'저는 그들의 땅을 지키기 위하여 싸웠던 인디안들의 이야기를 기억합니다. 백인들이 그들의 신성한 숲에 도로를 만들기 위하여 나무들을 잘랐습니다. 매일밤 인디안들이 나가서 백인들이 만든 그 길을 해체하면 그 다음 날 백인들이 와서 도로를 다시 짓곤 했습니다. 한동안 그 것이 반복되었습니다. 그러던 어느날, 숲에서 가장 큰 나무가 백인들이 일할 동안 그들 머리 위로 떨어져 말과 마차들을 파괴하고 그들 중 몇몇을 죽였습니다. 그러자 백인들은 떠났고 결코 다시 오지 않았습니다….' (브루스 개그논)

For any updates on the struggle against the Jeju naval base, please go to savejejunow.org and facebook no naval base on Jeju. The facebook provides latest updates.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Petition Fwd: SIGN to STOP FBI REPRESSION OF ANTI-WAR ACTIVISTS NOW! [국제 서명] FBI 의 반전 활동가들에 대한 억압 중단 요청 서명

International Action Center - iacenter.org

SIGN to Stop FBI Repression of Anti-War Activists NOW

Condemn the FBI Raids and Harassment of Anti-War and International Solidarity Activists!

Tell President Obama, Attorney General Holder, DOJ Inspector General Fine, the Senate and House Judiciary Committees, Congressional Leaders, U.N. Secy Gen Ban, and members of the media to STOP THE FBI CAMPAIGN OF REPRESSION AGAINST ANTI-WAR AND INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY ACTIVISTS NOW!

Sign the Petition Now: iacenter.org/stopfbi

**Stop the repression against anti-war and international solidarity activists.

**Immediately return all confiscated materials: computers, cell phones, papers, documents, etc.

**End the grand jury proceedings against anti-war activists.

Be part of the united opposition to this FBI campaign of harassment and intimidation. Make your voice heard!

The Committee to Stop FBI Repression ( stopfbi.net ) and the International Action Center urge you to sign the petition at iacenter.org/stopfbi demanding justice. Over a dozen activists across the country have already been raided. Only our united opposition will stop this harassment.


Text Fwd: Tom Burghardt: FBI Raids Activists' Homes in Sinister COINTELPRO Replay 탐 버거트: FBI 미 활동가들의 가택 습격은 암울한 대항 첩보 활동 재현

FBI Raids Activists' Homes in Sinister COINTELPRO Replay

By Tom Burghardt

Global Research, September 27, 2010
Antifascist Calling... - 2010-09-26

In a replay of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's infamous COINTELPRO operations targeting the left during the 1960s and '70s, America's political police launched raids on the homes of antiwar and solidarity activists.

Heavily-armed SWAT teams smashed down doors and agents armed with search warrants carried out simultaneous raids in Minneapolis and Chicago early morning on September 24.

Rummaging through personal belongings, agents carted off boxes of files, documents, books, letters, photographs, computers and cell phones from Minneapolis antiwar activists Mick Kelly, Jessica Sundin, Meredith Aby, two others, as well as the office of that city's Anti-War Committee.

Meanwhile, as federal snoops seized personal property in Minneapolis, FBI agents raided the Chicago homes of activists Stephanie Weiner and Joseph Iosbaker. According to the Chicago Tribune, "neighbors saw FBI agents carrying boxes from the apartment of community activist Hatem Abudayyeh, executive director of the Arab American Action Network."

"In addition," the Tribune reported, "Chicago activist Thomas Burke said he was served a grand jury subpoena that requested records of any payments to Abudayyeh or his group."

Amongst those targeted by the FBI were individuals who organized peaceful protests against the imperialist invasion and occupation of Iraq and 2008 protests at the far-right Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota.

As Antifascist Calling reported in 2008 and 2009, citing documents published by the whistleblowing web site WikiLeaks, state and local police, the FBI and agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, the Pentagon's Northern Command (NORTHCOM), the United States Secret Service, the National Security Agency and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency implemented an action plan designed to monitor and squelch dissent during the convention.

As part of that plan's execution, activists and journalists were preemptively arrested, and cameras, recording equipment, computers and reporters' confidential notes were seized. Demonstrations were broken up by riot cops who wielded batons, pepper spray and tasers and attacked peaceful protesters who had gathered to denounce the war criminals' conclave in St. Paul.

With Friday's raids, the federal government under "change" huckster Barack Obama, has taken their repressive program to a whole new level, threatening activists with the specter of being charged with providing "material support of terrorism." A felony conviction under this draconian federal law (Title 18, Part I, Chapter 113B, § 2339B) carries a 15 year prison term.


Text Fwd:Lithuania: Ukrainian, Japanese, Georgian Troops Train For Afghan War 리투아니아: 우크라이나, 일본, 조지아에서 아프간 전쟁 위해 훈련

*Text sent from Rick Rozoff on Sept. 29, 2010

Baltic Course
September 28, 2010
Final exercise "PRT-12 Challenge" is held in Lithuania

-The Kæstutis Battalion provides personnel for the PRT mission for a second time. The majority of personnel in the shift have been deployed to multinational missions in the Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan previously.
Representatives of Denmark, Georgia, Japan, the USA, Poland, Finland and Ukraine serve together with the Lithuanian military and civilian personnel in the Ghor PRT camp in Chaghcharan.

On September 27–October 1, the active phase of the pre-deployment training “PRT-12 Challenge" of the 12th rotation of the PRT [Provincial Reconstruction Team] is held at the Kazlu Ruda Military Area (Marijampoles Distr.) before duty in Ghor, province of Afghanistan, reported the Ministry of National Defence.

In the final phase of pre-mission training PRT-12 personnel will undergo an assessment of the results they achieved during a half of year. In the exercise troops were assessed for tasks typical to the mission area – movement of units, evacuation of the injured, coordination of work with governmental and non-governmental organisations, and representatives of local administration.

Soldiers will demonstrate their ability to respond to fictitious situations, such as demonstrations of the local population, insurgent attacks with IEDs on provincial roads, firing at the camp, etc. The exercise is organised by the leadership of the Lithuanian Land Force.

Conductor of the exercise and coordinator of the assessing team is Chief of Staff of the Motorised Infantry Brigade –Iron Wolf Lt Col Alvydas Siuparis. The ajority of the organisers, observers and evaluators have already conducted duty in the Lithuanian-led PRT in Afghanistan and have skills and experience necessary to ensure that the training exercise is as close to real circumstances in the Afghanistan operation region as possible.

There are around 200 military personnel involved in the training event, including Ukrainian troops to be deployed to Ghor together with Lithuanian part of the PRT-12.

A camp was installed for the purpose of the exercise in the Kazlu Ruda Military Area; it parallels the camp of the Lithuanian-led PRT in Ghor, province of Afghanistan.

