'저는 그들의 땅을 지키기 위하여 싸웠던 인디안들의 이야기를 기억합니다. 백인들이 그들의 신성한 숲에 도로를 만들기 위하여 나무들을 잘랐습니다. 매일밤 인디안들이 나가서 백인들이 만든 그 길을 해체하면 그 다음 날 백인들이 와서 도로를 다시 짓곤 했습니다. 한동안 그 것이 반복되었습니다. 그러던 어느날, 숲에서 가장 큰 나무가 백인들이 일할 동안 그들 머리 위로 떨어져 말과 마차들을 파괴하고 그들 중 몇몇을 죽였습니다. 그러자 백인들은 떠났고 결코 다시 오지 않았습니다….' (브루스 개그논)

For any updates on the struggle against the Jeju naval base, please go to savejejunow.org and facebook no naval base on Jeju. The facebook provides latest updates.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Petition: Media and democracy in South Korea: Save Mediact

* Image source: Hankyoreh
"Kim Dong-won (right), then president of the Association of Korean Independent Film & Video, stands with members of Mediact, Kim Myong-joon, the president of Mediact, and Yu Kil-chon, then president of Korean Film Council (center) and a representative from the Culture Ministry to cut the ceremonial red ribbon officially opening Mediact in Gwangwhamun, Seoul, May 9, 2002.
Korea Times
02-03-2010 19:41
Is Media Center Taking Conservative Tone?

* Petition informed by Makiko SATO on Jan. 31, 2010

“ A Japanese group for laborers called the Labor Net is asking for petitions for the Korean Media 'MediAct '
http://www.gopetition.com/online/33662.html (English)
http://vpress.la.coocan.jp/mediact.html (Japanese)

In Tokyo tomorrow, there is an urgent meeting for supporting MediAct.”


For Sign for Petition, go to HERE

Published by mediact solidarity on Jan 26, 2010

Category: Human Rights
Region: South Korea
Target: KOFIC & South Korea's Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Web site: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=273091817582

Background (Preamble):

The world has watched as South Korea has moved from dictatorship toward democracy, over the last half a century at great cost. However, democracy, including incredible advances made in the culture and media sectors, has suffered serious damage in South Korea under the Lee Myung-bak regime. This damage has been inflected by way of unilateral passage of new media and news laws, the Grand National Party's (GNP) and conservative newspapers' attempt to take-over of public broadcasting and the evening news in particular, and the replacement of major broadcasting networks' executives with pro-government figure. Furthermore, a principle of checks-and-balances among the executive, the legislative, and the judicial branches of the government has been repeatedly violated and weakened the legitimacy of democratic governance.

South Korea in the past two years has been witness to the use of the Public Prosecutor's Office to detain and question journalists critical of the government, infringing on the professional autonomy of rank-and-file reporters and threatening the development of a free and independent press. In addition, the National Tax Service has been used to mobilize politically-motivated institutional audits, while various ministries have been involved in the revocation of NGO licenses and contracts, forced personnel changes, budget cuts, imposition of a real name registration system, pressing of charges of national security violations, and investigations into family members of media movement activists and cultural sector leaders that have been classified as "Born in the Time of DJ (Kim Dae-jung), and Raised by Roh Moo-hyun."

During the past year there have been several forced resignations and/or illegal firings, many of which the Seoul Administrative Court has determined have been illegal but not reversible. While the list is extensive and include the massive personnel and budget cuts at both South Korea's Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the NHRCK that violates the latter's autonomy outlined and protected under Article 10 of the Constitution, notable incidents include:

* Arts Council Korea (ARKO) Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Kim Jung-heun
* National Museum of Contemporary Art Director Kim Yoon-soo
* Korean National University of Arts President Hwang Ji-woo
* KBS President Jung Yun-joo
* KBS Director Shin Tae-seop
* National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK) Chairperson Ahn Kyung-whan

There have also been:
* many resignations made under political protest of four MBC Board of Directors members and media personality Kim Je-dong
* the parachute appointment of the YTN president
* the defunding of Migrant Worker TV
* the defunding of the Seoul Human Rights Film Festival hosted by Sarangbang
* defunding of RTV (national public access satellite cable channel/ a must-carry channel that launched in 2007)
* an attack on Article 38 of the Broadcast Law stipulating that funds are to be used for supporting viewer-produced programs and providing broadcast access to those otherwise excluded from the mainstream
* shut-down of Indie-Space

These and numerous other instances that suggest consequences of a democracy that is taking backward steps in South Korea have been drawing international attention, including from:

* Experts serving on the United Nations (UN) Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR)
* Reporters without Borders (Reporters sans frontieres, RSF) (According to its 2009 World Press Freedom index, South Korea has dropped 30 places in the past year under President Lee)
* Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
* Amnesty International
* International Coordinating Committee (ICC) of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection Human Rights
* Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions
* Asia Human Rights Commission & a Statement From Professors In North America Concerned About Korean Democracy.

In addition to calls being made to KOFIC at (02)958-7521 or 02-9587-526 and emails being sent to snowmt@kofic.or.kr ...



We now join those concerned over the regression of democracy in South Korea that has now taken the form of an attack on Mediact, South Korea’s first public media center that has since its founding represented South Korea internationally as a leader in communication rights and democracy, media literacy, intellectual property rights, and public interest media.

Since 2002, Mediact has stewarded a contract to support independent film and video makers, media policy development, lifelong media education and public access. For seven years, it has provided an infrastructure focusing on the potential of creating a public media sector based on both shifting technological possibilities of access to the media and ongoing political democratization processes taking place in South Korea.

Mediact’s facilities are funded by the Korean Film Council (KOFIC), what is supposed to be an autonomous organization funded by the central government to promote Korean cinema within the country and overseas, and an independent activist organization managed by the Association of Korean Independent Film & Video (KIFV). We are highly alarmed by the new KOFIC Chairman's recent decision to dismantle Mediact and force its staff to resign as of February 1.

As Mediact’s counterparts in the international community, we have been long inspired by Mediact’s visionary leadership in the areas of media policy, media education, media production and communication rights. We, the undersigned, urge the government of President Lee Myung-bak to recognize its responsibility for the democracy that has regressed and reorient itself as a government that respects the people's sovereignty and South Korea's continued leadership in media and communication rights. We ask KOFIC together with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to reverse this decision immediately.


* Related article

[Interview] Mediact, S. Korea’s first media center turns 7:
Japan, U.S. closely watch changes occurring within S. Korea’s media landscape as organization enters 8th year
Posted on : Jun.1,2009 12:52 KST

* Related blogs

Friday, November 13, 2009
Text Fwd: CESCR draws a grim picture of human rights in South Korea

Friday, September 18, 2009
Text Fwd: DSC agent caught keeping surveillance over arts organization in Japan

Friday, July 24, 2009
Text Fwd: [Analysis] Broadcasting Law revision might force MBC to privatize

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Text Fwd: Media workers stage general strike to prevent Broadcasting Law revision

Friday, May 22, 2009
Text Fwd: Government announces a ban on assemblies in Seoul

[International Petition: Workers at the PORT OF GUAM NEED YOUR HELP!

* Image Source: Union Voice, Guam

* Text from President Matt Rector (GFTActive (at)gftunion.com) through the AP-No Base on Jan. 29, 2010




Your brothers and sisters at the Port of Guam need your help. The management of the Port refuses to obey the law and negotiate in good faith with them. They need your help to ask the Board and Management to do the right thing and NEGOTIATE IN GOOD FAITH.


The team the Board and Management have sent to the negotiating table thinks that negotiating means saying no to everything! They refuse to negotiate even things that are mandated in the law which they wrote and got passed!


These men and women work hard every day and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. While management has a regular Monday through Friday Schedule, they refuse to negotiate scheduling so that the operations workers can plan their families schedules around their work schedule. Even though the law demands they have a two week schedule, issued two weeks in advance they still refuse to do it. Don’t Stevedores, crane and equipment operators deserve to have a schedule so that they can attend their daughters play, go to parent teacher conferences or be able to take their mothers to their Doctors’ Appointments? Family values mean being able to plan ahead to spend time with your family and should not only be for management.


The people that do the work of unloading the food and supplies to keep our island running deserve a fair pay check. While management got gigantic raises the rest got pennies! Now they need to negotiate fair wages for our families who are currently the lowest paid Port workers in the nation!


The Port has already spent massive amounts of money on hired guns to delay and stall negotiations instead of doing the right thing. When their $250 per hour attorney ran up a bill of over $100,000 they brought in a private consultant to continue this heinous work that they are paying tens of thousands of dollars as well too. The time has come to stop wasting the people of Guam’s money and start obeying the law.


Now is the time to stand for our Brothers and Sisters who work at our port, just as they will stand for you.


Together We Win!!!

Matt Rector


Send a letter to the following decision maker(s):
Port Board & Management

Below is the sample letter:


Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],

Buenas Yan Hafa Adai! I encourage you to order your negotiating team to start negotiating in good faith with your employees on their union contract. You have a serious responsibility to the people of Guam to ensure your negotiating team obeys the law and works with your employees' union to come up with a contract that prohibits nepotism and favoritism. A contract that ensures everyone is treated fairly on the basis of Merit and Seniority. A contract that protects your workers from being forced to work in unsafe conditions or with unsafe equipment. A contract that ensures your employees gets their schedule in advance so that they can plan their family life around it. A contract that ensures everyone at the Port is treated with dignity and respect. A contract that ensures our people, are not treated like second class citizens and receive a fair pay check.

It is in the best interest of the people of Guam that we have a first class port, with first class emplo yees that have working conditions and pay up to National Standards. The strength of our Port is the men and women that do the work of loading and unloading ships every day and it is in your hands to see they are treated with the respect they and their families deserve by negotiating a fair union contract with them. Please, do the right thing and order your team to negotiate in good faith.


[Your Name]


Take Action!

Click here to take action on this issue or choose the "Reply to Sender" option on your email program.

Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.

What's At Stake:

The team the Board and Management have sent to the negotiating table thinks that negotiating means saying no to everything! They refuse to negotiate even things that are mandated in the law which they wrote and got passed! Now is the time to stand for our Brothers and Sisters who work at our port, just as they will stand for you.

