'저는 그들의 땅을 지키기 위하여 싸웠던 인디안들의 이야기를 기억합니다. 백인들이 그들의 신성한 숲에 도로를 만들기 위하여 나무들을 잘랐습니다. 매일밤 인디안들이 나가서 백인들이 만든 그 길을 해체하면 그 다음 날 백인들이 와서 도로를 다시 짓곤 했습니다. 한동안 그 것이 반복되었습니다. 그러던 어느날, 숲에서 가장 큰 나무가 백인들이 일할 동안 그들 머리 위로 떨어져 말과 마차들을 파괴하고 그들 중 몇몇을 죽였습니다. 그러자 백인들은 떠났고 결코 다시 오지 않았습니다….' (브루스 개그논)

For any updates on the struggle against the Jeju naval base, please go to savejejunow.org and facebook no naval base on Jeju. The facebook provides latest updates.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Text Fwd: 아프가니스탄 재파병 반대 5개 정당·시민사회단체 공동기자회견

* Text sent by Kim Hee-Soon, PSPD on June 30, 2010
* English translation comes later.


아프가니스탄 재파병 반대
5개 정당·시민사회단체 공동기자회견

일시 및 장소 : 2010년 6월 30일 1시 30분, 국회 본청 앞

1. 민주당, 민주노동당, 진보신당, 창조한국당, 국민참여당 등 5개 정당과 국내 69개 단체로 구성된 ‘아프가니스탄 재파병 반대 시민사회단체 연석회의’는 7월 1일 아프가니스탄 파병을 강행하는 이명박 정부를 규탄하는 기자회견을 오늘(6/30) 국회 본청 앞에서 열었다.

2. 이번 기자회견은 아프가니스탄 재파병 반대 시민사회단체 활동가들과 민주당 박지원 원내대표, 이미경, 원혜영, 유선호, 최재성, 홍영표 의원, 민주노동당 이정희 의원, 창조한국당 유원일 의원, 진보신당 정종권 부대표, 국민참여당 오옥만 최고위원이 참석하였다. 연석회의 측에서는 이강실 한국진보연대 공동대표, 평화재향군인회 최사묵 상임대표, 김환영 사무처장, 참여연대 이태호 협동사무처장, 다함께, 나눔문화, 평화와통일을여는사람들, 전국학생행진 등 소속 단체 회원 40여명이 참석하였다. 이날 채택된 기자회견문은 이정희 의원과 대학생 나눔문화 이재현 연구위원이 낭독했다.

3. 기자회견문은 아래와 같다.

[5개 정당․시민사회단체 공동 기자회견문]

아프가니스탄 재파병에 반대한다

1. 정부가 7월 1일 기어코 아프가니스탄 재파병을 강행하려 하고 있다. 이 파병은 아프가니스탄 재건과는 아무런 연관 없는 무모하고 위험한 분쟁개입이고, 2007년 아프간 철군 이후 재파병은 없을 것이라던 국민과의 합의를 깬 독단적이고 반민주적인 재파병이다. 민주당, 민주노동당, 진보신당, 창조한국당, 국민참여당 등 5개 정당과 국내 69개 단체로 구성된 ‘아프가니스탄 재파병 반대 시민사회단체 연석회의’는 아프가니스탄 재파병에 단호히 반대하며, 이를 강행한 이명박 정부를 강력히 규탄한다.

2. 아프가니스탄 재파병은 전례를 찾기 힘든 재파병으로서 국민과의 약속, 아프간 주민과의 약속을 위반한 것이다. 2006년 국회에서 정부는 2007년 연내 아프가니스탄 완전 철군을 실시할 것을 국회와 국민에게 약속했고, 이에 따라 정부는 2007년 말 모든 임무를 종료하고 한국군을 철수시켰다. 정부의 아프간 재파병 추진은 당연히 철회되어야 한다.

3. 아프간에서 미국과 그 동맹국이 테러와의 전쟁이라는 이름으로 벌이고 있는 전쟁은 잘못된 전쟁이고 실패한 전쟁이다. 지난 9년간 전쟁과 점령으로 테러를 종식시킬 수 없고 무장갈등의 악순환만 부른다는 사실이 판명되었다. 더구나 지속된 미국과 ISAF(국제안보지원군)의 침공과 점령으로 수십만명의 민간인들이 무고한 생명을 잃었고 아프가니스탄 민중 스스로 나라를 이끌어갈 기회를 박탈당했다. 공동체의 파괴와 정부의 부정부패로 아프가니스탄은 매년 세계에서 가장 실패한 국가 중 하나로 손꼽히고 있다. 미국과 나토는 아프가니스탄에서의 군사작전을 강화하고 전쟁을 파키스탄으로까지 확대하고 있지만, 한편에서는 첫 단추부터 잘못 꿰어진 이 수렁에서 빠져나오려는 시간표를 준비하고 있다. 여기에 한국군을 다시 파견할 이유가 없다.

4. 한국군과 같은 규모로 PRT(지역재건팀)를 운영해온 네덜란드의 경우 20명 이상의 사망자가 발생했다. PRT가 아프간 재건지원에 도움을 주었다는 평가도 거의 없다. 도리어 현지 인도지원단체들은 PRT가 군사적 목적을 인도지원으로 포장함으로써 도리어 순수한 취지의 아프가니스탄 재건과 인도지원 작업을 방해하고 있다고 비판하고 있다. 정부는 국민의 안전과 생명 문제가 직결된 사안에 대해 정확하고 자세한 정보를 전달하지 않고 의도적으로 국민의 눈과 귀를 가로막고 있다. 정부는 한국 PRT가 직면할 상황에 대해 최소한의 시뮬레이션도 수행하지 않았거나 그 위험성에 대한 정보의 공개를 꺼려하고 있다. 정부는 우리 군과 민간요원들이 직면할 위험에 대해 과연 준비되어 있는가?

5. 천안함 사건으로 군장병 46명이 안타깝게 산화했고, 이로 인해 유가족과 그 친지들, 그리고 국민들은 큰 고통을 겪었다. 군이 직무상 위험을 감수하는 구실을 해야 하는 것은 불가피한 일이라 할지라도 국가의 책무는 최대한 군에 복무하는 장병들의 생명을 보호하는 것이다. 매우 위험한 전장에 명분도 없이 우리 장병들을 내모는 것은 국가의 책무를 방기하는 것이다. 이미 철군했던 전장에 우리 군을 보내는 것은 불요불급한 일인 반면, 아프가니스탄 상황은 과거와는 비할 바 없이 위험해졌다. 정부는 이로 인한 희생을 감수할 준비가 되어 있는가? 정부는 과연 국민들에게 이 파병의 위험을 제대로 알리고 있는가?

6. 이 자리에 모인 우리는 이명박 정부가 추진하는 아프간 재파병을 단호히 반대한다. 이 파병은 국민적 합의와 무관하고, 국민의 안전을 위협하며, 아프간을 위해서도 전혀 바람직하지 않은 독단적인 무장개입이다. 정부는 아프간 파병을 즉각 중단해야 하며 아프간 상황에 대해 책임있는 재평가 작업에 착수해야 한다.

2010년 6월 30일

아 프가니스탄 재파병에 반대하는
민주당·민주노동당·진 보신당·창조한국당·국민참여당
아프가니스탄재파병반대시민사회단체연석회의 일동
반전평화연대(준), 이명박 심판! 민주주의 민중생종권 쟁취 공동투쟁본부, 건강사회를위한약사회, 건강사회를위한치과의사회, 경계를넘어, 국제노동자교류센터, 기독교사회선교연대회의, 나눔문화, 남북공동선언실천연대, 노동건강연대, 노동인권회관, 녹색연합, 농민약국, 다함께, 대학생나눔문화, 대학생다함께, 동성애자인권연대, 랑쩬, 문화연대, 미친교육반대청소년인권보장청소년연대, 민가협양심수후원회, 민족자주평화통일중앙회의, 민주주의자주통일대학생대표자협의회(건), 민주노동당, 민주노동자전국회의, 민주화를위한전국교수협의회, 민주화운동가족협의회, 민족문제연구소, 민족민주열사희생자추모(기념)단체연대회의, 보건의료단체연합, 불교평화연대, (사)민족화합운동연합, 사월혁명회, (사)전국민주화운동유가족협의회, 사회당, 사회진보연대, 우리마당, 우리민족연방제통일추진회의, 예수살기, 615공동선언실천청년학생연대, 21세기한국대학생연합, 2005년파병철회단식동지회, 인도주의실천의사협의회, 자본의위기전가에맞서싸우는공동투쟁본부, 전국농민회총연맹, 전국민족민주유가족협의회, 전국빈민연합, 전국여성농민회총연합, 전국여성연대, 전국학생행진, 전쟁없는세상, 조국통일범민족연합남측본부, 진보신당, 참여연대, 참의료실현청년한의사회, 통일광장, 팔레스타인평화연대, 평화네트워크, 평화와통일을여는사람들, 평화를만드는여성회, 평화의친구들, 평화재향군인회, 한국대학총학생회연합, 한국노동사회연구소, 한국진보연대, 한국청년단체연합(준), 한국청년연합, 한국카톨릭농민회(68개 단체)

김희순 참여연대 평화군축센터 간사
T.02-723-4250 HP.010-3274-7755
110-043 서울시 종로구 통인동 132 참여연대 4층




OCTOBER 9-11, 2010







Since the end of the World War II the west has never allowed Asia to live in peace. For the first time in history the U.S. used nuclear weapons for mass killing in Japan. It never reconciled to the liberation of many countries from the yoke of colonialism and imperialism.

