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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Text Fwd: Indo-US Join Statement

* Text sent from J. Narayana Rao on Nov. 23, 2010


J.Narayana Rao, General Secretary, All Inda Peace & Solidarity Organisaton

Maharastra State Committee, Nagpur.

A scrutiny of the Joint Statement signed by US President Barack Obama and Prime Minster of India Manmohan Singh on Nov 8,2010 unfurls that the provisions of Hyde Act that India’s foreign policy should be congruent to US Foreign Policy.Since such a joint statement does’t require any prior discussion in the Parliament our Prime Minister must not have considered that such a Statement can be signed whether it is in tune with the foreign policy of our country or not.

It is customary that any head of a state of a foreign country visits India a statement is signed by the Heads of both the countries.But It has to reflect the foreign policy of both the countries than on the basis of platitudes and which does’t infringe on the values of of any country.

Our country must have good relations with not only with US but all other countries whether big or small.But we cannot afford to carry the burden of the ideas of other countries when they encroach on ours.It appears that our Prime Minister has succumbed to the temptations of being called a developed country and a great power.

The statement begins with a commitment of shared values and convergence of interests and it goes on to state to tensify co-operation between US and India to promote and secure a stable world.There was never any convergence of values between these two countries. The values of India and US are diverse.Since Independence our Country stood against colonialism, imperialism,racism,military blocks,aggressions,military bases in foreign countries,pioneered non-aligned movement and peaceful co-existence.Where as US supported racism,opposed non alignment,established military blocks and military bases.Then how can we say that the there is convergence of US and Indian interests.

Another feature is that US and India will intensify co-operation to promote a secure and stable world.Did US ever show that It stands for a secure and stable world. It was always working to create insecurity and unstable world.An unsecure and unstable world is always in the interest of US Military and Industrial Complex.Unless there is insecurity in the world leading to wars and aggressions,the US economy which is resting on the weapons industry will collapse.US was constantly committing aggressions and wars and creating insecurity.On the other hand India is a peaceful country and never committed aggression on any other country.

Another formulation in the statement is that India and the United States as Global leaders will be partners for global security.Global Securiy according to US means committing aggressions and waging wars on other countries on some plea or the other.Some times to establish democracy,some times to fight terrorism, violation of human reights,not following UN sanctions,fighting Rouge States etc.US sucks into its fold any country which goes closer to it.It traps the countries into NATO or any other military alliances or economic groups.

The Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty(NPT) ever since it has come into existence could not make any progress on nuclear disarmament due to the intransigence of US.It is hypocritical to state that India and US have a shared commitment to a World Without Nuclear Weapons.

How India can trust US for international partnership for developing democracy and development in the world.How India can ignore that US has suppored a host of Dictators who murdered millions of people struggling for democracy, like Ngo Dinh Diem and Syngman Rhee([ South Korea], Park Chung Hee (S.Korea),Laurent Kabila(Congo)Idi Amin(Uganda),Francisco Franco(Spain),Marco Vincicio (Gautemala), Roberto Suazo Crdova(Honduras),Anastasio Somoza(Nicaragua),General Suharto(Indonesia), Shah of Iran,Batista(Cuba) Augusto Ponnochat(Chile) P.W.Botha(South Africa),Rafeel Trujillo(Dominican Republic),Mannual Noriega(Panama),Anwar Al Saddat(Egypt) and many more.US supports democracies which will be subservient to its interests.

Barack Obama is maintaing continuity of US foreign policy of his predecssors whether they are Republicans or Democrats.He is not free from the hold of CIA,Pentagon, the Military Industrial Complex and the Multinational Corporations.Our Prime Minister Manmohan Singh could not reflect the foreign policy elements of our Country rather than endorsing indirectly what US camouflaged what it stands for.

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