Campaign Expiration Date:
February 28, 2010


* For the Military Footprint of Guam,

Bruce Gagnon blog on Jan. 27, 2010,

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
We are Guahan: Ask for More Time for Review of EIS on US Military Base Expansion!

Why Guam's Buildup? (Japanese/ English)

In No Base Stories of Korea : label Guam

Friday, January 29, 2010

[Text fwd] Final List as of Jan. 29: APPEAL TO STOP JEJU NAVY BASE CONSTRUCTION, 남한 제주도 해군 기지 건설 반대 1월 29일 자 최종 서명 명단

* Head of the list documemt sent from Bruce Gagnon on Jan. 26, 2010
2010년 1월 26일자, 브루스 개그논으로부터 보내진 명단 문안 첫 머리

* Bruce K. Gagnon, Secretary of the Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space has started the international petition against the Jeju naval base construction on Jan. 11, 2010. Click here to see the original petition. In Korean (한국어), please click here. He has officially closed petition on Jan. 25 and sent the ‘mail to SK embassy in Washington DC and Obama and Secretary Defense Gates on Tuesday, Jan 26’. To see the letter to SK embassy(copy to Obama& Gates), please click HERE. Since then, the signs have been continuously coming in and the list as of Jan. 29 is 829 from 31 countries. The below is the final list as of Jan. 29, 2010.

우주의 무기와 핵을 반대하는 글로벌 넷워크 사무 총장 브루스 개그논은 제주 해군 기지 건설에 반대하는 국제 서명을 2010년 1월 11일 시작했읍니다. 서명 요청 원문은 여기서 보실 수 있읍니다. 한국어는 여기를 클릭하시길. 그는 공식적으로 서명을 1월 25일 종료했으며 미국 수도 워싱턴 주재 남한 대사관과 오바마 게이츠에게 보내는 서명을 1월 26일, 화요일 보냈읍니다. 남한 대사관에 보낸 편지 (오바마와 게이츠에 복사본 동봉)를 보려면 여기를 클릭하시길. 이후 서명은 계속 들어와 1월 29일자로 31 개국 829명입니다. 아래는 2010년 1월 29일 자 최종 명단입니다.


남한 제주도 해군 기지 건설 중단을 위한 호소

We, the undersigned global organizations and individuals, call upon the South Korean and US governments to cancel all plans to build a Navy base on Jeju Island. The base will destroy coral reefs that have been listed as world heritage environmental sites by the UNESCO and will destroy the fishing and way of life of the people.

서명한 전 세계의 조직과 개인들인 우리들은 남한과 미국 정부가 제주도에 해군 기지를 지으려는 모든 계획을 취소할 것을 요청한다. 그 기지는 유네스코에 의해 세계적 환경 유산 장소로 명명된 산호초 군락을 파괴하고 어업과 사람들의 생활 양식을 파괴할 것이다.

The deployment of naval Aegis destroyers, outfitted with missile defense systems, will be used to surround and provoke China and will make Jeju Island a prime target.

미사일 방어망으로 장착된 해군 이지스 구축함들 개발은 중국을 에워싸고 자극시키며 제주도를 주요 명중 목표로 만들 것이다.

Jeju is called the peace island and must remain free of provocative military bases.

제주는 평화의 섬이라 불리며 자극하는 군사 기지들이 없는 곳으로 남아야 한다.