Conditions are created for the training of personnel and units to conduct operations in an environment similar to the area of operation of Lithuanian peacekeepers in Afghanistan.

Training situations are designed with regard to the previous experience of Lithuania in multinational missions. PRT-12 is formed on the basis of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Algirdas Mechanised Infantry Battalion of the Motorised Infantry Brigade –Iron Wolf.

The 12th rotation will be deployed to Afghanistan after a half year of training in November. Troops of the Algirdas Battalion will take part in a multinational mission for a second time. The combat flag of the Battalion flew in the camp of Lithuanian in Chaghcharan in 2006. The Lithuanian-led PRT in Ghor is a joint civilian-military mission, a part of NATO's ISAF, that was launched it in Ghor in the summer of 2005.

The main task of the mission is to help the government of Afghanistan to extend authority in the province, ensure security and create an environment for provincial reconstruction. Ghor, located in the central part of Afghanistan, is one of the safest provinces because of its geographical position and underdeveloped infrastructure. Despite the security situation in Ghor which is described as relatively safe, the insurgent movement is sometimes spotted there as well.

At the moment the 11th rotation of the Lithuanian-led PRT serve in Afghanistan. The rotation is based on the Lithuanian Grand Duke Kestutis Motorised Infantry Battalion located in the Tauragës Distr.

The Kæstutis Battalion provides personnel for the PRT mission for a second time. The majority of personnel in the shift have been deployed to multinational missions in the Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan previously.

Representatives of Denmark, Georgia, Japan, the USA, Poland, Finland and Ukraine serve together with the Lithuanian military and civilian personnel in the Ghor PRT camp in Chaghcharan.
Blog site

Text Fwd: NATO Expands Afghan War Into Pakistan 나토, 파키스탄으로 아프간 전쟁 확대

Rick Rozoff

September 28, 2010
NATO Expands Afghan War Into Pakistan
Rick Rozoff

On October 7 the United States and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization military allies will begin the tenth year of their war in Afghanistan, over 3,000 miles from NATO Headquarters in Brussels.

The following month midterm elections will be held in the U.S. and NATO will hold a two-day summit in Portugal. The American administration is eager to achieve, or appear to have achieved, a foreign policy triumph in an effort to retain Democratic Party control of Congress and NATO something to show for the longest and largest military mission in its 61 years of existence.

President Barack Obama has tripled the amount of American combat troops in Afghanistan to 100,000 and along with forces from other NATO member states and partner nations there are now over 150,000 foreign troops in the nation, the most ever stationed in the war-wracked country. 120,000 of those soldiers are now under the command of NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the most ever serving in a North Atlantic Alliance-led military operation. NATO deployed 60,000 troops to Bosnia in 1995 and 50,000 to Kosovo four years later, in both instances after bombing campaigns and in post-conflict situations.

The 120,000 NATO forces currently in theater – from 50 nations already with more pegged to provide troops – are at the center of the world’s longest-lasting and increasingly deadly hot war. NATO’s first ground war, its first combat operations in Asia.

Last year was the most lethal for the U.S and NATO in what is now a nine-year conflict and this year has already proven even more costly in terms of combat deaths. And there are three more months to go.

Washington and Brussels could decide to save face and end the fighting through some combination of an internal political settlement and a true international peacekeeping arrangement – rather than the subversion of the International Security Assistance Force that was established by a United Nations mandate in December of 2001 but which is now the Pentagon’s and NATO’s vehicle for waging war in Afghanistan. And in neighboring Pakistan.

But the military metaphysic prevalent in Washington over the past 65 years will allow for nothing other than what is seen as victory, with a “Who lost Afghanistan?” legacy tarnishing the president who fails to secure it and the party to which he belongs being branded half-hearted and defeatist.


Text Fwd: Media Disinformation:The Facts About Ahmadinejad's UN Speech [의도적인 언론 왜곡] 아흐메디자네드의 유엔 연설과 관련된 사실들

Global Research
Media Disinformation: The Facts About Ahmadinejad's UN Speech
By Jack A. Smith
September 26, 2010

The Iranian leader did not accuse the U.S. of conspiring to murder thousands of its own people to create a pretext for launching wars as conveyed by the US media.

A large portion of the American people, on the basis of media reports, probably think that during his UN speech Sept. 23 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared that the U.S. government secretly arranged for the 9/11 attacks. He did not say that, however.

In its Sept. 24 article about the speech The New York Times headline read: "Iran Leader Says U.S. Planned 9/11 Attacks." The first paragraph declared: "President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran made a series of incendiary remarks in his speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday, notably the claim that the United States orchestrated the Sept. 11 attacks to rescue its declining economy, to reassert its weakening grip on the Middle East and to save Israel."

On the basis of his remarks the U.S. led 33 nations in theatrical walk out from the General Assembly while he was talking. And the next day, in an interview with the BBC's Persian service, President Barack Obama said Ahmadinejad's 9/11 remarks were "offensive. It was hateful. And particularly for him to make the statement here in Manhattan, just a little north of Ground Zero, where families lost their loved ones, people of all faiths, all ethnicities who see this as the seminal tragedy of this generation, for him to make a statement like that was inexcusable.”

On Sept. 25, the Times published a correction: "A headline on Friday with an article about an incendiary speech in the United Nations General Assembly by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran summarized his remarks about the Sept. 11 terror attacks incorrectly. In his speech, Mr. Ahmadinejad asserted various theories about the origin of the attacks, including the possibility that they had been planned by the United States. He did not say that the United States had planned the attacks."

The Times was one of many U.S. newspapers, TV and radio news reports that suggested Ahmadinejad accused the U.S. government of secretly instigating the attack — a conspiracy theory believed by some Americans and others. Following are the few paragraphs pertaining to this matter from the Iranian leader's text:

"It was said that some three thousands people were killed on the 11 September for which we are all very saddened. Yet, up until now, in Afghanistan and Iraq hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, millions wounded and displaced and the conflict is still going on and expanding.

"In identifying those responsible for the attack, there were three viewpoints.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Photos Fwd: [SPARK] 105th Peace & Disarmament Rally [평통사] 평화 군축 집회

*Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea
In front of the Ministry of National Defense,
105th Peace Disarmament rally, Sept. 28, 2010

국문은 여길 클릭

'Denunciation of the anti-submarine drill( Sept. 27 to Oct. 1, 2010) in the west sea'
‘Abolishment of the Strategic Alliance 2015 &
Prompt Recovery of [Wartime] Operational Control Right!’

‘Abolishment of the plan for the preparation of the sudden change aiming at the absorbing unification of North Korea with armed force!

Recovery of Operational Control Right Now! Yes, Conclusion of Peace Treaty!
No Security Consultative Meeting(SCM) that strengthens the invasive ROK-US alliance!

* Two Korean slogans say:
Absolutely no to the US base relocation, which hands over all burden to South Koreans!
Naval base doesn't fit to the Island of Peace, Jeju!