Korean war, Vietnam war, Afghanistan war, Iraq war, attacks on Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, etc were waged by the U.S. Border disputes between India and Pakistan and India and China are the legacy of British colonialism.

The west never allowed democracy to stabilize in Asia. The imperialist countries always encouraged counter revolutionary forces and indulged in mass killing of innocent people. They tried to keep the Asian countries under-developed. The nuclear arms race, heavy spending on conventional arms, and internal clashes among Asian countries is the game of imperialism. The U.S. military bases in various Asian countries is a constant threat to the sovereignty of these countries where ever they are existing.

Talibanism and terrorism in Asia was abetted by the U.S. and it wishes that Asian countries should be engulfed perpetually in conflicts in the interest of it’s Military Industrial Complex. U.S. is now trying to involve Asian countries in militarization of space along with it.

It is high time that the Asian countries should under take an in-depth appraisal of these problems and get out of the influence of imperialism. The diabolical plan of U.S. deploying Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) programmes is to make first-strike strikes on Asian countries especially China, Russia, North Korea and Iran. Missile Defence programme is also closely linked with the weaponisation space.

To have an in-depth discussion on all these issues and to “Achieve a Nuclear Weapons and Missile Defence Free Asia” an International Conference is being organized at Nagpur on October 9-11, 2010 jointly with the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, All India Peace & Solidarity Organisation and the Centre for Cultural, Educational, Economics and Social Studies, Nagpur.

Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat, former Naval Chief of India, will inaugurate the conference and delegates from the U.S., UK, Sweden, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Guam and from various states throughout India will be participating in the conference.


- OCTOBER 9, 2010 3:00 pm Inaugural Function. Followed by a Cultural Programme in the I.M.A Hall, North Ambazhari Road.

- OCTOBER 10 MLA Hostel, Civil Lines

9:00 am to 12:00 am

PLENARY SESSION-I Can Humanity Survive?

Weapons of Mass Destruction, Outcome of NPT Review Committee, Stratcom, Space Domination and Global Control, Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS)

PLENARY SESSION-II Problems of Prospects of Nuclear Disarmament

India, Pakistan and NPT, Conflict between India and Pakistan (including Kashmir issue), Conflict between India and China, Indo-US Nuclear Deal, South Korean, Japanese and North Korean perspectives.

PLENARY SESSION-III The Danger of Missile Defence and Weaponisation of Space in Asia

Space Programme of India, Pakistan and China. Missile Defence programme of India. Drones in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

LUNCH BREAK 12:00-1:00 pm

Post Lunch Plenary sessions from 1:00-3:00 pm

PLENARY SESSION-IV Asia and Terrorism

Talibanism and war in Afghanistan and the role of NATO

PLENARY SESSION-V Prospects of an Asian Union

Political, Economic and Security advantages.

PLENARY SESSION-VI Militarism and Media

The role of media on Arms race, Wars including pre-emptive wars, Terrorism, promoting a Culture of Peace and non- violence etc..

3:00-4:30 pm

Closing Ceremony and adoption of Nagpur Declaration

- OCTOBER 11 Interaction with Students and Youth by Foreign Delegates

- OCTOBER 12 Visit to Sewagram Ashram where Mahatma Gandhi spent time during the freedom struggle of India. The ashram served as the headquarters of Mahatma Gandhi for six years, from 1934 to 1940. Gandhi built the Sewagram Ashram himself, with the material that was available locally. He lived at the ashram, amidst lush green surroundings, without any facilities of electricity and telephone. (Foreign delegates only)

Prin Haribhav Kedar. Prin.A.S.Ukhalkar. J.Narayana Rao

President, AIPSO. President, CCEESS Director, Global Network



- For those who are employed: Rupees. 500/ + Rs.200/if residential accommodation is required. (U.S. $15)

- For members of AIPSO, Rs. 200/+ Rs.200/for accommodation. (U.S. $10)


- For Students. Rs. 100/ only. (U.S. $2)

Registration Forms duly filled along with the Registration Fee should be sent to the following address by Reg Post, speed {Post or Courier. The Registration Fee can be in the form of a DD, Cheque (for local people) or cash in the name of CCEESS-Nagpur. (Overseas participants can pay registration upon arrival.)

Send to: J.Narayana Rao, Conference Organizer, F.N0.207, Kailashpati Apts, Kamptee Road, Opp Lal Godowns, Nagpur 440 017, India or email to jnrao1936@rediffmail.com

1. NAME:






(If so it should reach the organizer before August 15, 2010)

7. REGISTRATION FEE PAID: Rs_________. DD/Cheque No__________ Dt________

In the name of CCEESS-Nagpur Or cash.




Arrival Departure


Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 652
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 443-9502
http://space4peace.blogspot.com/ (blog)

Text Fwd: DMZ생태띠잇기 소개 기사

* Text seny by Bae Byung-Ho on June 28, 2010


여러 귀하신님들,..

2010년은 유엔이 정한 "생물다양성의 해"입니다,..

이번 월드컵에서 대한민국의 축구는 세계 47위에서 16위까지 올라 갔습니다,..

그러나 대한민국의 환경복지는 세계 94위입니다,..

특히 생태복지는 162위 입니다,..(180개국 중)

이 부끄러운 현실을 월드컵과 같이 16강으로 올리기 위한 노력이 있습니다,..

"DMZ생태띠잇기"는 온 국민들에게 알리고 실천하는 의지입니다,..,..

대한민국의 생태복지를 선진국 수준으로 올립시다,..

"DMZ생태띠잇기"는 8강을 넘어 결승전까지 쉼없이 갑니다,..

DMZ생태띠잇기 추진위원회 모임이 2010년 6월 22일에 유네스코회관에서 있었습니다,..

이 모임을 2군데 언론사에서 기사화 했습니다,..

다음주에 생태띠잇기 추진 실무위원회 구성 모임이,..

7월 1일 14시에 유네스코 회의실에서 있을 예정입니다,..

향후 일정을 잠시 소개해 드리겠습니다,..

6월 29일(화요일)에 13시에 "파주 생태띠잇기단체 구성 회의"가 있으며,..

18시에는 "연천 생태띠잇기단체 구성 회의"가 각각 있습니다,..

그리고 7월 1일(목요일)에는 유네스코 회의실에서 "실무위원회 모임"을 가질 예정입니다,..

7월 10일 경에는 "한국 DMZ 정책포럼 회의"에서 생태띠잇기 회의도 가집니다,..

7월27일 DMZ생태띠잇기 발대식행사를 파주에서 가질 예정입니다,..


"생물다양성포럼 창립 선포",..

"유엔 생물다양성협약 총회 유치 신청건의",..

"야생동물 이동을 위한 DMZ 일부 철책 철거 제안",..

가질 예정입니다,..

그리고 10월 3일에 DMZ에서 생태띠잇기를 가질 예정입니다,..

월드컵과 같은 열기라면 접경지 300Km를 다 잇는다면 약 30만명이 동참할 수있습니다,..

멋지지 않습니까,..

30만명이 참가하는 DMZ생태띠잇기,..

꼭 귀한님들과 함께 이루고 싶습니다,..

이번 생태띠잇기 모임에는 다양한 단체들이 참가 할 예정입니다,..

많은 분들의 동참을 기원합니다,..

귀한님들의 관심에 다시한번 더 감사드립니다,..

그리고 DMZ 생태띠잇기에 더 많으신 분들이 동참하도록,..

추천을 부탁드리며 발기인으로 참석해 주시면 감사하겠습니다,..

잠시 주말에는 더위를 식히는 작은 장마가 왔다갔습니다,..

더운날씨에 건강유의 하시길 바라며,..

또 연락 올리겠습니다,..


DMZ 생태띠잇기,..

유엔 생물다양성협약 총회 남북공동 유치,..

배병호 올림,..