• Lawrence R. Abbott (San Leandro, California, USA)
• Hiromi Abe (Tokyo, Japan)
• Junko Abe (Matsuyama, Japan)
• Sue Ablao (Poulsbo, Washington, USA)
• Ray Acheson (Director, Reaching Critical Will, WILPF, New York, New York, USA)
• Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire (Saintes, France)
• Michael Adler (Gainesville, Florida, USA)
• Ahn, Byung Gil (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Christine Ahn (Korea Policy Institute, San Francisco, California, USA)
• AKBAYAN (People's Action Party List, Philippines)
• Deborah Allen (New York, New York, USA)
• Americans Who Tell the Truth (Brooksville, Maine, USA)
• Glen Anderson (Lacey, Washington, USA)
• Joan Anderson (Canada)
• Kagari Ando (West Vancouver, Canada)
• Anraku,Tomoko (Anti-Nuke Waste Campaign, Chubu, Japan)
• Haruki Aoyama (Chiba, Japan)
• Colin Archer (Secretary-General, International Peace Bureau, Geneva, Switzerland)
• Fumie Arimura (Nipponzan Myohoji, Tokyo, Japan)
• Judith Arnold (Beaverton, Oregon, USA)
• Tomohiko Arimitsu (Photographer, Okinawa, Japan)
• Ilse E. Arndt (Aloha, Oregon, USA)
• Akira Asada (Takarazuka, Japan)
• Yuichi Ashina (Fukushima, Japan)
• Association of the Religious Followers for the Peace of Jeju (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Randy Atkins (Gainesville, Florida, USA)
• Robin Attfield (Professor of Philosophy, Cardiff University, Wales, UK)
• Debbie Atwood (Vice Chair, Brunswick Town Council, Brunswick, Maine, USA)
• Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition
• Byungho Bae (Seoul, South Korea)
• Bae, Yu-Mi (Staff, Overseas Ecumenical Relations Department, the Presbyterian Church in the Republic fo Korea, Seoul, Korea)
• Bainbridge Island Paddle Society (Bainbridge, Washington, USA)
• Therese Barre (Colombe)
• Mario Basso (Movimento Nodal Molin, Vicenza, Italy)
• Edith Bell (WILPF, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA)
• L. R. Berger (NE Associate Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service, Contoocook, New Hampshire, USA)
• Jean Beringer (Sioux City, Iowa, USA)
• Jennifer Berman (Lafayette, Indiana, USA)
• John Bernard (South Portland, Maine, USA)
• Karen Biesanz (Corning, New York, USA)
• Pat Birnie (WILPF Tucson Branch, Tucson, Arizona, USA)
• Phil Bittle (San Gabriel, California, USA)
• Tim Blanchette (Veterans for Peace, Falmouth, Maine, USA)
• Maureen Block (Bath, Maine, USA)
• Toby Blome (Bay Area CodePink, San Francisco, California, USA)
• Hon. William Boardman (Woodstock, Vermont, USA)
• Mary & Joan Boone (Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada)
• David Borris (Northbrook, Illinois, USA)
• Muriel Bossier (Seoul, South Korea)
• Helen Boynton (Brunswick, Maine, USA)
• Barbara Brädefors (Swedish Peace Committee, Stockholm, Sweden)
• Mary D. Branson (Jeju City, Jeju Island, South Korea)
• Ivan Braun (Bronx, New York, USA)
• Adam Breasley (Melbourne, Australia)
• André Brochu (Malmoe, Sweden)
• Buddhist Peace Solidarity (Korea)
• Bernice Bulgatz (Citizens for Social Responsibility, Boynton Beach, Florida, USA)
• Tim Bullock (New England Peace Pagoda, Leverett, Massachusetts, USA)
• Valentina Buraya (Primorskiy Branch Committee Peace Protecting of Russia, Russia)
• Burnsville and Eagan Peace Vigils (Minnesota, USA)
• Diane Cadonau (Hillsboro, Oregon, USA)
• Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (Yorkshire, England)
• Michael Canney (Alachua County Green Party, Florida, USA)
• Theresa Carr (New Haven, Connecticut, USA)
• Steve Carroll (Portland, Maine, USA)
• Bill & Mary Carry (The Peace and National Priorities Center of Oakland County, Sylvan Lake, Michigan, USA)
• Flolyn Catungal (Philippines)
• Central Alliance for National Self-Reliance and Peaceful Unification (Korea)
• Malcolm J. Chaddock (Veterans For Peace, Poulsbo, Washington, USA)
• Fredy Champagne (Veterans for Peace, Garberville, California, USA)
• David W. & Kathe Chipman (Harpswell, Maine, USA)
• Cho, Dae-Hwan (Subway worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Choe, Joon-Soo (General Secretary, Korea Peace Foundation, Seoul, Korea)
• Choe, Sang Cheol (Chief of General Affairs, Workers Institute of Social Science, Korea)
• Cheong, Myung-Duk (Subway worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Choi, Eun-A (Korea Alliance for Progressive Movement, and The South Headquarters of Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification, Seoul, Korea)
• Choi, InSoo (Seoul, South Korea)
• Choi, Gwang-Eun (Representative, Socialist Party of Korea, Seoul, Korea)
• Choi, Seong-Hwan (Construction worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Sung-Hee Choi (Incheon, Korea)
• Yoonjung Choi (Nautilus ARI, Seoul, South Korea)
• Lynn R. Chong (Common People's Peace Vigil, Plymouth, New Hampshire, USA)
• Christian Meeting for the Peace of the Jeju Island (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Emily Rose Ciscato (Vicenza, Italy)
• Enzo Ciscato (Vicenza, Italy)
• Citizens Network for Ban on Depleted Uranium Weapons (Tokyo, Japan)
• Civil Society Organization Forum for Peace, Inc. (Iligan City, Mindanao, Philippines)
• Richard Clement (Veterans for Peace, Pittston, Maine, USA)
• R. Lane Clark (Santa Barbara, California, USA)
• Co- Chairmen’ Council of the Jeju Environmental Movement Association (Jeju Island, Korea)
• CODEPINK Women for Peace (USA)
• Phyllis Coelho (Belfast, Maine, USA)
• Jack & Felice Cohen-Joppa (The Nuclear Resister, Tucson, Arizona, USA)
• Betty Cole (Georgetown, Maine, USA)
• Charlotte Sheasbby-Coleman (Canada)
• Ian Collins (Liberty, Maine, USA)
• Nelson Cone (Veterans for Peace, Port Angeles, Washington, USA)
• Andrés Thomas Conteris (Program on the Americas Director, Nonviolence International, Washington, DC, USA)
• Rev. Bill Coop (Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, Brunswick, Maine, USA)
• Georgiann Cooper (PeaceWorks, Freeport, Maine, USA)
• Pauline Cory (Worthing, United Kingdom)
• Council for a Martyr, Yang Yong Chan (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Susan Crane (Jonah House, Baltimore, Maryland, USA)
• Phyllis Creighton (Toronto Raging Grannies, Canada)
• Frances Crowe (Northampton, Massachusetts, USA)
• David Csik (Portland, Oregon, USA)
• Doug Cunningham (Pastor, New Day Church, Bronx, New York, USA)
• Fr. Bob Cushing (Pastor, St. Theresa Catholic Church, Cordele, GA, USA)
• Bob Dale (Brunswick, Maine, USA)
• Sigrid & Ron Dale (Warren, Michigan, USA)
• Oyunsuren Damdinsuren (Lecturer, National University of Mongolia)
• Dr. Edwin E. Daniel (Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB, Canada)
• Stephen Dankowich (Director, Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights, Ontario, Canada)
• Darmstaedter Friedensforum (Darmstadt, Germany)
• Chris Davenport (ACT for the Earth, Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
• Michael & Ava DeLorenzo (Harpswell, Maine, USA)
• Lynn DeFilippo (Fairbanks, Alaska, USA)
• Democratic Labor Party (Korea)
• Democratic Labor Party, Jeju Island Regional Branch (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Max M. de Mesa (Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates, Quezon City, Philippines)
• Christine A. DeTroy (Maine WILPF, Brunswick, Maine, USA)
• Judith Deutsch (President, Science for Peace, University of Toronto, Canada)
• Michael Diaz (Vieques, Puerto Rico)
• Nilda Medina Diaz (Committee For the Rescue and Development of Vieques, Puerto Rico)
• Orji Nkemakonam Dickson (President, GOLHD Centre, Nigeria)
• Rainbo Dixon (PhD candidate, School of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Murdoch University, Murdoch, Australia)
• DMZ-Hawai/Aloha 'Aina
• Mike Dodd (St Columbans, Nebraska, USA)
• Alyce Dodge (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA)
• Richard Doherty (Seattle, Washington, USA)
• Pete Shimazaki Doktor (Honolulu, Hawai`i)
• Duncan Dow (San Francisco, California, USA)
• Jean Downey (Ten Thousand Things culture of peace blog, Kyoto, Japan)
• Dr. Myagmar Dovcin (Director of Blue Banner, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
• Paul Drinan (Portland, Maine, USA)
• Colleen M. Driscoll (Ph.D, Director, The Kurtz Institute of Peacemaking, Cheshire, Connecticutt, USA)
• Steve Dunn (Bangor, Maine, USA)
• Dr. John P. Dwyer & Dr. Karen N. Dwyer (Pax Christi Naples, Florida)
• Elihu Edelson (WW II veteran, Tyler, TeXas, USA)
• Marjorie Swann Edwin (Santa Cruz, California, USA)
• Akira Egami (Nipponzan Myohoji, Tokyo, Japan)
• Cheryl Eiger (North Bend, Washington, USA)
• Leonard Eiger (Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, North Bend, Washington, USA)
• Maggie Eisner (Bradford, United Kingdom)
• Jenefer Ellingston (Green Party, Washington DC, USA)
• Daniel Ellis (Veterans for Peace, Brunswick, Maine, USA)
• Dr. Jorge Emmanuel (El Cerrito, California, USA)
• Jean Enriquez (Executive Director, CATW-AP, Philippines)
• Jun Enriquez (Civil Society Organization Forum For Peace, Philippines)
• Skorokhodova Evgeniya (Vladivostok, Russia)
• Corazon Valdez-Fabros (Citizen's Peace Watch, Philippines)
• Family Association for the Democratic Movement (Korea)
• Anna Farkas (U.S. Citizens for Peace & Justice, Rome, Italy)
• Fellowship of Reconciliation (Nyack, New York)
• Mike Ferner (President, Veterans For Peace, Toledo, Ohio)
• Chris Fetterly (Prince George, BC, Canada)
• Cynthia Fischer (Director, Center for Environmental Education , West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA)
• Richard Fischer (Dubuque Peace, Bernard, Iowa, USA)
• Lotus Yee Fong (San Francisco, California, USA)
• Fredericton Peace Coalition (Canada)
• Friendship and Peace Society (Sarasota, Florida, USA)
• Stacey Fritz (No Nukes North, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA)
• Charles Fry (Moss Point, Mississippi, USA)
• Fumio Fujita (Nipponzan Myohoji, Tokyo, Japan)
• Ronald Fujiyoshi (U.S.-Japan Committee for Racial Justice, Honolulu, Hawai`i)
• Atsushi Fujioka (Kyoto, Japan)
• Manami Fujiwara (Osaka, Japan)
• Patricia Fullenweder (Portland, Oregon, USA)
• Ellen V. Fuller (Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia)
• Fundación de Arte Pictórico Alfonso Arana (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
• Thomas L. Fusco (Brunswick, Maine, USA)
• Bruce Gagnon (Bath, Maine, USA)
• Ms. Lee M. Gagnon (Walpole, Massachusetts, USA)
• Kathryn Gaianguest (Lamoine, Maine, USA)
• Nancy Galland (Stockton Springs, Maine, USA)
• Vadim Gaponenko (Primorskiy Branch of Russian Peace Foundation, Vladivostok, Russia)
• Lorree Gardener (Olympia, Washington, USA)
• Jay E Garth Jr (Huntington, Texas, USA)
• Lydia Garvey (Clinton, Oklahoma, USA)
• Lorena Garzotto (Vicenza, Italy)
• Alfred J. Geiger (Jacksonville, Florida, USA)
• Wendy Clarissa Geiger (Jacksonville, Florida, USA)
• Gloria C. George (Aloha, Oregon, USA)
• Joseph Gerson (AFSC – Peace and Economic Security Program, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)
• Anne Gibbons (Bronx, New York, USA)
• Philip Gilligan (Littleborough, United Kingdom)
• Starr C. Gilmartin (Trenton, Maine, USA)
• Eiko Ginoza (Citizens' Network for Biological Diversity in Okinawa, Okinawa, Japan)
• Luke Gizinski (Lewiston, Maine, USA)
• Filson H. Glanz (Durham, New Hampshire, USA)
• Mary Gleysteen (North Kitsap Neighbors for Peace, Kingston, Washington, USA)
• Ted Glick (Peace/Justice/Climate activist, Bloomfield, New Jersey, USA)
• Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
• Ernest Goitein (Atherton, California, USA)
• Iza Gonzales (Malolos City, Philippines)
• Laura L. Good (Beaverton, Oregon, USA)
• Claire Gosselin (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
• Gotjawal Little School (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Jill Gough (National Secretary, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Cymru)
• Alana Graham (Forest Grove, Oregon, USA)
• Holly Gwinn Graham (Olympia, Washington, USA)
• Rebecca A. Gray (Hillsboro, Oregon, USA)
• Gray Panthers (Metro Detroit, Michigan, USA)
• Gray Panthers (Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)
• Michael Green (Ludlow, United Kingdom)
• Lynne Greenwald (Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, Bremerton, Washington, USA)