* In front of Ministry of Defense, Sept. 27, 2010
Photos by Ryu Sung-Ho, Omynews

Stop the ROK-US anti-sub drill in the West Sea, which threatens the peace in the Korean peninsula!
Stop the war exercise that brings the militaristic tension!
*Related blogs

Monday, September 27, 2010
Text Fwd: S. Korea, U.S. kick off anti-sub drills in Yellow Sea
남한과 미국, 황해에서 대항 잠수함 전쟁 연습 시작

Strategic Alliance 2015
전략적 동맹 2015

Text Fwd:[News Briefing] Lee announces expanded international role for military [이 대통령, 한국 군대의 국제적 역활을 강조하다

* Hankyoreh
[News Briefing] Lee announces expanded international role for military
Posted on Sept. 28, 2010

President Lee Myung-bak said Tuesday that South Korea’s military will try to play a bigger role in global security and peace as part of an effort to repay the international community for its help in the fight against the invading North Korea six decades ago.

The military of the Republic of Korea should further develop into ‘international armed forces’ to contribute to the world security and peace,” President Lee said in a speech to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the recapture of Seoul from North Korea by U.N. allied forces on Sept. 28, 1950.

About 5,000 people, including representatives from U.N. allies that fought for South Korea during the 1950-53 Korean War, participated in this ceremony.

Text Fwd: U.S. Missile Agency Agency Awards Raytheon $175M For Japan Deal [레이시온, 미사일 방어국에게 일본 거래로 1.75억 달러 제공]

Business Week
U.S. Missile Agency Agency Awards Raytheon $175M For Japan Deal
Associated Press
September 27, 2010

Raytheon awarded $175 million contract

The Missile Defense Agency has awarded Raytheon Company a $175 million
development contract, the defense company said Monday.

Under the contract, Raytheon will work with partners in Japan on the cooperative
engineering and development efforts for the SM-3 Block IIA missile through the
preliminary design process. The contract also includes an option for future
studies totaling $9.8 million.

Raytheon and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, under contract to the MDA and Japan's
Ministry of Defense, are developing the next-generation SM-3 Block IIA missile,
scheduled to begin flight testing in 2014. The company says the new missile will
include larger second- and third-stage rocket motors and a larger kinetic
warhead to provide a greater area of defense against sophisticated threats.

Phoenix Business Journal
September 27, 2010
Raytheon gets $175M Japan contract

Raytheon Co. has received a $175 million contract from the Missile Defense
Agency for a development program with Japan.

The contract continues engineering and development efforts for the SM-3 Block
IIA missile, the next generation of which is scheduled to begin test flights in

The missile, being developed out of the company’s operations in Tucson, will
be built with larger motors and warheads to make it more effective against
various targets.

The contract covers preliminary design revue, scheduled for early 2011.

Raytheon expects to deploy the missile by 2018 in Europe. It is being developed
by the Department of Defense’s MDA and the U.S. Navy’s Aegis Ballistic
Missile Defense System.
Blog site

[국문 번역]Text Fwd: [Press Release] KEEP SPACE FOR PEACE WEEK EVENTS PLANNED WORLDWIDE [보도 자료]우주 평화주 행사 전 세계로 계획됨

* Text sent from Bruce Gagnon on Sept. 28, 2010

Keep Space for Peace Week Events Planned Worldwide

우주 평화 주 행사들 전 세계적으로 계획됨

즉각 보도 요망

CONTACT: Bruce Gagnon (207) 443-9502
연락: 브루스 개그논

On October 2-9 a week of local protest events to Keep Space for Peace will be held worldwide.

10월 2일-9일, 우주 평화를 지키지 위한 지역 항의 행사들 의 한 주가 전 세계적으로 벌어질 것이다.

Each fall the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space organizes Keep Space for Peace Week: International Days of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space. These events are intended to help educate the public about the need to prevent the arms race from moving into the heavens.

매년 가을, 우주의 무기와 핵을 반대하는 글로벌 넷워크는 우주 평화 지키기: 우주의 군사화를 중단하기 위한 국제 항의의 날들을 조직한다. 이 행사들은 무기 경쟁을 하늘로 옮기는 것을 막기 위해 대중을 교육하는 것을 돕도록 의도된다.

According to Global Network Coordinator Bruce Gagnon, “The space week protests represent the largest global grassroots expression against moving the arms race into space. This year we are highlighting the planned Obama administration ‘missile defense’ deployments in Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan that will be used to help the U.S. and NATO to militarily surround Russia and China. These deployments, while sold as defensive measures, are in fact key elements in the creation of U.S. first-strike attack systems. Their deployment will ensure a new arms race.”

글로벌 넷워크 코디네이터 브루스 개그논에 의하면, “우주 주간의 항의들은 무기 경쟁을 하늘로 옮기는 것에 대항하는 민초들의 가장 큰 전지구적 표현이다.올해 우리는 미국과 북대서양 조약 기구가 러시아와 중국을 군사적으로 봉쇄하는 것을 돕기 위해 쓰여질 오바마 행정부의 폴란드, 불가리아, 루마니아, 타이완, 남한, 그리고 일본 내 계획된 ‘미사일 방어’배치 에 촛점을 맞춘다. 이 배치들은 방어적 대안들로 팔리지만 미국의 첫번째 공격 시스템의 창조에 있어 사실, 핵심적 요소들 이다. 그것들의 배치는 새로운 무기 경쟁을 보증한다.”

Global Network board member Makiko Sato in Japan says, “The transformation and relocation of U.S. forces in our region has turned out to entail those of Japanese Self Defense Forces, with Patriot Missile Defense (PAC-3) systems being deployed on Japan's soil, and with Aegis warships (outfitted with missile defense) in our waters, both aimed at the neighboring Asian countries. To where is Japan being taken, away from and in distrust of our historical and cultural brother countries in East Asia?”

일본의 글로벌 넷워크 보드 회원인 마끼꼬 사또는 말한다. “우리 지역 미군의 변형과 이전은 일본 자위대를 수반하고 패트리어트 미사일 방어 (PAC-3) 시스템들이 일본의 땅에 배치되고 이지스 전함들 (미사일 방어로 장착된) 이 우리의 물들에 배치되는 것으로 드러났다. 패트리어트 미사일과 이지스 구축함들은 이웃 아시아 국가들을 향한 것이다. 우리 동아시아의 역사적, 문화적 형제들로부터, 그리고 그들에 대한 불신으로 일본은 어디로 향해지는가?

The October 2-9 actions are being co-sponsored by the Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom and the International Network for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases. Protests are expected at city centers and key space related factories and military bases. Educational forums will be held and space videos would be shown throughout the week.

10월 2~9일 행동들은 국제 평화와 자유를 위한 여성 연맹, 해외 기지 폐쇄를 위한 국제 넷워크에 의해 공동 후원된다. 시위들이 시 중심지들 및 핵심 우주 관련 공장들과 기지들에서 기대된다. 교육 포럼들이 열려질 것이고 우주 비디오가 주간을 통해 보여질 것이다.