정 동호 기자

DMZ 서 3만명 ´인간 띠잇기´ 장관 볼듯 2010-06-25 18:54:43

유네스코 한국위원회 DMZ 생태 띠잇기 추진위 10월 추진

◇ 유네스크 한국사무소에서 DMZ 생태 띠잇기 추진위원회의 모임이 열리고 있다. ⓒ 정동호 기자

세계에서 유일한 분단의 현장이며 완벽하게 자연이 보전된 생태 보고인 DMZ 일대에서 민통선 지역주민들과 국내외 다양한 세계의 관광객 3만여명이 분단의 아픔을 예술로 승화시키는 손에손잡고 펼치는 인간 띠잇기의 장관을 정부기관 등의 후원으로 볼 수 있을 것 같다.

23일 유네스코 한국위원회 DMZ 생태 띠잇기 추진위원회의 배병호위원은 인간에 의해 멸종된 수많은 생물종들에 반성과 생태평화의 염원을 담은 손에 손을 잡고 DMZ를 가로지르는 인간 띠 잇기행사를 10월 3일 국민과 세계 국민들이 치룰 예정이라고 밝혔다.

앞서 22일 서울 명동 유네스코회관서 지구살리기22(배 병호), 연천지역사랑 실천연대(이석우), 포천(김흥환), 파주 남북경제인연합(김종래), 한국호랑이 보호협(임순남), 한남대학 국방전략연구소(함선필) 등 50여 단체대표들이 DMZ 생태 띠잇기 추진위원회가 구성되었다.

◇ 200만명이 넘는 사람들이 한줄로 늘어서서 발트3국을 독립으로 이끌었다. ⓒ 발트의 길 제공

또, 생태환경운동단체와 평화운동가들이 2010년은 유엔이 정한 "생물다양성의 해"로 10월 일본 나고야의 "제10차 유엔 생물다양성총회"에 11차 총회를 DMZ에서 유치를 위한 "DMZ-CBD위원회를 구성"하여 유치단을 파견하기로 했다.

김동환 3.1정신구국운동본부 공동대표는 “DMZ가 세계적인 생태보고의 관광명소가 되게 하는 것도 소중하고, 갈라선 남북이 잃어버린 역사를 되찾아 한 이불 한 솥밥을 먹던 한 민족의 시대로 돌아가는 평화운동의 불씨가 되어야한다”고 말했다.

당초는 남북공동의 행사로 추진예정이였으나 천안함 사건이 발생해 남측 단독행사로 모임에서 추진위원회가 구성되고 7월 27일 휴전기념일에는 파주시 도라산역에서 발대식 행사가 예정되어있다.

copyrightⓒ 2004 by ebnews Co.,Ltd. All right reserved.

DMZ 생태띠잇기 추진위원회 출범

인터뷰365 원문 기사전송 2010-06-23 13:26

[인터뷰365] 생태환경운동단체와 환경운동가들이 오래전부터 유엔 생물다양성총회 유치와 생태계 보호 및 한반도 평화운동으로 추진해온 조직위원회 구성을 위한 첫 공식 모임이 22일 하오 4시 서울 명동에 있는 유네스코회관에서 한국생태환경연구원, 전쟁과 평화연구소, DMZ생태연구소 등 국내 50여개 단체 대표의 참여로 개최됐다.

추진위원회가 공식 출범을 선언한 이날 행사에서 천도교 교령을 역임한 김동환 3.1정신구국운동본부 공동대표는 인사말을 통해 “DMZ가 세계적인 생태보고의 관광명소가 되게 하는 것도 소중하고, 갈라선 남북이 잃어버린 역사를 되찾아 한 이불 한 솥밥을 먹던 한 민족의 시대로 돌아가는 평화운동의 불씨가 되어야한다”는 점을 강조했다. 이어서 김영호 유한대총장을 중심으로 이번 행사의 실무 기획팀을 이끌어 온 배병호 지구살리기22 대표의 행사 추진 배경 및 경과보고, 이승률 옌벤과기대부총장 겸 동북아공동체연구회장의 진행으로 의견수렴과 토론시간이 마련됐다.

행사는 2010년 유엔이 정한 생물다양성의 해에 맞추어 인간에 의해 멸종된 생물종들에 대한 반성과 생태계와 인간의 새로운 관계 정립을 촉구하는 범세계적인 캠페인에 목적을 두고 오는 10월 3일 우리 국민과 우리나라를 방문한 각국 관광객이 참여해 손에 손을 잡고 DMZ를 가로지르는 인간 띠 잇기로 치룰 예정에 있다.
원래의 계획은 남북공동의 민족행사로 추진되었으나 천안함 사건이 발생해 남측 단독행사로 준비하게 되었고 이날 모임에서 추진위원회가 구성된데 이어 7월 27일 휴전기념일에는 파주 도라산역에서 발대 행사가 개최된다.

- Copyrights ⓒ 인터뷰365 - [인터뷰365]

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Text Fwd: [Exclusive] New spy planes to be deployed by 2014

A plastic model of the Baekdu reconnaissance aircraft
/ Korea Times photo by Jung Sung-ki

Korea Times
Signal, communications intelligence from NK missile, nulcear sites to be monitored
By Jung Sung-ki, Staff reporter
June 28, 2010

South Korea plans to deploy two new reconnaissance aircraft to be used in gathering North Korean signal intelligence by 2014, a year before taking over wartime operational control of its troops, defense and procurement officials said Monday.

The Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) will release a request for proposals next month to local and foreign bidders who wish to participate in the integration of the new "Baekdu" signal-intelligence (SIGINT) planes. Final bidders will be selected by year's end.

The South Korean Air Force currently operates four Raytheon Hawker 800XP aircraft-based Baekdu SIGINT planes bought in 2000. Equipped with a remote control and signaling system, the Baekdu plane flies near the border with North Korea to gather signal intelligence.

The acquisition of upgraded Baekdu planes was proposed last year after North Korea conducted its second underground nuclear test in April. Fitted with more advanced signal and communications intelligence equipment, the new Baekdu would be able to detect and gather signals from missile and nuclear sites in the North around the clock.

"The Baekdu reconnaissance aircraft is one of the ROK military's key intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) assets, the key element for Seoul's takeover of OPCON," an official privy to the second-phase Baekdu acqusition program told The Korea Times on condition of anonymity.

"Baekdu planes and other ISR systems are scheduled to be operational with the ROK military by 2014 and 2015. I believe those time frames have apparently affected the latest readjustment of the timeline for the OPCON transition," he said.

The aircraft will be delivered to the Air Force by 2012 before beginning full operations by 2014, the official added.

LIG Nex1 and Samsung Thales, two rival precision electronics companies in South Korea, will bid to supply communication, electronic and foreign instrumentation signals intelligence systems, while U.S. company Gulfstream Aerospace and Canada's Bombardier will compete to make the airframes.

Korea Aerospace Industries, South Korea's only aircraft maker, and the national flag-carrier Korean Air will bid to perform the systems integration.

Officials at Cheong Wa Dae and the Ministry of National Defense cited Seoul's lack of ISR systems as a main reason why the leaders of South Korea and the United States agreed to delay the transfer of OPCON to Dec. 1, 2015.

"By 2015, our military will be better equipped with intelligence-gathering, C4I, combined fire-control and precision-strike systems," Jang Kwang-il, deputy minister for policy, told reporters. "That means the ROK military will have an improved capability to lead combat operations on the peninsula and be able to take over OPCON in a more stable manner."

South Korea had sought to buy four Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicles by 2011 to beef up its independent ISR capability for its takeover of OPCON in 2012. But the timeline was delayed to 2015 due to budget constraints and restrictions on overseas sales of the high-end aircraft.

The Global Hawk can survey vast areas with near pinpoint accuracy from as high as 65,000 feet for up to 35 straight hours.

The ROK Air Force operates four Geumgang aircraft that collect imagery with synthetic aperture and moving target indicator radars.

The Guemgang, based in Seongnam air base, has a mission of taking pictures of key North Korean facilities 70 to 80 kilometers away from the border by flying near the Military Demarcation Line.

[단독] 신형 대북 정찰기 2014년 전력화

정성기 기자

북한의 통신 정보를 수집하는 신형 '백두' 대북 정찰기 2대가 2015년 전시작전통제권 환수 1년 전인 2014년에 전력화 예정인 것으로 확인됐다.

방사청은 다음달 사업제안 요청서를 해당 업체에 발송해 경쟁입찰을 시작한다. 최종 기종선택은 올 연말께 이뤄질 예정이다.

현재 한국 공군은 미국 레이시온사의 800XP기종을 개조한 4대의 백두 통신.감청기를 2000년부터 운용중이다.