• Henriette Groot (PhD, Cayucos, California, USA)
• Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action (Poulsbo, Washington, USA)
• Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak (Opole, Poland)
• Irene E. Guido (No Dal Molin, Vicenza, Italy)
• Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
• Jean & Joe Gump (Bloomingdale, Michigan, USA)
• Sim Woo Gun (Steering Committee Members’ Association of the Uijungboo School, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
• Tsuneaki Gunjima (Fukuoka, Japan)
• Samira Gutoc (Lake Lanao protection advocate, Philippines)
• Kevin Haake (Lincoln, Nebraska, USA)
• Anne Hablas (Fargo, North Dakota, USA)
• Joung, Hai-In (Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Incheon, Korea)
• Ellen Haight (Beaverton, Oregon, USA)
• Duane Hall (Beaverton, Oregon, USA)
• Kevin & Maggie Hall (Dunedin, Florida, USA)
• Marcia Halligan (Kickapoo Peace Circle, Viroqua, Wisconsin, USA)
• Han, Jung Ae (The Frontiers, Seoul, South Korea)
• Han, Soohyeon (Tokyo, Japan)
• Han, Sun-Nam (Wind in Peace, Kunsan, Jeollabuk-do, Korea)
• Jane Hanna (Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA)
• Kyoko Hara (Vancouver, Canada)
• Jenny Hardacre (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
• Clare Hariri (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
• Amy Harlib (New York, New York, USA)
• Jack Harrington (Deer Isle, Maine, USA)
• Margaret Harrington (co-chair, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Dismantle the War Economy Leadership Team, Richford, Vermont, USA)
• Kate Harris (Belfast, Maine, USA)
• Norma J F Harrison (Berkeley, California, USA)
• Headingley Green Party (Headingley, England)
• Health Care Solidarity, Korean Public Service Union, Jeju Headquarter (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Kneath Heard (Seogwipo-Si, Jeju Island, South Korea)
• Andrew Heaslet (Peace Economy Project, St Louis, Missouri, USA)
• Suzanne Hedrick (Pax Christi, Nobleboro, Maine, USA)
• Valerie Heinonen, o.s.u. (Ursulines of Tildonk for Justice and Peace
New York, New York, USA)
• Jenny Heinz (New York, New York, USA)
• Dud Hendrick (Veterans for Peace, Deer Isle, Maine, USA)
• Noboru Hidaka (Ageo,Japan)
• Reiko Hidaka (Oita, Japan)
• Fujioka Hiromi (Dazaifu, Japan)
• Filo Hirota (Rome, Italy)
• John Hock (Forest Grove, Oregon, USA)
• Herbert J. Hoffman (Ogunquit, Maine, USA)
• Hyun Hoheon (Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, South Gyunggi branch, Paju, Korea)
• Janet Holden (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
• Boram Hong (Seoguipo, Jeju Island, South Korea)
• Hong, Sung-Hak (Korean Professors Union, Chungjoo, Korea)
• Mari Hoshikawa (Tokyo, Japan)
• Lyn Hovey (Riddells Creek, Victoria, Australia)
• Celeste Howard (Hillsboro, Oregon, USA)
• Institute for Research in Collaborationist Activities (Korea)
• Janet Hudgins (Vancouver, Canada)
• Jackie Hudson (Poulsbo, Washington, USA)
• Kimberly Hughes (Co-coordinator, Peace Not War Japan, Tokyo, Japan)
• Kim So Hun (National Visual Artists’ Association, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
• Hye, Kyoung An (Jejudo, South Korea)
• Bhak Yong Hyun (Co-Representative, Veterans For Peace, South Korea)
• Fourat Idan (Medical student, Bratislava, Slovakia)
• Vicki Impoco (Satellite Beach, Florida, USA)
• Akiko Inari (Kyoto, Japan)
• Takashi Inatsuki (Sayama City, Japan)
• Inc. Child Book, Jeju Regional Council (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Individuals For Justice (Portland, Oregon, USA)
• Yuko Inui (Miyagi, Japan)
• Megumi Ishibashi (Chiba, Japan)
• Akiko Ishikawa (Fukuoka, Japan)
• Haruko Ishikawa (Catholic religious, Tokyo, Japan)
• Island Peace & Justice (Deer Isle, Maine, USA)
• Kanji & Simako Ito (Stone Walk Korea, Fukuoka Japan)
• Katsuhisa Itoh (Nagoya, Japan)
• Yasuhisa Iwakawa (Chiba, Japan)
• Hideo Iwasa ( Kyoto, Japan )
• Helen Jaccard (Seattle, Washington, USA)
• Marshall Jack (Arizona, USA)
• Sally Jacques (Austin, Texas, USA)
• Carol Jahnkow (Executive Director, Peace Resource Center of San Diego, California, USA)
• Fred Jakobcic (Marquette, Michigan, USA)
• Jang, Hyun-Sool (Transportation worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Jang, Kyung Wook (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Linda Jansen (Stand Up Seattle, Washington, USA)
• Japan Anti-War Network
• Jeju 4.3 Research Institute (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Jeju Association for Women’s Right (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Jeju Island 4.3 People’s Solidarity (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Jeju Nohoe Church & Society Council, Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Jeju People’s Self-Governing Solidarity (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Jeju Solidarity for Participatory Self-Government & Environmental Preservation (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Jeju Women’s Association (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Jeju Young People’s Council for Unification (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Jo, Jung Nae (The Frontiers, Seoul, South Korea)
• Chadwick Johnson (Amherst, Massachusetts, USA)
• Paul Johnson (Abermain, NSW, Australia)
• Brian Jones (Swansea CND, Wales)
• Ronald Jones (Solvang, California, USA)
• Joo, Byung-Joon (Chairman, Ohyun-ri Villiage People’s Committee against the Expansion of the Mugeon-ri Military Training Fields, Paju, Korea)
• Joo, Seol-lak (Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Women’s Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Carla Josephson (Stop The War Machine, Rio Rancho, New Mexico, USA)
• Jung, Ae-Jung (Countermeasure Committee against the Leukemia, Samsung Semiconductor, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
• Jung, Hye Eun (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
• Jung, Hyun-Back (Professor, Dept. of History, Sung Kyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea)
• Kim Hyun-Jung (Busan YMCA coordinator, Busan, Korea)
• Jung, Woo-Soo (Korea Alliance for Progressive Movement, Seoul, Korea)
• Masa Kagami (Article 9 Association, Vancouver, Canada)
• Kyle Kajihiro (American Friends Service Committee, Honolulu, Hawaii)
• Ramya Kane (Kerald, India)
• Naoka Kaneko (Japan)
• Kang, Ik-Hyun (herb doctor, Jeonbuk-do, Korea)
• Kang, Jeong-Koo (Co-representative, Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Seoul, Korea)
• Kang, Sang-Won (Director, Pyeongtaek Peace Center, Pyeongtaek, Korea)
• Ito Kanji (Stone Walk Korea, Fukuoka Japan)
• Sharon Carmin Karasic (Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
• Leah R. Karpen (WILPF, Asheville, North Carolina, USA)
• Kazuhiro Kato (Kushima, Japan)
• Fuji Katsuhiko (Nagoya City, Japan)
• Yuko Katsuren (Kumamoto, Japan)
• Hubert Kauffman (Ph.D., Oxford, Maine, USA)
• Masami Kawamura (Director, Citizens' Network for Biological Diversity in Okinawa, Okinawa, Japan)
• Alan F. Kay (St Augustine, Florida, USA)
• Hizumi Kazuo (Tokyo, Japan)
• Benton Kealii Pang (Ph.D., Honolulu, Hawaii, USA)
• Celine Keating (New York, New York, USA)
• Kim Yoon Kee (National Visual Artists Association, Seoul, Korea)
• Fritz & Natalie Kempner (Woolwich, Maine, USA)
• Kenko (Musician, Save Awase Association, Okinawa, Japan)
• Randy Kezar (Kingston, New Hampshire, USA)
• Kickapoo Peace Circle (Viroqua, Wisconsin, USA)
• Boong-ang Kim (Tokyo, Japan)
• Daesung Kim (Northridge, California, USA)
• Kim, Dong Won (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Kim, Eun (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
• Kim, Gil-Ja (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
• Kim, Gui Ok (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Kim, Hei-Jeong (staff, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Women’s Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Kim, Ho Hyun (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Kim, Hye Soon (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
• Hyoshin Kim (D.Ed., Academic Manager, Continuing Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada)
• Kim, Hyun-Jung (YMCA coordinator, Busan, Korea)
• Kim, Jae-Heyung (Lifepeace Fellowship, Seoul, Korea)
• Kim, Jae Hyun (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
• Kim, Ji Young (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Joo-Hee Kim (Seoul, South Korea)
• Kim, Hwan Young (Secretary General, Veterans For Peace, South Korea)
• Kim, Jong-Il (Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Executive Chairperson of the Pan-Korean Committee against the Expansion of the Mugeon-ri Military Training Fields, Seoul, Korea)
• Kim, Kang Youn (Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Incheon, Korea)
• Kim, Kwang-Chang (Service worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Kim, Kwang-Hee (Subway worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Kim, Lae-Gon (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Ms. Kim, Mi-Kyun, (Seoul, Korea)
• Kim, Myung Sook (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Kim, Seong-Hwan (Representative, Samsung General Labor Union,
Incheon, Korea)
• Kim, Sung-Kyun (Citizens’ Campaign for Media Consumer Rights, Seoul, Korea)
• Kim, Sung-Wook (Korea Alliance for Progressive Movement, Seoul, Korea)
• Kim, Tae-Jin (Subway worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Kim, Yeong (Korean resident in Tokyo, Japan)
• Kim, Young-Je (National Director for the Reunification Unit, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Seoul, Korea)
• Beth Kinney (Alamosa, Colorado, USA)
• Jack Kirkwood (Beaverton, Oregon, USA)
• Hiromitsu Kitsu (Nipponzan Myohoji, Tokyo, Japan)
• Margery T. Kivel (Dowagiac, Michigan, USA)
• Ingeborg Kleinhans (Västerås, Sweden)
• Tomoo Kobashigawa (Photographer, Save Awase Association, Okinawa, Japan)
• Koh, Gill-Chun (Tamra Visual Artists' Association, Jeju City, Jeju island, Korea)
• Korea Alliance for Progressive Movement
• Korea Association of Bereaved Families For Democracy (Korea)
• Korea Labor and Society Institute (Korea)
• Korean Catholic Peasants League (Korea)
• Korean Christian Alliance for Social Mission (Korea)
• Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Jeju Regional Council (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Korean Council for Democratic Martyrs (Korea)
• Korean Democratic Government Workers’ Union (Korea)
• Korean Peasants League (Korea)
• Korean Peasants League, Jeju Regional Council (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Korean People’s Artist Federation in Jeju (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Korean Teachers and Education Workers' Union (Korea)
• Korean Teachers and Education Workers' Union, Jeju Regional Council (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Korean University Student Societies’ Association (Korea)
• Korean Women Association (Korea)
• Korean Woman Peasant Association, Jeju Island Regional Council (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Jeanne Koster (Watertown, South Dakota, USA)
• Ku, Joong-Seo (Wind in Peace, Kunsan, Jeollabuk-do, Korea)
• Naoya Kuwae (Okinawa Environment Network, Okinawa, Japan)
• Brenda Kwon (Honolulu, Hawai'i)
• Kwon, Oh-Hun (Chairperson, Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Ariel Ky (Jinan, China)
• Kyoko, Ohno (Ehime, Japan)
• Kim Seo Kyung (National Visual Artists’ Association, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
• Kuniko Kuroda (Japan)
• Labor Human Rights Center (Korea)
• Ana Lachelier (West Hartford Citizens for Peace and Justice, Connecticut, USA)
• Frances Laing (Chester, England)
• Susan Lannen (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
• Brian Larkin (Trident Ploughshares, Helensburgh, Scotland)
• Barbara Larson (Arizona, USA)
• Dave Laskey (Veteran Against Nuclear Arms, Vancouver, Canada)
• Barbara Laxon (Miramar, Florida, USA)
• Lee, Bong Ju (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
• Lee, Byung Min (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Lee, Dong-Hee (Construction worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Lee, Haengri (Tokyo, Japan)
