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Friday, November 13, 2009

[Site Fwd]: Comment on Basic Plan on Space

* Makiko Sato informed the site.


      Contributed comments from
the Global Network aganst Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space


          Comment on Basic Plan on Space
Bruce Gagnon    Main, USA   May 11, 2009


   I am writing to give the comments from the Global Network Against
   Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space on Japan's “Basic Plan on Space.”

   It has come to our attention that the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
   (JAXA) and Lockheed Martin are collaborating on a two-stage rocket
   launch system called GX.
   The proposal is to use these rockets at Vandenberg Air Force Base
   in California. 

   We have much experience at Vandenberg AFB which is a key military
   launch center for nuclear weapons, missile defense, and military satellites.

 We know that today the US Air Force has problems finding enough reliable
   launch vehicles for their growing demand for military launches.

   Thus, we view the GX rocket as an attempt to get Japan to help
   develop a rocket system to assist the Pentagon in launching military
   space missions.

   We are aware that the Japanese people are being told that the GX would
   be for “commercial launches” at Vandenberg.

   The people of Kodiak Island, Alaska were told a similar thing about 10
   years ago when a rocket launch center was established on their
   environmentally pristine island.

   But in fact, since the opening of the Kodiak rocket launch center,
   only US military space weapons technology missions have been launched
    from their island.

   The military industrial complex in the US has for many years been saying
   that an arms race in space will be the largest industrial project in the
   history of the planet Earth. Thus, the US alone cannot afford to pay for
this expensive and dangerously destabilizing program all by itself.

   The US weapons industry has determined that it must recruit allies to
   help pay for this program. We see it as no coincidence that Japan is now
    being brought into the space weapons arms race program.

   The fact that the GX rocket is presently at least five years late in
   production, and three-times over budget, indicates clearly that this
   space weapons arms race indeed will be the most expensive program in
   Earth history.
This fact will necessitate cut backs in social spending in
   the US and in Japan in order to pay for the insatiable appetite of
   space technology programs.

   Do the people of Japan know this fact?
   Are the people of Japan allowed to discuss this fundamental question of
   priorities or has it already been determined that Japan will participate in
   this new arms race without serious and vigorous national debate?

   The GX rocket is just the start.
Next will come requests for funding in Japan to pay for expensive
   military satellite systems and then for
defensive” space weapons
   technologies to protect the “investments in space” from attack by
That is how arms races begin.

   Now is the time for the people of Japan and people all around the world
   to speak out strongly to prevent a new arms race from beginning.
   We have this one brief moment in history to prevent this new space
   weapons arms race. My hope is that the Japanese government will
   reconsider its basic plan on space and instead move to join those
   around the world who are working hard to keep space for peace.

   In peace,

  Bruce K. Gagnon
  Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
  PO Box652
  Brunswick, ME 04011


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