To see the list of Space Week protest sites or to view the 2010 Space Week poster:

우주 항의 사이트들 및 우주 평화주 2010년 포스터를 보려면



Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
우주의 무기와 핵을 반대하는 글로벌 넷워크
PO Box 652
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 443-9502
http://space4peace.blogspot.com/ (blog)
(207) 443-9502

Monday, September 27, 2010

[Petition Fwd] Stop US helipad plan in Okinawa to save great nature [ 서명 포워드] 훌륭한 자연을 보호하기 위해 오끼나와 미국 비행장 설치를 중단하라!

* Image source: Villagers' website in Japanese on Takae issue 다까에 이슈에 대한 마을 주민들의 웹사이트(일본어)

* Image source: Anatakara (original source: Wiki) V-22 Osprey

* Petition thankfully informed by M. S. on Sept. 27, 2010

Please do a sign here:

Stop US helipad plan in Okinawa to save great nature : by Care 2
훌륭한 자연을 보호하기 위해 오끼나와 미국 비행장 설치를 중단하라!


* For more information on the struggle of Takae, go to HERE (English/ Japanese)
다까에 투쟁에 대한 영/일어 사이트는

* 다까에 비행장 설치 반대 투쟁에 대한 국문 번역 내용은 여기를 보시길.

Excerpt from petition:

Target: to be submitted to the Japanese Parliament Speakers of lower and upper houses
Sponsored by: citizens of Higashi village against helipad construction

Paper based petittions(over 21,830 personnel signed) and web based petittion (550 personnel signed in care2 till then) against helipad construction plan was presented in the Japanese Diet after "in house" meeting on 7th Feb 2008.

Total signer's number of over 22,000 is well above the targeted 15,000, which is 100 times of Higashi village population(about 150).

However, US and Japanese governments show no intention to quit the plan, which means we still need to continue this campaign.

On the contrary, Okinawa Defence bureau bring case to the court argueing that citizen are illegally prohibiting the construction plan.

Court case has started in January 2009. Over 20 voluntier lawyers are supporting the citizen, claiming that resistance of the citizen in non-violent form is solely the expression of resistance and that it is Okinawa Defence bureau who is violating legal process of this procedure. Another pettion in the paper form for supporting the court to reject the case in favor of the resisting citizens is in the way. Form is available in citizens of Higashi village against helipad construction homepage, http://takae.ti-da.net/

Apart from court case problem, construction plan has been stalled. Okinawa Defence bureau was intended to change the situastion by bringing the case into the court. The result was that lots of Okinawa citizen came to know the Takae problem from this news and support movement has widely spread since then.

It is promised by the Okinawa Defence bureau that they will not start construction work until the court case come to an conclusion.

As a rsult, no construction work took place since 2008.

For further detail of the past, see below.

----No majour construction-related progresses have taken place since New years day, although two dump trucks were recorded to carry in pebbles and sand for surfacing last week. No surfacing worker was allowed to enter for this occasion.

Prediction from these is that as fiscal year 2007 of Japan is close to the end(in March) the constructor needed to show a sign that they are making progress of some kind.

Environment assessment procedure made an agreement that no construction work should be done during the breeding period of wild life(from March to June).

Our position is that no construction should take place at any time. Concerning breeding time, two newly born babies are in Takae and another baby is expected in this spring.

This place has been primarily used for living, it should be so in the future as far as people wish.-----

ex-title:Save okinawa Woodpecker and rail from US military helipad---


Takae US military helipads construction has started in July 2007, which has close link with Henoko air base in plan. Local citizens are objecting against the plan by 24 hours sitting in.

Takae people and its nature was unwishingly pushed to the front line of US military operations, militarism move of this kind is soon supposed to spread to the entire Japan.

We call petition to the world for the Japanese parliament against the helipad plan by demanding following two claims.

First claim: Immediate stop of illegal helipad construction of US military in Takae, Higashi village, Okinawa JAPAN.

Second claim: Entire northern training area of Okinawa should be returned to people of Okinawa, as it was deprived by US military force during and after world war II against international law and it has continuously been provided by Japanese government againt Okinawan people's will.

Dead line is scheduled 10th Janury of the year 2008, in order to be submitted in the next annual parliament meeting in 2008.


Further information is available here.

Comment by WWF Japan.

Greenpeace Japan is kindly mentioning on this petition in their Blog.

Paper based petitions(over 21,830 personnel signed) and web based petittion (550 personnel signed in care2 till then) against helipad construction plan was presented in the Japanese Diet after "in house" meeting on 7th Feb 2008.

Total signer's number of over 22,000 is well above the targeted 15,000, which is 100 times of Higashi village population(about 150).

However, US and Japanese governments show no intention to quit the plan, which means we still need to continue this campaign.

On the contrary, Okinawa Defence bureau bring case to the court argueing that citizen are illegally prohibiting the construction plan.

Court case has started in January 2009. Over 20 voluntier lawyers are supporting the citizen, claiming that resistance of the citizen in non-violent form is solely the expression of resistance and that it is Okinawa Defence bureau who is violating legal process of this procedure. Another pettion in the paper form for supporting the court to reject the case in favor of ... more

Text Fwd: Yahoo Threatens Email Forwarding To Protect NATO 야후, 나토를 보호하기 위해 이 메일 포워드 위협

* Text sent from Rick Rozoff on Sept. 27, 2010

World Future Online
September 27, 2010
Yahoo threatens email forwarding to protect Nato
Written by Kazi Mahmood

It appears that Yahoo, the popular email service provider, is combatting anti-Nato movements by threatening to close email accounts of anyone who is found responsible for simply forwarding an email to a group or any individual.

In a personal letter to Wfol.tv, Rick Rozoff of the Stop Nato group based in the US explained that his Yahoo group called Stop Nato, which is a collection of articles worldwide on the activities of the Western military organization Nato, said he is being victimized.

Rozoff expressed fears that the very future of two individuals exchanging news in emails could be prevented by Yahoo.

This could happen if any news group or organization presses Yahoo to take action against specific movements. Rozoff said: "My appreciation for your posting the material on the joint Military Times/Yahoo threats to Stop NATO. If they get away with something like this they can create a precedent for preventing any two individuals from emailing any news item anywhere in the world."

Indeed this would be a very dangerous precedent as it would stop the dissemination of information among friends and between groups and other organzations.

"If I copy and paste an article on any topic - say, gardening - and you forward it to another person and down the line somewhere it is sent to an email group - Yahoo tells me they can cancel my ID, which is to say my email address, the one I use to set up and moderate groups. They then de facto shut down all groups I moderate." Rozoff added.

"By the way, neither Military Times nor Yahoo wrote to me at the email address I used to set up and use to moderate Stop NATO; they wrote to me at another, one I usually use to post items." he said.

