'저는 그들의 땅을 지키기 위하여 싸웠던 인디안들의 이야기를 기억합니다. 백인들이 그들의 신성한 숲에 도로를 만들기 위하여 나무들을 잘랐습니다. 매일밤 인디안들이 나가서 백인들이 만든 그 길을 해체하면 그 다음 날 백인들이 와서 도로를 다시 짓곤 했습니다. 한동안 그 것이 반복되었습니다. 그러던 어느날, 숲에서 가장 큰 나무가 백인들이 일할 동안 그들 머리 위로 떨어져 말과 마차들을 파괴하고 그들 중 몇몇을 죽였습니다. 그러자 백인들은 떠났고 결코 다시 오지 않았습니다….' (브루스 개그논)

For any updates on the struggle against the Jeju naval base, please go to savejejunow.org and facebook no naval base on Jeju. The facebook provides latest updates.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Gangjeong Village Blogger_English contents


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Friday, June 24, 2011

[Choi,Sung-Hee] Ending 10day's resumed prison fast, June 19, 2011

Click the image for larger view!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

[Jeju update] 20 June 2011

Korean Navy and naval base construction companies(Samsung, Daelim, Daewoo etc.) moved their huge dredge boat from Hwason to Gangjeong. Village people and activists tried to block their moving. Even though they had only 3 small boats, they demonstrate on the sea bravely. Village leader, Mr.Gang anda one peace activist, Mr.Song tried to board that dredge boat. But navies and workers beated them badly with bamboo stick, their hands and feet and water cannon. Mr.Song fell into small boat from dredge boat because they pushed him down. He moved to hospital.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Letter from Choi, Sung-Hee: Resumed Fast 2nd Day)

Click the image for larger view.

Monday, June 13, 2011

[Jeju update] 11 June~13 June 2011

11 June 2011
1. One caisson breakwater is on the verge of moving into special and huge barge in Hwasoon harbor.

2. Jung, Wook-Sik the leader of Peace Network gave a speech in Gangjeong.

12 June 2011
1. Life and Peace Society finished their 100days' pilgrimage in Gangjeong and had special party with village people and peace activists.

2. Tourists of Jeju hold a press conference insisting of conservation of Gangjeong.

13 June 2011
1. The chairman of anti-naval base construction blocked the assembly of huge crane with lying down under crane.

2. MacGragor Eddy, one member of Global Network met Choi, Sung Hee and got promise not to fast.

Friday, June 10, 2011

[Jeju update] 10 June 2011

1. This message came from Corazon Fabros who works for Stop the War Coalition Philippines and No Bases Network.

Message for friends opposing the building of base in Gangeung Village/Jeju:
On behalf of The Stop the War Coalition Philippines and No Bases Network , I send our warm solidarity greetings and best wishes in your important struggle for peace and safe environment. We salute your determination and commitment as you peacefully and non-violently oppose the construction of the base.
My heart goes all out to you and especially to Sung-Hee who will stand trial today, June 10 and we wish and pray for he immediate release.
Today, together with some of my colleagues in the Philippines, we offer our day-long fast for Sung-Hee's release from detention and the success of your struggle. I will also remember my experience of walking the Olle Road which I was fortunate to walk last year (with Regina Pyon). I still hear in my head the soothing sound of the waves nearby as I sat on the beautiful rocks facing the sea. I have tears in my eyes as I write this because I remember how the Gangeung village peoples' strong determination to stop the construction. We wish for all of you continued good health, courage and commitment in the face of the challenges ahead.

For a peaceful and bases free Jeju,
Corazon Fabros
Stop the War Coalition Philippines and
No Bases Network

2. The first trial of Choi, Sung-Hee was open today. Prosecutor mentioned obstructions of work one by one. Next trial will be open on 22 June, am 11:30.


[Jeju update] 9 June 2011

1. MacGreor Eddy, Global Network's member arrived at Gangjeong village today. She will join in trial of Choi, Sung-Hee on 10 June and will stay in Gangjeong until 20 June.

2. Navy tried to dredge the Gangjeong sea bottom. Village people blocked that working and demonstrated on the sea with their boat.

[Jeju update] 8 June 2011

[Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space]

We, the undersigned organizations, stand in complete solidarity with the Gangjeong villagers on Jeju Island, South Korea in their struggle to stop the construction of a Navy base.
As we can already see, the Navy base construction effort has begun the destruction of this fishing and farming community’s natural way of life. This construction process will irreparably harm the soft coral reefs, the fish, the rocks, the vegetation, the water, and other life forms.
When Gangjeong supporters have called the South Korean embassy in Washington DC they have been repeatedly told, “Call the U.S. government. They are pushing us to build this Navy base.”
It is evident that as the U.S. expands its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region it needs more ports of call for its naval arsenal. China transports 80 percent of its oil on ships that pass through the Yellow Sea alongside Jeju Island. A base on Jeju Island would give the U.S. Navy greater access, and thus, potential control, of those shipping lanes.
The people of Jeju Island wish to be an island of peace. The building of a Navy base for U.S. warships will only make Jeju Island a target and a zone of conflict.
We demand that construction of the Navy base at Gangjeong be halted and the village be left to its natural state.

