'저는 그들의 땅을 지키기 위하여 싸웠던 인디안들의 이야기를 기억합니다. 백인들이 그들의 신성한 숲에 도로를 만들기 위하여 나무들을 잘랐습니다. 매일밤 인디안들이 나가서 백인들이 만든 그 길을 해체하면 그 다음 날 백인들이 와서 도로를 다시 짓곤 했습니다. 한동안 그 것이 반복되었습니다. 그러던 어느날, 숲에서 가장 큰 나무가 백인들이 일할 동안 그들 머리 위로 떨어져 말과 마차들을 파괴하고 그들 중 몇몇을 죽였습니다. 그러자 백인들은 떠났고 결코 다시 오지 않았습니다….' (브루스 개그논)

For any updates on the struggle against the Jeju naval base, please go to savejejunow.org and facebook no naval base on Jeju. The facebook provides latest updates.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

[Jeju Update] The Gangjeong Villagers's Statement: Rather Kill Us! We Are Ready to Fight to the End Even Though We Might Die in the Struggle!

* Image source: Kim Kyung-Duk, Seogwipo Daily News Paper(same as the below link)

강정마을 해군기지 예정부지 중덕 앞에 내건 펼침막.

Gangjeong Village People’s banner held in front of the Joongdul coast, the planned naval base area.

Please Keep Gangjeong!- High school girls visiting Gangjoeng village”

* 제주 해군 기지 반대에 관한 모든 블로그는 여기를 가시길( 2010년 6월 10일 날짜로 131)

See Today’s Update

[Jeju Update: June 9, 2010] Woo Geun-Min, the Elected Jeju Island Governor, Says, “ Navy’s Announcement of Its Position Is Inappropriate In Terms of the Timing.” (click)
우근민 제주지사 당선인 "해군 입장 표명, 시기적으로 부적절"(클릭)

[Jeju Update: June 9] Civil Organizations and Gangjeong Villagers Repel against the Navy press Interview (Click)
시민단체와 강정 주민들 해군 기자 회견에 즉각 '반발'

[Jeju Update: June 9] Navy Propaganda on the Naval Base Construction (click)
해군 기자 회견: 제주 해군 기지 프로파간다(클릭)


* Below is the arbitrary translation of the linked article.

Seogwipo Daily Newspaper 서귀포 일간 신문
"죽길 각오한 투쟁…즉시 중단하라” 강정마을회, 해군 강행 방침 관련 성명서 발표

"Struggle to be Ready to Die…Immediately Stop [the Enforcement Plan]”
: Gangjeong Village Announce the Statement Related to the Navy’s Policy of the Enforcement

2010 년 06월 10일 (목) 10:06:26 김경덕 기자 tree(at) seogwipo.co.kr

June 19, Thursday, 2010, Kim Kyung-Duk (tree(at) seogwipo.go.kr)

군이 도민 반발 속에 해군기지 공사 강행 의사를 밝힌 것에, 강정마을회는 10일 “우리가 사랑했던 대한민국과 강정마을의 기억을 지울 수 있다면 국가 권력이 가지고 있는 몽둥이로 차라리 우리마을 주민들을 쳐 죽여라”면서 분노했다.

As the navy has announced its will to enforce the naval base construction, followed by the repel by the Island people, The Gangjeong Village People’s Council expressed its fury on June 10 saying, “ Only of we could erase the memory of the Korea and Gangjeong village we have loved. Rather beat and kill us with the clubs the nation power has.”

이들은 이날 성명서를 내어 “우근민 당선자가 이미 후보 당시 공약에서 일방적인 해군기지 공사착공 중단을 누차 강조했고, 합리적 해결방안 마련을 공언해 온 만큼 해군이 얄팍한 술책으로 여론을 조장하며 진행하는 공사를 지금 즉시 증단하라”고 촉구했다.

The Gangjeong villagers having the statement on the day urged by saying that, “ As Woo Geun-Min, the elected [Island Governor] has repeatedly emphasized the stop of the setting-up of the naval base and made public of his will to have the reasonable settlement of it, the navy should immediately stop the construction it is now processing, manipulating the public poll, with shallow tricks.