Wfol.tv posted an article outsourced from Rozoff's Yahoo group, Stop Nato, which is a series of email exchanges between the 'Military Times' group, Yahoo and Rick Rozoff. The article can be read here: Military Times and Yahoo:
Blog site
* You may also see HERE

Bruce Gagnon blog 브루스 개그논 블로그
Sunday, September 26, 2010 2010년 9월 6일

오바마 밑의 삶, FBI, 평화 활동가들을 덮치다.

Text Fwd: S. Korea, U.S. kick off anti-sub drills in Yellow Sea 남한과 미국, 황해에서 대항 잠수함 전쟁 연습 시작

* Image source: click HERE

* Image source & caption: click HERE

'USS John S. McCain (DDG 56):
At sea aboard USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) Jan. 26, 2003 -- The guided missile destroyer USS John S. McCain (DDG 56) approaches the USS Kitty Hawk during a replenishment at sea (RAS). Kitty Hawk is the Navy’s only permanently forward-deployed aircraft carrier and operates out of Yokosuka, Japan.'

* Image source & caption: click HERE
'U.S. navy missile destroyer USS Fitzgerald (DDG-62) (image: navy.mil)'


Yonhap News
By Kim Deok-hyun
S. Korea, U.S. kick off anti-sub drills in Yellow Sea

SEOUL, Sept. 27 (Yonhap) -- A flotilla of South Korean and U.S. warships started anti-submarine drills in the Yellow Sea on Monday in another show of force against North Korea, Seoul's military officials said.

The five-day exercises, which run through Friday, are the second in a series of joint drills staged or planned by Seoul and Washington in response to North Korea's sinking of a South Korean warship six months ago.

About 10 ships, including two U.S. guided-missile destroyers, the USS John S. McCain and USS Fitzgerald, and two submarines as well as some 1,700 troops have been mobilized for the maneuvers.

"The drills started around 7 a.m., and everything is going ahead in accordance with our maneuver plan," said an official at the South's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS).

The JCS official said the drills are being staged off the west coast town of Taean, far south of the Yellow Sea border where the Cheonan warship was sunk on March 26.

A South Korea-led international probe in May officially pinpointed North Korea as the perpetrator of the torpedo attack on the Cheonan that left 46 sailors dead.

The North has denied any role in the sinking and threatened military retaliations against the drills, calling them a rehearsal for war.

Pyongyang's state-run Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea warned on Sunday that its army "will never pardon provocateurs and mercilessly wipe them out."


Text Fwd: Advanced U.S. Nuclear Fast Attack Submarine Docks In Guam 첨단 초고속 핵 잠수함, 괌에 정박

* Image & source captions: U.S. navy

'Description: The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Hawaii (SSN 776) enters Apra Harbor for a scheduled port visit.

100924-N-5539C-013 GUAM (Sept. 24, 2010) The Virginia-class attack submarine USS Hawaii (SSN 776) enters Apra Harbor for a scheduled port visit. This is the first deployment of a Virginia-class to the western Pacific region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Corwin Colbert/Released)

* Text sent from Rock Rozoff on Sept. 27, 2010

Navy NewsStand
September 24, 2010
USS Hawaii Visits Guam
From Joint Region Marianas Public Affairs

-The state-of-the-art submarine is capable of supporting a multitude of missions, including anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface ship warfare, strike, naval special warfare involving special operations forces, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, irregular warfare and mine warfare.

APRA HARBOR, Guam: The Virginia-class fast attack submarine USS Hawaii (SSN 776) arrived Sept. 24 in Apra Harbor, Guam for a port visit during the ship's first deployment to the Western Pacific.

The ship departed Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam for a scheduled deployment to the Western Pacific region Aug. 25.

With a crew of 136, this is the ship's first deployment from Pearl Harbor.
Hawaii will be conducting a multitude of missions while assigned to 7th Fleet during the next several months.

"Guam, as a port, plays a vital role in the U.S. military's efforts to fulfill our commitments to our allies and partners and to protect our nation's security," said Capt. John Russ, commodore for Submarine Squadron 15....

Measuring 377 feet long and weighing 7,800 tons when submerged, Hawaii is one of the Navy's newest and most technologically sophisticated submarines.

The state-of-the-art submarine is capable of supporting a multitude of missions, including anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface ship warfare, strike, naval special warfare involving special operations forces, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, irregular warfare and mine warfare.

* Image source & caption: Stars & Stripes

'The USS Hawaii moors at Pier 13 on Tuesday at Yokosuka Naval Base, the first port stop of the fast-attack sub's Western Pacific deployment. The visit by the Hawaii is the first by a Virginia class submarine to the 7th Fleet's Western Pacific-based area of operations. Navy officials say the boat's abilities in coastal waters give planners more flexibility in gathering intelligence and performing other missions. Erik Slavin/Stars and Stripes'

Stars and Stripes
September 7, 2010
Submarine USS Hawaii first of its class to enter Western Pacific
By Erik Slavin

YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE, Japan: The USS Hawaii's arrival at Yokosuka on Friday marks the first port visit by a Virginia-class submarine in the Western Pacific.

The USS Hawaii’s arrival on Friday at Yokosuka for a port visit signaled the first time a Virginia-class submarine has entered the Western Pacific, Navy officials said Tuesday.

The relatively new fast-attack submarine’s arrival in Asian waters represents yet another piece of the Navy’s shift toward watercraft and weaponry designed to operate in nearshore waters.
Submarine commanders tend to avoid talking about specific countries and operations, but they’re usually happy to talk about their boats. Mack was no exception aboard the Hawaii on Tuesday.

The Hawaii can not only drive itself, it can auto-hover and auto-stabilize, keeping the boat as quiet as possible while avoiding detection at varied depths, Mack said.

It also uses a sonar “chin array” to detect mines and other threats beneath the boat, an upgrade over the older Los Angeles-class subs that the Hawaii and boats like it are replacing.
“The Los Angeles-class is extremely capable, but it was designed in an era more focused on open ocean,” said Cmdr. Jeff Davis, spokesman for the 7th Fleet, which oversees the Western Pacific. The Hawaii and its class “add a lot of value, particularly in ... the littoral environments in which we operate.”

The new capabilities would aid the Hawaii if it ever operated in the often shallow waters near the Korean Northern Limit Line, where international investigators believe the South Korean ship Cheonan was destroyed by a North Korean torpedo in March.

The Hawaii also has an airlock chamber which it can use to launch Navy SEAL teams into nearshore waters.

Davis said the Hawaii was not scheduled to participate in a U.S.-South Korean anti-submarine exercise that was postponed this week due to a tropical storm off the peninsula.

He said there is no special reason why a Virginia-class sub hadn’t shown up in the Western Pacific sooner. However, with 12 Virginia-class subs expected to be ready by 2015, the boats will likely play an increasingly larger role in 7th Fleet plans.