군 관계자에 따르면 신형 백두정찰기 사업은 작년 4월 북한이 2차 핵실험을 감행한 이후 소요가 제기 된 것으로 알려진다. 신형 백두 정찰기는 업그레이드된 신호.통신.정보수집 장비를 탑재하여 북한의 미사일과 핵시설에서 발생하는 특정 신호음을 포착할 수 있다.

한 군 소식통은 "백두 정찰기는 대한민국 정보.감시.정찰 자산의 핵심 장비이자 전시작전통제권 환수의 핵심 전력"이라며 "백두 정찰기와 다른 정보감시 장비가 2014년과 2015년 경 전력화가 이루어지는 스케줄이 분명히 전작권 전환 시기 연기에 감안이 됐을 것"이라고 말했다.

2차 백두 사업에는 LIG Nex1삼성탈레스가 통신, 전자, 신호정보 장치 납품에 경쟁하고 있으며 미국의 걸프스트림사캐나다의 봄바디어 사가 동체 납품에 경쟁하고 있다.한국항공우주산업과 대한항공은 백두정찰기 체계통합 사업에 경쟁할 것으로 보인다.

청와대와 군 관계자들은 이미 정보.감시.정찰 장비 부족이 전작권 전환 시기 연기의 주된 이유임을 밝힌 바 있다.

국방부 장광일 정책 실장은 "2015년경에 우리군의 정보 능력, c4i, 합동화력운용체제, 정밀 타격능력 등 핵심 전력이 2012년 보다 더욱 구비되어 한국군이 주도적인 역할을 수행할 수 있는 여건이 보다 향상될 것"이라고 말했다.

한국군은 당초 2011년까지 미국의 글로벌호크 무인 정찰기 도입을 추진해 왔으나 예산부족과 글로벌호크 해외판매 제한 사항때문에 도입 시기를 2015년경으로 미뤄놓은 상태다.

현재 한국 공군은 백두 정찰기 외에 금강 영상수집기를 4대 운용하고 있다. 성남 기지에서 운용중인 금강 정찰기는 MDL 이북 70-80키로 지역에 있는 북한 핵심 시설들을 촬영하는 임무를 갖고 있다.

Text Fwd: Allies reassess NK military threat

Korea Times
Allies reassess NK military threat
By Jung Sung-ki, Staff reporter
June 27, 2010

An agreement by the leaders of Seoul and Washington to delay the transfer of wartime operational control (OPCON) by some three and a half years to Dec. 1, 2015 comes after the allies reevaluated the threat posed by North Korea's asymmetrical and irregular warfare capability.

Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Yu Myung-hwan confirmed last week that talks have been under way between Seoul and Washington to reschedule the transfer of wartime control, saying Seoul had begun rethinking the issue as a result of North Korea conducting a second nuclear test last year.

Moreover, the sinking of a South Korean warship in March in the West Sea apparently propelled the reconsideration of the timeline for the transfer of OPCON of South Korean troops during wartime from the U.S. military to Korean commanders, officials and experts here said.

A multinational investigation team concluded last month that the Cheonan ship was sunk by a torpedo fired from a North Korean submarine.

The incident revealed loopholes in the defense readiness and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capability against North Korean warfare tactics on top of the communist regime's missile and nuclear programs, they said.

"To take over the OPCON, our military has prepared to secure enough independent capability regarding ISR, C4I digital command structures and precision striking since the 2007 agreement," an official at the Ministry of National Defense said. "But the original plan has turned out to be not realistic, and that's why we've agreed to delay the timeline to 2015."

Follow-up measures for the delay of the OPCON transition will be discussed at the "2+2" meeting of foreign and defense ministers from the two countries in July in Seoul and the annual Security Consultative Meeting (SCM) of defense ministers in October in Washington, D.C., he said.

For South Korea, securing independent ISR assets has been referred to as a daunting task to retaking the wartime command that was handed over to the U.S. military with the outbreak of the 1950-53 Korean War.

But the planned acquisition of ISR systems has been postponed due largely to budget shortfalls. Major ISR assets, including U.S.-built Global Hawk high-flying unmanned aerial vehicles and domestically-built signal intelligence surveillance aircraft, are scheduled to be introduced by 2014 and 2015, respectively.

Both militaries have also been struggling to set up new C4I digital command structures to make them interoperable following the OPCON transfer.

The timeline for 2015 also coincides with the changed timetable for the relocation of U.S. bases and facilities to Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province. The relocation project had been set for 2008, but the plan has been deferred due to budget problems and opposition from Pyeongtaek residents.

Under the Defense Reform 2020 plan, the South Korean Army was to launch an integrated command for ground operations, as the U.S. Forces Korea would shift its role to a naval- and air-centric one after the 2012 OPCON transition. But this plan has also been stalled.

After several years of negotiations, the governments of South Korea and the United States agreed in 2007 that Seoul would execute independent OPCON beginning April 17, 2012. Washington had called for the transfer by 2009.

The two sides also agreed on command rearrangement after disbanding the Combined Forces Command, which is to be replaced by a South Korean-U.S. "military cooperation center," a joint body for combat operations.

South Korean conservatives regard the command changes as a U.S. move to reduce its security commitment to South Korea.

They have argued that the smaller role of the U.S. military amid lingering threats posed by the reclusive North could tip the military balance on the Korean Peninsula.


Emergency News: KAPM Under Oppression and Arrest

* Image source: Cho Jung-Hoon, Tongil News on June 29, 2010

* Image source: Cho Jung-Hoon, Tongil News on June 29, 2010

* Image source: Korean Alliance for Progressive Movement

Office and staff houses of the Korean Alliance for Progressive Movement (http://www.jinbocorea.org/)were forcefully searched by the National Intelligence Service at 6:30am, June 29, 2010(Korean time) and three staffs were arrested (Representative, Han Choong-Mok, Jung Dae Yeon, former Executive Chairman, and Choi Young-Ok, Vice Chairman of the Self-Reliance Reunification Committee). The Lee government is attempting to oppress the civil organizations under the National Security Law with the defeat of June 2 local election and excuse of the Cheonan ship.

Text Fwd: N. Korea warns of attack ahead of S. Korea-U.S. naval drill

Yonhap News
N. Korea warns of attack ahead of S. Korea-U.S. naval drill
By Sam Kim

SEOUL, June 29 (Yonhap) -- North Korea warned Tuesday it would attack "the stronghold of invaders" if the United States provoked a war in the process of a joint naval drill with South Korea, as tension persists on the Korean Peninsula over the deadly sinking of a South Korean warship.

South Korea and the United States are planning joint naval exercises following Seoul's ongoing efforts to punish North Korea for the sinking through the U.N. Security Council.

* Related articles

Yonhap News
_ N. Korea accuses U.S. of bringing heavy arms into truce village
_China voices concern over S. Korea-U.S. naval drill

Text Fwd: Release: Korcom-transformation-2009

* The source was informed in the site of the Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea

Click the below
Released Secret Document on the Current Situations of the USFK Force (2009~2020) and Re-Deployment Plan

Photos Fwd: Pan-Korean Petition Campaign and Press Interview to urge to wholly reinvestigate the Cheonan Ship Incident

* All the Image sources: Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, June 29, 2010

'Pan-Korean Petition Campaign and Press Interview to urge to wholly re-investigate the Cheonan Ship Incident and to Stop the Military Confrontation'
June 29, 2010

* The Anatakara site in Japan has the English and Japanese version of the original Korean article.
Thanks very much, M.

Special Committee for Investigation on Cheonan incident was closed, only receiving a 7-page report.
June 25, 2010

"付着物、1番の存在理由など、科学的な根拠を維持できない状態", 2010.06.25

국문 원문 기사: 참세상
천안함 특위, 7쪽짜리 보고서 하나 받고 종료
“흡착물, 1번 존재 이유 등 과학적 근거 유지할 수 없는 상태” (김용욱 기자 2010.06.25 12:04)

Photos Fwd: Internationals in the Jeju Island Visit the Gangjeong Village on June 26

All the image source: Kim Kyung-Duk, Seogwipo Daily Newspaper, June 28, 2010

* The below is from No Jeju Naval Base Vigil (Facebook) before the visit.
Thanks very much, N.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Gangjeong-dong, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do,


New leadership is coming to Jeju with the June 2nd gubernatorial elections, with that leadership can come change.The current administration has put into motion plans to develop a naval base in Gangjeong for the use of U.S. and South Korean Aegis destroyers outfitted with missile defense systems. For months the people of Gangjeong village have protested this development. So far the village has garnered support from more than 1,000 people walking the olle trail, which passes the site, in signatures alone. These individuals have done a small part by signing petition against the proposed base. (*Note: The petition now has more than 7,000 signatories for less than two months)

On [June 26th, starting at 6:00pm] the people of Gangjeong Village and I ask that you come to the village to learn more about the proposed plan and display concern regarding the repercussions of such development. The naval base would undoubtedly;

-- Add to the unnecessary stimulated interest in worldwide military expansion
--Destroy natural habitat and environmental sites deemed precious by the UNESCO world heritage site.
--Inevitably create Jeju as a target in lieu of military conflict
--Contradict Jeju's notion of representing a "peace island."
--Create opportunity for commercial development that would inevitably increase the cost of living and social divide.