해군은 9일 오전 제주도청에서 기자회견을 열어 “공사는 이미 시작됐다”면서 “현 시점에서 소모적인 논쟁으로 사업이 지연되면 2014년 예정인 전력화 차질로 국가안보에 중대한 영향을 미친다”고 주장했다. 이어 “입지 재선정은 불가능하다”고 못박았다.

The navy having the press interview in the Jeju Island Hall in the morning of June 9, saying, “The construction has already begun,” claimed that “If the business is delayed due to consuming arguments in this current period, it will gravely influence to the national security that is planned for the failure of the war power planned in 2014. “ Following it, it transfixed its will by saying, “Re-selection of the location is impossible.”

강정마을회는 이번 기자회견에 “새로이 출범하려는 민선 5기 제주도정을 압박하기 위해 해군기지건설을 기정사실화해 강행하겠다는 것”이라며 “제주도민을 우습게 여기는 행위이며 해군의 오만과 독선의 극치를 보여주는 행위”라고 빗댔다.

The Gangjeong village People’s council saying upon [the navy’s] press interview, “ [The navy’s intention] is to enforce the naval base construction by making it as an established fact to oppress the Jeju Island Hall, five times elected by people, criticized it by saying, “It is the behavior ignoring the Jeju island people and showing the extreme of its arrogance and self-importance.

더욱이 이들은 “해군이 주장하는 토지매입 54%는 금액대비 현황이나 실제 소유주 103명중 매수협의불응자는 64명으로 과반수가 넘는데도 강제수용절차를 운운한다면 국민의 재산권을 유린하겠다는 것으로 해군의 월권행위임을 분명히 밝혀둔다”고 말했다.

Further, they told that, “ While the 54 % land purchase the navy claims is the current state that is against price, in fact, the numbers of people who do not comply to it are 64 among the 104 land owners that are more than half. Even then, if the navy [continuously] mentions about the procedure on the enforcing expropriation, it means it is willing to trample down the people’s property right and abuse of its authority.”

이어 “해당기관으로부터 건축물이나 문화재 부문의 인허가 절차도 안된상태에서 착공강행을 시도한다면 해군 스스로가 절차를 무시하고 있다는 증거를 보임으로 해서 모순에 빠지고 있는 소치일 뿐”이라고 맞섰다.

Following it, they confronted against [the navy] saying, “ If the navy, attempts to enforce the setting-up when the approval/permission procedures on the architectures and cultural properties have not been done yet, it is the navy is showing the proof that it is ignoring the procedure itself and trusting itself into the contradiction.

강정마을회는 “원칙을 무시하는 어떠한 해군의 조작에도 우리의 의지는 결코 꺾이거나 사그러들지 않을 것이며 반대투쟁을 계속해 나갈 것”이라며 “기꺼이 이 싸움에 우리 마을 대다수 주민들은 죽기를 각오한 투쟁으로 맞설 준비가 됐다”고 밝혔다.

The Gangjeong Village People’s Council saying, “ By any of navy’s manipulation that ignores the principal, our will would never be succumbed nor faded and we will continue the opposition struggle.” Announced that, “In this struggle, majority of the villagers in our village are willing to be ready to fight with the resolution to die.”


* 다음은 성명서 전문.

Below is the whole statement.



우리가 사랑했던 대한민국과 강정마을의 기억을 지울 수 있다면 국가 권력이 가지고 있는 몽둥이로 차라리 우리마을 주민들을 쳐 죽여라!

Only if we could erase the memory of the ROK and Gangjeong village that we have loved, rather beat and kill us with the clubs the nation power has!

우근민 당선자가 이미 후보 당시 공약을 통해 일방적인 해군기지 공사착공 중단을 누차 강조했고, 합리적 해결방안 마련을 공언해온 만큼 해군이 얄팍한 술책으로 여론을 조장하며 진행하는 공사를 지금 즉시 중단 하라.

