'저는 그들의 땅을 지키기 위하여 싸웠던 인디안들의 이야기를 기억합니다. 백인들이 그들의 신성한 숲에 도로를 만들기 위하여 나무들을 잘랐습니다. 매일밤 인디안들이 나가서 백인들이 만든 그 길을 해체하면 그 다음 날 백인들이 와서 도로를 다시 짓곤 했습니다. 한동안 그 것이 반복되었습니다. 그러던 어느날, 숲에서 가장 큰 나무가 백인들이 일할 동안 그들 머리 위로 떨어져 말과 마차들을 파괴하고 그들 중 몇몇을 죽였습니다. 그러자 백인들은 떠났고 결코 다시 오지 않았습니다….' (브루스 개그논)

For any updates on the struggle against the Jeju naval base, please go to savejejunow.org and facebook no naval base on Jeju. The facebook provides latest updates.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Text Fwd: International Solidarity Messages against the Jeju naval base

International Solidarity Messages for the Struggle against Jeju Naval Base

제주 해군 기지 반대 국제 연대 메시지

March 23 to March 30, 2010

2010년 3월 23일~30일


Bruce Gagnon, Secretary of Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space

called South Korean embassy, Washington DC

브루스 개그논 남한 대사관에 전화 걸어 해군 대장과 통화.

March 23, 2010 2010 년 3월 23일

I just spoke with Admiral Choi at the SK embassy in Wash DC...he was first surprised by my call and then wanted to get off the phone but I made him listen to me.....I think he was shocked that I called. I asked him to report my call to his "chain of command" but he said no....I said don't you have a chain of command....yes he said...I said then you have to tell them I called.

My best to all there. I wanted to get something posted before I went on the walk.



Jean Downey, Florida, to South Korean embassy, Washington DC

플로리다의 다우니, 남한 영사관에 보내는 편지

2: 31pm, March 23, 2010 , 2010 3 23

Dear Ambassador Han:

I am writing to express my concern with South Korea's proposal to build a naval base on the southern coast of Jeju Island, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site--because of its unique and irreplaceable biodiversity:

"Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes together comprise three sites that make up 18,846 ha. It includes Geomunoreum, regarded as the finest lava tube system of caves anywhere, with its multicoloured carbonate roofs and floors, and dark-coloured lava walls; the fortress-like Seongsan Ilchulbong tuff cone, rising out of the ocean, a dramatic landscape; and Mount Halla, the highest in Korea, with its waterfalls, multi-shaped rock formations, and lake-filled crater. The site, of outstanding aesthetic beauty, also bears testimony to the history of the planet, its features and processes."

Jeju is also a UN designated biosphere preservation zone with 137 designated cultural assets all over the island.

In 2001, the Korean Cultural Heritage Administration designated Jeju Island a national monument protection area.

The southern coast of Jeju is home to a beautiful and delicate soft coral eco-system, home to tropical fish. The proposed base will destroy a sensitive area of this eco-system which could lead to the death of the entire related eco-system around the entire southern coast, and more.

I am from the United States--where we are wrestling with pollution from military bases. In San Diego alone, there are 100 toxic sites from the U.S. naval base--with sewage, chemical, and heavy metal seepage as common pollutants. Nuclear pollution is also common at naval bases at which nuclear missiles are stored.

Jeju Island draws tourists because it is the "Island of Peace" with irreplaceable, traditional Korean culture--as well as for its beautiful biodiversity. No one wants to visit the "Island of Nuclear Missile Bases and War" with unhappy residents and dying soft coral in a polluted sea beach.

Recently a U.S. Aegis destroyed, the John McCain, which ported in South Korea, undertook a "drag race" off the coast of Okinawa. Tourists and residents would be alarmed at similar shenanigans with nuclear missile carriers in Jeju Island, just as they are in Okinawa

A nuclear naval base will destroy the coral reef and injure Jeju Island's tourist industry. Many wealthy tourists who do business with China will avoid Jeju Island because the missile base considered provocative to the Chinese people.

