia Survey Institute
To promote the free flow of information. InterMedia will conduct survey research documenting various dimensions of the listenership response of international broadcasting in North Korea, and provide non-governmental broadcasters with independent, reliable data about audience behaviors and preferences as an aid to making future programming and formatting decisions.

Network for North Korean Human Rights and Democracy
To develop democracy education materials suitable for people raised in repressive environments; and to raise awareness of democratic ideas and values. NKnet will work closely with North Korean citizens and experts to develop and test a multimedia curriculum that is user-friendly for those born and raised in North Korea.

Network for North Korean Human Rights and Democracy
To provide a forum in Seoul for discussion of the future of North Korea. NKnet will hold strategy sessions to explore effective means of promoting economic and political liberalization in North Korea.

NK Communications
To support the free flow of information into North Korea. NK Communications will produce the North Korea Reform Radio program, providing daily broadcasting of news, information, and commentary designed to encourage the development of independent public opinion inside the country.

North Korea Intellectual Solidarity
To facilitate the free flow of information. NKIS will produce a digital magazine containing accurate and balanced news and information and diverse views about major issues in South and North Korea and around the world. This project will be a pilot test to assess the potential impact of this approach.

Open North Korea
To support the free flow of information in North Korea. Open North Korea will maintain a radio platform that enables organizations and groups in South Korea and elsewhere to broadcast information and feature programs to North Korean audiences.

Radio Free Chosun
To support the free flow of information in North Korea. Radio Free Chosun will broadcast its daily program, providing news and features on the Korean peninsula, to the North Korean public via shortwave radio and will maintain a web-based archive of programming for other interested listeners.

Young Defectors’ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights
To build the capacity of North Korean defector students in South Korea and to encourage them to become more engaged on issues related to North Korean human rights and democracy. YDA will organize its leadership education program to help equip defector students to serve as bridges between South and North Korea and to take an active part in civic life in a future democratic North Korea.
통일 뉴스(클릭)
NED, 국내 반북단체 3곳 45만 달러 지원 [RFA]
2011년 02월 24일 (목) 14:24:42 김치관 기자

미국 ‘국립민주주의기금(NED)’이 한국의 반북매체.단체 3곳에 45만 달러를 지원했다.

<자유아시아방송(RFA)>는 23일자 보도에서 린 리 NED 동아시아 담당관의 말을 인용, “지난 1월에 열린 이사회의 결정을 통해 북한 뉴스를 전문으로 하는 인터넷 매체 'Daily NK'와 북한 내 지하 기자들이 만드는 잡지 '임진강', 그리고 북한 인권의 개선을 위한 '북한인권시민연합'에 자금을 지원했다”고 전했다.

NED가 이들 3개 단체에 지원한 금액은 총 45만 달러이며, 각 단체가 받은 금액은 8만 5천 달러에서 19만 달러로 지난 회계연도와 비교해 1만 달러가 늘었다는 것.

<자유아시아방송>은 “지난 회계연도에 '국립민주주의기금'의 지원을 받은 미국과 한국 내 기관, 탈북자 단체는 모두 14개로 앞으로도 추가적인 이사회의 결정을 통해 자금을 받는 북한 관련 기관은 더 늘어날 전망”이라며 “특히 지난 회계연도에는 처음으로 북한 장마당에 대한 연구에도 지원을 결정했듯이 올해도 북한의 장마당 경제와 북한 연구, 인권 개선, 정보의 전달 등을 위한 탈북자 단체와 연구 기관에 대한 지원은 계속될 예정”이라고 전했다.

CIA(미 중앙정보국)과의 연루설이 제기돼 온 NED(The National Endowment for Democracy)는 미국 워싱턴에 본부를 둔 미국의 비영리 단체로서 국무부의 자금지원을 받아 전세계 90여개 국에 1,000여 개의 민간단체가 주관하는 민주주의 관련 프로젝트를 지원하고 있다.

<자유아시아방송>은 NED는 1년에 4번의 이사회를 거쳐 북한의 인권개선과 정보의 전달, 교육과 능력 향상 등에 관한 사업 내용과 지원 대상을 검토해 선정하며, 미국 국무부는 최근 발표한 2012년 예산안에서 NED에 관한 항목으로 2011년보다 소폭 감소한 1억 400만 달러를 배정했다고 전했다.

자세한 영문 내역은 기사 참조

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