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Friday, December 10, 2010
Poster Fwd: [Dec. 11] Anti-War Peace Rally, "Let's make the West Sea into the Sea of Peace!"
반전 평화 대회: 서해를 평화의 바다로! (12.11)
'한국진보연대, 민주노동당, 민주노총, 평화와 통일을 여는 사람들 등은 11일 오후 4시 서울 종로구 보신각 앞에서 '서해바다를 평화의 바다로'를 모토로 반전평화대회를 개최했다.'
'Korean Alliance of Progressive Movements, Democratic Labor Party, Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea staged the anti-war peace rally with the motto of 'Let's make the West Sea to the Sea of Peace' at 4pm, at the center of Seoul on Nov. 11, 2010.'

Kim Chul-Soo, Voice of people, Dec. 11, 2010

The Korean peninsula of peace is likely to be sick.
The prevention vaccination for that can be done by June 15 and Oct. 4 statement.
Click the image for larger view
The front of leaflet made by the Democratic Labor Party
and Korean Alliance of Progressive Movements (* scanned)
The West Sea is crying
War should be prevented!
The front of leaflet made by the Democratic Labor Party
and Korean Alliance of Progressive Movements (* scanned)
The West Sea is crying
War should be prevented!
Click the image for larger view
The back of leaflet
'At such time, we should rather talk each other'
The back of leaflet
'At such time, we should rather talk each other'
The result of the public polls (* translated from the part of the above poster)
Q: The cause of the Yeonpyeong-do provocation
-North Korean military build up from the [Kim Dae-Jung government’s] Sunshine policy : 39.4%
-Current [Lee Myung-Bak government’s hard-line policy on North Korea being driven to confrontation & tension phase: 51.3%
By the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA), East Asia Institute, & Hankook Research on Nov. 27, 2010 (N=800)
Q: The solution for the tension in the West Sea would be:
- Settlement through dialogue: 56.8%
- Military power as priority: 35.0%
By the Social Trend Institute on Nov. 26, 2010 (N=1002)
According to the Korean statement by the SPARK, Nov. 30, 2010, that quoted the mention by the Yeonpyeong Island residents, they are demanding the conversion of the ROK government’s hard-line policy against North Korea to peace policy. The below is the translation of that quotation.
“Even though others say that the South Korea should chastise North Korea and spend more on the defense budget, they are saying that because they do not know our situation. What use of strong [military] response for the very Island residents who should go through things? Even only several years before, [* that was 2007] there was a plan to build the maritime freedom park in the Yeonpyeong-do to maintain peace in the five Islands of the West Sea (Yellow Sea), but with all those peace plans cancelled, such incident on [Nov. 23] eventually happened,”
"서해를 평화의 바다로" ( 김준철, 민중의 소리, 2010년 11월 11일)
"Let's make the West Sea into the Sea of Peace" (Kim Joon-Chul, Voice of People, Nov. 11, 2010)
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