Please change this project's proposed location, if you want to protect the Jeju Island people and its tourist industry. Please reconsider the project altogether unless Korea wants to create military instability in the Asia-Pacific and provoke the Chinese government and businesses throughout the world that want to maintain cordial relations with China.


Jean Downey, M.A., J.D.


Jon Olson 올슨으로부터

3:01 PM, March 23, 2010 , 2010 3 23

* Forwarded by Bruce Gagnon 브루스 개그논으로부터 포워드

OK, Bruce, I will follow up. I noted with dismay and alarm the following astonishing quote:

Kim also said that, "I think, in the case of Hawaii, the naval base has given much help for the Hawaii development."

In fact, the US occupation of Pearl Harbor has been a disaster for the people of Hawai'i with the exception of those who may be employed there. It has gone from a pristine sanctuary for fish prior to US involvement to one of the most polluted bodies of water. Furthermore, 55-gallon drums of radioacative waste were dumped out in the ocean decades ago, with who knows what affect on the acquatic life and the people who eat them! Not good, that's for sure. If you want to blast this comparison out of the water, please contact Jim Albertini for specifics at ja@interpac.net. And Pearl Harbor is just one of a couple of dozen bases on Oahu alone! This is an area of only 604 square miles, 30 x 20 miles.

Politically, the correct status of Hawai'i to this day, if one uses US constitutional law AND international law, is that of a nation under 117 years of US occupation. The economic developent has largely gone to benefit multinational corporations, first in agriculture, along with military contractors, then the "new plantations" tourist development with profits being drained out constantly. Jon


Nydia Leaf, after calling the South Korean embassy

니디아 리프, 남한 대사관에 전화한이후

3:38 PM,Tuesday, March 23, 2010 , 2010 3 23

* Forwarded by Bruce Gagnon 브루스 개그논으로부터 포워드

I just spoke with the aide to the attache at the Korean Embassy (202-939-5600) and she asked that we contact the U.S. Navy to complain. She understood our motivation is to support the resistance of the people on Jeju but she said "you have to talk to your government because they are the ones who want to do this."
She asked me to relay this message to others.
She asked for my name and telephone and said someone might call me but I doubt it.
Nydia Leaf


January Boudart 재뉴어리 보대트로부터

4:00 PM, March 23, 2010 , 2010 3 23

* Forwarded by Bruce Gagnon 브루스 개그논으로부터 포워드

I called two different numbers and they said to call the U.S. Navy, not them.


Ron Saff, MD to South Korean Embasy, Washington DC

메릴랜드 스탭이 워싱턴 수도 남한 대사관에게 보낸 편지

5:20 PM, March 23, 2010 , 2010 3 23

* Forwarded by Bruce Gagnon 브루스 개그논으로부터 포워드

Please dont allow the US government to push your country into building a base for the United States, this will only heighten world tensions. The United States sadly is expanding its forces around the world and is adding to world tension, not peace. I am an American and not only is the US military expansion causing more political upheaval and strife, but it is also bankrupting us. The United States has enough military might, we dont need more. Additionally, whereever the military sets up shop it usually leaves a legacy of contaminated soil and ground water which can poison local populations for decades. Just say no, dont ruin your lovely Peace Island with the US military presence, just look what the U. S. did to Vieques Island off Puerto Rico- a legacy of cancer. thanks Ron Saff, MD


Mary Beth Sullivan, Outreach Coordinator, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, to the South Korean embassy, Washington DC

글로벌 넷워크 아웃리치 코디네이터, 메인주 매리 배쓰 설리반이 워싱턴 수도 대사관에 보낸 이메일

8:26 PM,
March 23, 2010
, 2010 3 23

* Forwarded by Bruce Gagnon 브루스 개그논으로부터 포워드

‘Whom This May Concern:

I have been quite upset since I learned that the Korean military plans to build a naval base on the coast of Jeju Island.

I understand this base will port Aegis Destroyers -- both Korean and U.S. Destroyers.