The event will start off by inviting whomever to dine at the local restaurant from 7:30 to 8:30.

--After dinner the vigil will begin at the local community center (directions and map coming soon.)
--Here the mayor of the village will speak on behalf of the community to inform us why the naval base is not only not necessary but destructive to the well being of Gangjeong.
--After the Mayor speaks Sung Hee Choi, a leading activist against the base will discuss how the issue is not just a local issue but global. The floor will then be open for discussion.
--Wilkine Brutus and Josh Fisher will perform poetry regarding the power of peace.
--After the performance we ask that you sign the petition.

Information on the proposed plan will be available as well as works created by local artists in opposition to the development.

There will also be an opportunity for individuals to write a letter to the South Korean ambassador of your home to convey your concerns. We will mail the letters and provide a sample letter you may reference.

This vigil is meant to provide more information on a topic that is significant to all of us. Please Please come, if not for only an hour to show concern. There will be a few people driving and can give rides if needed.

For more information please refer to the articles below.






* Related blog

Saturday, June 26, 2010
[Jeju Update][국문 번역]
Text Fwd: A Letter and A Poem: Stop to Build the Naval Base

Text Fwd: S.Korea may shoulder expenses for USFK Yongsan Garrison relocation

'Residents of Pyeongtaek City, Gyeonggi Province members of civic organizations hold a banner that states, “The U.S. Army should leave immediately,” during a demonstration, November 2007. The demonstration was held to voice opposition to the plan to relocate the U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) Yongsan Garrison in Seoul to Pyeongtaek.'

S.Korea may shoulder expenses for USFK Yongsan Garrison relocation
Posted on : Jun.29,2010 12:13 KST

The Cheong Wa Dae under President Lee Myung-bak and the Ministry of National Defense have repeatedly stated that South Korea will not be bearing any additional burden if the schedule for the transfer of wartime operational control (OPCON) is postponed until Dec. 1, 2015. Many observers, however, have been saying that the country has found itself at a great disadvantage in discussions on the expenses of relocating U.S. military bases to Pyeongtaek City.

Sejong Institute Senior Researcher Hong Hyun-ik said on Monday that while the relocation of the Pyeongtaek base was postponed due to the U.S. financial situation, “since the wartime operational control transfer was postponed at South Korea’s request, the conditions have been formed for the expenses of building the Pyeongtaek base to be shifted to South Korea.”

The Cheong Wa Dae (the presidential office in South Korea or Blue House) cited the completion of the United States Forces Korea (USFK) base relocation to Pyeongtaek in 2012 as one of the reasons for postponing the date of the transfer of wartime operational control three years and seven months past the agreed-upon date of April 17, 2012. Both South Korea and the United States agree on the relocation of the Yongsan Garrison to Pyeongtaek, scheduled to take place around 2015. Discussions, however, have remained difficult as South Korea has called for the relocation of the U.S. Second Infantry Division headquarters in Uijeongbu to Pyeongtaek in 2015 and the U.S. has called for relocation in 2016.

The reason for the stalemate in relocation discussions is the difference in opinions on the two countries’ share of the expenses for the move. According to a project management firm’s December 2008 comprehensive facilities plan, the relocation of the Yongsan garrison is set for completion in late 2014, and the U.S. Second Infantry Division headquarters in 2016. For several years, however, South Korea and the United States have been unable to agree upon their shares of the construction costs.

During the discussions, the United States argued that completing the Pyeongtaek base construction by 2015 would require a budget of $600 million per year, and that it would have to extend the construction period because it was only able to secure $300 million. This applied indirect pressure upon South Korea to pay additional expenses if it wanted to finish the relocation by 2015.

Military officials and experts predict a greater likelihood that the United States will use the Cheong Wa Dae’s policy of completing the Pyeongtaek relocation by 2015 as a means to transfer relocation expenses to South Korea during the discussion process. There is also a chance it will call for additional amendments not in the existing agreement, such as lodging for family members accompanying the U.S. forces.

Also noteworthy was the fact that on June 16, ten days before the announcement of the agreement to postpone the transfer of wartime operational control, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announced that he would be cutting the U.S. defense budget by around $100 billion over the next five years due to the fiscal deficit. The War on Terror has caused the U.S. defense budget to balloon from $316 billion in 2001 to $693 in 2010.

“The relocation of the Yongsan Garrison and U.S. Second Infantry Division headquarters has nothing whatsoever to do with the wartime operational command transfer issue, and has been delayed due to issues such as the construction plans,” said Deputy Defense Minister Jang Kwang-il.

The Ministry of Defense has not given any official explanation to date on the specific date of the relocation or the scale of expenses shared between South Korea and the United States. It has cited as a reason for the lack of explanation the fact that discussions have remained “under way” on the USFK relocation since beginning in 2008.

Please direct questions or comments to [englishhani@hani.co.kr]


* Related article

[Editorial] Ratify OPCON transfer delay at the National Assembly
June 29, 2010


“The Lee Myung-bak government and conservative newspapers have claimed that wartime operational control has nothing to do with military sovereignty, but this is a falsehood. They have stated that wartime operational control is exercised in accordance with agreed upon guidelines from the South Korean and U.S. presidents within the framework of the Security Consultative Meeting (SCM) and Military Commission (MC). This, however, is merely a formality. It is self-evident that the commander of Combined Forces Command (CFC), who is also the commander of the U.S. Forces Korea (USFK), will follow the directions of the U.S. president in an emergency. It is a reality that OPLAN 5027, which is a plan of action for a full-scale war on the Korean Peninsula, is being planned by United States Pacific Command (USPACOM). The fact that the United States would push a security response in an emergency on the Korean Peninsula in accordance with their own strategic judgment is also a source of instability resulting from the deferment of military sovereignty.”

In particular, it is necessary to make public the entirety of the negotiating process and what was discussed, if only to reduce suspicions of a political exchange through major South Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA) concessions. The Lee administration has merely stated that Kim Tae-hyo, presidential secretary for national security strategy, began discussing a delay in the transfer of wartime operational control in early February. Despite the fact that the United States likely requested something in return from South Korea when the country first requested the delay in wartime operational control transfer, there has been no explanation. There has also been no explanation about the progress of the KORUS FTA negotiations.”

Text Fwd: [Japan Focus]:Okinawa and Guam: In the Shadow of US and Japanese "Global Defense Posture"

* Text informed by Martha Duenas on June 28, 2010

Japan Focus
Okinawa and Guam:
In the Shadow of U.S. and Japanese “Global Defense Posture”


Okinawa is Japan’s southernmost prefecture lying between mainland Japan and Taiwan off China’s east coast. The main island measures twice the size of Guam and has a population roughly seven times greater, or one-third the size of New York’s Long Island with 50,000 more people. On its slender, irregularly shaped island, which constitutes a mere 0.3 per cent of the country、Okinawa hosts 75 per cent in size of all U.S. only military bases in Japan, exclusive of sea and air space. U.S. bases include the Marine Corps jungle training, aviation, bombing and shooting ranges, landing training grounds and an ammunition depot, the largest Air Force base in the region with its own ammunition site, a naval station often visited by nuclear submarines and Army facilities, adding in sum to roughly one-fifth of the densely populated island. It is home to an estimated 24,600 U.S. service personnel, out of a total of 36,000 in all of Japan, many of them living with their dependents in fenced-in “American towns” with schools, gyms, golf courses, shopping centers and churches. Nearly 90 per cent (about 15,000 in number) of the Japan-based Marines are concentrated in Okinawa.

Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, located in the middle of a residential area of the city of Ginowan (population 91,000) north of the capital Naha, reportedly stations 2000 to 4000 personnel of the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing of the III Marine Expeditionary Force. Helicopters and fixed/wing aircraft are constantly flying low in circles over the residences, schools and hospitals for embarkation and touch-and-go exercises, creating roaring noise and the danger of crashes. People are so concerned that they have long been demanding its closure and return, with particular urgency since 2004 when one of Futenma’s heavy helicopters spiraled into the wall of the administration building of a university right across the fence and splattered its broken pieces all over during the summer break. In 2006, the Japanese and U.S. governments agreed to relocate many Okinawa-based Marines to Guam by 2014 to lessen the Okinawan people’s burdens or to accommodate “the pressing need to reduce friction on Okinawa.” MCAS Futenma would be returned, but only after being replaced by a new facility that Japan would construct within Okinawa.


