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Monday, November 1, 2010

Text Fwd: [Japan] Defense Ministry moves to enter global weapons trade [일본] 방위성 장관, 해외 무기 거래 나서기 위해 움직임

Defense Newsletter, Nov. 1, 2010

Japan Times
Monday, Nov. 1, 2010
Defense Ministry moves to enter global weapons trade
Kyodo News

The Defense Ministry is planning to loosen the "three principles of weapons exports" — which constitute the nation's virtual ban on trading arms — so it can reduce the cost of procuring state-of-the-art defense equipment and enhance Japan's contribution to international peace and humanitarian activities, a ministry-crafted plan said Sunday.

The ministry expects the plan, which proposes that Japan participate in international weapons development and production projects, to be part of the new National Defense Program Outline the Cabinet of Prime Minister Naoto Kan intends to adopt at the end of the year, sources familiar with the matter said.

The three key principles were established in 1967, when the Cabinet of then Prime Minister Eisaku Sato decided to ban weapons exports to communist states and nations involved in international conflicts.

The principles were later tightened into what became a virtual ban on weapons exports, although the act of supplying weapons technology to the U.S. was one of the exemptions.

Under the principles, Japan cannot participate in joint development and production of weapons with other countries because defense technology and parts are considered to be weapons.

Japan therefore tends to pay high prices to procure weaponry, especially fighter jets, reconnaissance aircraft and other cutting-edge equipment.

According to the review plan distributed to defense-related lawmakers in the ruling Democratic Party of Japan, the ministry will seek exceptions to the principles to promote Japan's international cooperation activities, reinforcing the Japan-U.S. alliance, and upgrading Japan's defensive capabilities.

Specifically, the proposal on participation in joint weapons development projects is aimed at securing interoperability with the United States and other allies, in addition to cutting procurement costs.

The ministry also will call for allowing weapons produced in Japan under licenses from other countries to be exported to the license holders themselves, and for introducing "offset deals" that will permit made-in-Japan parts to be added to imported weapons.

While Japan currently provides defense equipment to disaster-hit countries on an exceptional basis, the ministry insists such actions must be allowed on a comprehensive basis to facilitate Japan's contribution to international cooperation activities.

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