* Thanks very much, Bruce Gagnon for spreading news and asking people to call to the South Korean embassys.
* 브루스 개그논, 소식을 전파해 주시고 사람들에게 남한 대사관에 전화하도록 요청해 주셔셔 매우 감사드립니다.
Excerpt 발제
'You can help by calling the South Korean embassy in your country and tell them to "Stop building the Navy base on Jeju Island" which is called the island of peace and has been recognized by UNESCO as a global environmental jewell.'
'여러분은 여러분 국가의 남한 대사관에 전화를 걸어 “제주도에 해군 기지를 짓는 것을 중단해주십시오’라고 전화하심으로서 도울 수 있읍니다. 제주도는 평화의 섬이라 불리며 유네스코에 의해 전세계 환경의 보석이라 할 수 있읍니다.'

Today, around 8: 30am, six stone powder dump truck, a water-purifier tank cargo truck, a light truck, a cement-mix car, and a water car came to the planned naval base area.. The purpose of the navy was the installation of the water-purifier tank in the planned naval base area of the Gangjeong village. Even though we intended to prevent the entry of those cars, since about 100 cement-mix cars uploaded with panel materials would come again in large size on Dec. 27, after the village meeting on Dec. 22, our opinions were collected to save our power for the D-Day. The corporation that was in charge of the construction of the water-purifier tank was the Daerim industry, the company that has been the cause of the Yongsan tragedy with Samsung.
There were about seven activists from the Pan-Island committee against the naval base, about seven villagers despite their busiest harvesting season in a year, and some peace activists in the planned naval base area of the Gangjeong stream. Despite little choice today considering the expected continuous struggles, the villagers’ council and the Pan-Island committee would resist against construction with all their power on Dec. 27, 2010.
Currently about 10 trucks are expected to come tomorrow at the similar time and the measure on that is still uncertain. However, it is expected that various struggles would be considered after the villagers’ general meeting on Dec. 22 that is the continuation of Dec. 17 meeting and many villagers and activists would gather power for Dec. 27.
Otherwise, Catholic peace missal against the planned naval base was held in the Joonduk coast connected from the Gangjeong stream, another absolute preservation area for an hour from 12pm.
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