'저는 그들의 땅을 지키기 위하여 싸웠던 인디안들의 이야기를 기억합니다. 백인들이 그들의 신성한 숲에 도로를 만들기 위하여 나무들을 잘랐습니다. 매일밤 인디안들이 나가서 백인들이 만든 그 길을 해체하면 그 다음 날 백인들이 와서 도로를 다시 짓곤 했습니다. 한동안 그 것이 반복되었습니다. 그러던 어느날, 숲에서 가장 큰 나무가 백인들이 일할 동안 그들 머리 위로 떨어져 말과 마차들을 파괴하고 그들 중 몇몇을 죽였습니다. 그러자 백인들은 떠났고 결코 다시 오지 않았습니다….' (브루스 개그논)

For any updates on the struggle against the Jeju naval base, please go to savejejunow.org and facebook no naval base on Jeju. The facebook provides latest updates.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

[Photos] People Visiting Gangjeong

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* Below is the record of the visit on April 3, 2010.
이 사이트는 2010년 4월 3일의 기록입니다.

* For the photos on April 2, please go to HERE.
* 4월 2일 사진은 여기를 가세요
* For the photos on March 20, please go to HERE.
* 3월 20일 사진은 여기를 가세요
* For the photos on March 5~6, please go to HERE.
* 3월 5~6일 사진은 여기를 가세요.

1. Voices against the wrong Navy Propaganda
해군의 잘못된 선전에 맞서는 목소리

‘Even though, the government would give us millions of money, we will never sell our village!!!
- whole Gangjeong villagers-

'Death-Defiant Fight! Withdrawal of the Naval Base plan!'
-Pan-Island people’s rally

'Fake economic logic, Big environmental destruction, Withdraw the naval base plan
Pan Island Committee for the prevention of the Jeju military base and for the realization of Island of Peace'

The navy propaganda boards seen beyond the bridge on the Gangjeong stream:
'The power of navy is the future of the Republic of Korea,'
and 'Another beauty spot is born in the beautiful Jeju Island.'

The intentional navy propaganda boards and the makeshift gate that the navy has set up after Jan. 18 raid work to some people. The outsiders who visit the Gangjeong without knowing how the navy has manipulated the media, looking at these false propaganda boards, may wonder and ask whether the naval plan has already worked on to start, . In fact, the navy could not even done the ceremony to start the work on the naval base, sorry to its bluffing that it wanted to have the ceremony within March. Since the Catholic fathers’ urgent asking to the Island governor, after the police raid on Jan. 18, to postpone the ceremony at least until the result of the lawsuit, the navy was asked to delay the ceremony to no defined term. Still, the boards are there as if the plans have been some realized according to the navy plan. What the infuriating boards! (See also HERE)

2. Government Labor Union Workers Visit Gangjeong
공무원 노동자들, 강정을 방문하다.

Upon the anniversary of 4.3 uprising, many people in mainland visited the Gangjeong. Among them were workers of the Pan-Korean Government Workers' Labor Union. About 270 workers visited the Gangjeong to tour the naval base planned coast and hear the voice of the Gangjeong villagers. The workers arrived in Gangjeong in nine buses and had to visit to Gangjeong in several groups because of its many numbers.

The banner says, ‘Inheriting of Jeju 4. 3 Spirit! Defend of the Democratic Labor Union!
To be the public servant of the people, we will run from the Mt. Halla to Mt. Baekdu,
with all our energy

tour participants of the Jeju 4. 3 history and Olles, Pan-Korean Government Workers’ Labor Union took the photo with the visitors and villagers including the mayor.

Kang Dong Kyun, mayor of the Gnagjeong village is speaking in front of the audience
of the government workers’ union.

Yang Hong Chan, chairman of the Committee against the naval base plan, Gangjeong village
is speaking in front of audience of the government workers’ union.

The Joongduk coast, the planned naval base area and the road to the Gangjeong village were intentionally excluded from the course of the Olle (올레, meaning ‘a narrow pathway’) tour that has recently been sought by many tourists for its joy to walk within the living nature of Jeju and to be close to the intimate lives of the Jeju Island villagers. So the villagers made themselves the marks of the ‘Olle’ tour so that the visitors could see the most beautiful Olle course in the Jeju Island, that is however, planned for the naval base. The exhibition of the photos on the wall and paintings on the road are drawn to remind people that it should be one of the Olle courses but intentionally erased from the tour guidebook because it was the planned naval base area.

