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Korean activists resist! Stop the PSI! Stop the Sanction against the N.K. !
The activists of the Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea (SPARK) had a press interview in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 9:30am, April 6, 2009
‘There is no article of the prohibition of the satellite in the U.N. Resolution 1718!
It is every county’s right to use the space for the peaceful purpose. If the N.K.’s satellite is problem-atized, South Koreans’ in July would be sanctioned, as well?
Stop the consideration of the total participation to the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) which would draw the Korean peninsula into the war!
Stop Sanctions! Start Negotiations!’
* Related Korean Articles *
SPARK Press interview: United States, Japan, and the South Korean government! Do Not Make the N.K. Satellite Launch as an Excuse of the Sanction against the North Korea!, April 6, 2009
Peace Network article Why is it dangerous to totally participate in the PSI? Written by Wooksik Cheong, Peace Network, April 6, 2009
Statement from the People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy: Sanctions against the North Korea, Military Response are not solution! Negotiate!
Written by Park, Jung-Eun, April 5, 2009
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