Text Fwd: Christina Illarmo: USSF Presentation at the 'American Lake' or Ka Moana Nui?: Demilitarization Movements in the Asia-Pacific Workshop

* Text informed by Corazon Valdez Fabros on June 28, 2010

Christina Illarmo: USSF Presentation at the 'American Lake' or Ka Moana Nui?: Demilitarization Movements in the Asia-Pacific Workshop
June 28, 2010 at 10:44 am

Presentation at the
USSF - United States Social Forum
24 June 2010

'American Lake' or Ka Moana Nui?: Demilitarization Movements in the Asia-Pacific

The Pacific island of Guahan, where I was born and raised, has been touted to mainstream audiences as "the tip of the spear," "the unsinkable aircraft carrier," or as a kind of "gas station" for U.S troops. But this island is more than a military outpost, it’s place of waterfalls, fresh water caves, thick jungles, and warm sandy beaches. It’s also home to a loving and resilient native people who after surviving centuries of Western colonization have yet to receive their inherent right to self-determination.

We’ve been citizens since the 50’s, yet we still can’t vote for President, we aren’t represented in the senate, and our one Congressional Delegate can’t vote on the floor; but our voices are valid and our concerns are real.

This massive military buildup, which will realign troops from Okinawa to Guahan, puts our culture, environment, and our quality of life at risk while simultaneously violating our human rights. While Okinawa, Hawai’i, California, Philippines, and Korea have said no- we have not; and it is not because we say "yes"; it is because we were never ASKED. Our political status as a US Territory provides the United States a place wherein they may implement their plans with "no restrictions," meaning: they can do whatever is in their best interest. When our local leaders voiced concerns during realignment negotiations, they were told that this was a "nation-to-nation" conversation. This response reminds our people that we have never been equals within this country. We are Americans; but then we are not.

Why does the US go so far out of its way to subjugate a peaceful little island 30 miles long and 7 miles wide with a population of 171,000?

In a simple word: LOCATION.

Any military official will tell you as a US Territory, Guahan is the only location of its kind in the Pacific, from which long-range bombers can strike nearly any target in Northeast, East and Southeast Asia. They see us as the “Diego Garcia of the Pacific”.

But in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter how important the Pentagon thinks we are, this costly, immoral and unsustainable practice of forcing bases on unwilling soil has a huge price tag ($4 billion) and it is breaking the backs of the American working class while destroying the lives of native peoples abroad.

Currently, the military is Guahan’s largest landowner, occupying roughly 1/3 of the land. Air force and naval bases restricted to the civilian public have not only displaced thousands of people, they have created a unique form of racial and socioeconomic segregation in which the service people behind the fence have their own hospitals, schools, homes, parks, churches, shopping centers, camping grounds, and beaches- all on land which was mostly stolen or forcibly bought for insultingly low prices from the indigenous Chamoru people. Besides the trauma of displacement, and being forced to use the English language in place of our own, our quality of life has seen other impacts. Before much of our rich and fertile ancestral farmlands were confiscated we had sustainable agriculture. Our farmers produced over 90% of our food. Today we must rely on expensive importing with our own local production reduced to 5%.

Last November the required draft environmental impact was released, outlining plans for the buildup. Those familiar with environmental impact statements and NEPA regulations will quickly tell you that the typical length of these types of documents run somewhere around 350 pages. However, the DEIS detailing US plans to realign Okinawan troops to Guam was over 11,000 pages and contained three separate projects (all three of which contained plans large enough to justify their own formal commenting period). This forced residents of Guam to digest, understand, and critique this massive document within a 90 day period. Residents were welcome to submit written comments but each were only given 3 minutes to testify at a series of only 3 hearings. You can see a few of these testimonies on the Voice of Guam Youtube Channel.

At first, attention and most discussion on the buildup was about how it was going to help our economy and create more jobs. But as the inadequacy of plans became apparent during the formal comment period, a shift in the island's attitude occurred as agencies, such as the Guam Water Authority, began to speak out in concern, worried that the expected population boom of 80,000 people would overwhelm our already outdated and stressed sewage system and threaten our freshwater source.

Other organizations such as the Boonie Stompers, a club of hiking enthusiasts, began doing outreach, revealing that the military intended to acquire more land to create live firing ranges in pristine jungles. One such site for a proposed firing range is on the Northeastern shore between Anderson Air Force Base and another base we call “Andy-South”. This site includes the ancient Chamoru village of Pagat, considered to not only hold archeological and historical significance- to us it is a truly spiritual place- one of the few left intact that we still have access to. A firing range in Pagat would be no less an outrage than when the Taliban blew up the treasured, ancient Buddhas carved into the cliffs of Afghanistan.

The Guam’s Fisherman Coop helped make the public aware that the military wants to dredge 73 acres of thriving coral reef at Apra Harbor to make another parking spot for a nuclear aircraft carrier. Against the wishes of our people, local leaders, and the urging of the EPA and Center for Biological Diversity, they want to slam the reef with giant weights where the spinner dolphin plays, scalloped hammer head sharks pup, sea turtles swim, and giant blue elephant ear sponge grow. Then they want to scoop the remains out with giant cranes and dispose the equivalent of 50,000 dump truck loads several miles off the coast of the island.

Now, thanks to the work and dedication of local agencies and organizations, and help from off-island folks, our local people have chosen to reject the sense that all of these sacrifices are worth the false promise of economic security from an increased military presence.

It has been truly inspiring to see this grassroots movement explode. And this is where you come in.

First, commit to further educating yourself on the what is happening in the Pacific. Peruse the newsletter, “Stop the military buildup” produced by Famoksaiyan, a group of Chamoru activist based out of California. On it you will find more background on the issue and links to awesome resources such as “No Rest for the Awake” and the “Drowning Mermaid Blog”. Both blogs are written by University of Guam instructors, bright minds who are very active in youth work and are driving forces behind this movement. There is also an amazing podcast you can subscribe to for free on Itunes called “Beyond the Fence”. This is a weekly radio show on the islands NPR station which discuses different aspects of the buildup on every episode.

Next I implore you to stand in solidarity with us and take action. Spread the word about what you’ve learned. Tell your leaders that you don’t support your tax money being used on any more excessive military expenditures. Join the movement to close the base on Okinawa and other sites abroad. Because whether we are talking about Guam, Okinawa or Hawai’i… it’s no different, our suffering and our commitment to oppose the militarization of our homelands is the same.

- Christina Illarmo

Text Fwd: Network for Okinawa’s Statement on Current Situation with U.S. Base Relocation 미군기지이전 현상에 대한 [오키나와를 위한 넷워크]의 성명

*Text thankfully informed by J.D. and Peace Philosophy Center. The translations were accompanied when it was originally informed.
이 텍스트는 J.D. 와 평화 철학 센터 (클릭)에 의해 감사히 알려졌읍니다. 번역은 이 글과 함께 자체 마련된 것입니다.

June 28, 2010

CONTACT: John Feffer, Institute for Policy Studies
johnf@ips-dc.org, 202-234-9382, cell: 510-282-8983

Network for Okinawa’s Statement on Current Situation with U.S. Base Relocation
미군기지이전 현상에 대한 [Network for Okinawa]의 성명

(Japanese, Chinese, and Korean versions come after the English version)
국문은 맨 밑을 내려 가시길.

We, the Network for Okinawa, firmly oppose the Joint Statement of the U.S.-Japan Consultative Committee issued on May 28, in which the two governments confirmed their intention to build a 1,800-meter long runway (or more than one runway portions) at Henoko on Okinawa as a “replacement facility” for Futenma Air Station, and the partial relocation of training to Tokunoshima Island.

The people of Okinawa, after losing 100,000 lives, one quarter of its civilian population in the Battle of Okinawa towards the end of World War II, sacrificed much of their sovereignty, human rights, and freedom during the U.S. military occupation, and still today—38 years after the island’s reversion to Japan. Although Okinawa accounts for only 0.6% of Japanese territory, it hosts 74% of Japan’s U.S. military bases on illegally expropriated land in the prefecture.

The proposed U.S. military base goes against democratic principles, threatens the environment, and does not improve the security of Japan or the United States.

In March, Washington reiterated a pledge requiring local consent before proceeding with construction. Okinawans have opposed and blocked U.S. military expansion on their island in the name of “Futenma relocation” for the past 13 years, and their resistance at present is stronger than ever. In the Mainichi Newspaper poll conducted from May 28 to 30 in Okinawa, 84% of the residents oppose construction of a new base in Henoko. According to this poll, 91% of Okinawans want US bases in Okinawa either reduced or removed and 71% don’t think Marines are needed in Okinawa. On April 25 at the all-Okinawa rally, 90,000 Okinawans; Governor Nakaima; mayors of all the municipalities; members of the prefectural assembly; and all but one members of Parliament representing Okinawa gathered to call for the unconditional closure of Futenma Air Station and to oppose construction of a new base within Okinawa.