endorsed by (111)
• Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Maine, U.S.
• Nebraskans for Peace, Nebraska, U.S.
• Citizens for Peace in Space, Colorado, U.S.
• American Friends Service Committee-Maine, U.S.
• Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, London, United Kingdom
• Yorkshire Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Leeds, England
• Swedish Peace Council, Stockholm, Sweden
• Stop the War Machine, New Mexico, U.S.
• Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
• Greater Brunswick PeaceWorks, Maine, U.S.
• The Taos Group, New Mexico, U.S.
• SS. Francis & Therese Catholic Worker of Worcester, Massachusetts, U.S.
• Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, New York City, U.S.
• Peace Action Maine, U.S.
• Maine Green Independent Party, U.S.
• Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights, Ontario, Canada
• CodePink Maine, U.S.
• Atsushi Fujioka, Professor of Economics at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
• Peace Not War, Tokyo, Japan
• Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition
• Lynda Williams, Physics Teacher, California, U.S.
• Makiko Sato, Global Network board member, Oita, Japan
• Granny Peace Brigade, New York City, U.S.
• CodePink National, U.S.
• OMNI Center for Peace, Justice & Ecology, Arkansas, U.S.
• Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, International, Geneva, Switzerland
• AFSC Peace & Economic Security Program, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.
• WarIsACrime.org, U.S.
• Bouny Andre, president of the International Committee of Support for Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange, Saint-Jean-Lespinasse, France
• Los Alamos Study Group, New Mexico, U.S.
• Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment, California, U.S.
• Radio Free Maine, U.S.
• Guadalupe Catholic Worker, California, U.S.
• Nashville Greenlands, Tennessee, US
• Brandywine Peace Community, Pennsylvania, U.S.
• Nuclear Resister newsletter, Arizona, U.S.
• Military Space Transparency Project, Massachusetts, U.S.
• Oxford Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Oxford, United Kingdom
• Oxfordshire Peace Campaign, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
• Maine Veterans for Peace (Chapter 001), U.S.
• South Dakota Peace and Justice Center, U.S.
• Woodstock Peace Economy, New York, U.S.
• Darmstädter Friedensforum, Germany
• Greater Manchester & District Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, England
• Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group, England
• Veterans For Peace, Chapter 9, Smedley Butler Brigade, Massachusetts, U.S.
• CamPeace, Cambridge, England
• Peace Philosophy Centre, Vancouver, Canada
• Seal Beach Senior Patriots Against the War, Seal Beach, California, U.S.
• Australian Peace Committee, Australia
• Network for Okinawa (closethebase.org)
• ACT for the Earth, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
• Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Berkeley Branch, California, U.S.
• Holly Gwinn Graham, GN Board member, Olympia, Washington, U.S.
• Campaign for Peace and Democracy, New York City, U.S.
• NeedtoKnow
• Maine Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, U.S.
• John Rensenbrink, president of Green Horizon Foundation, Maine, U.S.
• Western States Legal Foundation, California, U.S.
• NO to Nukes and Missile Defense Campaign, Tokyo, Japan
• Gray Panthers of Greater Albuquerque, New Mexico, U. S.
• Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Aberystwyth, Cymru
• Physicians for Social Responsibility, Kansas City, Kansas, U.S.
• Peace Action, Silver Spring, Maryland, U.S.
• Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, assistant professor of English and director of American Racial and Multicultural Studies at St. Olaf College, Minnesota, U.S.
• Blooming Lilac Sangha, New York, U.S.
• Midcoast Peace & Justice Group, Maine, U.S.
• LEPOCO Peace Center, Pennsylvania, U.S.
• Tom Neilson Music, Greenfield, Massachusetts, U.S.
• Kaua`i Alliance for Peace and Social Justice, Hawai`I
• Alaskans for Peace and Justice, Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.
• Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action, Kurtistown, Hawai’I, U.S.
• Stop the War Coalition, Manila, Philippines
• Citizens Peace Watch, Manila, Philippines
• Kickapoo Peace Circle of Viroqua, Wisconsin, U.S.
• Green Party Peace Network, U.S.
• Canadian Branch of the Registry of World Citizens
• West Midlands Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Birmingham, UK
• Union Pacifiste de France
• Green Party of the United States
• Fredericton Peace Coalition, New Brunswick, Canada
• Network of Oxford Women for Justice and Peace, England
• Orono Friends Meeting, Maine, U.S.
• Merrimack Valley People for Peace, Massachusetts, U.S.
• Green Party of Florida, U.S.
• Manchester Central CND, England
• Kalamazoo Non-violent Opponents to War, Michigan, U.S.
• Foreign Bases Project, New York, U.S.
• Trident Ploughshares, UK
• Pax Christi Metro New York, U.S.
• Veterans For Peace-Korea Peace Campaign, U.S.
• Pax Christi Long Island, New York, U.S.
• Peace Action New York State, U.S.
• Social Justice & Peace Commission of Sacred Heart/St. Dominic Catholic Church, Portland, Maine, U.S.
• Church Women United of New York State, U.S.
• Pax Christi Maine, U.S.
• Pax Christi Elmira, Elmira NY, USA
• Asia-Japan Women's Resource Center (AJWRC), Japan
• The Center for Nonviolent Solutions in Worcester, MA, U.S.
• New Zealand Peace Council
• Peace Philosophy Centre (Vancouver、 Canada)
• NO!to Nukes and Missile Defense Campaign (Tokyo、Japan)
• Network for Okinawa(global)
• Plutonium Action Hiroshima (Hiroshima、Japan)
• Consecutive Study Circle in Solidarity with Okinawa's struggle for independence and liberation, and in struggle against the Security Treaty (Kanagawa、Japan)
• United Coalition Council for dismantlement of military bases、central Kanagawa (Kanagawa、Japan)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