“We are the first, but there are more to follow,” Mack said.
Blog site:

Text Fwd: U.S. Deploys Aircraft Carrier Strike Group To Pacific, Indian Oceans 미국, 항공 모함 공격 전단, 아시아 태평양과 인도양에 배치

*Image source/ caption: same as the link

'100919-N-5226D-355 PACIFIC OCEAN (Sept. 19, 2010) The aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) transits across the Pacific Ocean. The Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group is on a scheduled deployment conducting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Stephen D. Doyle II/Released)'


* Text sent from Rick Rozoff on Sept. 27, 2010

Navy NewsStand
September 25, 2010
Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group Public Affairs

USS Abraham Lincoln, At Sea: Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group entered the 7th Fleet Area of Responsibility (AOR) Sept. 25 as part of their scheduled 2010-2011 deployment.

The 7th Fleet AOR is the largest of the numbered fleets, covering more than 48 million square miles of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

The mission of the Lincoln Strike Group while deployed will focus on maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts, which help establish conditions for regional stability.

"Working with our allies in this region is extremely important to us," said Rear Adm. Mark D. Guadagnini, strike group commander. "The U.S. commitment to cooperation and collaboration with like-minded nations is vital to Asia-Pacific security and stability."
Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group consists of flagship USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), embarked Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 2, San Diego-based guided-missile cruiser USS Cape St. George (CG 71), and the embarked Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 9. Ships assigned to DESRON 9 include the Everett-based destroyers Momsen (DDG 92) and Shoup (DDG 86), as well as USS Halsey (DDG 97) and USS Sterett (DDG 104).
Blog site

Text Fwd: [famoksaiyanfriends] Islanders Prepare for Second Battle of Okinawa 섬주민들, 오키나와의 두번째 전투를 준비하다

Image & source:same as the link

'The U.S. Marines' Camp Schwab, which dominates the coral reef headland in Nago on the Japanese island of Okinawa'

* Text from Martha Duenas on Sept. 26, 2010

The Independent
Islanders Prepare for Second Battle of Okinawa

American bases seized from Japan in 1945 have been a cause of bitterness since the Second World War. David McNeill meets the locals and the US Marines they want out.
Thursday, 10 July 2010

There can be few prettier prime ministerial graveyards: waves from a coral-rich, emerald-green sea lick the sandy shore of a pristine white beach.

A sleepy fishing village pokes through the humming tropical green in the background. Dolphins and the endangered dugong sea cow swim in the local waters. Only a razor-wire fence and signs warning of the threat of arrest by US troops hint at the smell of political cordite.

For over a decade, Henoko beach on Japan's southernmost prefecture of Okinawa has been the site of a battle that has pitted pensioners against government surveyors, corroded relations between Tokyo and Washington and arguably claimed the scalp of Japan's last Prime Minister, Yukio Hatoyama. Locals warn that his successor, Naoto Kan, will follow him to the political gallows if he makes good on a promise to build a US Marine heliport on this picture-postcard beach.

"I think 100,000 people or more will come to stop it," predicts Michio Sakima, who curates a local museum dedicated to remembering the 1945 Battle of Okinawa. "He'll have to send in the army and the riot police and there would be war. There's no way that's going to happen."

Okinawa Prefecture, occupying just 0.6 per cent of Japan's territory, is home to one of the planet's largest concentrations of US military bases.

The Americans invaded in 1945, mounting an attack that left 223,000 Japanese soldiers and civilians dead – roughly a quarter of the local population – and 50,000 US troops killed or injured. In 1972, the islands reverted to Japanese rule but most of the bases stayed. Today they occupy nearly a fifth of the main island and include Kadena, the biggest and most active US Air Force facility in East Asia and Futenma, which occupies the centre of Ginowan city. Many of the soldiers train for combat in Afghanistan and Iraq. Local people like Mr. Sakima call these bases war spoils and want them returned. "It makes me very angry when I think what we could do with all that land," he says from the roof of the museum, which overlooks Futenma. His voice is occasionally drowned out by the drone of the giant transport planes that fly in and out of the base.

As he admits, however, while "most" Okinawans are against the US presence, many are financially tied to it. The bases reportedly employ over 8,000 local people and the central Tokyo government has pumped an estimated 200-340 billion yen a year for the last three decades mostly into island construction projects in an attempt to smooth the friction that comes with living beside over 20,000 often battle-scared young soldiers. In 1995 that friction climaxed with the gang rape of a 12-year-old girl that sparked the largest protests in the prefecture's history.

After years of promises to scale down the military presence, the protests finally extracted a promise from Tokyo and Washington to close Futenma. But the plan eventually hatched by the two sides – largely shutting out Okinawa – simply shifted the functions of the aging facility to the coast off Camp Schwab base near Henoko in the sleepier northern half of the main island. In 2006, the deal was inked: a giant seaport, with an 1800-meter runway, would be built off Okinawa's pristine coastline – all paid for with Japanese taxes.

For many Okinawans, the deal compounded an epic sense of unfairness. The prefecture, which wasn't even historically part of the nation until 1872, hosts 75 per cent of all US military facilities in the country. That arrangement on an island hundreds of miles from the mainland means that about 99 per cent of Japanese never need to face the consequences of the country's half-century military alliance with Washington, or its central conundrum – a war-renouncing nation sheltering under the world's largest nuclear umbrella.

Tackling that contradiction would mean debating much of Japan's postwar defence architecture, including its 1947 "pacifist" constitution, a huge can of worms that few politicians have ever shown the stomach for – on the issue of cost alone, one estimate is that Japan's five thousand billion yen defence budget would need to increase by 10 per cent annually for a decade. It would also mean confronting Washington over its claims that the bases are needed to defend Japan, claims that many on Okinawa reject.

"We were told that the bases were protecting us, but few here believe that now," says Mao Ishikawa, an Okinawa-based photographer. "Soviet Russia is gone, we're friendlier with China and North Korea is a powerless country. Everybody knows the bases are for America's convenience. The soldiers train here for war in Iraq and Afghanistan – that has nothing to do with us."

Last September, the prefecture thought they finally had a leader in Tokyo who might recalibrate the military scales when Yukio Hatoyama was elected Prime Minister, ending over half a century of rule by Washington's staunch Cold War allies the Liberal Democrats. Before taking office, Mr. Hatoyama had openly called for the US bases to be ejected from Japan. He promised to reject the 2006 deal and shift Futenma out of the prefecture.

Instead, under pressure from President Barack Obama himself, he embarked on a long tortured journey back to square one. When he finally told Okinawa in May that the 2006 deal would stand after all, they were furious, recalls Doug Lummis, a former US marine and now political scientist who lives on the island. "He had got their hopes up," he says, pointing out that last April the islanders staged an even bigger protest than they did after the 1995 gang rape. "Hatoyama should have learned from Machiavelli: 'If you're going to do something very unpopular you ought to do it straight away.'"