There is no need in the world for South Korea to take the risk of exacerbating tensions with China and North Korea by adding yet another military base in the area.

It is surely an abomination to be paving over a rocky shoreline, and threatening the destruction of coral reefs to satisfy the insatiable appetite of the U.S. military's global reach.

I implore you to communicate to the South Korean government that the American people flatly reject the building of a military base on Jeju Island.

Please assure me that you have received and understood this message, and that you will pass it on.

In peace,

Mary Beth Sullivan
Outreach Coordinator
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space’


Robert Shetterly to South Korean embassy, Washington DC

미국 메인주 로버트 셰털리가 남한 영사관에 보낸 편지

8:39 AM, Wed, Mar 24, 2010 2010 3 24

* Forwarded by Bruce Gagnon 브루스 개그논으로부터 포워드

Dear South Korean Embassy,

I'm writing to protest the building of a navy base on small, pristine Jeju Island.

The base is against the will of the local people. It will destroy the fragile environment of the island & the reefs and fisheries.

And, it is very provocative. Clearly the base is aimed at potentially impeding China's importation of oil & surrounding them militarily. It will certainly increase the arms race. We should all be using our resources to make peace and increase dialogue. We need alternative energies, not more weapons.

Please reconsider this plan.


Robert Shetterly

Brooksville, Maine USA



Ariel Ky to South Korean embassy, Washington DC

아리엘 , 남한 대사관에 보낸 이메일

Wed, Mar 24, 2010 2010 3 24

I am writing to urge S. Korea to stop construction of the military base at Jeju Island. I understand that the U.S. is pressuring S. Korea to build this military base, and that you plan to go forward, despite resistance from the local people who do not want the military base built there, because you probably feel that you don't have any choice in the matter.

Jeju Island has many sacred places that will no longer be sacred once a military base has been constructed there. Precious marine life will be destroyed. Villager's way of life will be destroyed. And the villagers' lives will not be made safer, instead they will be nakedly exposing themselves to retaliation by either China or possibly even Japan, if a war should begin. Constructing a military base on Jeju Island takes everyone a step closer to bringing on WWIII.

Really, it's a waste of money, too, because there is a very different option open to South Korea today, one of alliance with both China and Japan instead of enmity. Already South Korea has extensive trade with both Japan and China; can you just visualize how that will be wiped away if hostilities begin? Is this really what South Korea wants to prepare for?

And if you think this is just a matter of deterrence, think again. The U.S. is extremely aggressive and belligerent today, just spoiling for a fight somewhere and spending huge sums of money that it doesn't even have (and how does it get away with it, by the way?), on building military bases all over the world and holding ongoing war games to prepare the military in several countries to fight its wars for it by proxy. Using drones, fighting from space, using high-tech weaponry, and training the armed forces of other countries to carry on its wars are all ways that the U.S. today is plotting to start wars that don't create any American casualties. Is this really want South Koreans want? I know that South Korea today is little more than a vassal to the U.S., but it doesn't have to be that way.

I would like to share a prophesy with you that came to me in a telepathic message upon waking in the wee hours of Sunday morning, July 26, 2009, during a night of little or troubled sleep because of the intense energies coming in.

The people of the East will rise up and stand together as never before, and the people of the land of volcanoes will secede from their union with the great Western power and join them; from near to far, north to south, from the Asian continent to large and small islands in the Pacific, the people of the East will come together so the balance of power is restored, giving humanity more time to unite in service to the planet.

South Korea is one of the three major powers in alliance with ASEAN, China and Japan. EAS, the East Asian Summit, is also rapidly becoming a unifying force for Asian countries that will make the prophesy come true: the people of the East will rise up and stand together as never before. China is strengthening the yuan as an international currency with the growth of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and in the process of going off the dollar as the main foreign currency reserve, as are many other countries today. Does South Korea really want to tie its destiny to a declining economy by building this military base on Jeju for the U.S. military to use?

