국문 성명서는 아래 클릭 (For Korean statement, click the below link)
평화와 통일을 여는 사람들: [12/14] 135차 자주통일평화행동 요구서한

ROK-US-Japan trilateral alliance
A state of emergency in North Korea JSDF's advance in the Korean peninsula
ROK-Japan security joint statement
ROK-Japan comprehensive military intelligence protection agreement
ROK-Japan goods & service co-provision agreement

* Image source: Cho Jung-Hoon, Tongil News, Dec. 14, 2010
A sign reads: We denounce ROK-US-Japan military alliance that instigates war confrontation!

*Image & caption source: Yonhap
Civic activists denounce Japanese PM's remarks 'Dec. 14, SEOUL, South Korea -- A group of civic activists holds a rally in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul on Dec. 14, denouncing Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan's recent remarks on a possible dispatch of Japanese troops to the Korean Peninsula in case of contingencies. (Yonhap)'

*Image & caption source: Yonhap
Civic activists denounce Japanese PM's remarks 'Dec. 14, SEOUL, South Korea -- A group of civic activists holds a rally in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul on Dec. 14, denouncing Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan's recent remarks on a possible dispatch of Japanese troops to the Korean Peninsula in case of contingencies. (Yonhap)'
Civic organizations such as the Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, the Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, and Institute for Collaborationist Activities had the press interview to denounce the remarks by Naoto Kan, Prime Minister, in front of the Japanese embassy, Joonghak-dong, Seoul, Korea, at 1: 30 pm on Dec. 14. 2010.
They also demanded the withdrawl of remarks by the Prime Minister Kan, saying, "his remark that the Japanese Self Defense Force would carry the operation along with the ROk-US combined forces in the regions of North Korea in case of emergency affairs in North Korea shows that Japan's militarism ambition is being developed even into the plan of military-power intervention in the state of emergencies in North Korea."
Civic organizations such as the Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, the Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, and Institute for Collaborationist Activities had the press interview to denounce the remarks by Naoto Kan, Prime Minister, in front of the Japanese embassy, Joonghak-dong, Seoul, Korea, at 1: 30 pm on Dec. 14. 2010.
They also demanded the withdrawl of remarks by the Prime Minister Kan, saying, "his remark that the Japanese Self Defense Force would carry the operation along with the ROk-US combined forces in the regions of North Korea in case of emergency affairs in North Korea shows that Japan's militarism ambition is being developed even into the plan of military-power intervention in the state of emergencies in North Korea."
Before it, the civic organizations such as the SPARK, Solidarity Practice for NK-SK Joint Statement, and Association of the Family Movements for Democracy Practice, having the '135th Self-Reliance Unification Peace Action' rally' in front of the United States embassy, Gwanghwamoon, Seoul, opposed the ROK-US-Japan trilateral military alliance and Japanese Self-Defense Forces's Dispatchment.
Saying that, "the demand by Mike Mullen, Joint Cheifs of Staff, of JSDF's participation in the ROK-US joint drill and the remark by Naoto Kan, Prime Minister of Japan, of dispatching the JSDF in case are followed after long-time pressure and demand by the United States who pursues the Asian NATO, upon the chances in which confrontation consciousness against North Korea by the Cheonan ship incident and Yeonpyeong Island incident,' they claimed that "it is for the United States to maintain and strengthen her domination."
(*The above is the summary translation from the article by Cho Jung-Hoon, Tongil News, same link as the above, in this blog.)
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