• Lee, In-Hwan (Subway worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Lee, Ji Eun (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Lee, Jung-Tae (Subway worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Lee, Kwang-Yeol (Supporting Committee for the Restrained Workers, Seoul, Korea)
• Lee, Kyung-Won (The South Headquarters of Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification, Seoul, Korea)
• Lee, Mi-Young (Secretary, Incheon Citizens’ Solidarity, Incheon, Korea)
• Lee, Ou-Back (Railroad worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Lee, Seung Mi (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Samsung Lee (Professor, Hallym University, Namyangju City, South Korea)
• Lee, Suk-Jae (Seaport worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Lee, Tae-Hwan (Seaport worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Lee, Won Hyung (Seoul, South Korea)
• Lee, Yong Joon (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
• Lee, Young Soon (Supreme Committee member, Democratic Labor Party, Seoul, Korea)
• Lee, Yu-Kyung (Journalist, Bangkok, Thailand)
• Lee, Yun-Hee (National Council of YMCAs of Korea, Life-Peace Center, Seoul, Korea)
• Lillia Langreck (SSND, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA)
• Nydia Leaf (New York, New York, USA)
• Haeng Woo Lee (Princeton Junction, New Jersey, USA)
• Louise Legun (Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA)
• Roger Leisner (Radio Free Maine, Augusta, Maine, USA)
• David Lenderts (M.D., Alamosa, Colorado, USA)
• Bob Lezer (Veterans for Peace, Freeport, Maine, USA)
• Lim, Kyung-Ok (Samsung General Labor Union, Incheon, Korea)
• Francine Lindberg (El Prado, New Mexico, USA)
• Ivy Lobato (Belfast, Maine, USA)
• Joyce & Ray Lockard (Beaverton, Oregon, USA)
• Paul Lockwood (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
• Loukie Lofchie (Brunwick Peaceworks, Brunswick, Maine, USA)
• Joe Walsh-Lone (Portland, Oregon, USA)
• Hector L. Lopez (Ponce, Puerto Rico)
• Lewis Lubka (Fargo, North Dakota, USA)
• Nancy Lynch (Santa Barbara, California, USA)
• Eric A. Lynn (Walpole, Massachusetts, USA)
• Peggy Lyons (Floral Park, New York, USA)
• Sarah Roche-Mahdi (Cambridge Massachusetts, USA)
• Yoshikazu Makishi (Okinawa, Japan)
• Naoko Makita (Kyoto, Japan)
• Jeannie Nacpil Manipon (Philippines)
• Sr. Gladys Marhefka (SGM, Lexington, Massachusetts, USA)
• Wanda R. Marin (Vieques, Puerto Rico)
• Jonathan Mark (Publisher-Editor, FlybyNews.com, Massachusetts, USA)
• Deb Marshall (Little Deer Isle, Maine, USA)
• Anita Mason (Bristol, United Kingdom)
• Hiromitsu Masuda (Chiba, Japan)
• Ken Masuoka (Tokyo East Timor Association, Tokyo, Japan)
• Jean-Marie Matagne (President of ACDN, Doctor in Philosophy, Saintes, France)
• Hideomi Matsubara (Nagoya, Aichi, Japan)
• Akiro Matsumoto (Professor, St.Thomas University, Osaka, Japan)
• Anne M. Matthes (Hillsboro, Oregon, USA)
• Jenny Maxwell (West Midlands Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Birmingham, United Kingdom)
• Natasha Mayers (Whitefield, Maine, USA)
• Gunji Mayumi (Yokohama City, Japan)
• Dr. Ross McCluney (Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA)
• Vel McConnell (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
• Joan McCoy (Home for Peace & Justice, Saginaw, Michigan, USA)
• Laurie McGowan (Mochelle, Nova Scotia, Canada)
• Jo McIntire (Saint Augustine, Florida, USA)
• Betty McLellan (Townsville, Australia)
• Lynn Meadows (Green Party of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)
• Nilda Medina (Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques, Puerto Rico)
• Duncan Berman Melville (Scotland)
• Rachael Berman Melville (Artist, USA)
• Helen N. Mendoza (SOLJUSPAX, Philippines)
• Yvonne Mersereau (New Brunswick, Canada)
• Alice Meyer (Brunswick, Maine, USA)
• Bernie Meyer (Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action & Fellowship of Reconciliation, Olympia, Washington, USA)
• Robert (Tito) Meyer (Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA)
• Dr. Hannah & Denis Middleton (Sydney, Australia)
• James R. Miles (West Palm Beach, Florida, USA)
• Carol Miller (PeaceEconomy, New Mexico, USA)
• Virginia J. Miller (Legislative Coordinator, NM Department of Peace Initiative, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA)
• Glen Milner (Seattle, Washington, USA)
• James X. Mitchell (Americans Against the War, Paris, France)
• Vasiliki Mitsiniotou (Greece)
• Nobuko Miyahara (Miyazaki, Japan)
• Mitsuo Miyamura (Fukuoka, Japan)
• Izumi Miyanishi (Mie, Japan)
• Mo, Ji-Hee (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Mo, Sung-Ryong (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Grete Moller (Brondby Strand, Denmark)
• Anne Montgomery (Disarm Now Plowshares group, Seattle, Washington, USA)
• Choi Sa Mook (Co-Representative, Veterans for Peace (Corea), Seoul, Korea)
• Carolyn Moon (Omaha, Nebraska, USA)
• Fr. Moon Kyu-hyun (Cathoric Priest, South Korea)            
• Barbara Moore (Big Island Health & Wellness Alliance, Hawaii)
• Damien Moran (Warsaw, Poland)
• Carmelita Morante (Bulacan, Philippines)
• Ayako Morimoto (Japan)
• Hiroko Morimoto (Japan)
• Nao Morimoto (Japan)
• Syu Morimoto (Japan)
• You Morimoto (Japan)
• Haruko Moritaki (NO DU Hiroshima Project, Japan)
• Paul Charbonnet Moulton (Tallahassee, Florida, USA)
• Masumi Mukai (Chiba, Japan)
• Fr. Mun, Jung Hyun (Wind in Peace, Kunsan, Jeollabuk-do, Korea)
• Ma. Divina Munoz (Malolos City, Philippines)
• Na, Yong-Moo (Subway worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Katy Nadel (Portland, Oregon, USA)
• Yoshie Nakamura (Tokyo, Japan)
• Yuuko Nakamura (Kunitachi, Japan)
• Ayako Nakanishi (Yokohama, Japan)
• Jeff Nall (Humanists for Peace, Brevard County, Florida, USA)
• Kitazawa Naoko (Tokyo, Japan)
• Na, Soon Suk (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Nebraskans for Peace (Lincoln, Nebraska, USA)
• Judie Neitge (Mankato, Minnesota, USA)
• Ana Maria R. Nemenzo (WomanHealth Philippines)
• Sarah Nevin (Edgartown, Massachusetts, USA)
• Atsuko Nishimura (Kyoto, Japan)
• Hideki Nitta (Peace Link Hiroshima, Kure, Iwakuni, Japan)
• Masayo Niwa (Tokyo, Japan)
• Sr. Arnold Maria Noel (SSPS, Philippines)
• Noh, Hyun-Ki (Secretary, Civil Council against the Golf Field and for the Incheon Civil Park, Incheon, Korea)
• Noh, Hyuk (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Tamio Nomura (Tokyo, Japan)
• Satoko Norimatsu (Director, Peace Philosophy Centre, Vancouver, Canada)
• Nukewatch (Luck, Wisconsin, USA)
• Max Obuszewski (Baltimore Nonviolence Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA)
• Nancy O'Byrne (Co-ordinator, Pax Christi Northeast Florida, St. Augustine, Florida, USA)
• Naniki Reyes Ocasio (Orocovis, Boriken, Puerto Rico)
• David Occhiuto (Producer WBAI/Pacifica Radio, New York, New York, USA)
• Eiichiro Ochiai (Vancouver, Canada)
• Tadashi Ogata (Aoba, Japan)
• Takao Ogata (Fukuoka, Japan)
• Oh, Hye Ran (SPARK, Seoul, South Korea)
• Shinji Ohashi (Shizuoka, Japan)  
• Junko Ohkura (Ireland)
• Yutaka Ohno (Kyoto, Japan)
• Natsuko Ohta (Madrid, Spain)
• Ohyun-ri Villiage People’s Committee against the Expansion of the Mugeon-ri Military Training Fields, Paju, Korea
• Yoshiko Okada (Tokyo, Japan)
• Motoko Okamura (Japan)
• Ms. Michiko Oki (Niiza-shi, Saitama Pref, Japan)
• Reverend Gerald Oleson (O.C.F., Gorham, New Hampshire, USA)
• Jon Olsen (Jefferson, Maine, USA)
• Manuel F. O'Neill (Vermont-Puerto Rico Solidarity Committee, Woodbury, Vermont, USA)
• Yoko Oohara (Oita,Japan)
• Kyouko Oono (Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan)
• Ismael Guadalupe Ortiz (Municipal Legislator, Movimiento de Afiracion Viequense, Vieques, Puerto Rico)
• Nana Paldi (Fairbanks, Alaska, USA)
• Jim Palmer (Stetson, Maine, USA)
• Molly Duplisea-Palmer (Stetson, Maine, USA)
• Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification (PKAR), South Korean branch, Korea
• Pan-Korean Association for Reconciliation (Korea)
• Pan-Korean Committee against the Expansion of the Mugeon-ri Military Training Fields (Seoul, Korea)
• Pan-Korean Democratic Workers’ Council (Korea)
• Pan-Korean Government Workers’ Union, Jeju Regional Council (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Pan-Korean Poor People’s Association (Korea)
• Park, Jin-Woo (Suwon, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
• Park, Seung-Ho (Institute for Democratic Labor In Memory of Jun Tae-Il, Seoul, Korea)
• Park, Sung-Yong (Chairperson, Nonviolent Peaceforce Corea, Seoul, Korea)
• Park, Won-Bae (Construction worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Park, Yoon Kyung (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Lewis E. Patrie, MD (Chair, Western N. C. Physicians for Social Responsibility, Asheville, North Carolina, USA)
• Pat Patterson (Claremont, California, USA)
• Gloria G. Paul (New Brunswick, Canada)
• Rosalie Tyler Paul (Maine Green Party, Georgetown, Maine, USA)
• Terrence Paupp (V-P of North America, International Association of Educators for World Peace, Bend, Oregon, USA)
• Peace Alliance (Winnipeg, Canada)
• Peasants’ Pharmacy (Korea)
• Lindis Percy (Harrogate, England)
• Alberto Peruffo (Vicenza, Italy)
• Anna Polo (Europe for Peace, Italy)
• Sergey Ponomarev (Maritime State University, Russia)
• Jeff Prager (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA)
• Preparatory Council for the Federation Unification of Our Nation (Korea)
• Rudolf Prevratil (No To Bases civic initiative, Prague, Czech Republic)
• Amy Prosser (Richmond, California, USA)
• Pyon, Eui Sook (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Pyon, Yeon-Shik (Co-representative, Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Seoul, Korea)
• Bryan Quinlan (Shanghai, China)
• Francis E. Quinn (Bandon, Oregon, USA)
• Robert Rabin (Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques, Vieques, Puerto Rico)
• Joyce Raby (Sarasota, Florida, USA)
• Carla L. Rael (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
• J. Narayana Rao (Nagpur, India)
• Elsa Rassbach (Berlin, Germany)
• Doug Rawlings (Veterans for Peace, Chesterville, Maine, USA)
• Phyllis Reames (Portland, Maine, USA)
• Annetta Marie Reams (Vicenza, Italy)
• John Reese (Alcalde, New Mexico, USA)
• Paul & Katja Rehm (Greenville, New York, New York, USA)
• Lawrence Reichard (Bangor, Maine, USA)
• Carla Rensenbrink (Topsham, Maine, USA)
• John Rensenbrink (Green Party, Topsham, Maine, USA)
• Pyo Myung Reol (Executive Representative, Veterans For Peace, South Korea)
• Phil Restino (Central Florida Veterans For Peace, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA)
• Rete Nazionale Disarmiamoli! (Italy)
• Elayne Richard (Fairfield, Maine, USA)
• Rosalie G. Riegle (Evanston, Illinois, USA)
• Tim Rinne (Lincoln, Nebraska, USA)
• Mariangeles Rivera (Sunbay Yoga, Vieques, Puerto Rico)
• Christine M. Roane (Springfield, Massachusetts, USA)
• Peter & Judy Robbins (Sedgwick, Maine, USA)
• Lori Robertson (Florence, Oregon, USA)
• Ellen R. Robinson (Coordinator, Albuquerque Raging Grannies, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
• Nora H Rodriguez (Presidio Permanente, No Dal Molin, Vicenza, Italy)
• Linda Rogers (Llangoed, Ynys Mon, North Wales)
• Rogue Valley Veterans for Peace (Chapter 156, Oregon, USA)
• Roh, Oh-Nam (wood worker, Seoul, Korea)
• Roh, Suk-Soo (Subway worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Mark Roman (Waterville Area Bridges For Peace & Justice, Solon, Maine, USA)
• Chris Rooney (The Christian Radical Blog, Vancouver Catholic Worker, Vancouver BC Canada)
• Loretta Ann Rosales (Philippines)
• Ellen Rosser (Sarasota, Florida, USA)
• Herbert Rothschild Jr. (Talent, Oregon, USA)
• Paula Boyer Rougny (Bangor, Maine, USA)
• Coleen Rowley (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA)
• Fred Ruch (Melbourne, Florida, USA)
• Christopher C. Rushlau (Portland, Maine, USA)
• Kathleen Russell (Spokane, Washington, USA)
• Mervyn Russell (Oakville Community Centre for Peace , Ecology and Human Rghts, Ontario, Canada)
• June A. Rusten (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)
• Ryu, Byung-Gook (Railroad worker, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Ryu, Jung-Sik (Seoul, Korea)