As Woo Geun-Min, the elected [Island Governor] has repeatedly emphasized to stop the setting-up of the naval base and made public of his will to have the reasonable settlement for it, the navy should immediately stop the construction it is now processing, manipulating the public poll, with shallow tricks.

지난 3년동안 해군기지추진과정에서 해군은 제주도정과 합세하여 무원칙과 초법적 자세로 일관하여왔다.
그것으로 모자라 어제 해군은 새로이 출범하려는 민선 5기 제주도정을 압박하기위해 해군기지건설을 기정사실화하여 강행하겠다는 기자회견은 제주도민을 우습게 여기는 행위이며 도지사 당선자의 해군기지 해법에대한 해군의 오만과 독선의 극치를 보여주는 행위로서 도저히 묵과 할 수 없는 행위이다.

For last three years, during the process of its naval base drive, the navy has been consistent in its no-principal and law-transcendental attitude, together with the Jeju Island Government. As if it is not enough, the navy’s press interview that is to pressure the five times elected Jeju Island Government that is to newly launch, then to enforce the naval base construction by making it as an established fact, is the behavior that condemns the Jeju Island people, that shows the extreme of its self-importance and that is not to be overlooked.

강정마을회는 앞으로 단호한 의지로 강력하게 대응해 나갈것이며 당선자 또한 제주도정을 우습게 여기는 해군의 행보에 강력한 제동을 걸 것을 촉구한다.

The Gangjeong village people’s council will strongly respond with the determined will in the future and we urge the elected to make a strong curb to the navy’s steps that consider the Jeju Island Government ludicrous.

강정마을회는 원칙을 무시하는 어떠한 해군의 조작에도 우리의 의지는 결코 꺾이거나 사그러들지 않을 것이며 해군의 부당성을 알려 나갈것이고 반대투쟁을 계속해 나갈 것이다.

By any of navy’s manipulation that ignores the principal, our will would never be succumbed nor faded and we will go ahead to inform the navy’s unfairness and will continue our opposition struggle.

공사착공계 제출부분은 시공자가 사업시행자 즉 해군에게 제출하는 것으로 이 자체가 중요한 행위라고 볼 수 없다.
사업허가가 취소되지 않도록 의례적으로 하는 행위에 어떠한 의미를 부여 할 수도 없거니와 토지수용도 마무리 안된 상태에서 착공시도가 무슨 의미가 있겠는가.

The presentation on the setting-up construction is the thing that the construction carrying companies present to the business executive carriers, to speak, the navy and itself cannot be seen as an important activities. There cannot be any meaning that can be given to the retualized activities that is for the business permission not to be cancelled and what meanings can be there in the setting attempt in such situation where the land expropriation is not finished yet.

해군이 주장하는 토지매입 54%는 금액대비 현황이나 실제 소유주 103명중 매수협의불응자는 64명으로 과반수가 넘는데도 강제수용절차를 운운한다면 국민의 재산권을 유린하겠다는 것으로 해군의 월권행위임을 분명히 밝혀둔다.

While the 54 % land purchase the navy claims is the current state that is against price, in fact, the numbers of people who do not comply to buying-over are 64 among the 104 land owners that are more than half. Even then, if the navy [continuously] mentions on the procedure on the enforcing expropriation so-and-so, we clearly announce it means it is willing to trample down on the people’s property right and abuse of its authority.

해당기관으로부터 건축물이나 문화재 부문의 인허가 절차도 안된상태에서 착공강행을 시도한다면 해군 스스로가 절차를 무시하고 있다는 증거를 보임으로 해서 모순에 빠지고 있는 소치일 뿐이다.

If attempting to enforce the setting up when the approval or permission on the architectures or cultural properties have not gotten from the related institutes, it will show that the navy is ignoring the procedure itself therefore it runs into the contradiction.