Hatoyama's bungling on Futenma lost him his government's coalition partner and a huge store of political credibility. He resigned in June, leaving Futenma in the hands of his wilier successor Naoto Kan. "This is only the second time in postwar Japan that a popular grassroots movement has brought down a government," says Lummis, alluding to the fierce protests over the 1960 US-Japan Security Treaty that precipitated the resignation of Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi. "Something has changed here."

Kan – who, as a citizen's activist, once protested against the American bases himself – inherits this hornet's nest but has been careful so far not to stir it up. Last month he visited the island to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Battle of Okinawa, apologising "as a representative of all Japanese people" and promising to "ease the burden" of hosting the bases. Okinawa's contribution has helped secure the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region, he added. He faces an election this weekend that will show how badly damaged his Democratic Party has been by the Okinawa affair and determine if he can go ahead with the base. But nobody can see how his dilemma can be resolved. Voters in Nago, the nearest administrative city to Henoko, this year elected the virulently anti-base politician Susumu Inamine as mayor. Newspaper polls put opposition to the base as high as 80 – 90 per cent. But in a Henoko shop where the prices are in dollars and yen and young Jarheads from Camp Schwab shop for cigarettes and beer, owner Masayoshi Kyoda says the town needs the US money: "Emotionally, everyone is against the bases but the reality is a bit different."

Doctors blame the influx of Americans – and the roughly 100 fast-food outlets that cater to them on Okinawa – for bringing chips, burgers and fatty food to the local diet, which was historically rich in fish, soybeans, vegetables and pork. Okinawans have one of the longest life expectancies in the world at 86 for women and 78 for men, but younger's islanders are growing unhealthier under the US influence.

A marine from Kansas, who wishes to remain anonymous, says: "People here have been real nice – I don't want to go home," he laughs. "I've heard the protesters are here not because they don't want the Henoko base but because they don't want us here at all. But if the North Koreans came here they'd destroy this place. That's why we're needed."

On the beach nearby, a small group of mainly elderly activists and students stand guard over a permanent protest outpost, marking the time since their watch began: 2253 days.

"People here are furious that the Hatoyama government let them down," says Tomohiro Inafuku. "It seems whoever is in government the result is the same."

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Text Fwd: [Vandenberg Update] Vandenberg launches Minotaur IV [밴던버그 엎데이트] 밴던버그 미노타우르 IV 발사 [성공시킴]

* Image source & caption: same as the link

VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. - Team Vandenberg launched a Minotaur IV rocket at 9:41 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, 2010, from Space Launch Complex-8 here.The Minotaur IV launched the Space-Based Space Surveillance satellite, a first-of-its-kind satellite that can detect and track orbiting space objects from space. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Andrew Lee)

Download HiRes

Vandenberg launches Minotaur IV

Posted 9/25/2010 Updated 9/26/2010
30th Space Wing Public Affairs

9/25/2010 - VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Team Vandenberg launched a Minotaur IV rocket at 9:41 p.m. Sept. 25 from Space Launch Complex-8 here.

The Minotaur IV launched the Space-Based Space Surveillance satellite, a first-of-its-kind satellite that can detect and track orbiting space objects from space.

The 30th Space Wing commander, Col. Richard Boltz, was the launch decision authority.

"SBSS will greatly enhance our existing space situational awareness capability, a capability vital to protecting our space-based assets," said Colonel Boltz. "This evening's launch was our third launch in eight days, and I am extremely proud of Team Vandenberg for all the hard work and dedication they've put into these important missions."

This launch was a combined effort between the 30th Space Wing, Orbital Sciences Corporation, The Boeing Company, Ball Aerospace and the Space and Missile Systems Center.

The Minotaur IV launch vehicle provides the ability to deliver payloads up to 3000 kilograms on long range, suborbital trajectories. It utilizes residual Peacekeeper solid rocket motors combined with Orbital's commercial launch vehicle technologies.

* Related blog

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Text Fwd:
[Vandenberg update] Minotaur IV Rocket goes up Sept 25, with Space Surveillance satellite
[밴던버그 엎데이트]미노타르 IV 로켓, 우주 감시 위성을 싣고 9 월 25일 발사

Text Fwd: [famoksaiyanfriends] Military Says Guam Buildup on Schedule Despite New Problems 군대는 말하길, 새로운 문제들에도 불구, 괌 증강, 예정대로

* Images from Minagahet Chamorro blog on Sept. 26, 2010
* Text sent from Martha Duenas on Sept. 26, 2010

Stars & Stripes
Military Says Guam Buildup on Schedule Despite New Problems
By Travis J. Tritten
Published: September 24, 2010

SASEBO NAVAL BASE, Japan — The plan for a U.S. military buildup on Guam hit two more snags this week that will delay key projects.

The Department of Defense and Guam are at an impasse over the use of ancestral land for a Marine Corps firing range, which could put the future of the project in question, the Guam State Historic Preservation Office said.

Meanwhile, building a berth for aircraft carriers must be delayed for another year while the Navy researches the environmental impact on coral, the Naval Facilities Engineering Command in Hawaii confirmed Friday.

Both projects are part of a historic shift of military forces in the Pacific that includes an agreement with Japan to move 8,600 Marines from Okinawa to Guam by 2014.

Difficulties in the process have fueled public speculation and media reports that the transfer of Marines will be delayed to 2016 or later, but the military has remained committed to the deadline.

Landmark Guam buildup plans the Navy released Tuesday are based on the 2014 deadline and the transfer of Marines will continue on that schedule, Maj. Neil Ruggiero, spokesman for the Joint Guam Program Office, told Stars and Stripes on Friday.

The construction of some Marine facilities is expected to begin early next year on Guam using $498 million in funding from Japan.

But the future of planned training ranges on the island is far less certain.

The military has been unable to get support it needs from the Guam government to place Marine live-fire ranges on ancient Chamorro land at Pagat Village, a federally registered archaeological site that holds deep meaning for many on the island.

“The Department of Defense is still recognizing Pagat as the site for the firing range, whereas we don’t even want it mentioned in the programmatic agreement,” said Lynda Aguon, State Historic Preservation officer. “We just don’t want Pagat to be mentioned at all.”

The DOD is seeking an agreement with the preservation office that will set ground rules to deal with damage to historic sites during construction and to clear the way for the ranges. Such agreements are required by federal law when the government builds on historic land.

But Aguon said her office will not support a DOD plan that targets Pagat — a position that has thrown the possibility of any agreement into question.

“We just want that [land] kept pristine,” she said. “If you fence off the area, we can’t visit where our ancestors were and pay our respects.”

Retired Marine Maj. Gen. David Bice, executive director of the Joint Guam Program Office, said Tuesday that Pagat is the only site on the island that meets all requirements for Marine training and it remains the military’s top choice for the ranges.