On May 16, 17,000 people surrounded Futenma Air Station in a human chain. Villagers have engaged in an ongoing sit-in at Henoko Beach for more than 2,200 days. Even local business leaders, many of whom would profit from base expansion, refuse to sacrifice “Okinawa’s pride, dignity and autonomy” for the economic benefits that the central government would provide to base-hosting communities.

On June 5, Japan’s new Prime Minister Naoto Kan and President Obama held their first phone conference and acknowledged their commonality as former civic activists. In the same conversation, they confirmed their commitment to follow through on the bilateral agreement to build a new base in Henoko, a decision that ignore the overwhelming civic opposition of Okinawa.

We should halt base expansion in Okinawa not only for people’s sake, but for other species and the sea as well. Henoko, where the two countries are planning to build a massive state-of-art military complex to host accident-prone Osprey helicopters, is located on Oura Bay, a unique fan-shaped bay that holds complex and rich ecosystems – those of wetland, sea grass, coral reef, and mangrove that relate to each other and maintain a fragile balance. The combination of forests, rivers and oceans is important to conserving these biodiversity. It is the feeding area of diverse marine animals including the dugong, an endangered marine mammal. In January 2008, a U.S. District Court in San Francisco ruled that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) had violated the National Historic Preservation Act by failing to “take account” the effects of the base construction on the dugong, as an Okinawan “natural monument” with significant cultural and historic heritage. On April 24, then Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama said, “Reclaiming land in Henoko’s ocean would be an act of sacrilege against nature.”

The U.S. Marine Corps presence in Okinawa has no strategic value. The Japan-US Security Treaty does not require Japan to provide bases to U.S. Marines. Rather than protecting Japan or Okinawa, the bulk of the U.S. Marines whose home base is Okinawa are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their training in Okinawa is for a mission that has nothing to do with “protecting Japan,” as many Japanese have been led to believe. Likewise, Marines won’t serve a role that justifies the plan for a massive, environmentally and socially destructive buildup in Guam.

The Network of Okinawa calls on the U.S. president and Japanese prime minister to change the bilateral agreement; return the Futenma land to its owners; and cancel plans to build new military facilities. We urge President Obama to “uphold and extend fundamental rights and dignity” to all Asian people, including Okinawans and beyond, as he declared in the National Security Strategy of May 2010.

The Network for Okinawa (http://closethebase.org/), a coalition of the US-based NGOs, draws together representatives from peace groups, environmental organizations, faith-based organizations, academia, and think tanks. Formed in early 2010, the Network is sponsored by the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington. Members include: American Conservative Defense Alliance, American Friends Service Committee, Center for Biological Diversity, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Greenpeace, Institute for Policy Studies, Just Foreign Policy,Pax Christi USA, the United Methodist Chuch, Veterans for Peace, and Women for Genuine Security.



我々「ネットワーク·フォー·沖縄」は、5月28日に発表された日米安全保障協議委員会の合同声明に強く反対する。この声明によって 日米両政府は、普天間空軍基地の「代替施設」として沖縄の辺野古に1,800メートルに及ぶ滑走路(滑走路は複数になる可能性有)を 建設し、訓練の一部を徳之島に移転する意図を再確認した。(訳者注:日本語版の声明には書かれていないが、英語版には滑走路が複数に なる可能性が明記されている。V字案等の可能性を残すためであろう。)

第二次大戦末期の沖縄戦により、市民の4分の1にあたる10万人をも失った沖縄県民は、敗戦後の米軍占領時代を通じて主権も人権も自 由も奪われていたが、復帰後38年経った今なお、この状態は変わっていない。沖縄は日本の国土の0.6%を占めるにすぎないのに、不 法に取り上げられた県内の土地に在日米軍基地の74%が置かれている。


米政府は3月に、基地建設には現地の人々の同意が必要であるとの意向を再表明した。実際は過去13年に渡り、沖縄県民は「普天間移 設」の名目で進められようとしている米軍基地の拡大に反対し、かつこれを阻止してきており、現在沖縄の抵抗はかつてない強 いものとなっている。 5月28日から30日の間に毎日新聞が沖縄で行った世論調査によると、実に県民の84%が辺野古の新基地建設に反対して いる。さらに、91%が沖縄の基地を減らして欲しい、またはなくして欲しいと考えており、 71%が沖縄に海兵隊は必要ないとしている。

4月25日の県民大会には9万人の沖縄県民·仲井眞県知事·全ての自治体の市町村長·県議会議員·そして一人を除き全ての沖縄選出国 会議員が集まり、普天間基地の無条件閉鎖と県内の新基地建設反対を訴えた。5月16日には1万7千人が普天間基地を人間の鎖で囲ん だ。辺野古では住民達が2,200日以上も座り込みを続けている。基地受け入れにともなう「経済振興策」によって利益を得 るはずの地元経済界のリーダーでさえもが、受け入れにより「県民のプライド、自尊心、自立」を犠牲にすることを拒否しているのだ。

6月5日、日本の菅直人·新首相とオバマ大統領が初めて電話で会談し、元·市民活動家であるという両者の共通点を認め合った。 それにも拘わらず、同じ会話の中で、沖縄市民の圧倒的な反対を無視した二国間合意、すなわち辺野古新基地建設の実現に向けての努力を 表明している。

人間のためだけではなく、他の種や海のためにも基地拡大は阻止しなければいけない。日米両国が大規模な最新型軍事施設(事 故をおこしやすいオスプレー·ヘリコプターを配備予定)を建設しようとしている辺野古は、独特な扇形をした大浦湾岸に位置している。 この湾には湿地·海草·サンゴ·マングローブなどの複雑で豊かな生態系が互いに関わり合い、壊れやすいバランスを保ちなが ら生存している。これらの生物多様性を保持するには、森·川·海の組み合わせが大切なのだ。この一帯は絶滅の危機にある海 洋ほ乳動物ジュゴンを含む多種多様な海洋生物の生息地である。2008年1月、米国サンフランシスコの地方裁判所は、沖縄 の貴重な文化や歴史的遺産であるジュゴンに基地建設がもたらす影響を国防総省が考慮しなかったとし、文化財保護法に違反しているとの 判決を下した。 4月24日、鳩山由起夫首相は「辺野古の海を埋め立てるのは、自然に対する冒涜だ」と言った。

沖縄の海兵隊の存在に戦略的価値はない。日米安保条約は日本の米国海兵隊への基地提供を義務づけていない。沖縄の米海兵隊の多くは日 本や沖縄を守るのではなく、イラクやアフガニスタンで戦っているのだ。海兵隊の沖縄での訓練は、多くの日本人が信じ込まさ れているような「日本を守る」という建前とは全く関係ない目的で行われているのである。同様に、グアムでの基地拡大も環境的·社会的 破壊を伴うもので、海兵隊はこのような計画を正当化するような役割を果たし得ない。

「ネットワーク·フォー·沖縄」は米国大統領と日本の総理大臣に対し、二国間合意を変更し、普天間の土地を本来の持ち主に返還し、新 たな軍事施設の建設計画を撤回するよう求める。 我々は、オバマ大統領が今年5月「国家安全保障戦略」の中で述べた、「アジア諸国の人々の基本 的権利と尊厳を尊重し、維持する」という考えを沖縄県民にも確実に適用する事を強く要求する。





我們(沖繩通信)在此鄭重聲明:我們堅決反對5月28日日美兩國政府聯合宣言中關於在沖繩邊野古新建一條1800米長的機場跑道,以 及將部分訓練活動轉移至德之島,以作為關閉沖繩普天間空軍基地的替代方案的計畫。

第二次世界大戰沖繩戰役奪去了十萬沖繩人,占沖繩人口四分之一的平民的生命。日本戰敗後的佔領時代,沖繩的主權,人權和自由皆未得到 保障。在沖繩返還日本之後的38年,這一不公正仍未得到糾正。僅占日本國土面積0.6%的沖繩,卻容納了74%的美軍駐日 基地。


今年3月,華府重申了新基地的建設須征得基地所在地人民的同意的原則。事實上,過去13年間沖繩人民從未停止過對借“搬遷普天間基 地”為名進行基地擴建的抗議和抵制,這一運動在今年達到了高潮。《每日新聞》於5月28日至30日的名義調查指出,84%的 沖繩居民反對在邊野古建立新基地;91%居民希望美軍削減或完全搬遷其在沖繩的軍事基地;71%居民希望美國海軍陸戰隊搬離沖繩。4 月25日舉行的沖繩全體市民大會上,9萬沖繩市民,沖繩縣長,所有下屬市、區主管,除一人外所有的縣議員聚集在一起,表達了他們對關 閉普天間基地和停止建設新基地的強烈希望。5月16日,一萬七千多沖繩市民組成了一條人鏈將普天間基地包圍。在邊野古市, 當地居民的靜坐示威已經持續了2200多天。即便是被認為會從基地擴建中獲益最多的本地商業界人士,也公開表示他們不會因為政府承諾 的擴建基地帶來的經濟利益就放棄“沖繩的驕傲,尊嚴和自由”。