I am a disaffected American living in China. I don't have any authority or position, nor am I affiliated with any group, but I am one very determined woman. I claim sole responsibility for issuing this ultimatum, but nevertheless you must think this matter through very carefully if you choose to ignore it:

I need to see an announcement within the week that South Korea is not going to build this military base, or I am going to do my best to make it an issue for China. I am determined to stop the outbreak of another world war, and I will do whatever it takes to stop it. I have drawn a line in the sand at Jeju.



J. Narayana Rao (India)to South Korean embassy, Washington DC

제이 나라야나 라오 (인디아), 워싱턴 소재, 남한 대사관에 보내는 편지

1:18am, March 26, 2010 2010년 3월 26일

To Mr.Admiral Choi,
Embassy of Republic of Korea in USA.

Dear Sir,

Most of the problems and tensions in Asia are the creation of Colonialists and Imperialists. They want to thrive at the cost of the Asian People. The constant interventions, interferences, occupations, aggressions,

preemptive attacks in the Asian Region are meant to continue the hegemony and nourishing of the US Military Industrial Complex.

The proposed construction of a Naval Base on Jeju Island by the Govt of Republic of Korea is an invitation to create tensions in the area which is in proximity to China. There are no reasons to justify such a military base on Jeju Island except to allow US Military to misuse it to deploy Missile Defense system targeting China. This naturally will attract opposition from China leading to friction between Republic of Korea and China and counter measures from China. This is an avoidable situation in the interest of a Peaceful Asia. I implore you to objectively evaluate all the pros and cons and prevent this development.

Yours sincerely,

.Narayana Rao,
General Secretary
All India Peace & Solidarity Organization
Maharashtra State Committee
Nagpur, India.


Emily Rose Ciscato (Italy) to the South Korean embassy, Washington DC

에밀리 로즈 치스카토 (이탤리)가 워싱턴 소재 남한 대사관에 보낸 이 메일

(*Emily Rose Ciscato is a daughter of Enzo Ciscato. The below text was informed by Enzo Ciscato on March 29, 2010)

(* 에밀리 로즈 치스카토는 엔조 치스카토의 딸임. 아래의 텍스트는 엔조 치스카토에 위해 3월 25일 보내짐)

12:47:56, March 25, 2010 2010년 3월 25일

To the Kind Attention of: Admiral Choi

Dear Sir,

I'm a first year geology student, at the moment living in UK, but originally from Vicenza, Italy.
My mother is American and my father is Italian. Together with them, I have been taking part and contributing in the struggle against the project of the US Army forces to construct a new military base in the center of our town, Vicenza.

Being part of a peaceful movement ("No Dal Molin"), opposed to war and the US Army, has brought me to know and discover that there are many, many more people around the world struggling and fighting against the constant and scary expansion of the US Army.
I've been receiving emails regarding Jeju Island, South Korea, and the plan to construct a US naval base on the island.

I find it quite "interesting" that both Vicenza and Jeju Island are considered as beautiful, and extremely important sites of World Heritage, part of UNESCO.
How is it possible that the US Army can have the right to simply ignore such facts and keep building its empire on coral hundreds of years old and both environmentally and scientifically precious and important, and in the heart of cities with a huge architectural history (home of Andrea Palladio) like Vicenza?
How can this be silently accepted?

It seems to me, that every day, more and more people forget where we are living.
The world we inhabit is a wonderful place, it has a history of millions of years and some of us are simply destroying peaces of it each day, irregardless of anyone or anything else but themselves, their power and their bank accounts!

You know much better than me, how strategic the geographical location of Jeju Island is for the US, and what this means in terms of geopolitical equilibrium.
Do you really want Jeju Island, now paradoxically known as the Island of Peace, to become the source of an increased instability in the Asian-Pacific region?
Don't you think it's a bit absurd to cover beautiful, colorful and living corals with dull, heavy, rough cement and ruin one of our world's greatest treasures just for money, power and control?
I think it is, and this is why I am asking you to please do as much is in your power to oppose the arrogance of one nation and favor the survival of this world, for your self and your future, but mostly for your children and their future.