• Kang Sachiko (Ibaraki, Japan)
• Ayako Sadakane (Kamakura, Japan)
• Dr. Ron Saff (Tallahassee, Florida, USA)
• Kazuko Sakamoto (Okinawa, Japan)
• Hisako Sakiyama (Chiba, Japan)
• Mariko Sakurai (Japanese Committee for the Children of Palestine, Tokyo, Japan)
• Antonia Shouse-Salpeter (Ithaca, New York, USA)
• Judith Salzman (Tucson, Arizona, USA)
• Sung Jea Sang (Co-Representative, Veterans For Peace, South Korea)
• Park Sang-Hee (Jeonbuk-do, Korea)
• Baibonn D. Sangid (Young Moro Professionals Network, Philippines)
• Aida F Santos (WEDPRO, Philippines)
• Judith Saryan (Georgetown, Maine, USA)
• Makiko Sato (Oita, Japan)
• Lisa Savage (CODEPINK Maine, Solon, Maine, USA)
• Carolyn S. Scarr (Ecumenical Peace Institute, Berkeley, California, USA)
• Elliot Schloss (New York, New York, USA)
• Gladys Schmitz (SSND, Mankato, Minnesota, USA)
• Lois Schreur (Omaha, Nebraska, USA)
• Sandra Schwartz (Peace Education Coordinator, American Friends Service Committee, San Francisco, California, USA)
• Barbara Calvert Seifred (Vancouver Raging Grannies, Canada)
• Mark Selden (Ithaca, New York, USA)
• Park Seokboon (Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Seoul, Korea)
• Peter Shaw (Veterans For Peace, State College, Pennsylvania, USA)
• Stephen Shaw (Brunswick, Maine, USA)
• Joanne Sheehan (War Resisters League/New England, Norwich, Connecticut, USA)
• Shin, Kang Hyub (Jeju city, Jeju island, South Korea)
• Robert Shetterly (Brooksville, Maine, USA)
• Fuyu Shimomura (Seattle, Washington, USA)
• Shin, Hyun Boo (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Shin, Hyun-Ik (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
• Shin, Jung-Hyun (Worker, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
• Mara Shlackman (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA)
• Rutsuko Shoji (Japan)
• Carlos J. Rodríguez-Sierra (Ph.D., Department of Environmental Health, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico)
• Tycho Sierra (Budapest, Hungary)
• Song Ha Sik (Co-Representative, Veterans For Peace, South Korea)
• Alice Slater (Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, New York, New York, USA)
• Marcia Slatkin (Shoreham, New York, USA)
• William H. Slavick (Coodinator, Pax Christi Maine, Portland, Maine, USA)
• Clarence A. Smith (Veterans For Peace, South Portland, Maine, USA)
• Gar Smith (Environmentalists Against War, Berkeley, Califonia, USA)
• Kim Doss-Smith (WAMM Director, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA)
• Noel Smith (Auburn, Maine, USA)
• Robert M. Smith (Brandywine Peace Community, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
• Susi Snyder (Secretary-General, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Geneva, Switzerland)
• Socialist Party of Korea
• Solidarity for the Practice of the South-North Joint Declaration (Korea)
• Solidarity for Practice of the South-North Joint Declaration, Jeju Regional Council (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Jean Sommer (V-P, Performers & Artists for Nuclear Disarmament, Brecksville, Ohio, USA)
• Song, Chang Hak (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Song, Kang Ho (The Frontiers, Seoul, South Korea)
• Soo, Hyun Kown (Graduate Student, South Korea)
• Yim Soonrye (Filmmaker, Kyunggido, Korea)
• Poul Eck Sørensen (The Peace Movement of Esbjerg, Denmark)
• Phoebe Sorgen (BFUU Social Justice Committee, Berkeley, California, USA)
• So, Soo Young (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
• Dorie Southern (Falls Church, Virginia, USA)
• South Gloucestershire Friends of the Earth (United Kingdom)
• David Sowder(Sarasota, Florida, USA)
• Special Committee for the Island of Peace, Catholic Diocese of Cheju (Jeju Island,   Korea)
• Richard Stander (Stockton Springs, Maine, USA)
• Paul Stein (Brookings, South Dakota, USA)
• Jean Stewart (Charlotte, North Carolina, USA)
• Roberta Stewart (Bandon, Oregon, USA)
• Lynn Stiles (Hudson, Colorado, USA)
• Carol Still (Traverse City, Michigan, USA)
• Stop the War Machine (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
• Elizabeth A. Streeter (Peace Action Maine. Portland, Maine, USA)
• Nancy Strong (Coalition for Peace Action, Princeton, New Jersey, USA)
• Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience (Seoul, Korea)
• Susan P. Stout (Vancouver, Canada)
• Tom Sturtevant (Veterans for Peace, Winthrop, Maine, USA)
• Ryu Jeong Sub (Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Incheon, Korea)
• Minoru & Hiroko Suda (Kyoto, Japan)
• Ryuken Sugawara (Chair, Higashi-Nishi Honganji Non-War Peace Joint Activism, Shimane, Japan )
• Koji Sugihara (Tokyo, Japan)
• Yasuo Sugimoto (Okayama, Japan)
• Mitsue Sugiyama (Kashiwa, Japan)
• Mary Beth Sullivan (Bath, Maine, USA)
• Bill Sulzman (Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA)
• Kim Un Sung (Gyunggi-do, Korea)
• Sung, Min-Kyu (Iowa City, Iowa, USA)
• Kenichi Susuda (Motobu, Okinawa, Japan)
• Toshihiko Suzuki (Chiba, Japan)
• David Swanson (After Downing Street, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA)
• Sachiko Taba (VAWW-NET Japan, Tokyo, Japan)
• Etsumi Taira (Member of Henoko tent-village resisting a new US base, 75 year-old, Okinawa, Japan)
• Sae Takahama (Saitama, Japan)
• Keiko Takasato ( Japan)
• Takao Takeda (Nipponzan Myohoji, Tokyo, Japan)
• Noboru Takeno (Fukuroi City, Japan)
• Kazuhiko Tamaki (Peace Depot Inc., Japan)
• Tsuyoshi Tamashiro (Okinawa, Japan)
• Hitomi Tanaka (Himeji, Japan)
• Izumi Tanaka (Tokyo, Japan)
• Paola Tapparo (Vicenza, Italy)
• Nancy Tate (Lehigh-Pocono Committee of Concern, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA)
• Jennifer Louise Teeter (Kyoto, Japan)
• Bob Terpstra (Citizens for Social Responsibility, Delray Beach, Florida, USA)
• Ann-Gwen Theroux (Hillsboro, Oregon, USA)
• Terao Terumi (Yashio, Japan)
• John Smith Thang (Democracy and Human Right Network, South Korea)
• The Boundary Peace Initiative (Grand Forks, B.C., Canada)
• Ellen Thomas (Proposition One In 2010 Campaign, Washington DC, USA)
• Will Thomas (Veterans for Peace, Auburn, New Hampshire, USA)
• Grace Eiko Thomson (Vancouver, B.C., Canada)
• Brooke Thompson (Bainbridge Island, Washington, USA)
• Don Thompson (Alamosa, Colorado, USA)
• Jon & Margo Thurston (Searsmont, Maine, USA)
• Victoria Tikhonova (Maritime State University, Vladivostok, Russia)
• Georgy D. Toloraya (Professor of International Relations - Korean studies, Institute of Economics of Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia)
• Narumi Tomida (Kyoto, Japan)
• Lorella Tonellotto (Venezia, Italy)
• Yoko Tonohira (New York, USA)
• Aaron Tovish (International Director, 2020 Vision Campaign, Mayors for Peace, Vienna, Austria)
• Marti Townsend (Program Director, KAHEA: The Hawaiian-Environmental Alliance, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA)
• Chikao Toyama (Association of travel learns to Asian history, Tokyo, Japan)
• Kouichi Toyoshima (Prof. of Physics, University of Saga, Japan)
• Kouitirou Toyosima (Osaka, Japan)
• Helen Travis (Sterling, Colorado, USA)
• Tri-Valley CAREs (Livermore, California, USA)
• Fran Truitt (Columbus, Ohio, USA)
• Julia Trujillo (Miami, Florida, USA)
• Janice Tufte (Seattle, Washington, USA)
• Meredith Tupper (Springfield, Virginia, USA)
• Andrew C. Twaddle, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USA)
• Hiro Umebayashi (Peacedepot, Japan)
• Unification Square (Korea)
• Shigeko Urasaki (Okinawa, Japan)
• Carol Reilley Urner (National Program Co-Chair, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, U.S. Section)
• Kathy Ushiba (San Jose, California, USA)
• Juha Uski (World without wars and without violence, Roskilde, Denmark)
• Harry van der Linden (Indianapolis Peace and Justice Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA)
• Wil Van Natta (Ocean Lifeguard/diver, Reality News Radio, Singer Island, Florida, USA)
• Veterans for Peace (Bandon, Oregon)
• Veterans For Peace (South Korea)
• David Vine (Assistant Professor, American University, Washington DC, USA)
• Peter von Christierson (Port Townsend, Washington, USA)
• V. Gail Vonderweidt (Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA)
• Karen Wainberg (Bath, Maine, USA)
• Jim Walsh (Tucson, Arizona, USA)
• Wang, Yu-Hsuan (The Frontiers, Taipei, Taiwan)
• Marguerite Warner (Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
• Dr. Bill Warrick (Gainesville, Florida, USA)
• Mayumi Washio (Okinawa Environment Network, Okinawa, Japan)
• Hiroko Watanabe (Circle Watching for Peace & All Lives, Fukuoka, Japan)
• Verity Watts (Ossett, United Kingdom)
• Weston A. Watts Jr. (Brunswick, Maine, USA)
• Dr. Dave Webb (Vice-Chair CND, Leeds, England)
• Dr. Carroll Webber, Jr. (Greenville, North Carolina, USA)
• Chris Wells (World Without Wars & Without Violence, New York, New York, USA)
• Margaret Weitzmann (Seedcorn, Potsdam New York, USA)
• Barbara West (Arrowsic, Maine, USA)
• Joseph Whiteman (Las Vegas, New Mexico, USA)
• Bill Wickersham (Adjunct Professor of Peace Studies, University of Missouri-Çolumbia, USA)
• Åke Widfeldt (Tranemo, Sweden)
• Flo Wilder (Hancock, Maine, USA)
• Faith M. Willcox (Westport, Maine, USA)
• Heather Williams (Chester, United Kingdom)
• Mariah Williams (Liberty, Maine, USA)
• Susan Williams (Athens, Illinois, USA)
• Tess Williams (Yeosu, South Korea)
• Leland Wilson (Gold Canyon, Arizona, USA)
• Olive Wilson (Peace Links, Primghar, Iowa, USA)
• David Winter (Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
• Women Against Military Madness (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA)
• Women In Black (Bainbridge, Washington, USA)
• Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (U.S. Section)
• Peter Woodruff (Arrowsic, Maine, USA)
• Cheong Wooksik (Peace Network, Seoul, Korea)
• Workers Institute of Social Science (Korea)
• Russell Wray (Citizens Opposing Active Sonar Threats, Hancock, Maine, USA)
• Stephen Wunrow (Korean Quarterly, St. Paul, Minnesota, Minnesota, USA)
• Fumiko Yamada (Ageo, Japan)
• Kikuko Yamada (Saitama, Japan)
• Ayano & Joho Yamamoto (Osaka,Japan)
• Rie Yamasaki (Higashi-Osaka, Japan)
• Darim Yang (Jeju, Korea)
• Yang, In Chul (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
• Donna Yellen (South Portland, Maine, USA)
• Yeo, Hye-Jung (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Incheon, Korea)
• Yerae Environmental Research Institute (Jeju Island, Korea)
• Tania Yewchuk (Alberta, Canada)
• Rev. Yoon, In-Jung (Incheon Citizens’ Solidarity, Incheon, Korea)
• Yoon, Mi-Kyoung (Publicity Relationship Director of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Yeo, Woo-Sung (Special Committee for the Reinstatement of the Laid-off Workers, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Korea)
• Lee Myung Yeob (Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Incheon, Korea)
• Choi Bock Yeol (Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification (PKAR), South Korean branch, Korea)
• Ji Hye Yoo (Seoul, Korea)
• Gong Tae-Yoon (External Cooperation Department, New Progressive Party, Korea)
• Caite York (Milton-Freewater, Oregon, USA)
• Yorkshire Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (Leeds, England)
• Mutsuko Yoshida (Nagasaki, Japan)
• Takeuchi Yasuto (Nagoya, Japan)
• Hideki Yoshikawa (Secretariat, Citizens' Network for Biological Diversity in Okinawa, Okinawa, Japan)
• You, Young-Jae (Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Seoul, Korea)
• Young People and Students’ Solidarity for the Practice of the 615 Joint Declarations (Korea)
• Ryu Ah Young (Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Incheon, Korea)
• Yun, Taek Geun (Railroad worker, Vice-President of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Busan Regional Council, Busan, Korea)
• Victoria F. Yurchik (Director, Multicultural Exchange Center, Maritime State University, Vladivostok, Russia)
• Ann Zamora (Chicago, Illinois, USA)
• Olola Ann Zamora (Chicago, Illinois, USA)
• Victor Zarougian (Georgetown, Maine, USA)
• Martin Zeilig (Winnipeg, Canada)
• Ron Zucker (San Mateo, California, USA)
• Elke Zwinge-Makamizile (German Peace Council, Berlin, Germany)
• 21st Century Korean University Students’ Association (Korea)