6月5日,日本新任首相菅直人與美國奧巴馬總統進行了電話通話。都曾為市民活動家的二人,卻選擇了無視沖繩市民對新基地建設壓倒性的 反對意見,再度重申了兩國政府將在邊野古建設新基地的決定。

不僅僅是因為市民的原因,為保護沖繩的環境和生物多樣性,新基地的建設也應當被廢止。作為新基地建設地的邊野古市大浦灣因其獨特的扇 形結構,多種濕地,海草,珊瑚和灌木構成了獨特而又脆弱的複雜生態系統。森林,河流和大海的組合保證了當地的生物多樣性,為 包括儒艮在內的多種珍稀動植物提供者重要的棲息地。軍事設施的建立,特別是不安全的魚鷹直升機的進駐將成為這些瀕臨滅絕的動植物的嚴重 威脅。 2009年1月,美國三藩市地方法院裁決美國國防部在邊野古建設基地的決定沒有充分考慮到對自然環境何儒艮的危害,從 而違背了聯邦歷史文化財產保護法。 4月24日,鳩山由紀夫首相也公開表達了“在邊野古填海建立基地是對自然的破壞”。

在沖繩的美國海軍陸戰隊沒有戰略上的價值。日美安保條約也沒有要求日本向美國海軍陸戰隊提供軍事基地。與大部分日本人被告知的“駐沖 繩美國海軍陸戰隊是為了保護日本”不一致的是,以沖繩為基地的海軍陸戰隊正在阿富汗和伊拉克戰鬥。這和“保護日本”沒有任何關係。同 樣的,海軍陸戰隊在關島的存在同樣對當地社會和環境有破壞作用,是無法被正當化的。

我們(沖繩通信)呼籲美國總統和日本首相修改建立基地的雙邊協定;將普天間基地佔用地返還給原所有者;停止在沖繩建設新的 軍事設施。我們敦促奧巴馬總統能按照他在今年5月“國家安全保障戰略”中所述,“尊重和維持亞洲各國人民的基本權利和尊嚴”,響 應沖繩人民的呼聲。

2010 年6月16日


미군기지이전 현상에 대한 [Network for Okinawa]의 성명

[Network for Okinawa]는 5월 28일 발표된 미일안전보장협의위원회 합동성명에 결사반대를 표하는 바이다.

이 성명에 의하면 미일 양 정부는 후텐마 공군기지의 [대체시설]로 오키나와의 헤노코(辺野古)에 1,800미터에 이르는 활주로(활주로는 복수가 될 가능성도 있음)를 건설하여, 훈련의 일부를 토쿠노시마(徳之島)로 이전 의도를 재확인 했다. (역자주: 일본어판 성명에는 기록되어 있지 않지만, 영문판에는 활주로가 복수가 될 가능성도 있도록 기록되어 있음. V자안등의 가능성도 남겨두기 위해서라고 사료됨.)

세계 제2차대전 말기의 오키나와전투로 인해 오키나와 시민 전체 4분의 1에 해당하는 10만명을 잃은 오키나와 현민은 패전후의 미군점령시대를 통해 주권도, 인권도, 자유도 빼앗긴채 살아왔다. 복귀후 38년이 지난 아직까지도 현실은 변한것이 아무것도 없다. 오키나와는 일본 전 국토의 0.6%에 지나지 않지만, 불법으로 빼앗긴 오키나와 현 내의 토지 내에 일본 미군기지의 74%가 위치하고 있다.

새로운 미군기지의 건설은 민주주의의 이념에 반할뿐만 아니라, 환경에까지도 위협을 미치며 일본, 미국 양국 모두에게 있어 안전보장 향상으로는 이어지지 않는다.

미국 정부는 지난 3월, 기지건설에 있어서는 오키나와 현민들의 동의가 필요하다는 의향을 재표명 했다. 실제로는 과거 13년에 걸쳐 오키나와 현민은 [후텐마 미군기지 이전]의 명목하에 진행되고 있는 미군기지 확대에 반대하여 그것을 저지해 왔으며, 현재 오키나와의 저항은 이전 그 어느 때 보다도 거센 상태이다. 5월 28일부터 30일에 걸쳐 일본 마이니치 신문이 오키나와에서 실시한 여론조사에 의하면 84%에 이르는 현민이 새 미군기지를 헤노코로 이전하는것에 반대하고 있다. 뿐만 아니라, 91%가 오키나와의 미군기지 축소 또는 철폐를 원한다고 답했으며, 71%는 오키나와에 해병대는 필요없다고 답했다.

4월 25일에 치뤄진 현민대회에는 9만명의 오키나와 현민, 나카이마 오키나와현지사 (仲井眞県知事)를 비롯한 모든 자치단체장, 현(県)의원, 그리고 1명을 제외한 오키나와 당선 국회의원들이 모여 후텐마 기지의 무조건 폐쇄 및 현내의 새로운 기지 건설 반대를 호소했다. 5월 16일에는 1만 7천명이 후텐마 기지를 둘러싸는 이벤트를 벌였다. 헤노코에서는 주민들이 2,200일 이상 연좌시위를 이어가고 있다. 기지이전을 수용함에 따라 실행되는 [경제진흥책]에 의해 이익을 받을 수 있는 지역경제계의 리더들 조차도 기지 수용보다 [현민의 자존심 및 자립]을 희생시키는데 있어 강한 거부감을 표하고 있다.

6월 5일 칸 나오토 신임 일본 수상은 오바마 대통령과 첫 전화 회담을 했으며, 시민활동가로 활동했던 공통점을 서로 인정했다. 그럼에도 불구하고 전화 회담에서 오키나와 시민의 압도적인 반대를 무시하고 양국간의 합의, 즉 헤노코 새 미군기지 건설의 실현을 위한 노력을 표명했다.

인간뿐만이 아니라 다른 생물 및 바다를 위해서도 기지확대는 저지되어야 한다. 미일양국이 대규모 최신 군사시설(사고빈도가 높은 Osprey 헬리콥터를 배치 예정)을 건설하려고 하는 헤노코는 독특한 선형을 한 오오우라(大浦)만의 연안에 위치하고 있다. 이 만에는 습지, 해초, 산호초등의 다양하고 풍부한 생태계가 어우러져 무너지기 쉬운 생태계의 균형을 이루고 있다. 이러한 생물다양성을 보존하기 위해서는 숲, 하천, 바다의 조화가 중요하다. 이 일대는 멸종위기종인 해양포유류 듀공을 포함한 다양한 해양생물의 서식지이다. 2008년 1월 미국 샌프란시스코 지방재판소는 일본 국방성이 미군 기지건설에 의한 환경변화가 오키나와의 귀중한 문화재이며 역사적인 유산이기도 한 듀공에 미칠 영향을 충분히 고려하지 않은것으로 보고 문화재 보호법 위반 판결을 내렸다. 4월 24일 하토야마 유키오 수상은 [헤노코의 바다를 매립하는것은 자연에 대한 모독이다] 라고 발언했다.

오키나와 해병대의 존재에 전략적 가치는 없다. 미일 안보조약은 일본의 미해병대에 기지제공을 의무하지 않았다. 오키나와의 미국해병대의 대다수는 일본 및 오키나와를 지키는것이 아니라, 이라크 및 아프가니스탄에서 전투중이다. 오키나와에서의 해병대 훈련은 대다수의 일본인이 믿고 있는 것과 같은 [일본을 지키기 위해] 서가 아니라, 전혀 다른 목적을 위해 행해지고 있는것이다. 마찬가지로 괌 미군기지 확대 역시 환경적, 사회적 파괴를 수반하는 것으로, 해병대는 이런 계획을 정당화 하는 역할을 해서는 안된다.

[Network for Okinawa]는 미국대통령과 일본총리대신에게 양국간 합의를 변경하여, 후텐마의 토지를 원래의 주인에게 반환 및 새로운 군사시설 계획을 철회할 것을 요구한다. 오바마 대통령이 올해 5월 [국가안전 보장전략]중에 진술한 [아시아 각국 국민의 기본적인 권리와 존엄을 존중하여 유지한다]는 이념을 오키나와 현민에게도 확실히 적용 해 줄것을 강력히 요구하는 바이다.

2010년 6월 14일
Network for Okinawa