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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Text Fwd: [Dr. Hannah Middleton] US forces bring grief to Australia 미군, 호주에 통탄을 가져 오다.

* Text informed from Dr. Hanna Middleton and Corazon Valdez Fabros on Nov. 6, 2010

Media release - US forces bring grief to Australia

“We are appalled at the Labor Government’s decision to allow thousands of US troops into Australia and to increase military exercises with US forces,” Dr Hannah Middleton from the Australian Anti-Bases Coalition said.

“The claim that Australia will be more secure as a result of closer military ties with the US is nonsense.

“We cannot really expect security from a country which has gone to war every 14 months since World War 2.

“For a government facing massive opposition to its existing military spending of over $80 million a day, spending more on facilities for a foreign military power is criminal.

“Australia’s relationship with the US makes us poorer, not safer,”.Dr Middleton said.

The Asia-Pacific region is the economic powerhouse of the 21st Century. The US Government wants to dominate here militarily,” said Denis Doherty, co-ordinator of the Australian Anti-Bases Campaign.

“But around the world US bases and troops have brought social tensions, abuse of women, crime, and massive toxic waste and pollution.

“The people of Okinawa are driving the US Marines out because they have had enough.

“Many are being sent to Guam where a huge opposition movement is now developing.

“And the peace movement does not want them in Australia either,” Mr Doherty said.

“The US has already dragged Australia into the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan at the cost of thousands dead and massive destruction. This has to stop.

“We call on the Gillard Government not to threaten but to work cooperatively with the people of the Asia Pacific region, including China. They will be surprised and delighted by the rewards of peace with justice.

“The peace movement will continue to resist the presence of US troops, bases and logistics in our country.

“We need to keep the US military at arms length. We should maintain friendly relations with the US but not be abject followers of an aggressive, militarist empire,” Denis Doherty concluded.

For more information:

Denis Doherty 0418 290 663

Dr Hannah Middleton 0418 668 098


See also STOP NATO: Asia-Pacific Build-Up: U.S. To Share Australian Military Bases

Australian Associated Press

November 6, 2010
US forces to share our bases

-The Australian development is part of a new US strategy to step up its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region after reviews of strategic policy concluded that the Bush government's attempts to project power from North America were not working.

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