* Text Fwd From
MacGregor Eddy on Jan. 28, 2010
2010년 1월 28일 맥그리거 에디 보냄

January 28, 2010 2010년 1월 28일

“위험하고 불안정하게 하며 촉발시키는” 밴던버그 미사일 실험에 대한 긴급 보도

SANTA BARBARA -- The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation today condemned Sunday’s scheduled missile defense test from Vandenberg Air Force Base as “dangerous, destabilizing and provocative.”
산타 바바라-- 오늘 핵시대 재단은 일요일[1월 31일], 밴던버그 공군 기지에서 계획된 미사일 실험을 “위험하고 불안정하게 하며 촉발시키는” 것이라 경멸했다.

The test involves a missile being fired from the Marshall Islands to simulate an attack on the United States by Iran, a country that neither possesses nuclear weapons nor long-range missiles capable of reaching the United States. An interceptor missile will be fired from Vandenberg AFB in an attempt to collide with the incoming missile.
그 실험은 마샬 제도에서 발사하는 미사일을 포함하는 것인데 이란에 의한 미국 공격을 가상하는 것으로 이란은 핵 무기도 미국에 도달할 수 있는 장거리 미사일도 소유하지 않는다. 밴던버그 공군 기지에서 요격 미사일이 발사된다는 것은 진입하는 미사일과 충돌하는 것이다.

David Krieger, President of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, pointed to the provocative nature of the test. He said:
데이비드 크리저, 핵시대 평화 재단 대통령은 실험의 자극하는 측면을 지적했다. 그는 말했다:

“Missile defense testing by the United States does not make our country more secure. Rather, the tests are provocative and dangerous, leading other countries to further develop their offensive missile systems to assure that the US does not contemplate a first-strike attack. The United States continues throwing billions of dollars into the bottomless pit of missile defense, a technology that remains largely ineffective. This test, which is estimated to cost $150 million, is designed to simulate an attack by Iran, even though Iran does not have long-range missiles or nuclear weapons with which to attack the United States. Such scenarios destabilize relations with other countries and waste taxpayer dollars.”
미국에 의한 미사일 방어 실험은 우리 나라를 더 안전하게 하지 않는다. 오히려 그 실험은 자극적이며 위험하고 다른 나라들이 미국이 첫번째 공격을 숙고하지 않도록 더 공격적인 미사일 시스템을 개발하도록 이끌 것이다. 미국은 수십억 달러를 끝도 없이 미사일 방어망 시스템에 퍼붓기를 계속한다. 이란이 장거리 미사일을 갖고 있지도 미국을 공격할 핵무기도 갖고 있지 않음에도 불구, 1억 5천만 달러가 들 것으로 산정되는 이 실험은 이란에 의한 공격을 가상실험하도록 고안된 것이다. 그러한 시나리오는 다름 나라들과의 관계를 불안정하게 하며 납세자들의 달러를 낭비한다.

For additional comments and interviews, please contact David Krieger, NAPF President, at (805) 965-3443 or Rick Wayman, NAPF Director of Programs, at (805) 696-5159.
그 외의 언급이나 인터뷰는 데이비드 크리저에게 (805) 965-3443 으로 연락하거나 릭 웨이만, 핵시대 재단 프로그램 감독에게 (805) 696-5159으로 연락하길

# # #

The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation initiates and supports worldwide efforts to abolish nuclear weapons, to strengthen international law and institutions, and to inspire and empower a new generation of peace leaders. Founded in 1982, the Foundation is comprised of individuals and organizations worldwide who realize the imperative for peace in the Nuclear Age. The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation is a non-profit, non-partisan international education and advocacy organization. It has consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council and is recognized by the UN as a Peace Messenger Organization.
핵시대 평화 재단은 핵무기를 제거하고 국제 법및 기관들을 강화하며 새로운 세대와 평화 지도자 세대들에게 영감을 주고 힘을 북돋우려는 전세계적 노력을 이끌고 지지한다. 1982년에 창설된 이 재단은 핵 시대에 평화를 절대 강령으로 깨닫는 전 세계의 개인들, 조직들로 구성되어 있다. 핵시대 평화 재단은 비영리, 비당파 국제 교육, 후원 조직이다. 이는 유엔 경제 사회 위원회의 상담적인 위치에 있으며 유엔에 의해 평화 전달자 조직으로 인정된다.