This may seem a stupid and childish request, but I believe we can make a change, take a right decision and be listened to.
Please don't stand on the side of the arrogant.

Thanks for your attention.

Emily Rose Ciscato


Kimberly Hughes (United States/ Japan) to the South Korean Embassy on Washington DC

킴벌리 휴지스 (미국/일본) 가 워싱턴 소재 남한 대사관에 보낸 이 메일

14:37 March 29, 2010, 2010년 3월 29일

(* Kimberly Hughes notified that her email was bounced back when she sent her email to the address of consular_usa@mofat.go.kr. According to her forwarded email of the bounce-back , it was written in Korean as below:

수신측 서버의 스팸 필터링에서 차단되었습니다. (Intercepted by the spam-filtering by the receiver's server)
자체 메일서버에서 발생하는 실패 메세지 입니다.(error-message by its own mail server)

The bold letter emphasis is by the server. The embassy is intentionally blocking the Jeju-related messages? )

Dear Admiral Choi:

My name is Kimberly Hughes. I am a translator, teacher and community organizer originally from the United States who is presently living in Tokyo, Japan.

It has come to my attention that a U.S. military base is being scheduled for construction on the environmentally rich island of Jeju, threatening to displace farmers from their land and destroy a precious soft coral ecosystem.

As someone who believes passionately in respecting the environment, and in solving national disputes via non-military means, it is deeply disturbing to me that the U.S. and South Korean governments continue to push for construction of a base on this island despite the strong voices of objection from local residents (and, if they could speak, the voices of the living creatures in the local ocean).

I urge you to desist construction immediately and use your resources for life-sustaining purposes that do not threaten the environment and living beings, which the present plans for a military base construction clearly do.

With many thanks for your consideration,

Kimberly Hughes
Peace Not War Japan

Kimberly Hughes
Freelance Translator/Writer
Tokyo, Japan
I refuse to accept the cynical notion that nation after nation must spiral down
a militaristic stairway into the hell of thermonuclear destruction. I believe that
unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech, 1964



Rosalva Welsch, Us for Okinawa, to the South Korean Embassy, Washington DC

로살바 웰시, 오키나와를 위한 미국, 워싱턴 소재 남한 대사관에 이 메일 보냄

March 30, 2010 2010년 3월 30

Dear Ambassador,

On behalf of US for OKINAWA Peace Action Network, I would like to state that i think the South Korean government is extremely naive and short-sighted if it thinks military construction in Jeju will develop the island's economy.

You do not seem to be taking into consideration two very important factors:

1. Military base construction denies local people (as well as local governments) access to land, water, and air space that could otherwise be used for commercial or residential purposes.

2. Military base construction and subsequent military operations cause enormous destruction to and contamination of land and water, and the United States government does not take financial responsibility for this. On Torishima Island in Okinawa Prefecture, for example, the U.S. military's use of depleted uranium shells for firing practice has rendered a nearby fishery useless, and put local people at higher risk of birth defects and cancer. It will be the Okinawan and Japanese goverments that pay for these medical costs and clean up, not the U.S. government. Nor can they ever sufficiently clean up the effects of DU, which has a half life of 45 billion years.

US for OKINAWA was launched by U.S. citizens concerned about the effects of U.S. military bases not only in Okinawa, but in the entire East Asia region, and we would like to strongly encourage you to promote more genuine (and sustainable) peace and security in the region through the following means:

1. Working with Japan and China to form an East Asia Community that fosters dialogue, exchange, cooperation, and non-military, non-violent solutions to conflicts.

2. Working with Japan, China and North Korea to form a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone.

3. Supporting Japan's peace constitution (particularly Article 9), and adopting the spirit of Article 9 into your own constitution.

Please think very carefully about what kind of world you would like South Korean children to inherit. I bet they would choose access to their oceans and island, rich with biodiversity, rather than paved over coral reefs, dead ecosystems, and base related sicknesses.



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