만약 해군이 국방정책의 중요성을 홍보하여 사업의 정당성을 확보하고 민주적이고 합리적인 절차를 따라 도민합의와 주민동의를 거쳐 사업을 시행하였다면 3년이 지나도 착공하지 못하는 일은 없었을 것이다.

If the navy has made public the importance of the national defense policies, secured the justification of business and practiced the business through the agreement by the Island people and villagers according to reasonable process, there could have not been no reason to set up even a bit while three years have passed.

이에 대한 책임은 전적으로 무능한 해군과 김태환 도정에게 있는 것이며 국가 공무원 신분으로서 제주도민에게 갈등을 유발시키고 화순, 위미, 강정 주민들에게 정신적 고통과 더불어 각종 고소고발을 통한 육체적 물질적 고통을 준것에 대해 통렬한 책임을 느껴야 할 것이고 자진 사퇴하여야 마땅하다.

The responsibility wholly lies in incapable navy and Kim Tae-Hwan Island Government and they should resign themselves for feeling severe responsibility for the facts that they have instigated conflicts among Island people, and given the physical, materialistic suffering to Hwasoon, Weemee, and Gangjeongvillagers through various accusation & indictments together with mental suffering.

해군은 현재까지도 강정마을회를 인정 하지 않는 행위를 서슴없이 행하고 있으며 대화의 상대로 대한적이 없다.
이제와서 주민과의 소통을 이야기하는 것은 추악한 사기행각일 뿐이며 해군이 강정주민 대다수가 반대하는 해군기지 추진을 지속한다면 서로 죽음을 각오하여야 할 것이고 기꺼이 이 싸움에 우리 마을 대다수 주민들은 죽기를 각오한 투쟁으로 맞설 준비가 되어있음을 경고한다.

The navy is unhesitant to make the behavior that does not acknowledge the Gangjeong Village People’s Council even now. Now, it is only ugly fraud that it talks about the communication with the villagers and if the navy continues to drive the naval base that majority of Gangjeong villagers oppose, the both sides should be determined to be ready for death and we warn that the majority of the villagers in our village are ready to confront it with the struggle prepared to die.

2010년 6월 10일

June 10, 2010

* Image source 이미지 소스: click here (여기를 클릭)

The Gangjeong villagers oppose the naval base construction.

First, the Gangjeong village that preserves the worldwide beauty is not appropriate [for the naval base] for any reasons.

- Dec. 12, 2002, designated as the preservation area for the living creatures by the UNESCO
- Natural Memorial NO. 442 according to the Cultural Properties [Protection Law]
- Natural protection area
- Designated as the ecology preservation area by the Ministry of the Environment.
- Five maritime preservation areas, designated by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
- Designated as the preservation area, it is the worldwide acknowledged gorgeous environmental protection area.

Second, the base-militarization would be only the powder magazine of the North East Asia.

Seeing from the geopolitical viewpoint, militarization of the Jeju Island would only increase the tension with the vicinity countries and it would not do any influence for peace.

Third, the construction of the Gangjeong naval base is procedurally wrong.

There has been no process of public consensus such as the fair for the villagers.

Forth, the Ministry of the National Defense and the Jeju Island Government had announced that they would not construct the naval base without the villagers’ agreement. But the Gangjeong villagers’ vote has been ignored.

Gangjeong villagers practiced the villagers’ own vote on August 20, 2007: among 1050 electors, 725 voted and the voters in opposition were 680 ballots (94%), and favor ballots were 36 while cancellation ballots were 9.

Fifth, the Gangjeong villagers whose livelihood communities are broken are experiencing the acute suffering for three years.

It has been long time even families & relatives have been distant one another because of the pro &con on the naval base issue and disagreement due to the conflict among the villagers. Can the naval base that is constructed in this situation possibly co-live with the villagers?

Even though the government gives us millions billions of money, we will never sell our village. It is our wish that we remain as the peaceful Gangjeong village where life overflows, not as the naval base affiliated village.

With your lasting participation and concern, we would block the naval base construction without fail.

join the petition.

Gangjeong village people’s council
Countermeasure committee [against the naval base], Gangjeong Village

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