[Jeju update] 7 June 2011

1. One peace activist[She] got hurt by one remicon driver[he]. She was standing in front of the entrance to protest against construction. He stopped his car right behind her and grasped her right forearm and dragged on the ground. He ran away and she was moved to hospital. She had an injury which will take 2 weeks to heal completely.

2. Sesarma Intermedium, the endangered species are found in many construction sites. But navy denies the habit of Sesarma Intermedium covers wide ares.

[Jeju Update] 6 June 2011

1. Samsung, Daewoo and Wouchang companies enforced construction in the wetland that endangered species 'Sesarma Intermedium' has lived. This area is also very special and meaningful to Gangjeong people because they started rice farming in this land for the first time.

2. Gangjeong people blocked the entrance for remicon not to pass.

3. Gangjeong people, their neighbors and peace activists plowed fields and planted seedlings in the land near 'Gureombi'. Navy threatened village people to demolish their farms and go out from this land for naval construction.

Monday, June 6, 2011

[Jeju Update] 21 May~28 May

21 May
Some activists fixed banners, 'No Naval Base' on buoys that are floating on the Gangjeong sea.

22 May
Choi is asking 3 things
1. The governor of Jeju must use his authority to invalidate 'the cancellation of absolute conservation area'.
2. Navy must stop construction of naval base on Gangjeong.
3. Police must apologize their illegal arrest .

24 May
1. Gangjeong village people blocked the setting up metal pillar for door.

2. Peace Activist, Bruce Gagnon of Global Network participated in fasting with Prof. Yang and Choi against construction naval base on Gangjeong.

25 May
1. There was 4th trial of Prof. Yang. Two witnesses tastified in court.
2. International Peace Activist Kathy Kelly send e-mail against construction of naval base on Gangjeong to the aide of national defence, South Korea.

26 May
1. Gangjeong village people and peace groups held a press conference so that they confirmed their strong will to block construction of naval base nonviolently.

2. People wrote diverse banners and put up them here and there.

27 May
1. Gangjeong village people and peace activists made a strong protest in front of Hotel Habich that opened '2011 Jeju Peace Forum'.

28 May
1. People stood around tetrapods with banners wroten numbers from 1 to 53 which means fasting days of Prof. Yang.

2. People scribbled on the wall of plannar tripods.

3. Many people visited Gangjeong and cheered up Gangjeong village people. They had special event for Gangjeong people. They flied beautiful light lamps in the air making wish for peaceful Gangjeong.

[Jeju Update] 5 June 2011

1. Gangjeong participated in Sports Competition of Daecheondong and won the cup. They didn't join that competition for 3 years since the issue of naval base became serious.

2. British Peace activist, Jill Gough send e-mail against Gangjeong naval base to the Korean Ambassador to Great Britain.

[Jeju Update] 4 June 2011

1. One Korean movie director wrote letter to Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio who won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

2. MacGragor Eddy of Global Network(U.S.A) will visit Gangjeong from 10 June to 20 June. He will join the trial of Choi on 10 June.

[Jeju Update] 3 June 2011

1. Samsung is making caisson breakwaters in Hwasoon near Gangjeong. They have fininshed one caisson breakwater. They will move the caisson to Gangjeong in the middle of June. The total number of caisson breakwater will be 57.

2. Musicians who are interested in Gangjeong and peace have visited Gangjeong and played music.

[Jeju Update] 2 June 2011

1. The Dioceses of Jeju decided to hold a mass in GangJeong on every Thursday.

2. GangJeong village people held a press conference because the governor of Jeju said that it was too late to stop naval base construction.