Click the Image for larger view 이미지를 클릭하시면 화면이 크게 보임

A Leaflet distributed by the Government Workers Union (front):

' The Jeju, 'The Island of World Peace' should contribute to the national interest and security
not as of the military base but as of the Peace Zone.'
'The Gangjeong Village has clarified its position to oppose against the naval base construction
through the villagers' vote in 2007-
680 opposition vote among 725 votes.'(left)

Click the Image for larger view 이미지를 확대하시면 화면이 크게 보임

A Leaflet distributed by the Government Workers Union (back):

'Jeju Island, the Island of World natural Heritage.
Gangjeong Village preserving the world-renowned beauty
We cannot accept the naval base construction that corresponds the large size sea reclamation of 80,000 to 100,000 pyeong (=3.954 sq. yds.) with whatever reasons
' (right)

' Currently, the Gangjeong village is...' (back)

3. Joongduk Coast and Goorumbee 중덕 해안과 구럼비

The Joongduk coast is where the Gangjeong villagers would come to enjoy and work with its cool indigo waters, the soft basalt rocks and the living creatures there. The Goorumbee is eastward from the Joongduk coast. When I asked the head of the tent vigil, what the Goorumbee meant, he said I should ask to the mayor. So there was laughter. When I saw the Goorumbee, there were more small round ponds in the Goorumbee than in the Joongduk coast, giving the more secluded and quieter impression than the Joongduk coast.

The black banner says, “Condolence for the Death of the Jeju Special Self-Governing Island Congress” who has passed the bills of the cancellation of the absolute preservation area, infuriating the villagers last year.

Visitors from the mainland Korea and Japan posed the photo with the Gangjeong villagers and Jeju activists. The village’s dogs, Joongduk (yellow dog, named after the coast) and his friend, Goorumbee (white dog, named after the Goorumbee) were there with the group. Look at the lovely Joongduk's smile.

Mr. Yang, a movie critic has moved to Gnagjeong more than six months ago to join the struggle against the Jeju naval base. Since then, he has lived in a tent in the Joongsuk coast. His home is the City of Jeju but he fell in love with the Gangjeong Sea. He says, to think of such beautiful rocky coast that would be covered with concrete by the naval base plan is heartbreaking and intolerable.

Mr. Yang says, the people set up the dead tree that had flown into by tide as the ‘Sottade’, a pole by the traditional custom to honor and protect the village. The tree was set up in the spot where the waters produced by the lava phenomenon and sea meets each other. Here is one of the impressive Goorumbee sites.

It was such a clear day and people could see the Mt. Halla, with its whole posture.
The yellow flags of 'Death-Defiantly, No Naval Base' are everywhere in the coast.

Walking from the Joongduk coast to Gurumbee . Mr. Yang, the movie critic says one can seldom find such snug and soft coast rocks that you can step on with bare foot, in any other places in Korea.

4. Jinsokkak

Guided by the villagers and walking eastward from the Joongduk coast and Goorumbee, there is the place told as the Jinsokkak (According to a villager, the word, 'Jinso' means the 'deeply dug part' and 'Kkak' means the 'projected part outward'). The seawater of the Jinsokkak meets with the fresh water of the ‘Halmanggott (meaning old woman’s place) inward to the land. In the legend, people say, if a woman who could never have a baby for a long time,
baths there, she can have the baby.

The shapes of cliffs along the 'Jinsokkak' are wonders themselves.

5. Farms 농장들

Green houses are lined up on the Olle (meaning ‘a path’) to the Joongduk coast.

Tangerines are growing in the green houses. The quality of the Gangjeong tangerines are one of the highest in Korea. The products would be quickly sought by the middle merchants to be sold in most tangerine markets in South Korea.

Garlic farm fields with the background of Mt. Halla.

Workers take the photo, in front of a tree that was told the only tree in the Jeju Island.

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