* Related blog

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
기만을 멈춰라! 우주 전쟁 반대!

Text Fwd: [Jeju] The ceremony for the Naval Base, planned on Feb. 5, was abruptly delayed to no defined term

* Image source: Seogwipo Daily News paper

* In the photo, the banner says, ‘We oppose the Jeju naval base in the beautiful village, Gangjeong,’
while the yellow flag says, ‘Desperately No Naval base’

* According to Seogwipo newspaper on the date of Jan. 28, the Gangjeong village council has set up the tents
[photos here] on Jan. 27, in the planned area of the ceremony on Feb. 5
(as of Jan. 28, it was announced to be postponed) to oppose the naval base construction.
The newspaper says the potential accidents following an enforced ceremony are concerned about
because the village people are protesting through the tent vigil. It also says the ceremony would be held in the
Jeju naval base construction planned area of the empty land which is western side of near the Poonglim Condo.

* It is the translation of part of the Sisa Jeju article on Jan. 28:

How do the Gangjeong village people think about
the postponement of the ceremony for the naval base?

Mayor, Kang Dong Kyun showed the skeptical response to the position of Jeju Island that the Island position had been accepted. Mayor Kang saying that, “ It can not be that the ceremony was postponed, hearing Kim Tae-Hwan, the Island governor”, analyzed that, “ There might have been the factors of the Prime Minister Chung Un-Chan’s busy schedule or other stories.” Even though saying that, he told, “If [the governor] delivered to the central government his position that the naval base business should be driven, reflecting up-most of our views that the ceremony should be postponed [at least] after the court decision of the administrative lawsuit. We will watch [him]. Mayor Kang saying,“the ceremony for the naval base was only for a while postponed”, emphasized that, “The view of the Gangjeong village people, [that there should be no naval base] has not changed.”

* Below is the arbitrary translation of the Media Jeju on Jan. 28, 2010.

Media Jeju
The ceremony to start the work on the naval base construction, planned on Feb. 5, this year, was abruptly delayed to no defined term:
The Jeju Island says it “requested to the navy because there remained the problem of the process”
Jan. 28, 2010, Media Jeju, Kim Doo-Young reporter (kdy84 (at) mediajeju.com)

According to the Jeju naval base business committee on Jan. 28, the ceremony to start to work of the so called, civilian-military complex beauty tourism sea port was delayed, by the request of the Jeju Island.

The Jeju Self-Governing Island stated [on Jan. 28] through the separate press release that, [the Island] “delivered the message to the central government, regarding the Jeju naval base business last [Jan.] 22nd, of its position that the change of the ceremony date is unavoidable, because the administrative procedures such as the discussions on the permission of the reclamation on the public sea area and land compensation are still being processed and because the lawsuit for the confirmation on the cancellation of the approval on the executive plan of the defense & military facility, has been submitted”

The Jeju Self-Governing Island explained that [the Island] “ decided such position, for up-most reflecting the claim of the Gangjeong village people, that the ceremony should be delayed at least after the court decision on the administrative lawsuit, for preventing the cause of the villagers’ conflict, and for the decision that the business should be driven with the Jeju Island people’s understanding [of the naval base construction business.”

The Commander, Park Sung-Soo, of the Jeju naval base business committee announced the reason of the postponement of the [construction] of the naval base that, “ Because the visit by the Prime Minister [on Feb. 5] seemed difficult so there was the need to adjust the schedule and because there was the request by the Jeju Island to reflect the position and emotion of the Jeju Island people, the postponement [of the ceremony] was decided.”

Following that decision, the ceremony to start the work on the Jeju naval base construction is expected to be realized after the court decision on the administrative lawsuit against the Minister of the National Defense department, which is mooring in the Seoul Administrative Court.

* According to a Jeju activist, the above lawsuit was applied in April, last year, and is expected to be brought with the court decision around the end of the February. The lawsuit is different from the mentioned yesterday, which was raised on Jan. 27, 2010.

# Mayor, Kang says, he was “embarrassed by the abrupt postponement [of the ceremony] but thought it was fortunate.”

Kang Dong Kyun, Gangjeong village mayor, said by phone with the Media Jeju that, “ [I was] embarrassed by the abrupt postponement of the ceremony but think it is fortunate now, in the first place.”

Mayor Kang saying, “Because the administrative lawsuit is on process, [I hope] that the ceremony to start to work on the naval base construction would be dated as possible as after the court decision of the administrative lawsuit’, told that, “ Only after the administrative lawsuit is finished, we will decide the program ahead, following the result [of the court decision] whether we will win or lose.”

While the conflicts are being intensified as the Gangjeong village people who have protested against the naval base construction ceremony, have been taken away to the police stations, the result ahead whether the postponement of the ceremony which was for partly accepting the demand of the Gangjeong village people, would be the beginning of the resolution of the conflict around the naval base or not, is to be noticed.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Text Fwd: Controversy over the Change on the Absolute Preservation Area, Related to the Planned Naval Base, Goes to the ‘Court’

* All the image source:
Gangjeong Village People’s Council café site

Click images for larger view 화면을 클릭해 확대하세요.

Korean artist, Choi Byung Soo (50) has set up many sculptures representing water, shell and coral etc., to protect the sea from the naval base. The photo above represents the shell. The yellow flag says, “ Desperately No Naval base”

Along the rocky coast of the Gangjeong sea, the village people put the flags of “No Naval Base.”

Click images for larger view 화면을 클릭해 확대하세요.

The diagram (translated) represents the coral reefs under the naval base planned area:

“…about 2km seawall will be constructed in front of the sea of the Gangjeong village, and the whole planned area for the naval base will be 480,000m2 that is the combined size of the 67soccer playground. And about the half of it will be by reclamation…

Specially, the Seoguipo Sea that includes the planned area for the naval base is designated with five different protection areas such as the UNESCO bio-protection area.” (See in detail)

* All the image source: Gangjeong Village People’s Council café site

* Below is the arbitrary translation of Sisa Jeju

해군기지 절대보전지역 변경 논란 결국 ‘법정’ 간다:
강정마을회, 집행정지 신청도 함께 제출…법원 판단 '주목'
2010년 01월 27일 (수) 10:04:26 우승호 기자 woodsstar12(at)sisajeju.com

Controversy over the Change on the Absolute Preservation Area, Related to the Planned Naval Base, Eventually Goes to the ‘Court’:
The Gangjeong Village People’s Council, Submitted the Appeal for the Pose of the Execution, as well… Court Judgment is to be ‘Noticed’
Jan. 27, 2010 (Wed) Woo Seung-Ho reporter(woodsstar12(at)sisajeju.com )

주해군기지 건설사업 기공식이 다음달 5일로 예정된 가운데 강정마을회가 최근 많은 논란이 됐던 '강정마을 절대보전지역 변경처분'에 대한 무효확인 소송을 지난 25일 제기했다.

While the Jeju naval base construction is planned on 5th, next month, The Gangjeong village people’s council raised the lawsuit, last 25th, on the confirmation on the cancellation of the ‘disposal for the change of the absolute preservation area of the Gangjeong Village which has recently brought out lots of controversy.

또한 무효확인 소송에 대한 판결이 확정될 때까지 절대보전지역의 변경처분 효력을 정지하는 집행정지 가처분신청서도 함께 제출해 법원의 판단이 주목된다.

Because the application for the provisional disposal on the pose of the execution, which poses the effectiveness of the disposal for the change of the absolute preservation area until the court decision regarding the lawsuit on the confirmation on the cancellation, was submitted as well, the [coming] court decision is noticed.

강동균 강정마을회장은 27일 “도의회에서 날치기로 처리한 동의안을 가지고 제주자치도가 지난달 23일 서귀포시 강정동 해안지역를 대상으로 절대보전지역 변경고시를 했다”며 “절차상 수많은 문제를 가지고 있음에도 불구하고 이를 변경 하려는 것은 명백한 위법행위”라고 밝혔다.

Kang Dong Kyun, the mayor of the Gangjeong village saying on [Feb.] 27 that, “ With the agreement bill passed in the snatched way by the Island assembly, the Jeju Self-Governing Island announced of the change on the absolute preservation area, of which the object is the coast area of the Gangjeong-dong’, stated that, “It is the clear violation of law to change that, despite the fact that the process has lots of problems.”

강 회장은 “현행 특별법과 조례의 규정에 의하면 절대보전지역에서는 공유수면매립 행위를 수반하는 해군기지 건설사업의 진행이 불가능하다”며 “주민의견을 전혀 듣지 않고 도의회의 형식적인 동의절차를 거쳐 변경처분을 하는 것은 말이 안된다”고 주장했다.

Mayor, Kang, saying, “according to the rules of the current Special Law and act, it is impossible to make progress of the naval base construction, which is followed by the reclamation of the public water area in the absolute preservation area.” claimed that “It is nonsense to make a change disposal through the process of formal agreement by the Island assembly, without hearing the people’s opinion at all.

소송 대리인인 고창후 변호사는 “절대보전지역 변경동의안이 부결됐는데도 같은 회기에 본회의 재의결을 통해 가결시키는 것은 일사부재의의 원칙에도 위반된다”며 “조례가 정하는 기준에도 맞지 않는 등 현 상태에서 변경처분하는 것은 위법한 행위”라고 강조했다.

Attorney, Koh Chang Hoo, agent of the lawsuit saying, “ It [was] the violation of the principal of not deliberating the same measure twice during the same session of the assembly, to pass [the bill] through the re-resolution by the general assembly during the same session, even though the bill on the agreement on the change of the absolute preservation area [had been] rejected”, emphasized that, “It is the violating activity to dispose of the change of [the designation], in the current situation, while [the activity] does not observe the rule defined by the act”.

한편 제주해군기지 실시계획 승인처분 취소 소송은 오는 2월25일 서울지방법원에서 6차 심리가 예정돼 있으며 3월10일쯤 최종 판결이 이뤄질 것으로 알려졌다.

Otherwise, the lawsuit on the cancellation of the disposal of the approval on the execution plan on the Jeju naval base is planned with the 6th trial in the Seoul District Court, on coming Feb. 25, and the final judicial decision on it will be around March 10.