“We could not find any parcels on DOD property that would accommodate the ranges,” he said. “Through the process of talking to Guam leaders and agency heads, we started looking around and were guided to the preferred alternative [of Pagat Village] at Route 15.”

Bice said any final decision on using the site will be delayed as talks continue.

The two groups have failed to reach an understanding after months of meetings and multiple agreement drafts, according to Aguon.

If an understanding is not reached, Aguon said the DOD could take the land without Guam government support through condemnation.

Meanwhile, the Navy must conduct another study of coral before it can dredge Apra Harbor to make access for aircraft carriers.

The new research will focus on coral, fish, sponges and protected sea turtles at 72 sites in the harbor. It was requested by federal agencies including the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service.

Previous Navy studies show little high-quality coral is likely to be removed and three harbor reefs will not be dredged. About 71 acres would be dredged under the Navy’s preferred plan, including about 25 acres containing sparse patches of coral, according to studies compiled by the Navy in July.

The Navy will delay a decision on where to locate the carrier berth until after the new research is complete in November 2011, according to contract information supplied by NAVFAC.

A $2.3 million contract for the study was awarded on Sept. 17 to HDR-e2M, a Denver-based environmental and engineering company, and work will begin in October, NAVFAC said.

The fate of harbor coral has stoked public concerns on Guam similar to the Pagat ranges.

“We will never get those corals back. It is a terrible loss for our island,” said Guam Sen. Judith Guthertz, chairwoman of the legislature’s Committee on the Guam Military Buildup and Homeland Security.

Guthertz said the U.S. military will “hurt their cause and alienate people” by dredging coral and using Pagat for training ranges despite the persistent public concerns.

Still, she said the projects are probably inevitable despite the delays this month.

“Even if they delayed [plans] for awhile, it will happen,” she said.


Text Fwd:[Vandenberg update] Minotaur IV Rocket goes up Sept 25, with Space Surveillance satellite [ 밴던버그 엎데이트]미노타르 IV 로켓, 우주 감시 위성을 싣고 9 월 25일 발사

From MacGregor Eddy's 'Peace Protests at Vandenberg Space Command / Air Force Base blog' on Sept. 25, 2010

The Minotaur IV rocket and an new
space surveillance satellite
due to go up
from Vandenberg today, Saturday Sept 25, 2010


Space Based Space Surveillance (SBSS)
우주 기반 우주 감시 (SBSS)

With the great importance of space assets to the warfighter as a primary concern, in January 2001, the Rumsfeld Space Commission voiced great concern regarding the vulnerability of US space-based assets, and that a very real threat to these assets would eventually arise. The Space Based Space Surveillance (SBSS) project is a new start effort in FY02 to acquire a constellation of satellites to conduct Space Situation Awareness (SSA) using visible sensors. A constellation of space-based space surveillance satellites will provide timely space situation awareness to meet future space control operations.

전투자들로서 주요한 관심인 우주 자산의 큰 중요성과 함께 2001년 1월, 럼스펠드 우주 위원회는 미국 우주 기반 자산들의 치명성과 관련, 큰 우려와 함께 이 자산들에 대한 매우 실체적인 위협이 결국 일어나리라 표명했다. 우주 기반 우주 감시 (SBSS) 프로젝트는 시각적 탐지기들을 이용, 우주 상황 각성 Space Situation Awareness (SSA) 을 유도하기 위한 위성들의 무리를 습득하기 위한 회기 2002년 새로운 시작의 노력이다. 우주 기반 우주 감시 위성들의 무리는 미래 우주 통제 작전들을 충족시키기 위한 적시의 각성을 제공할 것이다.


* Also check the http://www.vandenberg.af.mil/

Minotaur IV launch scheduled
미노타우르 IV 발사 예정되다.
Posted 9/25/2010 Updated 9/25/2010
2010년 9월 25일

30th Space Wing Public Affairs
30 우주 비행단 홍보국

9/25/2010 - VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- A Minotaur IV rocket is scheduled to launch from Space Launch Complex-8 here Sept. 25 at 9:41 p.m. PDT.

캘리포니아주 밴던버그 공군 기지—미노타우르 로켓 IV이 9월 25일 오후 9시 41분 우주 발사 단지에서 발사하기로 예정되었다.

The Minotaur IV will launch the Space-Based Space Surveillance satellite, a first-of-its-kind satellite that can detect and track orbiting space objects, including potential threats to our space assets and orbital debris. "This groundbreaking satellite is the first to track objects in space from space," said Lt. Col. Tim Harris, 1st Air and Space Test Squadron commander. "The launch of the SBSS satellite continues a tradition of successful teaming between the 30th Space Wing and its launch customers."

미노타우르 IV는 우리의 우주 자산들과 궤도 파편들에 대한 위험을 포함, 궤도를 도는 우주 물체들을 간파, 추적할 수 있는 우주 기반 우주 감시 위성 종류의 첫번째를 발사할 것이다. “이 개척적인 위성은 우주로부터 우주의 물체들을 추적하는 첫번째의 것이다.” 라고 중령 팀 해리스, 1 항공 및 우주 실험 비행 대대 사령관은 말했다. “우주 기반 우주 감시 위성” 발사는 30번째 우주 비행단과 그 발사 고객들의 성공적인 팀연합 전통을 계속한다.”

Existing tracking systems on the ground suffer distortion as they scan through the atmosphere. "SBSS won't suffer the same disadvantage," said Harris. In fact, orbit tracking capability is expected to be 10-times more accurate with this satellite."

지상의 존재하는 추적 시스템들은 그것들이 대기를 훑으면서 왜곡으로 괴로워한다. “우주 기반 우주 감시 위성은 그러한 같은 불리함을 갖게 되지 않을 것이다,’라고 해리스는 말했다. 사실, 궤도 추적 능력은 이 위성이 10배가 더 정확한 것으로 기대된다.

The Minotaur IV-Lite launch vehicle provides the ability to deliver payloads up to 3000 kilograms on long range, suborbital trajectories. It utilizes residual Peacekeeper solid rocket motors combined with Orbital's commercial launch vehicle technologies.

미노타우르 IV-라이트 발사 우주선은 장거리, (궤도에 오르지 않은) 탄도 비행에서 3천 킬로그램들의 유효 탑재량을 전달할 수 있는 능력을 제공한다. 그것은 오비탈 [기업의] 상업용 발사 우주선 기술들이 결합된, 잔여의 평화 감시자 고체 로켓 발동기들을 활용한다.

This launch is a combined effort between the 30th SW, Orbital, The Boeing Company, Ball Aerospace and the Space and Missile Systems Center.

이 발사는 30 우주 비행단, 오비탈 기업, 보잉 회사, 벨 항공 우주 회사 그리고 우주 및 미사일 시스템 센터 간 결합이다.

Col. Richard Boltz, 30th SW commander, is the launch decision authority.

리처드 볼츠, 30 번째 우주 비행단의 사령관이 발사 결정권을 쥐고 있다.

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